CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 Oct 1925, p. 2

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---- Real estate deals, running to $550,-- 000, were filed in the office of b."a. & ~_+ _ Brockway, county recorder, Thursday S / ~ Jlargest one being for $400,000, :: uik==«.vite~. Wipigh --A4~)zrh Liohstern -- of.-- Hig < * ~_' Park, sold lake front property, just ¥Pe% back Oof Ravinia, for that amount. Hé 4 conveys it to the Chicago Title and _ _ INDEALS NEAR _ _ HERE RECENTLY = §$640. St. $1. Lot 121, Callifornia 6. leoe and Coal) Co's Lake Marile subdn. | Mabe! Hussey et al to Nettlie M. _»__ _ Mackey. QCD $10. Pt; 6t Jot 3. bik. <~>--«< & K. W. addn to Town--of LA Ft. _----_--_ _: ChICAGO BRICK EXCHANGE auiennt « One of $400,000 at Highland . _ Park, and Copeland Tract n APAATK ,"..,'.m B.g '_'gu'.e y ; a and Jensens subdn Wken ~~H KetsoCtats JY is3 owits T3 W. 14. Carlsqn and wife jt tens. WD $10. r 4, Chgi T and T; Co's re sub Ig bik 72 in Highland Park. J. Andetsen and wite et ol . to C. F. Schoch and wile jt tens. WD. Wamp 42450 -- LlLot-- 10. Sutheriant kus and wife jt tens WD $10. St. b0¢c. Lot 20, Belmont Sec. 29, Wkgn. California Ice and Coal Co to A. Camsky and wife pt tens WD §$188Q. S8t. $2%. Jots 109, 110 and 111, California lce and Coal Co's Lake Maris Subdn. __P. A. Harvey to J. C. Reuse. WD !". 8t ~$550. --Pt --ot 4ot 4; Sec », Libertyville. > -- A. Sanpdvick and wife to Mary Sneesby. WD $10. St. $250. Pt of lot 13. Tiffany and Frazers subdn Bec 28. Wkan. ~_C. M. Garland to s. J. Kirk and Ada P. Kirk. WD $10. St. $1. Pt ef lot 2, bik 38, Highland Park. # ----. Furnished by the #% % IAKEB CO. TTTLB & THRUST CO. * #% . 230 Washington St, Waukegan. # #4------> _ Telephone No. 4.~ #% U B U &# A 44 * 4& 4 4 44 4 4 ¥ 4 __J, YViti and wifesto R. Caminiti and wile jt tens. WD $100. St. $1. Kaspar Amer State Bank to J Vogel and wife» jt téns. Deed $100 Bt. $1.50. Lot 158, Idiewild subdn Bee 30, War;en. ¥ .. * REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS wile Jt tens. WD--$10. St..$4L.. Lot €2, (lenwood Heights subdn. Sec. 17, Wist. . . -- ~~A. J. Brewer and wile to J. H Gulick.. WD $10. St. $6. Pt. of Sec 18, Warren -- + 8 _ i N. Brandonisew and wile 'to Angin!i. WR +$10. $t 50¢c. «Pt bik 25, E. Asbley Mears plat Highwood, Sec 15, Deerfield. MHelet L. Doyle to G. A. Maxeiner WD $4500. St. $41.50. Lots 1 and 4 bik 6, Kirk and Powells addn to A. J. Merchant and wifle to M Rediein.: WD $10. St. $1. Lot 1 blk 3, Holts subdn Sec 24, Warren-- lot 1, James Viti subds in High & 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 & 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 a G. H. King and wife to-- Pub.: Berrice :Co. WD $1. St. $4. Pt of lot 2, Sec. 18, Warren. » The deed in which the Catholic University of America sold the Charles Copeland property, on Milwu-- kee avenue, Libertyville, to Attornay Ben Miller, was just filed and showed the consideration as $50,000. Cope-- land willed the land to the organiza-- tion, Mr. Miller, about three weeks ago, sold the property to a Chicago syndicate at a high Agure. The William Mihan farm, reported sold about a month ago, brought $105,-- 000, according to the deed, and weat to Leroy Keneval, right hand man of Frededick Bartiett, the subdivider. *-- The Bartliett firm just fled the plat on this subdivision, showing . more than 240 lots altogether. . ' California lce and Coal Co. to 1 supahmes on any other brick on the market. It will not decey, it will -db-hh-u--dth-h-ch-i-fl-b-l | ---- For Beauty with Economy Build with Common Brick 433 West Washington Street -- CHICAGO, ILLINOIS BEAUTIFUL HOMES being achueved now from the use of the so--called Clinker Brick. lfl*-&.bmu'flhhndlbh fly--fl-vhm-chumdovfl'&--ullfll you give him tull rein. Yu:'h-&-::mnm?.ddb Brick: every respect, save ite surface, hbh-p' ieeiiie o ie n i i i L & C INd--i-hdm.-h-hhwnndthm.-- tion of architects all over the country. The Chicago architects started using Common Brick for exterior as well as interior construction sev-- -Iy-l-Nn-cbe-anYci.B.m.Pthh. M'nfi'hfl&.hk&nfl(}-&kkh«w m-:ié-n-hodflundub Thousand Dollars No longer is a $100,000 mansion Cg-"m.m«m' The suburbs of the larger cities are dotted with palatial hemes of this : Some of the most strikingly besutiful Common Brick effecte are of COMMON BRICK ... 30 @&C .of L. ©. Thursday 0,000, Highiand arty, just lount. He of of R Jlederer and wf to C. C HMHard and wf. Jt tera WD $1. §t. £1.50 Lot 3" l,okeside Mgnor Beedfield;s > R. lederer and wft to C. Kuehne and wf. #&--tens, Wh $!L HH EILQ Lot * lAkes'de Manror. Deerfield ~It T aderer and «xt +*~H --#choma+*= er and wf. it tens #10 8+ £%.60. Lot 31. lakegide Manor Deerfield C. B. Beach and vf to Mary K Frazer QCD $10. Pt. Se~ 25. Vernon. (Greenbaum Sona Rank, Tr. to ® Helitepzon Peed $150# St-- $150.-- lat 40 Ravinia Woods,. Deerfleld. -- t rae Melod t Chicazo Malnd P. I. Udell and wf to Nellie M Faron WTD $10. 8t $150. P Lotc. ml 10, Exmoor Addn. Highland + W--J--Mihan et al to L. --R--Kenevoe} $10. St. $105. Pt. Sec. 4, Sheilds. L. Kenevel tb F. H: Bartlett, tr. Deed in Tr $10. Pt. Sec. 4 Shields. R. ledered and wl to E. C. Coolidge wWD $10. St. $1L. Lota .2, 3 and 4. Reeubdn lLakesile Manor, Highlard Park-- © -- Wken €hemical Co. to Z. L. Jen-- sen W1 $10. St. $1450. Lots 12 and 14 --Resub Wkgn Higzhlands, North C.: E. Aansd --Tr. Co. Tr. +teo-- C Spabhr and wf, it tens $10. 8t lLot 61. Deere Park Subdn, Tw N. R 11 tot 26. Hyde Park Subdn. Y W--J-- Mihan et al to t $10. St. $105. Pt. Sec. 4, C. T. and Tr Co. Tr to MWary V Holmes Need $10. 8t #11. Lot 41 Deere Park Subdn. 4312 A. Hacsell and wf to L. 8. Carvis and wf. jt tens WD $10 St. $2.50. Lot 1. Block %. Powelis Subidn. Warren. derson ind 'wT, it tens WD $10. St. $1. Lot 28, Hyde Park Subdn, Wauke J.. R. Fuiton ant*wF to G. Heimo nen and wf. jt tens, WD. $10. St. 31. C, A. Newcomb, tr, to N. Farella Deed $2900 St. $3.00. Lots 40 udg; Block. 54. So-- Waukeggn, North Chr. w--empiline * _ _ _ . ~~ tvi G. Manos 'and wf to Sue Karlos WD $10. 1--2 int. in Lot 4, Meyer & Mill}-- °F. Beueckmaen and w{ to-- J. Carolan WD $4500 St. $4.50. Pt. Sec. 19, WI.(I- kegan. -- y _C. A. Newcomb to E. Holt Deed $$20. St. $.50. Part of Lot 46, Block 53, So. Waukegan. _ -- R. F Kicher and wf to J. 8. Gries-- beimer and wf, jt tens WD. $300 St. §$.50 Lot 15, Block 1, Walnut Grove Subdn Cuba. -- Deed §#$1. St. $2. Lot --229%9-- Bonnie Brook Sbdn, Waukegan. N. P. Doge and wi to W. G. Siver and wf, 'jt tens WD. $249. Lot 191 Belmont, Waukegan. P [ D. R. 'Mauzer, Tr.., to L. A. Rus cheweki WD $10. St. $1. L6t 1, Block 2, Deep Lake Villa Subdr, Lake Ville. ----Edith--R. ~Rarker--and bus.--to Jane Hanng' et al WD. #10. St. $7.50/-- Pt. Lots 5 and 6, Ozierse Subdn, Wauke-- gan. & Je Wanda Kupski and hug. to P. Deie-- lava and wf, jt tens WD. $10. St. $11. Pt. Lot 18 and all Lot 19, Block 10, Resub Wkgn Highlands, No. Chicago. 'J. Krause u%Wnndn Kupski WD. $10.. Pt. Lot 18, Block 10, Resubdn Wken Highlands, No. Chicago. Margaret E. Mitchell and al to R. .: Pawérs"ab6a" wt (jt teng WD.'$10_ St. $10. Iot 107 Mitchell Highlands Subdn. Grant. } j Minna C. Scheurmann to Laura M. Garrity WD. $10. St. $1.50. <(Lot 15 Oak. Glen Subdn, Highwood. Kupski QCD $10. Pt. Lot 18 and all Lot 19,-- Block \ 10, Resubdn -- Wkgn. Highlands, No. Chicago. garet Otten WD. $10. St. ,"{u. Pt. Secs #3 and 24 Antioch. f / ' H. Kelling and wt to W. Otten WD $10. "1--2 Jnt in Pt. Sec 31, Twp.|43 N. RJ 13. _6 4C | P. Gaskarian and wf to Wanda T. and Tr..Co. Tr. 'to Edna _ et al Deed $10. St. $1. Lot 6, Iv Woods, Take Forest. C and Tr Co. Tr. to W. R. Tor-- e NMeed $10. St. $1.50. Lot 103, v+ Woods, Lake Forest. -- T. Huber and wf to T1 B. Gor-- nd wf. jt tense AVD. $10..8t. $20. ot 34. and Pt. Lot 34. Block %2, a! Plat of Hland Park. v K. Krazer to 12 W. Schole D $10. St. $18. Pt. Sec. 36. Verf Tr,. Co. Tr. to V. Easen, 8t #11 Twp 1: MtTs _/ After arguments lasting more than j LV Fas l OURB . gwo hours the 'case in which Henry |__Black team, 12 and 13 years old, wt. Shufeldt, Milwaukee O manufacturer, 2700; chestnut mare, 13 years ofd, wt. is . charging Elbert L. Baillie, ex-- »¥850; sorrel mare, wt. 1200; drivinz speed cop at Zion, with shooting horse, wt. 1000. | L 1e the -- tires off his> automobite after;-- 17 HEAD GATTLE--t with--calt--by a--chase through.Zion, halted in the Side; 5 springers; balance milkers: Kenosha courts Monday, with Baik stock bull . lie agrecinhng to take a $3 fine but FEEt» and GRAIN--1§ tons of hay; refusing to pay costs amounsting to 25 actes of corn; early and late seed about $309 . potatoes.:. _ ~~ : The kidnaping cwarrant, in which Shufeidt chirged that Batite made him come back frofp Wisconsin and into Zion to 'face a police magis trate, was dismissed. It was on the malicious m'schie! warratt that the--fight was center»d Ba"lle appeared willing to pay the costs for the present trial but baix~d on footing the --bill for the habess corpus hearing in Chicaso a year ago and the extradition matter n Mirchizan a# month ago. --Aliter the-- partial--bearine the --ma+ fer® was put over for ten Jays. A-- torneys J. A. Miller and _ William Josh Mcintosh, chauffeur for Vol--| tva, who had been arrested a short | time ago because he piloted Baillie | in his chase after Shufeldt, appeared | before the court but his case was short lived as the warrant Aagainst Wim was promptly dismissed. I We are glad to know that E. J. Giss will reside in this community for an-- other year. ® ~ j Joe tetkam and Heten Gabriet were married Wednesday morning at nine Hert represented Bailllie Abrothéer of Mu"fi:fil,uth was. asked at--the time if his namsg wasn't Joch MacIntosh. Zion authori-- thes now feel certain that Voliva was arrested. not so mich for speedinz. out more for the opportunity 46-- be Inoked over «o thgt the police cou'd determine whether, the Macliatosh they wauted waes in the ear, and the speed chargea p'aced aw an excuse. --Josh Macintosh, who was arrested ADGd Cilara called At the N. F. Busch in Kenosha recently in connection home Monday. css with the same case, will not come to °. Emi{il Geest attended a Masonic lodge triat either. it is understood.---- ------ in Chicago Tuesday. _ ______--_____ -- Several efforts were made to get| Mr. and Mrs. George Sturm of Lib-- Macintosh under arfest, it is under. @"tyYille spent Monday evening with stood, although he was not wanted. the former's sister and father. _ , . near as badly. > . _|_ _Mr. and Mre. Wallicer and famiHy of _: Just _ recently. ~Orerse«~ . --Wilbur Chicaga called at the George. Sturm Glens Voliva war arrested in Kena. |homg Monday. Mz.®*¢*~ 4s --=ite ill, Baillie, today, is in Lansing, Mich.. where he is npp'd:inz before the circuit court on a it . of -- habeas corpuse matter, filed in his behalf a tew days ago to prevent his extradi-- tion from Michigan to Wisconsin, as ordered by. the governor. _ y . He wil} diemiss this writ, as he, since then, has surrefdered in Keno-- From. Attorney J. A. Miller, who has been defending Baillie, no state-- ment is obtainable. He declines to discuss the report| of settlement, d spite the fact that official Zion, al-- most to a man, says the case is set-- tled With the actual trial of Elbert L. Baillie, erstwhile Zion motor--cop, but a few days away, it was learned upon good authority today that the case had been--settled.. An amount--of. $1,500 was named as the price, and it is un-- derstood thafi"'thls disposes of the Kenosba warrants that charge Bail-- lie with kidnaping and with shooting the tires off his auto. SETTLE BAILLIE CASE FOR $1500 -- --~ 18 THE REPORT H EImwood Farm Holsteins Lbs. of Butter in Seven Days Without a Skip. -- SIRE--Chicago Pietje Champion DAM--Colantha Rag Apple Spofford De Kol. Butter 7d 4v. Born May 11, 1924. His five Nearest Dams Average 32.! 31.55 ; Butter 7d 3y, 25.24. DAM'S DAM--Maid Spofford De Kol. Butter 7d 7y, 27.85. SIRE'S DAM--O F C Chicago Pietje. Butter 7d 5 y, 27.61 ; Butter 365d 919.42. . -- $ The Bull Himself is a Good Individual With Good Rump and Tw} Setting.' He is a Little More Black Than White. x mnmw!-m- 'hmi ""' | R. V. Rasmusser _ Deerficld, ! o ienraiars Commission 3 Per Cent Office Phone Milwaukee Ave. and 8t. Paul Ry. Depot -- Res. Phone 285--J LIBERTYVYILLE, ILL. 104 W NOTARY PUBLIC A P T AKIS1C \Charles F. Fitzgibbons REAL ESTATE LIST YOUR PROPERTY HERE | For Sale _ Chicago Rag Apple Pietje Price $275 \ on Quinten rowd.'rl'mg'-:o-t of Long Y"vara,i 2 miles north itty Corners, IMPLEMENTS--Corn planter, Mo line grain binder, Deering corm bind er, Moline mower, 2 Hoosier seeders, 2 sets harrows, 2 Moline riding culti-- vators, 2 walking cultivators, _ side rake, (Keystone hay loader, shovel plow,;sulky plow, 2 walking ploWws, box wagon, 3--in. truck wagon, iron whe»! truck wagon, milk waszon.~top buk«ky, bob sled, cutter fanning mill, . fwed cutter, platfbrm scale, Wh.; hay rake, Boss potato digger, 16d4isc, 2 water tamks,.~7 mtlk cans, 2 cooling tankx, ~Pine Tree_ milking machine. Fairbanks--Morse $h. p. gas enpgine, a and pulleys, 2 sets double harness, sin gle harness, express harness, . iron stafting kettle, 50 grain bags, -- pump jJack, tank hbeater, two 20400t ladders, 2811 extension ladder, gasoline en-- gine and wash machine, Perfection oil stove, 2 heaters, modern Glenwood cook stove, dining chairs, Singer sew-- ing machine and many other articles. Terms--Over $%5, 8 mos., 6%. John *lek, Auctioneer. W. R. Landwer, Cterk. It the following Guests at.the N. F. Busch home last Sunday were Fay and Reba omes, Mrs. J. Matousek, and family, Mr. and / Mrs. Paul Radtke, Mr.. and | Mrys. / Fred Busch, Emil Geest and Bill Miller. Mrs. Mary Leikag, Mrs. soe Leikam and Clara called At the N. F. Busch home Monday. > > HENRY WULFF AU..I0N -- _ ~Suturday, October 31, 12°30 p. m Henry Wulff will sell at public auction Emil Geest attended the Masonic meeting at: Wheeling . Saturday. . give a~ ig--and chicken supper-- on Thursday night, Oct.:29. Everybody come. f ; Alex Bunto a business trip to uibertyville turday. , Mr. ugvun. Paul Radtke made a business trip Buffalo Grove and Half Day 8 y. Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Busch spent Sat-- urday evening with .--r. and Mrs. Bert Jones in Libe le. io --~Verl Jones Of Libertyville spent the week end at N. F. Busch home and had the misfortune of running a rusty nail in his knee. He is under the care _ Margugrite, Marie and Michael Zim-- mer were absent from school Friday. The mchel'mmd pupils of the Apti-- kisic gghoo! will oneact nlay Peter Bockelman in 1iibertyville on Wednsday of last week. £ Joe Link has started work on is new bungalow on the McHenry road. thirty at |the Buffalo Grove church. thirty Wednesday by the pastor of the Buffalo Grove church. 'The wedding took place at thé home of the groom's mother. .many friends and relatives jined In colebrating the occasion. Minetta and Cornelia Huizenga--start ed to school Monday. 'The number o' pupils now is 21. Subscribe for Emil Geest attended the funeral of 9# LIVESTOCK wl e on se t Aiboviatie wucct 51 ces .. . > ie n BM ie No t s Rn o iy o ho n 12 . »mmny C o o e ;"J.. r's~'33»"":*a-su'"-fb¢'w RP 2. " cnccaftiegea * wan~> * T ® rGare Guy uen Wl omeied ocm s mtmns ® _ Special Exhibit This Week wSSga'y: LIBERTYVILLE GARAGE "inpp< Q U A L I T Y Quality e Leconemical Tronsportation Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co. _ The highspeed electrified railroad LIBERTYVILLE TICKET OFFICE . . . THLEPHONE 74 _ $t695 '% there's a train to Chicago on the North Shore Line EVERY HALF HOUR J. o. b. Flin:: Michigan Luce & Earl The North Shore Line takes you direct to the heart of Chicago's Loop district -- convenient to everywhere -- saving time and taxi fares. Our after--theatre service offers unequalled convenience: nine trains leaving the Loop from 10 p. m. until 1 a. m. Save money; use a 10--fide or 25--ride ticket. x Every half hour during the day or night there is a North Shore Line express train to downtown Chicago. And the same freg:ncnt express service is maintained north-- bound from the Loop. In addition, there are 47 Chicago-- Milwaukee trains daily. *¥ * North Shore Line schedules truly adapt themselues to your convenience! Service is so frequent that you need scarcely think about train times. HEN travelling to downtown Chicago, you meed never adapt your plans to a railroad train schedule. Visit our showrcom and see for yourself how truly Chevrolet combines quality with low cost. run well, wear well, look well for a long time. It Wbmyond.npt_finc_qulkvu.lowpnkhn price you have gained the bighest degree of myhd:cnnthauofqnmmobfle. * Beaunfliflmldwulhew(meof quality car at low cost it has been the choice of 5 _0 rmmmemmnges °t~_ L o9 Cz CHIC T e naz. smirm--_--Lak0 Xcare swoRt . r _ -%-h & 4 4 -- emie i. L O W _ C O 8 + We are dispiazying a highty inreresting ex-- hibit this week. Special views taken at the Chevrolet factories. Come in and see them Phone 202 'har 94 C * + t fi&hi > C m.& 83.

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