C=t ~*** 4e meramh -- ATawIDZza . Growd ai"'" nmediately for Chicago and apent e k in was iz § #Ahe humie of Hikes c % ~~*~*"atound 2.000 to the--scene> After. 4it. They Fety the #reouese s1 L-_&fi:...--'*::'rniiw.:& tAREE uy srucs ioi _1 Dey returned SUnday night and mnd ies 24 uen dithes 4 + 22. stt i sn tparneait i ininiztt n B . SS0 1 J PW NEL O O se °ie EV n Et ie' _ viin * d _s« ABKEE * uy stuee +2° 0_ m'_mmq.!'~8pnd.'y niktht and .%"' * in ~ vuboCéred: sfeiPa * k nA th s P lean was dead "when |-- *emember-- ow _ Tred i« ;",M'?'..&'.m! j .-_ 4 1. \Graube «t (Denviow 'PM ou": d:n. Margaret Davis Sunday ra. Lillian WilHams sprung a sur prise on her friends bere by being married to E. A. Biebritr of Wauke Miss Helen Van Deusen was a guest of Miss Jean Abt Runday afterboon. Mre. Shirley of Waukegan visited ber sister, Mrs. Homer Stereus, sev-- eral days last week. Miss Anna Ahepherd of Chicago vis Ited last week with her mother, Mrs. Shepherd . L t Mre Snnnle and new baby return-- ed from the e County General hos-- pital Sunday Mr. and" Mras. Fred huebker speni several days last week with relatives in Zends, Wis. and relaiives. 2 A large crowd of friends from visit-- Ing chapters attended Associate Ma-- troms' Night at the loca} Eastern 8tar ball Tuesday evening .._ A frayslake man, Gleén Croft, was oca!f":d by .hot water at the wreck. The inquest 'gave the discharged ~ ~crew a ehance to get their jobs back, *~but whether they will be retastated -- has not been decided. -- -- The funeral of Chas. 0. Smith was beld at the Methodist church SBatus-- day afternoon. Mr. Smith died very suddeni!y at the Kome of his brother in Colorado, where he had gone for a visit but two weeks previous, . He was highly respected and will be greatly Jake Cemetery Society will be beld Friday, Oct_ 56. 19%5, with Mrs. mui Morey, 321 Grand Are. Waukegan.. _Picuic dinner will be served. Visitors welcome * ---- Miss Etta Farr, who was a guest in | the home of Mrs 1.°G. White, left last Bunday for her home in Washington. ! _ Irvring D. Hook has been confined | to kis home for severa} days on' ac | Guy W. Thomas is attending a con-- vention of Rerai! Druggints ut Peoria several days this week. Ages 2 to 6 $1.00 to $1.45 Mres D G. White was a Chicago shopper Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wagner entertain-- ed relatives from Genevia orer the Mr. and Mrs: Tony Selaser and {am y left Monday for Florids, after a visit with friends ant relatives bere| count of iliness. R s -- Dr. Lieber, of the Lake County bos pital was a caller bere Fridag. The Quatlity Store Grayslake, Iil; The brakeman, A. G. Mayround --_also saved his Iffe by jumpinx, but "was_injured --~Ths~ frreman. ~¥dwerd Manigan, climbed down to make au easy landing, and waes caught by the Iinpact. The wreckage buried him. . Made of high grade un-- bleached cotton with some fine wool big--injuries redched ~* . fhc- next meeting of the KEast Fex ~ _The acclident ocgurred on the alid-- ing just north of Gr&Ayslake, the nolse SE L % Bs 49e n ce lR NC & . Davie jumped, -- and escaped with only a broken leg. § ~ Theee two were on the --north--boungd train, which pulled into a eiding to 'Téet the fast south--bound tratnu pass on orders of the dispatcher. Their train was Tong, 'and the last car fatted to clear the main. track by Ave'or six feet. The south--bounud train, moving at about 20 miles an hour, crashed into the rear end of the other freight. The engineer, Arthur Davis, did not see the danger until he was close upon the train in the alding. He eig-- paled the crew to move up, but the wearning. came too late. The jury cleared the engineer and fireman of the other train, who took the etand to shift the 'blame frem themselves.. The engineer had been discharged and the fireman laid off jury--which --complet "--""'W."._W_ m late Thursday. n ul +A a » BC C EO es nh Blame for the wreck of two freight traing on the 8oo line in Grayslake the night of August-- 22% when a--fire-- man was killed and twp others of his crew injured, was lalid to the dis-- patcher at Graysiake by a coroner's Dr. Denton's _ SLEEPING GARMENTS The wedding took place at Grays 2 h 1' "*Mré. George Gatland, rMs. Susan | JUVU "larA lbunn |Garland and Mrs. Mary Hegemap were .. Bs ols mm _ 000 |amone those who attended the funeral | © i | 0 rs. H. Amith at New Munster last Clears <Engineer and FPPMAN Soturaay j m com&on that Kllled One Mrs, Pete Peterson visited bh--r' es Tra,nman. * i f hlaugh.tr_r, Miss Myrtle Peterson, and | CORONER'S JURY . |i>. LAYS WRECK TO _( S00 DISPATCHER."«: B. GODFREY A K TT O € p > Ilimois , wis |°_~m> ~* "ommegce 20J. Un all b rreck. , Calis, charges may be reversed Mr. and Mrs. Fred Aoet: attended the wedding of Mra Hoeftt's nilece, 'lflu Jmll-_' Hans, at Des Plaines Sa% For Lake County circuls place your advertisement in 1 L100 C e en 2 _" C -- + -- -- Miss Marion Lytle of Harrington vis ited Sunday with Miss Helen Rocken Mr and K_n' ('flfit';nn Bobbie, left this week to winter at Stuart, Florida. Mesdames Hans, joefi Hawrkins Heybeck, Youngk,. Weaver Tonne Rockenbech and Mr Heybeck attend ,." _l_'fl:.a glae RAt the Batringtor urday evening Miss Marte Henrich, a former residen; of Lake Zurich, play ed the vwglu march. L. J. Weaver left Sunday eveningz for his home in' Hillsboro, Ky , after spending the past three months bere. i_ Mr. and Mrs. Clausern and Marion ,hylon were week enu guests oi Mr |and Mre. A. L. Payton.' lamily visited with friends Sunday Miss Irene Ernst visted Baturda y with ber cousin, Miss Martins, at Bar rington. . A U G FR O E L1 C evening 3 5 'Mr. and Mrs. Artbhur Kuckbaum chitdren vimsited in aBrrington last urday afternoon. | . Mr. and Mres V family visited with ]!9 o'r';mu!ence 20-- J. Bain"fidu;-: .__ 14 Large reomy homesites are still available in Sunnyside Park at prices as low as $17 per ft. Buy Abead of Development for Big Profits Carefully Restricted and Convenient to Transportation under his cottage, recently purchased from E4 Hutchinson Mr. and Mrs RusseAt Browne and son visited relatives hbere lagt Bunday _ Mra. 'Merie C visited Monday 4 % # % %4 % Mrs. John Palmer and little daugh }ler. Phyllis, visited relatives in Chi-- cago over Sunday. _ > *Mr. and Mrs. Charley Shepherd and son of Oak Park spent over Saturday and Sunday at the home of their moth-- er, _ Mrs. Paul Sh¥pherd. .___ _ __ . __ Mx;._LgL Bemis gn4 Harry Mes-- s}'e.»w«rv quietly married last Satu-- Ja yafternoon at the kome of Rev. E. lester Stanton.. Mrs. ajonio Runny were the oniy attendants. The couple mlmmvdhlrly for Chicago and apent . Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Williams and Mre. Addie Hesseigrave Jefi Sunday by auto--for Leesburg. Florida, where tho_ey expect t0 spend.the winter. NE SW UF HEWT ME OVE . d 261 Om NH:WAUK"'%V'.. AT NORTH SHORE LINE. TELEPHONE 469. YOUR INQUIRY SOLICITEO--NO ogLigaTiON. . Rev. and Mrs. E. Lester Stanton re-- turned hbome Tuesday of last week from the Rock River conference at Elgin, and we are glad to say that Re\. and Mrs. Stanton have been sent here Tor another year. We hope thig will be one of the most successfu} years .n the history of the chureh. * ~-- birthday last Monday oy inviting in a aumber of her friends. The time was spent is zgames and music, and a veiy sice lupnch. was seryed. Migs Corrine received many nicé gifts in remem-- brinoo of her birthday. * s Laxee Comstockys putting Lake on Saturday, Oct. 3. After a wed-- l ding dinner, which was served in Wau kegan, the couple went to Manitowoc, Wis., the home of the groom's parents, | and--aftr. and Mrs. Biebritz returned :o | |Anlioch last week, where they expecti' to make their home. 1 _ _Mrs. Pete Peterson visited h--r !'dauxh'ter, Miss Myrtle Peterson, .n.nad j ther--sister; ~Mis>--Hakbrerson, ~ both ~of L'C'B'Iffifo. 'Baturday and Sunday. + Miss Vida Palmer visited relatives | in Chicago Saturday and Sunday. l W.--A. Christofferson and famity--of Kenosha, were visitors at the home olJ m:-. Mm. Davis Sunday evening. . R. J. Weaver left } Phone 41 COLLINS & DOANE COMPANY LA KE ZURICH »~»00day even}ng The Test of Value Comes _ with the RESALE Mre. Waiter Plagge and FARM AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTY T Lake Zurich, Minois. DOWN BY THE ELECTRIC s7ATron # # # 4 %4 t 4 4 4 4 1 C. Pitegerald and son with Mrs. B HR 8Sim MONUMENTS and Mausoleums . G. KAPING a basement( the i Peter Duncan died at the Kigin State hospital Mondag--and was burted at _ _G. F. Wetse! erpects to more soon to Chicago, having had a sale inst Saturday~. Howard Bonner, son of Mr and Mrs J. G. Bonner. fell off the merry go round at the school Friday and cut a deep gash in his bead, and several stitches had to be taken. & ; , Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Gillings of Wau-- kegan, exrpects to move soon to Mill}-- burn a? will occup the house racated by W. $. Deaman Mrs: Ethe!l Bonner and son, Haro'd returned home Thursday from Peoria whare they spent a week ~--The entertattoment given Friday eve ning by home talent of the C. K. So-- clety was fine. They were disappoin: as Mr. and Mrs. Whyte of Waukegan were unable to be there Miss V. Goddard, teacher the Grubb of the Grubb school, spent the week end with her sister, at Gary, Ind The Ladies' Ald bazaar will be beld November 6th. . % #% 4 4 #%# 4 % 4 % &4 4 4 4 %4 %4 4 4 th Several weeks azo his wife com-- pained to the Zien police and a war rant for his arrest was sworn out. The oficers s#ucreeded in locating Whitman in Minnesota and brought about his arrest. He was brought back to Zlop and was lodged in jail Mrs. Whitman, it is sa'd, brought him bodclathing @0 that his stay there mizht be as co' rtable as possiblc. She also visite} him in jail, and is ~aid to have been instr{imental in *attinge balT for _ Kim : The hearin@ an Whitman : formr as a ealesmah for inz House and in trave's aronnd the have madle 'the a« Minnesota woman. _ _ A. E. cWhitman of Zion, who has been'an inmate of Zion jail for the last _five weeks, was releas®t Friday afternoon in bonds of $2,000, and. was greeted by his wife who caused his meBt." WTth hi« wife Whitman went to his home and there is every indj cation that the wife has forgiven her husland for the affection he is alleg-- ed to have showered upon a woman in Minneapolis, . Minnesota where he was --atrested. xt > FORGIVEN BY HIS > WIFE; MAY ESCAPE _ SERIOUS CHARGE 1e W A. E. Whitman Faces Charge of _ Wife Abandonment; ... Taken Home by Wife. tm uy was employed Oor.the Zlon Publish! n t'ie --roarse--of ME e country is said to acctuaintance c' the Thursday, --Get. 24, 1425 10 a. m,'but that. | Wm. Pfingsten will sell at public auc--|~ GE tion, on the Pfingsten farm,. on the| ~ Highwood--Half Day road, 1'4 mile«| Morris _ east,qof Half Day, 24 miles southwe.:}tbe same of Everett, the following:-- _ * takeh, wa LIYESTOCK--10 cows, 2 fresh, baf| HMizhland ance milkers; 1 Guernsey bull, 2 yrs.| queerly. J old; one 1 yr. old heifer his sanity. 2 horses--1 black horse, wt 1600;| Smith,. wa: 1 #orrel horse, wt 1500 | the county Abbut 60 Leghorn chickens. | to pay: his FARM MACHINERY -- One Decring | «=mqmmmmnem £rain binder, Deering corn binder, Mo-- ; Cormick mower, hay ~oke, potsito du.fm ger, shovel plow, walkin > plow, 2 wag ; ens, 1 cart, hay rack, manure spreader | vroadciast seeder, sulky cultiva or, l'_.J MOND b. p. Intérnational gas engin«,. milk | _A Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Gillings, of Wau kegan, will make Millbérn their hom-- and will occupy the house vacated by W. 8. Denman. . * _ * 1. @HAF es --Hevaerk FHaterchayv chased the Déve -- Young place moved in Saturday. J.--H. Bonner had the mistortune to fall from a ladder and break hiscollar bone Jast Saturday. _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Mr. and i;.--,»l'.o:.';l})k ui+ Adams). will leave soon to sp winter in Florida. Miss B(jilé:wfisqq visited her niecs Mrs. Charles Richard o. Antloch c cently. Ar * Miss Katherine Minto of Beloit lege, Beloit, Wis., spent the week with NOR ima»s, _ _ =©~ Ri.~ .: Mcs. Emma Gerity and children, Miss Louise and James G+ rity, Mr. and m»rs. (nee Kate Gerity) Conroy, of So. Dakota, spent Tuesday at the home of John Kichanger. j --% Millburn cemetery Wednesday. . He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, Mrs. Florence Young Duncan, and seven children. ~* q&(; Jast Saturday. _________ . ARA--MO®. FErarmk Hater WM.--PFINGSTEN auction .& THURSDaY. And yet the day of visions and missions is by no means gone. Another and newer gen-- eration of pioneers is carrying on. The needs of growing populations must be filled. New territory for residence must be added to the olid. Along the picturesque Skokie Valley, a new electric railroad is being completed. New communities are arising. Historic old seftlements, such as Libertyville and Mundelein, are spreading out into the alluring Lake County Countryside, open-- It was quite as much a vision and a mission that led them on. A vision of the settlement and development they knew would follow. A mission of releasing fertile lands from pri-- meval bondage to grow fruitful in the ser-- vice of mankind. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY WAS not adventure alone that + l ee Mabel spend the eloit Col-- week end Serving 6,000 square miles--221 cities and towns--with Gas or Electricesty 8 So. Genesee St., Waukegan Gus Krumrey, Local Representative, Libertyville, W. Phone 144--W It in CGHICHESTERS PILLS $0LD BJ ALL DRUGEISTS HH EVERYWHERE mor5 ) lioiton was picked --up several days ; ago sno6ping back of -- stores in | Highland Park, and charged wilB [ disorderly conduct. . A careful check on his record showed that he bad. been arrested in Lake City, Colo., and that he had been charged with burglary. _ Chief ~Moreney --dectares: | that they questioned his sanity shere : }a.nd sent him to the state hoSpital, but that he escaped. L* f 3'. GET SsECoNnD man -- © ; | _ Morris Strunski. arrested about | { the same time that -- Holton was | takeh, was found wandering in a: Highland .Park bome, ~and acting queerly. He may get a hearing rorf his sanity. Strunski. beforeJusuce; Smith, was Tned $100 and semt to | the county jJail when he was ufiable to pay his fine Man Picked Up in Highland? PROWLER TO BE _ DEPORTED, SAYS * POLICE CHIEE: Park Alley Escaped from . Sanitarium, Is Report. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Holton was , 1925 P It would be gratifyimg to the Public Service Company of Northern I!linois were the prizes offered for new station names to be awarded to residents of the territory served by the Company. ~ _ home--builders and provide them ;thh-hg'l-wvtv. power, heat and transportation. ~--¥ And ready for these developments long in advance of their preparation, Public Service Company power lines and gas mains have been extended to await the coming of the ing up to thousands the opportunity and healthfuiness of living in the real country yet close to work. . under Construction through this rapidly developing sec-- tion, offers $1,000 in cash awards for the best names for new stations along its new route. Those interested in this offer may obtain particulars by adcressing~ The Revward Department g&«:c'o North Shore & Mil-- waukee Raitroad Co., 79 W Monree« St., Chicaego, ML. The Skokie Valley Route of the North Shore under Construction throw@h thie ranidle 42 ... 1 $1000 Reward! IRST of the Lake you will understa County Land Associ-- . .the coming of ne -- gtion's projects in the _ speed transpor Lake County Country-- early in 1926 is d side, the inviting home to make the Libe site area known as Mundelein regi Lakewood Heights is an tinguished among example of the care the _ residential locafi' Association will give to America. _ designing and landscap-- To thaose now resi. ing all the properties Lake County, there within its jurisdiction. opportunity now t Acquaint yourself --with _ a most desirable hc what is being done at -- close to the North Lakewood Heights and. _ Line's new station Route Map and Bookiet Sent on Request LAKE COUNTY --~----«--49 West Monroé Street, Chicago-- _ Telephone Randoiph 2355 . > OPFICES IN LIBERTYVILLE AND MUNDELEN Adjoining Mundelein LAKEWOOD -- HEIGHTS Arthur H. Joues, General Sates -- ?* ..# 2 A* PyEA n Tt e t raset Aix" "'f\fi'fi' s C + zi"i' ' PP NsX -- -- | Dexs ajr=»4 AFrz: f;__'{;_'é\'_.' you will understand why the coming of new high-- speed transportation early in 1926 is destined: to make the Libertyville-- Mundelein region diss tinguished among the fine residential locafities of America. _ 3 To those now resident in Lake County, there is }'eal opportunity now to se ect a most desirable home site close to the North Shore _ Line's . new stations. in*. now nA nenzn m s ¢