CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 29 Oct 1925, p. 2

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?" ;"t;leh'oi the biggest affairs of the * -- Kind ever held in Lake county. é', ns' Joseph Reibmann will be there to ._n_-!g:.&!?wm"'fl'h'"' " **__a_ der. George Heckenbucler, stite dep -tyd!llhols.altovmhsnntol f_c-- # # %# # o # t# %# *# * # a Bik C _av:= «20 .-- it * pulcovespase no" s : --acrcipce e wm, e e s hoor 5o k > /. %--i# U *¥ M L# 4 ie + d ai t en Te e 30...2.0 vane's ¢ rrzes =" e oo rsi i; Thoo peopie to 'wee _The is /.\ than fAnmmandments" at the Audit-- ***"Delegates from Ait Lodges in & County to Be Here; Big Pa-- ® rade to Be Held. . _ WOODMEN ARE TO . ---- HOLD A BOOSTER _ ~--------MEET ON NOV. 28| m Miss KWemp, who has spent the pasi #ix weeks in the bome of ber brother BHoy Kemp, left Menday {or hetr bome in 3t Paul,. Mino -- . Mr. and Mrs. F. 1. Powers and fam-- =~--wvd this week to Rogers Park Ahey will reside 4n the future. -- Whe-- remains of Mrs. Hosmer wio r-l'uuy at the Eastern Star hom-- Rockford, were brought here 1Js burial Saturday. Mrs. Hosmer was 4 sister of the late George Battershali O Highland Lake ---------- ho Te Officers C ub of the Eastorn Star deiighilfully entertained at a Hai lowe'en party Satu:sday evening at the bome o: Mr. and Mrs. John Men«s. The girty was given in bonor of Mrs. WANTE:»----2,000 people to see ©The __Ten Commandments" at the Audit orlum Theatre, | ladertyville, Novem ber 2nd. 3rd and 4th 11 Oc R.-- B. Godtrey was in Chicago on business Tueaday. 15 Mr.--and Mrs. Oscar Olsen enter tained friends from Wilmette over the Mr. and Mrs. Mat Waguer have re-- turned bome from a trip to Buffalo, New York, and other eastern points. Mr. and Mrs. KRoy Klemp and family are moving to the Edwards flat on m'mntmflg-_'d the biz Mr. and Mrs. Paul Radtke and Mr and. Mrs N. F. Busch and sons, Ciar Waukegan on November °8. Delega:-- tions are expected from every Wood: man lodze in the cousty. In addition @rill teams from ten logges from the states of Hitrois, Indiana and Wiscon-- sin are expecied to take part in the his <tmaat nuraile that is scheduled the lodge members will march Da¢* down town to the Woodmen hall where a supper will be served. The committee in charge of the affair say there is every indication that it will be one' of the biggest affairs of the kind ever held in Lake county. Joseph Reihmann will be there to , ;ggheo,d'_eoutlofthoa'- der. _ ao rge Heckenbucer, state dep .tydmhou.auovtfl'blnatqt ---- Wanderaii of Like COHury -- «iiPabe well represented at the Lake County Booster meeting of the Modern Wood:-- men Lodge of America to be held in big street parade that is scheawed to be held at $:00 c'clock ~--Atter -- passing --throug* the ~down town streets the paradeé will make its way to the Hattie Barwell Goodfe!-- towship gym on South Genesee street Mrs. P. E. Hildebrandt was a ladge members v&fl;fldifdl_'?:'fi T¥ Louts Hertet, ph¥ysIC:AI &nd-- TPORKKEHs ----+~------<~ > -- c acvbndecore wmg ons 28 «ue ies stt y ty #n town to the P men A von. for 32 years in Chicago, died Nt ay 'In ere a supper will be served. The|the Jackson Park hospital October 10 1y 1::,: 'c:l;x;nrlh.l.e:e::e!r:) x:'.',li' ,:?;T;,',E nmittee in charge of the affair say| Te had a noffice at 15 East Washin&--|1; is believed that the stove Hbdlsier"hu re is every indication that it will|ton street, in the Venitian bullding.| up wirth additional kind in"= 1b '"" one' of the biggest affairs of the |and lived at Lake Zurich., INrough the service, had o}rerhenm': d ever held in Lake county. .t.e was born at Half Day January|the chimney, starting the fire oseph Reibmann will be there to 27, 1863. Forty years ago this month| ;n spite of the fire and the excite t the head comsut of the or--he joined Libertyvillit Lodge NO. 492.| ment created by the blaze servicss mm Hecken bucter, state dep| AF-- & A --M-- and Has been an--ACtYC | were held. ~ gervie«: : of WNlinols, also will be a guest of, worker 'in. Masonic circlés ever since.| . . Pn or. Three years ago he assisted in orkan-- tmanemnnmatmmg mt * ; | _' .. . . s hoii oes| NAME JUDGES TO § ' member of fayette pter ~ *# .5.', 1 a. * * ..:. * * | atine, Council, No. 66, Oriental Con-- f J h *iflm.fl, : --~t~ :/>{sictory.. J2nd degree 8. P. R. S.. Me]-- "m nnums_ & a@-- *A aA"= .. %-- # *¥ t mAh W\mfiflm" C en d ze maAXU e AUlhd . hinas* Seraie t Pnb Cidelt t 404 7--~** d . ies . a+ wege aayey g/ec =7 B Pnd . wTED --2000" néopte to 'see Gimmieii t Wily. qy , : meprens +s 0d : a-%-fw m P .M"ummmrym.n,am:a- L* e j ; eC C £ ks SR Seker Ils usc anmwuvmad~in the druk BuskL. es . TELMO BRAND UNCOLORFD JAPAN TEA,. 1 1h full fla\n.'ed frnut in suga sy un». fot 20--07. CAN THOMAS 1 At the can . 15--07. CAN DFIL MOATT At the can . f o TAL!. CAN SOO--PE.RE--\I At the can _ Milwaukse Avebhue #t the North Shore Line, Libertyvilie, Illinois * Phones: Office 469; Residence 269 KFor 100 per cent SBorvice, List Y¥our Property Here. INBURANCE THAT INSURES. NOTAAY PUBLIC Mother's Grocery and Delicatessen Phone 260--R. Specials for This Week A P T A KLIS1IC INQUIRIES TOTBUY OR SELL SOLICITED package, 57¢ at Hllinois University R. G. KAPING $th . -- 1h .0 thcs s --mmads vormedaiy ied e cap Te tyville, Nov He was engaged in the drug busi-- * 'n. in Libertyville for. three years, recovering nice--| selling the business to Lovell & Co; in she underwent|1866. Dr. Hertel is survived by his . hospital last| widow, Mrs. Anna Adams Hertel; a --|son, John Adams Herte!; two diug r and som, Clay--|ters, Lucas W. Maher, of Gene ppers last Bat--|Ya. I!IL, and Mrs. Mrs. Robt. Kainer, Oof Barrington; two sisters, Mrs. Stan-- bertyville called | ley Foote of Half Day, and Mrs. Dota Theo and Alice|Esdohr of Jefferson Park; one broth-- -- ler, Jullus C. Hertel, of Los Angeles, ndt was a (hi.|California. REAL ESTATE BROKER half E. D. HUBBARD LARS U e rerre ind package Mra Ansa hertelan« family wie, to estend to the Low Twolve ®@lyb C Lounaberry Lodge, A F. & A. M. o B'rfinflu for the kind ass.stance i: our late bereavemoni. apd to Zurig. loaze 1089 of la&ke Zurich, IIl, 10 expressions of «ympahy and brothe ly love in their wonderiul exempli¥iea tion of the work at the «rave ol ou: beloved husband and father. Gone to meet the Great Master, bu" not forgotten by his loved ones ans friends. f e ¥enerous to a Tadlt ind a true and courteous knight. The sympathy and beautiful floral offerings by his host of friends were marks of the high es teem in which he was revered. ,'eooe' 'and Donald,--called on Mr: and \Mrs. James Matousek in Libertyvyille The hongrary pall bearers wore Pasll Migs Caroline Mclivaine, Librarian | Eminent Commanders Sir Knights W --| of the Chicago Historical Society. * J. Hermann, Geqrge Carmichael, Al| paner H. Burnham. President . of| fred Carrier, George Warlick, Richard|ine Chicago Regional Plan Commis ; Kropp,. Frank Plerte wm. H. BOM® | sion. _ are 0 [ we _ | F. Debus, Frank Krenge!l and Car\ M . At the time of giving out the offi--< ler. Past Grand Master Eimer Beath| .;,) site« for the new etations rocent and Harry Ordway, Past Grand Mon-- ly. the No--th Shore Line nn?\vvv-ncwlf arch of the Grotto, and Amaron Dicus. that $100 would be awarded for th The beautiful, impressive services | ,,,,., appropriate name sus~rated e~| held in the Scottish Rite CaihedAr'] .. o %no nine atations. and $'*) were solemn anml; ats"» or th'e bame adjudgec he --bril the wonderful "'"'_"""L"?'J"'-}?' morn: all theee euhmitte . The can Dr. Hertel was béloved by those with whom he came in contact, by his kind and loving dMposition. ~He was The beautiful, impressive services held in the Scottish Rite Caihedart were solemn anml impressive; _ dats" the wonderful exemplification of the Blue Lodge work b{ Zurich Lodge No 1089 at the grave at Vernon cemeiery., Hallf Lmy. s a t & -- mr.and Mrs. Jake Sturm and family of Palatine visited Mré. Emma Sturw _ Emil Geest" attended ~the M4sg6!C lodge meeting Jn Wheeling last Satur-- day night. . L5 ue n ts Ed schley and a lady frieaftd 'call»d at the N. F. Busch home Saturday. Paul Radtke and Alex Bunton made a business trip to Whesling Fri-- day evening. °~ e 4 Miss Clara Leikam started work «t teh Foulds Milling Company Friday, and is staying at the Peter Dieter home. -- ; Raymond Miller and Grandma Busch spent, Wednesday evening with her son-- N: --OF: Busct, and famity.~~~~----~ _ Mr. and Mrs. George Sturm of Lib ertyville spent Sunday w.llhn_uru. Etm Herb Weidner and Alex Bunion ef Libertyville spent Sunday with bome folks. s * e en EdRPPL snn tgcm in Fic * w se > ~" Martha Voss spent"Weanesday with relatives in i.bertyvilie. o Sunday night. [ 5* 8 Einil Geest T:dd' a business trip lto Wheeling Thursday evening. _ _ J. L. WADDELL,, Manager Deerfleld, II1., Oct 21, 1925. NOTICE TO HUNTWRS CAROD OF "HANKS MRS ANNA HERTJ THE CiilLDRENX. OBITuARY L'b~+ yYile, ter of Pal--]| lNAINIL, JUVULJ 1U r a on en m m ns / * lental Con-- S D We ~ VC -- : * :: ceoth es\ --DEOBE mawBts :) t . fi'm" & ' Pb ra erap zes '_y Seareede e 9 r > in >.' ; %'gu'fl--?w m =| * "OF NAME CONTEST 22 23-- 2e aates c ' 4 4 {miles west of Waukegan road, . h'l'!'ulfi--,, -- i+ north of Dundee road, will offer for ree m' % zn . is [h fonm' +4 eul & Co. in North Shore Line to Pay)*** '"* 16 meag of lvo::ek . 1606 ¥ Y 4 i ears , Wt . & two asus>--] ----Names of NMew Stations. -- |mare 10--years oid, wt. 1200 r, of Gene-- m n 9 , 10 HEAD CATTLE--Ail due bt. Kainer.| Judges to select names for the nine|freaahen before Jan 1; stock bull, 2% 29¢ YA T: 15¢ 19 td s4r--] done. 3t Judges to select names for the nine stations along the new Skokie Valley Route of the Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railrogd--the North Shore Line--from those submitted in connection with the $1,000 award con-- test recently inaugurated,.were an-- nounced by the Company as follows: . _ 8. Charles Iversen, President of the Chicago Real Estate Board. William L Balley, Professor of Sa clology, Northwestern University. -- Frederick Rex, Municipal Reference Librarian of the City of Chicago. --Just--as --Diamonid~----Lake --residant~ had ~ gathered Th" the ~Dfanmond Lake Community church Sunday evenin@ to hear the evening mervices they were hurried from their pews to com bat a fire that started in the chiin ney. _ P The blaze was making good head way when they started to fight the fBames and tut for the timely a@arriva: of the Mundelein pumper, presente| to that vilage «by. Cardinal Mund«» lein. and the Libertyville fir»> Aanter--. the church might have been destoy ed. & By cutting away the siding tn« blaze was extinguished but not un morn:all t ent + hich FIRE AT CHURCH _ BREAKS EVENING ------SERVICE SUNDAY mi Pilamand . Lake--Lankh: At the time of giving out the ofi--<iamzcres hill corn, 3 acres drill corn. lal site«s for the neyw etations racent--| 1%§ chickens, 15 ducks, 5 geese y. the No--th Shore Line nni\rwncml! Terms----Over §$25. 6 mos, 6%. Leave Pews to Fight Chim-- ney Blaze; Loss Is $500. Saturday, October 31 AT 1:30 P. M. 240 Third and Broadway Household Goods as Follows: FUMED OAK DINING SET BEDROOM FURNITURE. FLOOR COVERINGS, DISHES and all other Household Furnishings . E BOARD OF DIRECTORS of Public Service 1 Company of Northern lIllisasis, have dectared the regular quarterly dividend of $1.50 per share on the Company'rfi%egtcfmcd stock, mS per share on the 7% preferred stock, and $2.00 per share on the common stock, payable November 2, 1925, to stockholders of record, at the close of business, October 15, 1925. GEORGE R JONES, Treasurer This is the S56th comsecutive the . Popanrenennoigs eranel anlenint sns the 95th consecutive MW ~~*~ piyments of the Company's printipal K PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY e anesp-- 44 Dividend Notice at Public Auction on GAS RANGE (practically new BABY CRIB and BUGGY The Common -JWT: Public Service Company of Northern Hlinois are listed T:MME:W' OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Serving 6,000 square miles--221 cities and towns--with Gas and Elefricity Mrs. FRED CARNEY FOR SALE Dpecer LINK LUSK. Auctioneer Table and six Chairs =-- ge m.--r * WANTED 2000 peop'e to see "The n Ten Commandments" at the Audit-- ~])--orium-- Theatre, -- IAbertyville, Novem-- -- ber 2nd. 3rd and 4th. 1t corn planter, new; Deere corn planter, 4 Jinch truck wagon, 2 seeders, 2 su} ky plows, 2sec. harrow, land roller, 2 pulverizers, manure spreader, potito digger potato planter, hay rack, gar-- dea boxr, Jepring milk wagon, fanning mill, corn sheller, 2 sets double har-- ness, driving harness, steel tank and 8 milk cans. 50 bu. good eating potatoes, 20 bu. seed potatoes, 200 bu. oats, 10 bu.: bar-- ley, 50 bu. wheat, 60 tons timothy hay. baled: 10 tons baled onts_straw, 20 10 HEAD CATTLE----All due freshen before Jan 1; stock bull, 2% years old; 3 shoats, 100 lbs. each. « implements ; MoCormitk grain binder, new; Mco-- Cormick corn binder, new; McCorm ick mower, hay rake, International Every indigation-- is that the new Rovte 'will be completed and in oper-- ation at an carlier date next spring than o.iginal'ly anticipated. This new service wiil give through highspeei e'ectric rai'road service between Chi caro, Libertvville and Mundelein and awso reduce the present rumning time to Milwaukee and intermediate points alang the North Shore Line, thereby stimulating suburban development in this wide area. . -- © s _ The aim of the contést is to securs names to be used in conjunction with the names of the North Shore saub urbs through which the Skokie Vai ley Route passes, so as to distingu'ar ~new atattons ~trom ~those on ~the Shore Line Route. These suburbs are Evanston, Winnetka, Gleavroe, Highland Park and Lake Forest. '~Constructrion work bh the new pro ject continues at recordbreaking pare. Figures given--out by the North Shore Iine--today show that a total of 22 miles--or: 60 perceni of the 38 mile af track included in the Skokte "V 4 Preliminary work on installation ol the .catenary -- construction -- bas startéd, 250 concrete founcatiohs . for cteel troiley -- poes havins atready been poured. This work will be com-- pleted in time to permit uninter-- rupted procress on ~ overhead 'con ( i ds ep o baesop oeonin mnnaingeen nop e m tee ponpurmeti h ihinnh ioh hk «OM F IL -- C Lh TK SAFL is L Padiitt oef track Included in the Skofte "V%~ eration --of -- $107,000-- have--been ley Route. praper, bad been'laid on | clemed in the last two weeks by T. J. Octoben 20. This is eight miles more| siah! & Company, it was announced track thdn the total laid a montb | Friday, x ** ago. A total of 40 000 cuble yards 0 Both --itv' and farm -- pronerty fix-- ballast and over 350 006 --cuble yards| ir~ in the transactions, which are ad of rrading material has been moved |} plows: s mA . from the pits near Libertyville and Thomas J. Gildera burngalow at 1116 placed on the track. h !a*+>}son court to K. C. Koenig »f Preliminary work on installat'ion | Racine. . names of, the winners wil be given out December 1{. M John Wick,, Auctioneer J. A. Schminke, Clerk. . ~THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29; 1925 ©~<«--~~ _--||f Sanitation is e _ h. ....* PNQATION OF -- ~=~_>: 1t [ _ _New Skokie Valley Route port fownahitp weit of Z'on to Bott, farmer, P. R. Mora'sa two tots 'at. Bar's~ avenue and Washin=toa -- st"cc' > Lewijs Prictsaon. ~ ~--W.--J-- Mattoy ~#*acre--tract eait of Libertyville to Wiliiam J. Hoffman. to be consolidated with 190 acres a} ready boucht by thae Catholic bishon Ceorge Edwards 1!0--acre fa m in Newport township to Amy W. Kellay. FARMS AND CITY _ PROPERTY FIGURE ----INRECENT DEALS Two Farms Sold in Newport Township; Homes and Lots 'Transferred. * mnmplhnthktiPetamen Cncter 39 hrow ade » m io 174 *20 p. m. m I'h-'L&-s -- beauty is the foundation of || A V iB " A 0 L les I \# hon ~ besih Tnmarance aant Farm-- Amp STOCK SALES A SPECALTY _ when it comes to sanitary ' M!l ' . C Zurich, h' plumbing we're the doctors. uns ' A Bath a Day . ;m-------'------------------.'--------- ' Keeps You Fit in Every Way | AND perfect. plumbing of {| ces FRKANK H. EGER ' for naming the new stations $1,0006 Reward! ; ::>:\is----: ' the North Shore Line. For full infermation, ask any North Shore Line Ticket Agent, or address $1,000 Reward Dept., Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee R. R. Co., 79 W. Monroe St., Chicago. 1J Why we are building the. Libertyvilie a_ e fl xh mers Euce ann< 'THE INDEPENDENT------ONMLY $1.50 YEAR ~~LIBERTYVILLE GARAGE -- Luce & Earl _ Phone 202 QUALITY AT LOW COST * ie s L T . A U G --F R O E L 1 C y *--so0+ ze «4 steme wten shi hene nc nrianch Uttibudticnscmmaza e rerarenes oree ce nereemmes s imnaiy Tc l ap C HHBLEN NE ® .. q. -- > rur rhoias W Chicago Noith Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Co. IILIN the new JSKoKi¢ WValléy Route of the North Share Line 4sconm-- pleted early in 1926, we will be enabled to give still faster elec-- trified transportation tbetween Chicago an'f Milwaukee. This will mean, also, faster~transpor-- tatton between Chicago and Waukegan, Kenosha, Racine. _ ~ In Mdim. the Skokie Vluty Route will open a broad new avenue of at-- tractive subutrban territory leading to the established towns of Libertyville and Mundelein in the beautiful Lake County Countryside. C The high--speed electrified railroad direcc i ) the P'--fL oi Loop ----tuct y nvem :t .te everye'.ere --asong time and taxi fares. Fast, MHean, comfort-- able. Save money; use a 10--ride ot 25+ride ticket. To CEHICAGO T he Milv )t n~th €E/:ore Line! HEN t tt dutch--extra large brakes-- semiAoating rear axle with one--piece pressed steel hous C oma c on A tA acta" matiz windshield wiper-- and cowl lamps. Ee

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