J . NEWS ITENMS LAKE BLUVUFE PosT o_ _. _ depend another couple, are driving + \ tw CGolkin's Inn after the close of get= c3 woenty--first birthdoy. Bob is «9 ut the whee!l with Diane leaning E.. jover him when the car crashes into ¢ _ roodater, injuring a woman. The hfifluuamm --<@mame . the éergeant is trying to fin _ _ . ppoves it. He trailed you for sey.|'*"* i8 fi" "An PAE j eral miles. He says you were all| b24 Always had a solemn majosty, C over the road and nearly in the| B# Part in their equitable. &ppli-- ditch a dozen times. What 1 want| Cation a solemn tryst. His to see . : _ $p know is.. who was driring!" that the clear. course -H-tt: For an . lnstant 'Theo seemed| *2*_ unsullied, its penalties _--.'~ . . apun the point of spesking. Then, plied without fear or favor. Yet with an effort, he sealed his-- lips, now, within the very shadow of ppening them only when the keen|the law, with ites fAirm clutches m gase of the sergeant seemed to| PO!9¢d above him, stood his son-- ,_;"*;";t-!mum:-u," "'-"Emm.'""fi e es m h auame m"m x vean Keapicth «it wasn't me, w.ii;:':' . Im?"ul:lfiii-'fl 5"&( d ho l\""'"--"!_' \- ..' a ~gp 4 L .4 CNew the Htern qals ot the se | 8 "'""fi & shifted to rest fpon Dishe.| 418 BOTH "LS§"$Foruswwuai~ s6hOT f .. Bereft of her usual coolness and| @8# #¢t Off against hi# parental | composure, she seemed to shrink,| OYe. And even more, for there % unk WIFE WHO WASN'T WANTED"* with lrene Rich is a pleturing W'a'w;:: i 2Ae en * . _ on of this novel. . : Of 'especial interest to f j ngtts. :. 2 ---- . 1 men are the studies of greenbouse in-- John Mannering's -- were seal.| appaiared. _ * --4 -- "n-uc-uu-: * | ."Bob!" she cried at sight of het ® -xnl.nh.')»l"m _ paeom as If in fruntlio search of ald| of all else in the room, she rushad -- In her plight. Buddeniy she shook|towards him with ontstretched + "No, no!" sabe cried. Then,| He stiffened, Aushing. hoty at quick as a fash, turned upon Bob,| sight of ber, but as she reached and-- bher accusation rang out un | him and gathered him in her arms . mistakable in its clearness, *He|he ylclded promptly to her em want** m oC brace. | --~ Again that same alr of parples)+! Bo ahe claspsd himn to het ty seemed to hatrs claimad Bob.| breast, giving expression to ceunt-- At--her words he taurned towards| less, inarticulats expressions of her and looked straight into her| endesrment and paiting him fond-- ayes I1 was a strange <look.| ly upon the back. 4 There was bewildérment and pain| Buddeniy she Grew back and In i. The world had changed so | gasod anzlously into his tace, ~I6 €" 1y DOROTHY A.F. MARCELL "Md you ever hear of each a oat: 'Iuvc--Mvam-Nh'.hllf'* KR will take all of your pail to get | asked. k i wil of this mess." "It was marvelous," he agreod, "Moan!* ~It was as If Bob could | but there wase a curious restraint in hbeltorve his ears Indecod, as it\ Wio manner as ho spoke. were very much about the| "The moare shock of such an ex in which he found hm | Dberlence must have been terrible," which be could not reconciie. | the continued. a sudden movement of the (Te be continued) womething..wrong in that car long "All right.:~ 4 haven't time for u&'ilhhqm.' A new emphasis crept ' Into the ser "I KELECTS OFFICERS endearment and patting him fond-- ly upon the back. & Buddeniy she Grew back and gased anxzxlously into his tace. He shook his hoead. "But in that awtal wreck how Bo he was engaged when again the dsor was opened and Kileen® all under the of the people considering the facts laid before him calmly and dispas-- The following officers to serre for the ensuing year were elected; Com-- mander, Cayimer Thompson; vice ":'Nfl'- xolnr Ainsiee: A-lj.:.}' ant, George Bowen; fAnance cer, Norman A. Hansen. These ofti-- cete will be installed January 6. 199¢. 'mu:buum-oa' "John Mannering entered. Plate ty shaken by anzxiety, his face was ghastly white, and he paused for an instant as it to: collect himseolf for the ordeal which was to 1fol flow, Then he moved forward, to stop before Bob and gazse into his diecussed and it whe decided to pre-- sent the war film '"The Lost Battal m.*ummh.;mcup month and also a community dance under the auspices of the Legion. The annual banguet which takes meaning of it all must haveé recur-- red to him with redoubled force.|-- Here was the machinery of the law |~ erected by the people of the state ftor their own protection, just as| be had been chosen by these same people as their sworn representa| ° tive in the enforcement of their laws. To him these procesdings had always had a solemn majesty,) . his part in their equitsable. #ppli-- eation a solemn tzyst. His to see|. Mmdarmd!lflfl was unsullied, its penalties plied without fear or favor. YTet!| ° now, within the very shadow of} -- the law, with its Arm clutches poised ubove him, stood his son--| the pride of his heart, the hope of| . feeling which shook him he have taken pride in the bearing his son. For at that moment Bob wards that oficial, he was again i basile s B6 & It in needless to green will weigh more than it will when it is more nearly ripse and some The value of a ton of sllage always rartes with the price of corn per bushel and also upon the quality o the corn. When corn is ppt intp the io before it is in the glazing stage, t is not worth as much as it would hare been if it were more mature, farm J inl/| shot William E. Graves whem Be re} |l\~ _ --<...~~;=. ; <\ with hydrocyanic--acid gas has aot thuos far proved of value in any o its fumigation have included the if various dosages and exposures on 1 variety of plants, moch as orchide uind vartous buibs. 'The killing powet »f calcium eynide for certain green many thousands of dollars to the cat Ne feeders of Pennaylvania, _ "The experimental work in main taining a beef--feeding herd has been a stimulus for the establishment of more such herds in Pennsy!vania, the aumber of which is constantly increas fAéld 5Q tbushels per~actre is worth trom $6 to $6.50 per ton, depending when the corn was put into the silo Corn that is put into the #lo when t is Aoirting and all the leaves ars 1914 Approximately 80 per cent of all1 the cattio. feeders in thet district aro pow using sllos in their steer feedt ing work,. This change in the method »t feeding has resulted in mote eco Value of Silage Varies With the Price of Corn Perhaps the farm home garden 4 often a fallure because it is not takes Though sunlight costs nothing, it 4 about the most valuable thing you cas unmdd:. A If you fail to beautify your mmum.ym yourselt and your visitors, M e o e i. found that overnight fumigation at the Oollege to the Commonwealth." _*"The old method has been changed to the modern method as deraloped at the. experiment station," aays Press Sent Thomas. "According to the besi available information, only 10 per cent of the cattle feeders in the Lancastei In starting a noew crop year it s well to remember that the incentive to agricultore is not chiedy proAt but the satisfying of the human interest in All crops aexcept timothy give betb ter yleclids when they are grown in mun&gwt.mhu" ous culture, experiments at the Noew Pennaylvania Improves = ~~ .Cattle Feeding Method:s Cattle feeding--methods in the Lan caster district have been changed com-- pletely in the past ten years becaus of the results obtained in steer feeding Those who wish to start the yeas erme Th ho thath e Wet days in spring are well spen! nmm.oq.n.mm Kren the poorest garden spot con the cyclamen mite have been Fumigation against the Cattieya with hydrocyanic--acid gas has aot far proved of value in any o its itages, nnd. other control methods are mm s f ie s e ons .550 C aphids. . A higher proportion, combined with high-- bhumidity, caused . severe burning of many varieties of plants. of the college, in a report on "Theé yas, carbon disulphide, etc. agiainst the cyclamen mite have been begun, --~~. in War on Insects ments intended to test the efic¢acy of Made During Last Year. . WOLDUPS SHOOT MAN _ -- for the treal ~ Busy Child Is 'Not Bad _ One : of the keystones of mental health is to do a great many useful is busy with useful, enjoyable tasks all day has no time, energy, or atten tion for mischiet.--Hygeta. M 4 f .---- , _ Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 2. --A negro Heavy Steel Demand garage gmploye was burned to death was establishing itself, the per capita * % . o use of steel 4n the United m-l ___.__ AMJUCTION BALE. _ _ _ cane weather today obliged the Amer-- lcan torpedo boats Breston and An burn to take refuge in this port. The vessels were bound for Alexandria, In now about~750 pounds per person, 56 pounds, but due to moders indus .-- It'Is condition and quality rather than weight that deride whother a stoot is to be placed in the beef cattle classification. Within the clase it is condt> tion and quality that.largely determine the amount of pFoAt that goes to the shipper. --Choice to prime steers bring from 75 cents to $0.75 per bundred-- weight over the common light stock, according to a study made of lightweight mmnmmmummwm\ The bulk of the Rhipments are--classified under the grades of prime steers, 2200 to 1000 pounds ; enpies Sromet oeilt io Loh peundas aood Steers, 4. 100 to 1,000 pounds ; steers, --1,100 <to-- 1,400 pounds, and common rough steers, Q00 to 1,200 pounds. 'These are the classifications of the United States Bureau of Markets, 3 S = s 8 buighig briskets' arg prerequisites. Prime beef--steer; are rare, even steers ¥Fabrics are now waterproofed by fi*qfl.u@dg&.m m7 olals -- %-- ntocerk : Motorists Commenting Say: "It is indeed one ;" of the most artistic and beautifully constructed _ ! -- l Oil and Filling Stations erected on l . . the North Shore!" _ _ 1 Equipped with every modern apparatus to render --.|| _ Waterprocofing Fabrics ~-- Modern Oil and. Filling Station | | Saturday, December Zion Oil & Gas Station | | :29th and Sheridan Road _ Phone Zion 49R . | | ---- _ _--ZION, ILLINOIS _ | | simplify the waterproofing us Ee ols pr l "nd ffi * t- y¥ # # You are invited to attend this Grand Opening! Souvenir given to every purchaser. To Market Begr or OPENING A Canoplic vase is a conlcal vase Bsually. of. tetra--ce**=. closed with & 10p in --the . form . Of. g.,-->«»As«-- wnall _ used in -- gnclent --EKeypt to holid -- the viscera of embaimed boties. -- The tetip their ishment they were ordered by Mag-- lstraté Levine to stand hatless, coat-- lees in the rain for similar period. The undersigned --will well at Public Come to the Campe Auction on the Effie Britoon ferm, 2 Meadare § Lewis Ave.. 2 miles north of Grand 7 A'Qfifll Baturday, December 12#th, ML_11--@'clock, free lunch at noon, 1 I & wl s ' good team 7 and 8 years old, w1t. 2700, J our s L J,. Blocum, Auctioncer. AN ODp PUNiISHMENT, . tl °;h'" sesb suitable .'."""" torm sish glazing in porches, in a--1 New York, Dec. 2--Wilizam Levine ----~--_ ---- YOUR SATISFACTION GUARANTHEER .° _ wigutnafivaiieee esn i i ie t ecieiriaiog Per roll of 108 | Also . complete on es y _ --.* aq. ft., in lote of 'uu::." piumb-- is _ g! : :~<-- Pecwkiar . Vases _~ § 1 or'l 12 | ins, _ pive ans ~ ESsd _ A Canopic vase is a conical vase |[ or4 ol be + nitinge, haad f soovmrn rneel} M --" _ canaces . P |_ e3 in 'Herpe to mad malll .. * --tog roofing paper: r ' + Wmm | _ m"@"w»:z madl it'a:& nn'c':.': en B > horses unblanketed in a driving | [ _ _ I --_-- LUMBER! . LUMBER! -- homee meomnrted in « arrrine ( .. _ «AOMBIT _ ... AXMBAERL ... _ LU MAE EL ... Digs in caraoe rine "T dampage to several} buildings esti-- W' mated at $10,000 was dong by a fire of undetermined origin here eatly --to-- Bd e +5 i baths of ancient Rome will be rivalled by" Nl-'m' 17::" municipal SWR a »bathing. poot, boerled and . Rome, Dec. 2.--Voluntary subscrip tions to payoff the first 'installment of $5,000,000 on the Italian debt to the United States, have now reached wmore than $3,250,000, it was officially erament enuable us to offer you government Inspected lamber at immense savings to you. » WRECKING sUBSCRIBE $3,280,000 PLAN--FINE BATHS THE GREAT LAKES NAVAL : _ TRAINING --STATION = ~ Vienna, Dec. 2.+--To'Aght premature . . old age and to. promote nhv-nl.!' B, & corporation has been formed here to inaugurate a rejuvenation research -- ury has decided to cut the allowance tor.Jews in half, and to make Rabbis fooded with uitra--viclet reys, giving . Beriin a riviera of its own.. *~ --_"y . Washington,; Dec. 2.~----Bootleggers are going to fAnd it difficult to get sate J a HARDER TO SGET WINE ¥o FiGmT oLb AdE& ° ~~ --