YOUR FARM SALE WILL BE ATTENDED BY A LARGE CROWD IF YOUR AD IS PLACED IN T HE LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT _ 123 EAST COOK AVENUE Cement Blocks for All Building Purposes Somlething New--CURVED BLOCKS FOR CATCH BASINS. ,| _ High Test Blocks. Reasonable Prices. Call and Inspect Them. SANTA says:s -- © > -- Lake County National Bank --~-- YOUR LIBERTVNLL E Join Our 2 CHRISTMAS CLUB AND --_____ EACH one of us, boosting all the ~_ e se time, can; through the united ef= -- LOUD / _ fort of all, push Libertyvillé steadily § ahead at an even more rapid pace! | YOUR TOWN LONG LiBERTYYILLE Libertyville Cement Works E_verybody Welcome to Join and deposit a little every week to meet your Holiday expenses. 6 The various classes are so arranged that it is very easy to accumulate any amount you may desire. . Trust & | Savings | | CAPITAL & SURPLUS $100,000.00 _ | A PROGRESSIVE STATE BANK Milwstikee Avenue at Church St.. _ -- ---- JOIN NOW! a Merry Christmas at home. Let every one in the. family deposit weekly" a specified amount in : our Christmas EVERY last one of us wants to see Libertyville «grow----her in-- dustries boom and her market, edu-- cational, rectreation and--sociat facil-- -- ---- LET'S all join in this movement and make Libertyville an even better city to live in and to work in. ities expand. Enroll in one or m o r e Plant, 415; Residence, 165--J. AlL ILLINO!8 Judge Bartlett is the proud possess-- or of a néw Hudson Brougham, pur-- chased this week from C. M. Bernard, of the Main Garage. \Sunday evening the Rev. H. B. Gwyn left for a hurried visit to Hamilton, Ontario. Canada, to see his father, Col. H. C. Gwyn, who is seriously --ill. Mr. and Mrs. 8. V. Layson were in Peoria 'ast Saturday, where Mr. Lay-- son attended to business in connec-- Some people invest their money in mining stock; others go to Florida. Why take a chance when you can see what you get for your money in Sun-- nuside Park -- It ~ o 00-- UBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1925 . Miss Marie Boehm, a student &t Hli-- nois University, spent Thanksgiving V;ic':tloukuh' her mother in Liberty-- ville. . hall 'l:;l;- evening, Décen to wKhich the public i¥ invited. Mrs. T. J. Davison of Waukegan, was here over the week end, a guest of her sister, Miss Mary Mason. . Mrs. Mary Mason visited her moth-- er and other relatives in Chicago. over Thanksgiving. About thirty frigends and re'atives attegded & bunco and cird party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Seiler Wednesday night of last week. Miss Gyds Finstad celebrated her birthday Tuesday, and bhad as guests November dues for the Mystic Work-- ers must be paid by December 5th on peullt?o( suspension. Edith Laycock. ""tuate & B...;, of the Libertyvilie Cat-- age, delivered two new Chevrolet cars during the past week.-- ' Mrs. Verne Corley and-- Miss Mil-- dred-- Evilsizor wére in Chicago last hirlheey Tys y Tue Mra. E. and ln.L"rm cago. ~ -ln..?.' l:lizevmn--- v,--iir; E. Hansen and Mrs. T. Anderson, all from Chi ~ -- & Mr. and Mrs. Luther of Chicago vis ited at the home of the latter's mother Mrs. A. Farner, Sunday. & family. Mr Local and Personal Short Items of Especial Interest to Libertyville People Not only OPEN a BANK ACCOUNT, but ADD TO iT and hold on to yoummonty when you get it in the bank. It will insute comfort to you and to your family. Buy luxuries only when you can AFFORD them--not before, or else you will always be a slave to your extravagant desires and place yourself sooner or later where even NECESSITIES will be hard to obtain. LIBERTYVILLE I Mrs. Fred Groker and Mr. lLee Huson and daughters to EKigin Thanksgiving and a day with the C. G. Huson We invite YOUR Banking Business. Lake County National Banrk Havr MonEyY! It Makes Comfort Start |Saving Regularly NOW ds ® . Mr: and Mrs. A. W. Whitmore and daughters, Misses Minnie and Bessie, were in Grayslake Thanksgiving day, guests of Mr,. and Mrs. _Joe '?ener. /' Miss Mae Titus of Deerfleld was bere last Satyrday visiting Miss Flor-- ene Luce. . > o . Mrs. B. Starrett, who has been stay-- ing with her brother, Horace Bulkley, for the past year, leK this (Thursday) morning for the east, where she will make her home. ~ C uk : Those who mail Christmas cards this Jj 4A A ~-- }IhLA | KJi year must bear in mind that all cards in unsealed envelopes require one and |«fomunccammnbenienttioinecisseraicscmmecciomen on6--half cents postage, while the geal-- ed missives require two cents p'{ue. "ri. and Sat The sender is allowed to write 'word * * of greeting. e {{| December 4 and 5: Misses Giadys and Grace Groner spent the Thanksgiving holidays with their grandmother, Mrs. ,lhfu JAll. fiiv served from'five o'ciock on. Tick-- ets 60c and 35c. 1t ht Aedinpers Shan mners otrce ce couF. _ PR 20 2 i ang Pn HQ P 3 yps:rus, _ w uy »year «Zame printed "irereon. ent office,. at a very reasonab'e price. The cards are in a nice box; QB'N!..'% to mail The supply is limited, so ge frest to Libertyville Teéopie |' Work is progressing on the new bus-- Wwidtetit e tvis h cce n esn tm oo c oomrprnrmmrommrmecmaene | HCBB UUILUINLEG DCILE CLCCECOU tAy Bert r it 4 'Finstad on north Milwaukee Avenue. The Mystic Workers um have a nlw It wii be completed about the middle clal evening for old and young at th¢ / op yanuary, and the main flvbor will be Gridiey hall Tuesday evening,,Dec. 8. occupied by a grocery store, There There will be new and u"ld dances. Al\ ; will also be a daylight basement room Mystic. Workers and their friends arg | for business purposes in 'the new inyited" O _ {building. | . 300C ~* ._The Libertyvile Fire Department is [ ,. . ~_"wNOoT! m::-?"!evsh-bt.m;m;lm',"'?&f"""""- "'-"'QT ue m y*a nual mask ball, to be given at ""F MEhr gin ge: 4 pint Coffee Cream, 16¢; schoo' auditorium on the evening of ; 14 bln( 'Whipplns Cream, 220. * January 15th. ~Fhis year's affair is to . WILLIAM _ HAFEMANN, be more elaborate than ever before. [ RrAIIGE hn Dual mask dail, to 0e si¥ci at CHC mBH . » schoo' auditorium on the ew:hng of ',2"',8:"":':' pin' (J'OI(ee t;,f,"'m' 166; January 15th. ~Fhis year's affair is to P°8 wx;plan({lream. Eo mag & be more elaborate than ever before. | RO}:'léF 'BR(ysu EMANN, ----Coffil--and thjoy the an;| _ _---- : _ @LEFEBING_BROS, . ___-- 1t pual bazaar and dinher at theParis emuvietdamutapeanprencmomamwerpoommeemensmuneme House of the : EfHSCOP4l CHULCH, | 01 | wumdummmcmmememedimmucrenmmmnmmmucntmemmeame Tuesday, December 8th. Chicken din--| |:"_--"'--'----"----_"'."| A shed belonging to George Everett was destroyed by. fire Wednesday night of last week, shortly after dark, The Everett home is located a short !dhunee south of Rondout. There was 'no one at home at the time, and the 'oflxm of the fire could not be determ-- |ined. Very little damage was done, as \the wind was blowing from the barn and residence, thereby saving those : buildings. M your order in early. The Mystic Workers will have a so-- clal evening for old and young at the Gridiey hall Tuesday evening,,Dec. 8. There will be new and old dances. Al\ Mystic. Workers and their friends arg invited. 2C It is reported tBhat two more lakes will be created on Hawthorn Farm, near the new Lake Charles, and the three to be connected by a channel Rumors are that the L. E. Meyer Co. has a contract to supply the North-- western a oillion yards of earth for a new line, but details are lacking. " The Board of the Tenth District 1. FP. W.°C., will maet with the Ossoli Park Country Club on Wednesday, A npice assortment of, engraved eards, consisting ILLINOIS The Ray--Furmiture &and Paint Store is going in strong for radio apparatus this year, having the celebrated Radio Cofporation orAmvnca line, _ Read their announcement on page eight of this issue. C mt = A comedy of love that hits on all cylinders.= Also Pathe Re-- view and Aesop Fable. Monte Blue and Patsy Rutk Miller In Would every-- man plunge into a --stormy sea at night to--save the one who had stolen his wife? That's what House Peters does in this supremely dramatic story of rugged sea life. .At is his greatest vehicle of mighty thrills Tuesday and Wednesday, Dectuiber 8 and 8: ---- : TI-aJay l" Ffi"'o Richard Bartheimess in and heart throbe. Alzso Klmnmfi News and With Elsio Ferguson, supported by an allstar cast, including Frank Mayo, Mildred Harris and Peggy Kelly. Also .:e_hl comedy, "ANDY'8 TEMPTA-- TION,* an Andy Gum» comedy. December 10 and 11 : "Red Hot Tires" "Cradle Robbersa" "The Uasom_ ||. Buy Coke NOW -- . UDITORIU k ~--THEATRE _ Telebphone 29° "Shore Leave" Lover W. W. Carroll & Son Linen Towels Bath Towels Handkeréhiefs Silk Vests . en g > Xmas GUifts " If You Have Soot 25c Club ------DPe»>sit 25¢ each week.....:::z.. 3 12." 50c Club --------Devosit 50¢ each week-. zs.m & sIClub _____.__Deposit $1 each week. . > w.w sz Club "'W $2 mn-weel.....,.,..A" . lm'm ss Club ----~---~---Dw€lllt $5--~each week,_.. zw.w +$10 Club>------P>e»--#sit $§10 each week-------- _ 500 0@ * 520 Clilbwu $20 eatch week...._ l(m.w _ "SPECIAL" CLUB FOR ANY AMOUNT <>=. _ ~"~ Which Interest at 3% is Added -- ./ C HRIST M A _ CLUB UR Bank extends a personal invitation to fiifi"yzfi'it'fg and child in our community to come in and join our Christmas Club. This is the most populat plan ever det | vised for having money next Christmas, and enables those . ----2 . of small.means, those in moderaté circumstances. % business met"to tay azjde money by «y¥tem#tie doposits .cach k:« You can open an account with 25¢c, 50¢, $1.00, $2.00, $5.00, $10.00, $20.00 or more, and put in the same amount each week. a '-' No Fipes, No Dues, No Red Tape--simply bring in your first de posit and we give you a Christmas Club pass book, showing the. Club you have joined and amount deposited. Payments aye due weekly or in advance. * Libertyville Lumber: __ _ Company _ _ 'The First National Bank' ® Capital Surplus 'and Profits $100,000.00 _ -- ZINCO GET PLENTY OF HEAT--NO ASH _ GOOD SUBSTITUTE FOR HARD COAL -- Storm Doors and Sash: --. What the Different Clubs Amount to -- in SPE Weeks : + _ And. HMave Monev.Next Christmas It Works While You Rest PERSONAL INVITATION & Join Our New ~«~ Dewn by the Old Depot--Been there twonty years. aldiey.", : * 3. n w JOiN fOI;AY- Even Amount Club Plan IN FIFTY WEEKS YOLU HAVE _._..Deposit 25¢ each week. . ...Dopont 50c each week........ .\ ..__.__Deposit $1 each week.......... ...« _Deposit $2 each week...... --~.EVERYBOOY W _ 48c to 98¢ 48¢ to 68c 10c to 75¢ Hours & A.M. to $1.00