* Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wisner and _ _ /' en of Lake Geneva, Wis., apent the 0 >~~ hankertving holiday with Mr. and % .24 d ... TR ..._1. 2fi a wounlih v 4t mri ueP had a family dinner Thursday and all | ~~ _ the children were home. Mr. and Mrs. w----,..... Priday evening Mesdames Good-- t--~~" ywitk. Hank, 'Tonns, Weaver attended M Worthy Matrons' Night at Palatine a.~ ;, 'Frasor in his testimony admitted _..-- the car was going at excessive speed : «and-- the jury returned & verdict in .« mecordance © with this testimony. ------.<--Other --motorists _&1so~ si1d ~his car SS WRE ROME cav migs _ »y~cu.. 210 i1734 C 0_ St¢.. tkha. Pultan _A ¥anm-- ~Plasa~ hatal ~ Qodooooooocoagcco --*----LAKE ZIURICH * -- Wiss Marian--Conway of Chi--. -- ~gago Dies of Fractt'x?rg Skull s' ____ Near Waucorida. _ _ The two were 'on their way to 'Pistakee | Bay on' Fox _ Lake for Thanksgiving dinner, and were driv-- Uss at hbigh spees. About a mile --south of Wauconda Fraser swerved sharply to the left to pass another amachine, and in getting back in the ~middle of the road his car spurted 'to the other side, off the pavement. Grashed through a fence and struck Mr. and Mrs. Russel'! Browne and on of Waukegan s{-m Thankegiving In the pome of C. R. Weaver, _ were stt home Thanksgiving. Mr Aand Mrs. Comstock of Barring-- ton at turkey bere with Mr. and Mra. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rudoiph of Highland Park, visited Saturday after-- noon at the Simons bhome. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schallenkamer entertained relatives from Chicago on ~+Phrown froma speeding automo-- mhlch ran off the road, Miss 4 . Conway, of -- Chicago, _ was ¥Killed Thursda® _ morning -- on _ {he Mr. «and Mrs. Lee Landwer and fam-- Hy amd Miss Rose wmropp and Leonard Sturm enjJoyed a show in Chicago on Thanksgiving afternoon. -- Mra. James Cornwell of Vaiparaiso, Ind., spent a couple of days with her The Lake Zurich Camp of Modern Woodmen was well represented at the Boodter meeting in Waukgan Saturday evrening.. Thoss going from here were c t s s 10 oo rchinken | turkay dinner ant atlEN: e escort," J. Fraser, also of Chicago, | turkey dinner and attended t Feceived. severe injuries, which may CagOo Theatre in the afterngon mause his death. o __| _ Miss Orpha Russell, teache: ~"MF. L0 Mrs. Fargersaon Harknoess und son and Miss Helen Harkness went to Mundelein for the holidays. Alice, He'len and Lydia. from a huntin gtrip down the lllinois Miss Conway, who was 30 years €ld,. living on Lake View avenue, Chicago, was killei almost instantly, @ying from a fractured skull. Her gkull was cut when she was thrown RUNS OFF ROAD; _ WOMAN KILLED ment to Cbroner Taylor, but he did ©ot attend the'lnguut. He suffeéered a -- relapse Thursday: afternoon, ant was hurried to Chicago in ar am-- Miss Margaret Fink was home from Wednesday to Sunday from De Kalb. Miss ' Alicée Rockénbach was home from Illinois University over the week the victim was taken --to the city hall in Wacconda, where an inquest was -- held -- shortly: after noon . by Coroner J. °L. Taylor of Libertyville, --Fraser, who was unconscious, WAS revived --sufficlently to make a state Mra. Margaret Wiliams of Racine and Mrs. Charles Siep of Palatine vise-- Miss'Crystal Simons was at home for a short visit Thursday. Paul Murphy spent the* week end with Mrs. Murphy at the Ernest Good-- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Prehm had the Prehm family dinner at their home on Mr and Mrs. Harold Hans and Phyillis and Marjory Soderberg, Mr. Mizses Rose and Elizabeth Tonne "No-ld*' 1-&&& White Tatdets, and | do wot besteme s '-l-.-!--.lu'm--.a'-s- Years «f Amazing New Treat-- ment for Headaches "Reftet Where Everything aches as 1 did. They relieved where o rneeih raaags Li-g-l pain in every part of the DECKER & NEVILLE Pultesy _A Rockenbach and daughter of Waliter Lw" The Misses Alice Tonne, Elsfe RanicKke, Kuth Dixon and Carl Tonne . 'enjoyed a movie in Park Ridge last f Chi-- Friday evening. SkU" | 'The Women's Society of the Baptist saf '-#Ech wi'l have their supper and ba-- j in the church pariors December --_~----------~{1I5, A farge.number of pretty yvelour. automo-- pif\ows and other pretty things will id, Miss be on sale. A splendid chance to buy o, -- was Chirstmas gifts. on _ fhe| _ Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jensen spent SF td g es ies m NN0 2e m ais--1a d a and Mrs. Henry Schaefer and Jean Schaefer spent Thanksgiving with Joliet. i £ & © Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pahiman of Bar-- rington were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gussie Meyer, Jr.,.. Thanksgiving. _ mm o P oo c .45 i TA s au 24 T . 'The LadiesAld wili meet at the: Which" "will ' be optained-- within _A mdm'%m C 4 ow »Cays. _ x s oA epepicge ie Mr" Ena mrs. for Hinton m ~-.\Jg'an "Mepatiew »B¥tte ----»>~ w > also Mré. Idsa Kpuger, Of Libertyvillé,| Opinion that Luke had--help on the, bed Enantagtng fiveee at ty bemt Toh Th "ot Bneet ow nb smione r. rs. -- M last tain tham +# e one: week Thursday. ,d' 'Dowtm' \'ffany and Bon Neely. ex-- C. J. Herschberger returned | amined -- Luse at length Saturda?, jury service at Waukegan last m and --they--#ave cheoked hbis. story (Wednesday) After'n 16 day seige. finding that h is correct. He re 'The adult bible class will meet at| !2ted4 that be staved' at an Antioch the home of Mr. mdlmnnw'MMIM-h'uum Bchroeder next luihy evening, Dec. village,--and said that he left word T. Remember, all 8. S. teachers are for the desk man w call him at mu to attend. ~Let us have a 4:15 o'clock in the morning. This large crowd at this meeting . twhl.l lf':'d. ndng.lo.'j'inn:ybd dmv:" to Mrse. J. G. § e Knudsen st a base a_ '"--!--9 Cook spent the weed end| mant door, took the sivplies and C. J. Herschberger returned frz jury service at Waukegan last w (Wednesday) After'n 16 day seige. 'The adult bible class wi'l meet at the bhome of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bchroeder nexrt lu;hy evening, Dec. T. Remember, all 8. 8. teachers are eligible to attend. --~Let us have a large crowd at this meeting. > Mrs. J. G. Cook spent the weed end in Chicago. * Win. A. Bock, who has i ledvta _ Wm. _A.--Bock.--who _has lived _at beginning to end. Miss Orpha Russell, teacher of the Pomeroy school, announces a basket social and program . Friday ~evening, Dec. 4th. Ladies please bring baskets. There will be a Father and Son Fel-- jlowship Banquet at the church Friday evening at 7 o'clock Dec. 4. A pro-- gram is being prepared. All fathers in the community are expected to be present, accompanied by their sons, fo ra good social time . + Next Sunday evening, instead of the regular service. Dr. J. R. Nichols of Chicago Missionary and Extension So-- clety, will speak to us. Dr. Nicholas is genmerally known to most and will give us an: inspiring talk. Don't fail tb hesar him. 'The North Shore choir will also be present to render several selections, this being to commemorate the beginning of our--church being self supporting. Let us have a record-- breaking audience at this meeting and ghow your. lov=lt> ; «... T Peter Jensen was caled on the fed eral jury in Chicago this week. moved into his building here, as Mr eveming, and reported it a fine p duction, ful) of pep and laughter trc m--;:lhu left for Chicago. families from heére attended ¥ 4 % % 4 % 4 % % * % % % 4 % 4 4 % ~HALF DAY * Chicaro. All. Nov. 30.--The last criminal action resultine from the $2000.000 Rondout mail robbery was terminated today when Federal Judsae Wilkerson diam'omed ind t mente against Wallace. Davis and Thomas Poe. Little Roc.. AfK, attorneys-- They represonted . Herbert: Hoiliday who concealed $101,000 worth of bonds stolen in the robbery near Little Rock. Government agents found $99,00N worth of the bonds and the lawyers pald tha--ralue of the missing bonds in cash. Dismiseal was made at the requestt of Asasisatant District Attor ney John Byrne, who said the gov eroment did not wish to.prosecute. I 4. % % % 4 4 %4 4 % *4 % % % % % a | 480. RONDOUT ROBBERY FINALE WRITTEN AUCTION offer for sale on the Premises, located at Wilson Illinois, 4/4 miles west of Waukegan and 1%/, miles ooutin of Gurnee, on Belvi;fiere I have decided to have an Auction, and will Saturday, December 12 DEERING GRAIN BINDER SsEEDER sPRING TootTHh HarROowW HAY RAKE 2 WALKING Prows -- BINGLE CLUTivaATOR DOUBLE CULTIVATOR CORN PLANTER . Commencing at 1 p. m. sharp the following: TERMS OF SALE--A!! sums of $20.00 and under. cash; on sums over that amount, a credit of 6 months will be given on good bankable notes bearing 6% interest. No goods to be removed until settied for. 8 Tons of Timothy Hay in Barn; 5 Tons of Alfalfa ; 14 Feet of Silage. . JOHN DZIEDZIC, Prop. _ All Of Which Have Been T. B. Tested 7 Cows; 4 Fresh Milkers; 3 Springers; 2 Heifers, 1%/4 yrs. old; 2 Heifers fyr. old ; 2 Calves 8 months Old. 13 HEAD OF CATTLE 13 Hay, Grain, Machinery and Tooks ided the Chf has again at PHOTO ROBBERY -- . BRINGS SECOND ----ARREST IN €CASE Theodore Johnson of Chicago a dealer in photographers' supplies, ap-- peared at the sheriff's office Monday, where a warrapt charging him with purchasing stolen property was sery-- ed on him. -- Johnson, -- according to _ Deputy Lester Tiffany, purchased a part ®f the supplies stolen from the Wailter Knudsen studio at Antioch two weeks ago, and im his place of business in Chicago Deputy Tiffany and Am-- brose Beaudin found some of the supplies Saturday, they said. _ _ -- . Warrant Issued Charging Chi cagoan With Purchasing ... Stolen Property -- Mrs. Winninghoff of Milwaukee vis Iited Thanksgiving and over Sunday at the home of her, sister, Mrs. George Kubaupt. ie Harry McGee, of Mexrico. Mo., Ray and Ed McGee: of Chicago, brothers atrt Charlie: Sanford, of Mexico. _a cousin, of J. Wilson McGee, and Mr. Snow of Chic#go, were Sunday after-- noonmungeho-nollr.nd Mrs. J. Wilson McGee and family. Mr. anud Mrs. Ray-- Thompson and son of River Forest spent Thanksgiv-- ing at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Kubaupt. ' Rev. Hobart Amstutz, pastor of the community church of Gurnee. led in worship at the Methodist cburch last @urnday morning. Rev. Stanton, pas-- ior A the shurch bere, had charge of the morning--service at Gurhee. He returned bhome in time for the eve-- Sidney <Luke, 25 yearold English subject, who has confessed to the robbery, said that he sold the aoodl to Johnson. Luke is in the ty jail and States Attorney -- A. NV. Smith says that he <will prosecute him on' a charge of grand larceny rather > than deporting him as -- an alien who smuggled himself into the county,. . 2 iw* . Members of a lodge, of which be was a member in Kenosha, visited him Sunday, but réfused to give aid as long as-- he had made <a confes-- slon. °_ All the equipment stolen at ..n-- tioch has been recovered with the Mrs. George Kubhaupt and Mrs. Win-- ninghoff visited Saturday and Sunday at the bome of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dr. and Mrs. H. F. Beebe motored to Byron, I!L, Sunday to visit friends, returning home Monday. _ _ _ _ drove off in his car. Luke was held to the grand jury by Justice Coulson in $3,000 bonds Monday afternoon, while leased in. Ronds. PULLEIS 150.EGG inCuBaATOR 2 100.CHICK BROODERS 600.18. SCALE > TANK HEATER And many other articles too Numerous to Mention HAY FORK ROPE and A N T 1 O C H at River '!o'cdnd to 0:30 old the 8 in the eamtv orney -- A. V. will ¢prooqc\|u grand larcepy Mr Betty, Dan and Bee Dupree of norl evan,. Wis., spent over the Thanksgiv-- ing vacation at the home of their | grandmother, Mre. D. A. Williams. | Mr:and Mrs. Charles Shepherd and son, Charles, of Chicago, and Mrs. Anna Shepherd of Oak Park, .spent Thanksgiving at the home of their mother, Mrs. Paul Shepherds-- Miheteciahfiitennctrediiiontmtalet it thctontoctiitrh t se mcrtiel, Aitaatranr i OO rvomany NEl Pn\ P have beenvisiting~Antioch 'friendy, | caused -- by--the-- left Monday for Hot Spring, New Or., State's position, leans and other places in the .oum'rf Thé state, rep! Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pries were 94@ bad drop; : Wifliam A. Sollner of Grases Lake, had an auction sale Dec. 2. : AG t',T--..'_,'iT'fi;.nmffz cegn e snnai 202220000 ficc s n Some work repairing Lake street was done last week. * week to a Miss Rankins of Winters, Miss Aneta Hucker, who is attnnd-- ing school at Champaign, spent the holiday vacation at the home of Mrs. Vida Mooney. Misses Beulah and Edna Drom, who have been away attending school spent Russell Smith, son of Charles Smith of Channel Lake, was married last Mrs. Margaret Davis . reteived a h'ufil- radio from her son, William Davis, of Milwaukee. -- A 'joyous family reunion was held at the home of Mrs. Margarer Davis Thanksgiving day, when a'l her chil-- dren and grandchildren were at home. Mr. and Mrse. William Davis and fam-- ily of Milwaukee; Mr. and Mrs. A. Hadlock and son and Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Meska and family of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Christofferson of Kenosha, and her aged father, Har-- lon-- Barber, alF enjoyed-- x pteasant time, from her. youngest grandchild, ols Wiramct age 14 months, to her father, age 87. December 16, 42 HEAD OF CATTLE, Commencing at 9 a.m., sharp, the following: 110 KHEAD LIVESTOCK 110 some with calves by side; balance Milkeg and Springers; 1 Pure Bred Holstein Bull, years old. These cattle are well bred Hol-- steins and mostly all home--raised. 59 HOGS -- 12 Pure Bred Duroc Sows, due Fasse Place 2 miles west of Gilmer,«--four miles north of Lake Zurich, 4 miles east of Wauconda, on the Chicago--McHenry Tele-- graph Road, on a s m Having leased my farm, I will sell--at Public Auction on the premises known as the Geo. -- --to farrow in March; 38 Fall Shoats; 8 Fat Hogs; 1 Pure Bred Boar. 9 HORSES--1 Well Matched Team of Rel-- 15 Tops--Timothy and AMailfa 20 Feet Silage . FARMING MACHINERY, IMPLEMENTsS gian Bays, 4 and 6 yrg. old, weight 3200; 1 Gray Team, 3 and 4 years, weight 2700; 1 Black Team, 3 years old, weight 2700; 1 Sorrel Mare, 6 years old, wt. 1400; 1 Black Gelding, 6 years old, wt. 1000; 1 Bay Colt, coming 3 years old. 100 McCormick Deering Tractor (new) with plow and Double Disc 1 DMamond T Truck, 1% Ton 1 Deering Corn Binder 1 --McCormick Cotfn Binder * 1 Grain Binder 1 H. C. Side Delivery Rake and Hay Loader 1 Churn 1 Kitchen Table and Chairs %--Plece Bed Room Suite 1 Organ . 9 by 12 2 Chunk , Heaters TERMS--All sums of $25 and under, cash; jon sums over that, a credit of 6 months will be given on good bankable notes bearing 7% Interest. No property to be remmoved until settled for with the clerk. Mrs. Emma Fasse, 1 Hay Rake 1 Spring Tooth Harrow 1 Mower -- 1 Corn Planter # Seeders 1 Sulky and 3 Walking Plows 1 Clodd Crusher 1 Roller Manure EApreader 1 Wagon Box and Springs 2 Hay Racks 2 Bob Sleighs 2 Milk Wagons Gravel Planks 3 Sulky Cultivatore 1 Single Cu'tivator 2 Sixfoot Discs 2 Six--foot Discs Numerous to Mention. 2 Truck Wagons I A Lot of the Above Machinery 1 Narrow Tire Wagon is Nearly wow. FURNITURE. and HOUSEHOLD GOODS went down Sunday morning and | panied them homein the e¥ LUNCH WILL BE, SERVED AT NOON Being a Large Sale, all Tools and Small Articles Must be Sold Before Noon , _---- Wednesday Hill Corn vacation at home. of --relatives~in , 9 by 12 Rug HAY and GRAIN INIId PdaSssC, Prop. , Auc.=-- W, H. Prehm, Clerk. ho |_ Several _ issues as" to _@vidence, gy, {f caused -- by--the-- uncertainty <as 'to the )r.| state's position, hetd up the hearing. mf't'l'hd state, represented by Okel Fu-- re Gua, had dropped out of the case, in | but Attorney Fugua said this ac * tton -- way --onty --tempori?y, contifgent se | upon the attitude of Attorney KLGen-- eral Caltsrom. This raised the ques-- it | tion of whether evidence would still "tlbo admissable on the state's plead» "'"| Ing in its original claim to the HATCHCASE HITS _ \ -- sNAG AT HEARING Hearing before Special Master H. C.-- Coulson was resumed tox:y in the suit of Fred Hatch to establish title to about 900 acres of swamp land rt Grass Lake, and was con-- tinued until Dec. .5. ~~ __Beveral _ issues _as' to_ _@vidence, Mr.. Hatch claims the land by 60 years agdverse possession, and the county contends it was ceded to the county by the state. land $50 Bushels Barley 60 Bushels Whest 1 Fanning Mill * -- 6 Setas Harness 2 Single Harness 2 Bets Fiy Nets 1 Set Dice 2 Wood Piles 3 Gas Drums 3 Oil Drums 1 Wine Press a 190 Ft and 150 Ft. of Rope 16 Grain Bags 20 Ft Pipe 1 Pump Jack Horse Clipper 1 Galvanized Tank 1 Sheve! Plow _ 1 Grindstone and Emery Scale 10 Milk Cane 8 H. P. Gas Engine 2% H. P. COas Engine Kelvinator Libertyville Economy as well as convenience 1 Organ -- 9112 Rhg and Carpets 1 Maytag Washing Machine Jars and Other Articles 1 Selft Feed Heater 1 Cook Stovre 1 Kerosene Stove The Oldest Domestic Electric 16 New Milkers, . G. Kaping I% Anvil and Vige Iitinols s 00 GROSVENOR BROS. Trucking and Hauling Furniture and Cattle ; Tractor Plowing PHONE 306 REAL ESTATE BCIENTIFIC SPINAL WORK A pvpon dable Met for Nerve and Chronic mdou °_ Telephone 474 Monday, Wednesday, Friday QveEer FOoRD SALES ROOoM Libertyville _ ILLINOS William P. Whitney WAUKEGAN, ILL Good Meals 50c Smith's Taxi 4~--_.. i Z"J ~__._. - -- G. H. SMITH, Prop. Day and Night Service Night Ph. 497 Day Ph. 51 We Buy and Sell LAKE COUNTY AND REAL ESTATE SELLERS & PETERSEN ARLINGTO N +# HOTEL # W. LEE KAPPLE NAP RA PATH 'clamation Work. ~ Artificial Lakes, LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. 551 Milwaukee Avenne _ -- . Telephone 451 Kaping & Sons FRED H. SMITH O W'S and Re-- 4158.J :.'?'.'..'.& Keaak Ua-" t SKeipainte UaW -- > _,vc-.. peifpxy ind Comprol¢en Oorttatts 47 --nsd .. .»,, ---- In QGridiey Hall, First Nnfloul Bank Bullding. Visiting Neighbors Welcome £, A. uowu."gr.. ... W,. NAGEL, Consul, Clerk. LIBERIYVILLE LODGE No. 950 _ ~FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG.~ Visiting Members Cordially Invited. M. SCHROEDER, N. G. WILLIAM MeCLAIN, Secy. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO!S Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of Each Month at Gridiey Hall. Visiting Members Cordially Invited LORA STURM,. EDITH LAYCOCK, * LUCEB BUILMINOG Rea: Phbone 1344 Office Phone 16 y U. 8. Government Veterinaria. O C. QGrirnell, Inspector in Charge Res. Phone 20--J. Office phone 163 Reverse Charges on Business Calls Office in First Natima! Bank Buiiging Hours:--1 to 3:39 and 7 to 8 p m Residence on Broadway oppostie Puwri LIBERTYYVILLE I11MJNXOI8R Cattle Tested for Tuher--=--vax i FRFE OF CH A RGF INSURANCE FRED GRABBE ___ 116 South Gemese St. . WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS AYTORNEY AT--LAW ho Office at Home on Cook Avenue Going to Build? wn.l.eodncltohr"hhfl and material on your house complete for a sat figure s« you may kneow just what cost will be R. L. GONSALVES Phome B17.M _ LIBEMRTYVILLE Auctioneerin FARM AND STOCK w.g * LIBERTYVILLE, ILLIONIB . Cemetery Work of Every VYETERINARY sURGEBRON TELEPH NE 68 LUBERTYVILLE I114JNO!I8 Office With Karem MARBLE AND GCRANITE MANUFACTUVAEEA® Of No. 277 R A M. DR. J. L TAYLOR _--_ M. W. of A. ACME CAMP No. 176 Columbia Lodge No. 131 Mystic Workers Libertyville 145.¢R--120.R A SPECIALTY Mests First and Third Friday Nights of Each wiar t wy Libertyville, M ILLJNOI8