# inmne -- | and cliildren from Chicago took dirner Taken, RODOfi Confessuons and spent the day with Mrs. Summers' o ~"Two thieves Thutsday night jim.| Protber and family, Mr. and Mrs, R ~------mted--the --window--on--the St. Paul'J. Hoober and family. & lutlon%"'!'di"'['m'xa un'ff"m . Howard--Summers_of Chicago stayed. > '$30, according to reports from the|OV®r the week end with his frtend, f 'sheriff's office Friday and two Fox|Clarence--Miler, at the home of Mr. laka man have. hmon GA4ailoA an 'njand Mrs. Carl Miller. ~~ _ --mied And $30 in --Cash: is > Taken; Report Confessions _ately, as be is to assist --~------esution of the La Salle Mr. and Mrs. William H. Sheeban ate| ¥'(" ouckets of water. Thanksgiring dinner at the home of| The building,. which was rebuilt a Pan Sheehan and family. few years ago, was worth ardund $10,-- The cantata given Wednesday .'..;000. and it was understood that <in-- ning of last week by the {eachere and Surance was carried. pupils of the Lake Villa school was| The fire was believed to bave pronounced by those who attended as started from a chimney., The direc-- "be best they have ever seen." Barn tion of the wind aaved the other stable hall was appropriately decorat--| buildings. The wind. bhowever, ham-- ed for the occasion and the mtu-n'] pered the volunteer fremen in their worn were begutiful. Music accompa-- efforts to save the building. and soon uied the entire performance. 'vhnhimm the flames into fury. A large sbowed thorough driling b7 tboufrrova watrhed the reaidente burb. Mr. and Mrs John Schinberg of Waukegan were guests st the hame of Mr. and Mrs, E. Thayer Thursday for Thankegiving dinper. According to deputies Marshai Riggs: simply had a suspicion when . he gought to run ,down the men who fimmied the window. The re wcovery of the $30 broiught the alleged <€onfession, it is said.-- + robbery that goes to cago Monday. & tails in the Fox Lake case so that be can determine from them hbis fu-- ture action. * a He will be unable, to take a per-- zonal _nierest in the case immedi-- Mr. Eldridge, who worked on the Viking case, as Rusself Sage Dickey, the murdered man, was employed by the American Express company, was In . conference with States Attorney A. V. Smith 'today, and # is under-- stood that be is to be given the de with baving, taken $30 from ihe cash drawer of the depot. They ignored tickets, it was reported. 8. H. Block, Friday, are accused Joe Rease, 25, and Russell Ard-- licks, 26, are the men accused, and it ~was stated that the property 'has been recovered and that (ie men have made confessions. The mes were to be taken into justice court today, or early to-- morrow, for a preliminary hearing. Marshal Joe Riggs of Fox Lake who was notified of the robbery, worked on the case, with the <ar-- rests resulting.( He brought the men to Waukegan late Friday and took the matter up with States At-- torney A> V. Smith, and Assistant States Attorney 8. H. Block. * Lake men have been jalled on a charge of robbery. FOX LAKE DEPOT ROBBED, BUT TW MEN ARE CAUGHT Arthur Thayer and son' Lawrence mcl' A"E LAU""l from Bristol, called on his parents, * M command , ; Mr. and Mrs. E. Thayer, Sunday. SL Pau' Statwn Window Jim_r' Paul Avery and family drgve to Chi-- L. 4. Willys--Knight «»« Overland Sales and Service Station We have installed a complete outfit for charging batteries, and are prepared to put your battery in first class shape. All repairs made by men who know how. Bring your battery here, and have it tested free of charge. Phone 200--J COLLINS & DOANE COMPANY MONUMENTS LA KE VILL A Battery Work Rest Haven Garage DOWN BY THE EKLERCTRIC SIATION FREE AIR AND WATER All Work Guaranteed and Mausoleums We are Agénts for the trial in LR street IVANHOE, ILL The Ore, starting in tbhe attic, gained quick headway, and wes "soon beyond the control of the rolunteer Are ~fAghters who battied the bliaze with buckets of water. pew members, brought into the Camp by the Derby drive. There was a large attendance, about 160 being present. There were guests from Peoria, Ev-- 'mwu. Waukegan, Wadsworth, Gur-- nee, Antioch, Grayslake, --Libertyville and Round Lake . * Fire Saturday noon destroyed the Iarm bouse of R. F. Bon4, two miles west of Gurnee. and thisatened oth-- Remember our auctioneer, Fred Grabe, at Glenview. Telephone, office 163, or residence 20--J. 'On all business calls, charges may be reversed. i Mrs. Ciessvero returned on Sunday from a visit in Des Plaines. Mrs .Bertha L. Covey from Battle Creek, Mich:, was a week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Walker, 8r. Henry Curi is building a house on a lot purchased by him of Bert Hooper in Detour block. Last week James King of Wauke gan was here several days visiting ola ncighbors and friends. -- STROYS FARM OME Mre. George Gooding .and children of Grayslake, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pester, the latter part Oof the week. who took part. Every seat Imthe hall was taken. "The Soul of Priscilia" was pronounced a grand success and netted the schoo\ a neat sum. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy and chidiren and Mrs. Joe Pester and Luolll§ were in Waukegan on business Friday. for Thanksgiving dinner Phone 632 --W--1 1 ~RRases Midred and Dorothy McoCui-- Pilough of Evanston, enjoyed & short va E8 |cation at their hom e® many members of the society will at-- serviees in Chicago. The folow-- Phone Central 1512 Rev. and Mrs. Ametutz: entertained Miss Gladys Eakins and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Fay of Waukegan T!nnn;iv- ing Day. * There will be no young peopie's ser-- attended a conference . at Madison, Wis., last Friday and Saturday. They were sent as delegates, the conference being for the benefit of editors of high school papers. Mrs. Dora Smith, and Miss Norma were Chicago visitors last Saturday. _ Phone 154--M _ _As a knife, dish and glass dodger, Marvin Enlow, of Zion, was a faillure, Rher admits in --A bill--for. divorce filed Friday n the ¢ircult court in whtch all his woeés are recited by "bis At-- torney Martin C. Decker. All of this, and including a charge that she fought with neighbors to Enlow's embarrassment, was charged in a bill filed in May, but this bill was dismissed so another charge could be placed in it. The above accusations are coupled with the charge that she kept company with other men, pot known to Eniow. They separated in May. There are three children. ~ * On another eventful occasion, he recites, she tried to slagh him with a knife, but failing in this she threw the. weapon-- at him.. DAGMAR JANSSAN . Scientific Swedish Massage and Marvin Enlow Also-- Accuses --His Wife --of --Keeping Com---- pany With Other Men ~--~ They were married Feb. 1, i915, in Sang Run, Md., and from then on, the bil. indicates, the domestic lite turned into strife. Besides throwing dishes -- at his hbead, he says, she tossed glasses at him while be dodg-- ed as the glassware crashed against the . wall. i SUTTE 602 MALLERS BUILOING § 8. WABASH AVYENUE CHICAGO j Kellberg, institute, Inc¢. : DODGING DISHES T00 MUCH FOR MAN; HE SUES Telephone 400 This marvelous loudspeaker--well on its way to REPLACE HALF A MILLION HORN TYPE SPEAKERS--eubstantiaily reduced because of assembly improvements devoloped by Crosly Engineers Repro-- duces all tones without distortion. Crosiey patented unit, not cone, secret of its amazing perfection. Libertyville Battery i2 Company Three twbes in the Crosiey Super Trirdyn do more work than five do In other types of radios. That is one of the reasons why so many thou-- sands of these radioes are being sold,. Another reason is that is so ex-- tremely easy to tunse in distant stations on a Musicons or any other type of lougspeaker and to hear what that station is broadiasting as clearly as though the listener were right in the studio, The Super Trir-- dyne Special is extremely popular and thousands have been soid within the past few months. As us to hear the Super Trirdyn Special. Here They Are! Chas.: D. Proctor MUSICONE $14.75 Priced Within Reach Of All Bmith and Harry Hartieb The Famous Insurance of all kinds AVUTHORIZED. CROSLY DI8TRI8BUVToORS® TR B. GODFREY" ; The marriage of Miss Dorothy Cor-- Inell and Leslie Haines, both of Gur-- nee, took place on Saturday at" the | Platsance hotel, Chicago. They are | both graduates of the University of ipois:~----Miss --Cornell-- has {or the st two years taught at Gardrfer, TT | Mr. Haines is engaged with Libby, + Nw or Number Number gages, 13. ' The Y. L. B.C. will hold the regular ' meeting Dec. 5th with Mrs. Glara | Washburn. 'l'?la is a very important | meeting and all members are urged to be present. ; Total number of instruments filed, 53. 2 * Corresponding period week ending Nov. 29, 1924: * Number of conveyances filed, 194. .: Number of chatter mortgages, 56 --Number of trtist deeds and mor:-- gages 62. e 2 a _ _ Total oumber of instruments filed Don't forget Dec. 4th, "End of the Lane," the Junior Class Play, which will be gifMen awtrke--ntgn sthool audit-- orlg,m. BY A. K. BOWES Assistant Secretary Security litle & Trust Company. Business of the Recorder's Uffice for the week ending November 28, 1925: LOANS FAR AHEAD OF LAST YEAR ing Sunday evening W. R. Jones wil | be the speaker. i last two years taught at Ga Mr. Haines is engaged wi McNeil & Libby of Chicago Total amount of loans, $504.47i6.60 Matched Ties --and Scarfs _ Men's High Grade Rayon Grayslake, _ Ililinois Packed in fancy Christ-- mas boxes, at in beautiful color and LIBERTYVILLE --! »a»aznt Super Trirdyn S pecial The Quality Store > of of of $3.00 ~~ LILBERTYYVILLE conveyances i.ed, . Chatte!l mortgages, ®®. trust deeds and fnort-- a# !fi! ! ! ggfi"---'fi: & ~DECEMBER3, 1925 PW _ Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co:-- * :' The High Speed Electrified Railroad > s 8 . UBERTYVILULE TICKET OFFICE Te S C TELEPHONE 74 ----# . _ . -- l 178 Schanck Hardware Co. WE BOUGHT .A CARLOAD WHEN PRICES WERE DOWN Why wait until next Fall before solving your heating problem. in the Spring, right now, is the most economical time to install a warm air furnace. Don't wait until the Fall rush comes with high labor cost and advancing market. Prepare Now Don't Shiver Next Winter use a 25--ride or 10 --ride ticket. w Sodt yOR nE _-- OUR WANT ADS GET SURE RESULTS money;. The Heating Men Who Satisfy Clean, comfortable trains; courteous service; no smoke, no cinders. Half-- hourly express service in both directions. CoPeret e