MAN ROBBED OF 5 W ATCH AND FUNDS _ --ly to the window and removed the y jewelry after gaining entrance," Mr. «--*sa«gman said. "He tcould have made ._ _ Gueste at ths N. F. Busch home over Thankegiving, were, Mrs. "and Mrs *e-- mm and family.--Mr.* and Mrs ' 'gneh. A ILibeftyville and Mr. ¥%. Mre. Busch of Lake Forest. ; % "gfl N.--¥F. Busch and son _ PDonald spent Saturday evening at the tort Jones home in LAbertyville. _--__ _ WNre. CJ Meyers and family, of .. dolist «p I y at the N. P, ., window, apparently mad with a dia-- _" mond or glass cutter, indicated that _ Into . th "Jewelry ~ftore ~of Touls ~3: ~Yeoman, '18 .North Genesee street, some time Friday night, escaped with _ «w quantity of gold |watches and rings, many 6f them set with 'dia-- t3 ids. Mr. Yeoman Saturday morping sestimated his loss at between $2,500 $A $3,000. Entrance was gained . 'through 'the front door, after the -- heary 'fimol had been crushed P the torn :looge.. a* _ _' The burglary was discovered by ceman -- Claud--< ~Hart> at 3:2%6 --~--«@'elock Saturday | morning. An hour 4 sly the officer had tried the eA and found it locked. This the time of the robbery be-- ET #:20 and 3:25 a. m. means that _ in willbe placed on .goro'b'f! is ?&hn-mmd I was within hal see and Washing %wo policemen ar cne a mscc 12 lIadies' watches--valued --at from| .Findling RKest is inc evening. »0U §$40 to $80 each respectively. jeol Dur evening services are grow --Three --ladies'--watches ._vralued _ You will be profited by this eye "§$150, $125, and 380 each, two men's : ~hour oI woreahip. ~--~~==--=~~--~-- watches, valued at $38 and $25 each, Sunday School at 10; Morning wor together with a considerable quan--|ship at 11; Epworth and Junio: tity of pearl beads which also were|Leaior League at 6:30; Evening serv on diuplay in the window, -- were|ice at 7:30. everlooked by thi thigves. _ The Young People's Choir meets or his escape within three minutes after _ Ta» last .robbery of the* Yeoman store took place about 25 years ago when sllverware to the value of and a thorough search of the store was made but the robbers had made good their escape. (Then Mr. Yeo-- man was called to che store. After an examination he announe i that ractically . all the loot appeared to have been <taken from the soutk ~--Miy. Nessn >~su+a > --Baturday=~ "".--=t It 4s# difficult to state exactly' how much was taken fro. the _window but be knows that the following ar-- Uoles were taken: _ $ Aiamond rings--one valued at & one at $125, one at $120 and af -- $100 eaco. 156 men's rings--set-- with onyx, to-- &-' amethysts, and valued at ~$15 to $25 ch. -- as It opened readily this mornink: Large quantities of sllyerware waere ~Mr--and --Mre. Max--Milit--called on Grandma Busch on Sunday. ~ _ Miss .ljflhl Yose #pent Thanks kiving with hber aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs. George Sturm, of Libertyville Mr. and Mre. Freda %uch. Pau' Radt ke, Mr. and Mrs. N. u:ch&np eons, spent PFriday evening at the James Matousek home in 1Abertyyville.. s readily © accessible but-- apparently was lecked up in the . sate there m'.opudlepuoa ' that Mr. and Mre. Max Miller, Emil Giest and Grandma Busch spent Thanksgiv-- . and Mra. George S8turm of Lib ertyville called at the Sturm home on Aléex Bunton made a business trip to Libetie on Saturdmy. Paul Radtke and Clarence Busch were employed, by Framnk Haben_ on -- Al shredded corn on Friday and mrmmc. e Joe Astor, employed at the L E. Meyer construction company, hear Ifbertyville, early today was robbed & a wutch, $20 and railroad tick-- ets, he reported to the sheriffs of-- Hice. He said that his bunk mate, who fied this morning, got the mo-- RIQJ HAUL AT _ YEOMAN STORE Soratches on the.outside of the John Link called at the Al Bunton o e " Dhight from-- pursding the. jewe'liry in that manner ant discovary bowerver that the pe. With Jewelry Worth $2500 To $3000 A P T AKIS1IC tly went direct-- V W;{ ":;"c | churcuEs | 8T. JOSEPH'S Rev. Martin J. Nealis, Pastor. ; First Mass Sunday, 7:45 o'clock. Becond Mass Sunday, 9:45 o'clock Daily--Mass at 77300 C1IOCK.------_---- The 'Aid© Associations for-- Lutherans will meet next Wednesday evening at T:30 for election of officers. A social meeting and smoker will follow. _.._,_ Rev. H. B. Gwyn, Pastor The services on Sunday, Dec. 6th {the second Sunday in Advent), are: Holy Communion, 7:30 a. m. Ho'!y Eucharist and Sermon,. 11 a, m. -- Evening Prayer and short address at 7:30 o'clock. Te ' Choir practice h--ldg at 7:30 p. mi. All --are cordially Invited to these preach. . Bible class and choir rehearsal will be ehld Thursday nights at 7 and 8 o'clock, respeciively. ~ Sunday School at 9 a. m. German services at 10 a m. _ In the afterneon at 1 o'clock prac-- tice of the Christmas program. All teachers and pupils are requested to be presept, as we have only three u"-tomcuee. e.Ladies" Aid Society will meet Tharsday, Dece. 10, at 2 p. m., at the parsonage. -- All members shou'd be present; important business on hand. -- The congregation, frienhds. and the neighbors of the Evangelical church aer invited to attend the bunco party, to be given by the Sunday School at 8# p, m. Saturday, Dec. 12% at Union Hall in Long Grove. Of Ahe GOBROL ----~« ... 4. ----------2 ---- ; C e o in on catan ane , ~ n nntee _ Rvening service ut T--90. The pastor 1e Pn migh es "~~Our senlor "éholr ~will --amg~In the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY . + Third Floor, First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Bunday School at 9;45 a. m. Bofl'o: 8:3'" a 13:4"& m. BGblject, "God the Only Cause and Creator." y FIRAT ~RESBYTERIAN * Rev, Guy E. Smock, Pastor. M Miss Ruby Williams, Organist; Mrs. Nellie Layson, Choir Leager. 'Bunday School at 9:45 a. m. W. G. Wells, 8upt. . .. Morning worghip at 11. . Subject of AUCTION SALE Saturday, Dec. 5 1925 _ _ At 10 o'clock a. m. Sunday School at 10; Morning wor-- ship at 11; Epworth and Junior Leaior League at 6:30; Evening serv-- lee at 7:30. The Young People's Choir meets on We Jnvite to our church all peope who do not attébd--~sbime other charch, and we shall try to help you to the bist experiences of life. WM. J. HUGO, JR., having decided to quit farming, wi'l sell at public auc-- tion on Dundee Road, 1 mile west of Wheeling Depot, 4 miles east of Kitty Korner, 8 miles northeast of Arlington Heights the following: 4 Good Farm Horses--2 bay, 1 gray. ~~10 Cownr--4 with catves, bailance milkeres; 10 yearling helifers; 2 year-- Hong bulls; 5 year old bul'. These CAt-- te Are all regista@red and T B. tested. Bold on §0dG4ay retest. Also 1 sheep; German services at 10:30 '.'lfi.l --in--the evre 1;:80, t L is s ies s Trop Lc dister: 13 FEED AND GRAIN--25 tons Alfal-- fa; 15 tons Hay; 600 bu. Oats; 500 bu. Barley; 900 bu. Corn in crib; 800 Bhocks of Feed Corn; 15 acres of "*23 model; Tractor Cross and Plows; McCormick 8#ft. Grain Binder; O# borne 6ft. Binder; Milwaukee Corn Binder; Kentucky Light Draft Grain 8T. JOHN'S EV. LU -- HERAN Rev. Elmer C. KiessL g, Pastor Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. ~ German services at 10:30 a. m. 8T. LAWRENCE'S EPISCOPAL FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL Rev, John E. DeLong, Pastor ~ 'Wh'&' We Find in the Summits" is e for Sunday morning. Let ; 'put by seme hour of every week #Finding Rest" is the evening sub-- LONG GROVE EVANGELICAL ---- Laundry _ DRY CLEANING AND DYEING Our Prices Are Right Call Libertyville 40 Oak Terrace LIBERTYVILAE and College,. Milwaukeé, . will ON IMPROVED FARMS 5 and 5 1--2 per cent . FIRST NATIONAL BANK MONEY TO LOAN in evening. ¥ DPri'l; Dunham Culta Packer; 3--horse Disc; Corn Planter, with fertilizer at-- tachment; John Deere tworow Culti-- vator; P. & O. Single Bow Cultivator; Potato Planter; $4sec. Harrow; Bob-- sleigh; Wheel Rake; Side Delivery Rake; Mower; Moline Hay ~Loader; Weeder; 3 Hay Racks; Iron Wheel Truck; $4in. Truck -- Wagon; John Deere Manure Spreader; 2 Stock Fanks*--Pank Heator;--2 Grindstones ; 4 QOil Drums} 110--gal. Gas Tank, OoV--| . derful seven room house with bath. :aL Tank:; Buggy; 10 »filk Cans; 2 lfiuwd'"fl}g&t developed section of Hay Forks; 3 Hay Carriers and Pul-- --Mundelein. This house is one of the leys; 160 feet of Hay Rope; 2 Sets best preserved> homes in the entire Double Harness;. Wheel Barrow; village. Two garages; lot 50 by 195; fpray Pump;--8mail--Spray:-- Chicken all improvements in and paid for; lo-- House: Brooder;-- Saun Swing CPeAH * CAtST*im »the --concrcte --h#shway-- ont} Separator; Butter Churn; Heater. and ome block from~North Shore 'aepot some furniture and mapy other arti-- ; -- * ~ cles too numérous to mention. | > & 00000000000 e reinaeneenemeinas Matec= astomw *ords § ver man . «4 The new Raginlas meer me reqiiifemen*= at ail tive fundamentals of gooa radio reception: § ---- targe--cats-- $4, W% o e es A ie o e on me i omle ns es oo omcs irtcc o po m > meosy xsn w is n fngrpx > e y*.5 PPHEE C thee . ies arpreitea on ts B comeer . s rcers hn coeee ic mt o enlg ve e en ie t m c e rnan P roan En i niree Pn T innnn i in enc ce cecalh on o a C o oo § y m o asr="" S' New Loudspeakers s0r Bfi-'zffiflnlhts'~ +8 Th 38--3 WANTED--Girls' bicycle; must be in ~~good condivion and cheap for cast Call at Independent office. TAKE ORDERS for coffee, sugar, flour. meats. canned goods, staple FOR -- 8ALE--Comb _ honey. Henry Boysen. Phone §0+4]'1. 49 4t $1000 6% GILT EDGE FIRST MORT-- -- gage, due in 3, years, secured by IAb-- ertyville real estate: récently sold for $2500. Bellers & Petersen. Phone :n. & 204 42 1f WANTED TO BUY----Farm about 40 _ to 60 acres, near concrete; suitable for country home site; with or with-- ont buildings;--must be 'a bargain: will do business quick, if suited; must be within 10 miles of Libertyyille, morth or west. Box 581, Libertyville, Illinols. ~ . -- + 46 U FARM WANTED--Wanted < to hbear _ from owner or good land for sale; priced reassonable. Write W. N. Na-- tional, Box 1458, 8t. Louis, Mo. It grocgries; also paints, radio set». tires, auto and tractor oils. No capital or bond required. We deliver and colléct. Permanent business. Big pay. Write at once. Hitchcock--Hill Co., Dept. D, Chicago. _ 49 it FOR SALE--L plece bedzoom sgitey parlor suite, rugs and other hrouse hoid furniture; all in first c'ass :n- dition. Phone 367--J. U Rul Astate--investméfits FOR BALE--O'dsmobile 6 Touring; like new. Run 7,000 miles. Call at 128 McKinley Ave. . A0 3t Kmtu get beyond your reach?! l-vmu in Sunnyside Park, AJow, will pay you more W. LEE KAPPLE Naprapath If you imagine your ailment might be the résult of some nerve or spin-- al disorder--you will find in Nap-- rapathic treatments everything you desire in bringing about a normal condition. There is nothing rough or painfu! in this method. Over Ford Sales Room. Libertyville "Telephone 474 ~ Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays olden dollars profit later. re you going to let ~-- -- _ FOR SALE ~ ® greater security. HOUSES WANTED .. Y4--_--_. Spinal Work values in Sunnyside Park, ILLINON8 FOR ;'u,n-. Fure brea Scotch Collie pup s ':oh ol¢; Bergeron Btock Farm, Lake St. Road, 2 miles west of Libertyville. Phone 678J--2. 39tf new. Call phone 208 or 855. _ 46-- it FOR SALE--4--piece bed room sulite, --birds--eye maple, 'and brass bed: _ derfdl seven room house with bath. lac-tom%'fit developed section of Mundelein. This house is one of the best preserved> bhomes in the entire . THRSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1925 A Six--tube uni--cantrol Supér~Meterodyne, tha' uses the new power tube." It is space in the cab-- Inet for dry batteries, but can BW# used with Loud-- spesker 104 without batterfes. "» spesker 104 without batteries. 4 f With 6 Radiotron Tubes....'$165 Telephone 9 Eight--tube uni--control Superheterodyne, ex-- tremety selective. .It gives tremendous vo'ume on dry batteries, or, If used with Model 104 Loud-- speaker, all batteries can be replaced by A. C. (house lighting) current. s s With 8 Radiotron Tubes _ * RADIOLA 25 > ay Furniture & P _a_i_p}__Storeg : MUNDELEIN-- f om 'house with ME;J. RADIOLA 28 OoPEN MONDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS The price is $11,500, one half cash. Here is a real buy in.. & home, the best in the Libertyville and Mundelein district; overlooking 8t. Mary of the Lake. Lyons-- & Rouse, Mundelein, I!L Telephone 283. FOR SALE--Paige 670 Sport car. Here is the best automobile buy to be had; Mg;oomy, classy ct;l l'&rln- P i t c i Aenrniistal se Ié\gf""l'fih car 'had had wondertul care 1t --was parchased. * i;yorts -- & Mundelein, II1. Puone 283. and is in the fnest condition. This car origina'ly sold, a lttlée over a year ago for $2700.00. It can now be bought for $900, cash or terms, and it is prac-- ticalfy as good today as it was the day -- No Interfering Stations ' IN ADDITION TO THE NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN RADIO, RCA HAS ACHIEVED A RECORD IN LOW PRICE FOR HIGHEST QUALITY RECEPTION, BY GREATLY REDUCING THE PRICE OF RADIOLAS We invite you to inspect our Complete Stock. Place your order now, while the assortment is ynbroken. A most un-- usual opportunity to purchase a Brunswick Phonograph, any model, at greatly reduced prices. These Phono-- graphs are Store Samples and Demonstrating Machines but all carry our regular guarantee. 3. Selectivity--The--mast perfect reception can be destroyed by an interfereing station; therefore selectivity is tremendodkly important. The Super--Hetero dyne has been positively demonstrated to be more selective than any other radilo set on the market. The--new Super--Heterodynes carry this relectivity to a still further degree of exactness. °O _ t bre. 'The,.new speakers are capable of tremendous volume without distortion and achiexw faithful reproduction in every range--of tone, high or low. your home with sufficient volume. The new Radiotrons give greater volume en dry batteri¢s than storage battery sets give today--and they make possible 1" afrlity or Tone--Faithful reproduciion of tone is the most important ele-- ment in the enjoyment of radio. Now by the devolopement of new: Radiotrons together with toudspeakers built on an entirely new principle--and by the ac-- this increased volume of sound without distortion. ' 4. Distance Range--in these modern days of broadqasting. you should be able to listen with enjoyment to distant as vé\l as local ,g.uo- The &uper-- Heter-- odyne is already famous for distance reception. With the new tubes and the new loodspeakers, greater amplification is possib'e without distortion of the tomne. This means enjoyment of improved distance reception. 5. Simplicity of Operatfon--Easy tuning--exact tuning without technica Iknow ledge of radio,. has been carried to the last degree by a new unicontrol system, at last accomplishing single control tuning without sacrifice of quality or selectivity. © * oustical synchromization of al} elements from the broadcasting station to the receiver--RCA has brought quality of tone to a perfection never before possi-- Gome of the new sets can be sperated'directly from the A. C. lighting efrcuit, without batteries. 'They are attachd as easily as your vacuum cleaner or elec-- trie lamp. Make This A Musical Christmas Sets Without Batteri 41 3t ~New Radiotrons for Greater Power -- FOR &ALE--Good pony, harness and twoseated cart Inquire of G. P. Man-- FOR SALE--Good milk cow; fresh two months ago. Phone Liberty-- ville 604+R2. . 46 4t wer, Lake Villa, HL. Improved Distance Reception Uni--control Tuning System Milwaukee Avenue at the North Shore Line, Libertyville, . lilinois o Gn>a Phones» Offite 469; Residence 269 & 4 For 100 per cent Service, List Your Property Herc. -- _ _ . House Current iés--Operate on the 48 4t Libertyville, IMlinois A _ NC *EA * T typewriter. ~Inquire at Libertyville Independent office. -- _ 48 2t FOR SALE--A No Colé Automatic oil heater, mechanically perfect, Tele phone Libertyville 612 J--2. 48 2t