CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 10 Dec 1925, p. 1

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.. FSCAPE DEATH * ~NARROWEY WHEN -- ~--~~----TRAIN HITS CAR ) ~-- Three priconets. sawad their way ks w- the McHenry county jail at @} Woodatock. Working probably tor _ se¥veral weeks, they cut a hole thru _ an fron wall an inche thick, crawled * through to the basement, sawed&a bar Tous escape from death Sunday morp-- Ing $# 12:20 o'clock when their Ford coupe was hit and completely demo!}-- Ithed by a northbound North West-- ceived fatal injuries. Monday. it was believed that their injuries consisted chiefly of severe bruises and <yts al thourht it was admitted that they might have been hurt internally. A <ureful-- examination failed .:to reveal the presence of any fractures. The city directory gives Voovolf.qi-td- dress as 728 Grand avenue, Wa g:. It was learned --Mon. however, t Voepel had not been living at the Waukegan -- address lately He bas been staying at a boarding house in Highwood, being employde by the North Western Train Demol-- _ ishes Auto At The Rock-- . -- _ tand Road Crossing hundred feet and the victims were ex-- triecated from the debris and rushed to the Alico Home Hogspital at Lake--For-- m-tii was feared that both had re ¥oepel and Miss Moore had been out--auto ~riding SAturday -- night and were on their way home when the ac cident happened. They were proceed-- tracks. Just at this moment the treight train arrived at the croszing and crikibhed into the machine, burling it violently down the tracks. When rescuers arrived they found that the coupe: was completely demolished . They could not understand hbow the occupants »scapéd instant death ing east in Rockland road. As near-- Iy as can Nwm_nnmd gates the north bound freight train. Witnesses say that Voepel was driving east and drove around tha.and of the gates and started scross the Springfield, II1.. Dec. L --Illinois' exposition, the lllinois State Fuair, in 1926 will be beld two weeks ear-- Mer than jor several years. The date for the exposition has been set ILLINOIS FAIR TO BE HELD AUG. 21 TO AVOID RAINS State Fair Date Set Two . Weeks Ahead Because of Bad Weather Later Central States Exposition, Aurora, II., 'Aug. 27--8ept. 4; lowa State fair. Des® Moines, la.,. Aug. 26 Sept. 3: Kankakee Interstate fair, Kankakee, HML., August 1620; Kentucky State fair, LouigVille, Ky.. Sept 13}19; Michigan State fair, Detroit, Mich., SBept. 6111; Missouri State fair, 8e m 'l-i.:'Au. 14--21; and Wiscon-- sin State fair, Milwaukee, Wis.,. Aug. L. Faulkner, Libertyville. reported to the Waukegan police Wednesday Dec. %, at 10:30 p. m.. that a Ford touring car belonging to George Wehrenberg of Libertyville, had been stolen from the' Genesee atreet via duct hetween 7:30 and 10:15 o'clock. At 3:15 o'clock next morning Captain Thomas Booth found the machine at Utica and Water etreets where it ap-- parently had been abandoned b»* the STOLEN AUTO 1oved to the hospital and did not re THREE ESCAPE WwOODSTOCK JAIL C¥wo people had an almost miracu-- They gave their names as follows: Ralp--»~--4. Voepel, ol Hignwood4. IS RECOVERED LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT HERE'S LAKE CO. _ ; COUPLE WEDDED FOR 'Mr.. and Mr#e. Richards were mar-- ried Dec. 8, 18%85, at Old Mines, Mo. They have lived in Hizhland Park since 1877 and own five acres of land and sevéeral bouses near their home on Green Bay road. O( ten children born to them five are living and all their descendants reside in Highland Park and Lake Forest. _--_TBe living children are Mrs. L H. W. Speidel, Lake Forest; Charlgs A. Richards,-- Lake Fuotest; _ Fred .N. Richards, ~Mre. MK' Geary and Peter A. Richards, Highland Park. Seven grandchildren Hving--are Phi-- ip Speide! and Mrs. Harry Brown of Lake Forest; Miss Marian Rich-- ards, Harty Richards, Miss Katherine Geary. Miss Elizabeth Richards and Raymond : Richards, Highland Park HUNTERS HUNT A GUN AND FIND A POLICEMAN Mr. Richards was born Feb. 24. 1846, in Ohio, and Mras. Richards May 3. 18%50, in Missouri. In 1863 Mr. Richards emlisted in the 17t»h Illinots cavalry and served in the Civil war for two years. During that time he met hbis future wife in Missouri,. and theirs was a wartime romance. For 40 years, 1866 to 1906. Mr. Richards was employed by the Northwestern and was (for many years foremfan of the round bouse at Waukegan and Highland Park. He bas never suffered from iliness and both are hale and hbearty and enjoying life. j Two boys, Paul McHugh, 16, and Cornelius Cottemer, 15 of Lake For-- est, decided last Sunday that they wanted to do a little hunting on the Richard Kennedy estate at Lake Forest. -- O PERIOD OF 60 YRS. @(¥n.ISSFD 20 TK PB Slekt Aioka hes. P 0E .o hi. P pip y YWe k e NA EF EJ > « o-- 4 i 4 ~ s 'J & he * -- . eR EL 3"('0 aam"iy 6y S <4 » C £% o o ts .nC oé%fg% az\ f? & %%fi xp snow -- o ~morar t onl «mm lots 6 nAPPNESE amp fum to vou au! -- , -- on ngpupnve n on hananice : on uin tpg i : Aoim in iveen mt on eppge ++ ' . _ UBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1925 ;roamrmon CELEBRATES »att o TTTMNIMI® _ 4 UVUTTUTDC A DV \Tex T9 + the news Oof the celebration of the 60th wedding Anniversary of this couple bheld it Burbank, California, on Nov-- ember 28th. ze -- The Rev. Mr. Pomeroy beid th« charge at Libertyville from 18%%% t 1892, and now resides at 353 North Paim Avenue. Burbank. Cal) Hearing of evidefmce in the su't of-- Fred Hatch to establish title to about 900 acres of swamp land at Grass Lake, was resumed Friday at fore Speti@il Master H. C. Coulson, with John Wilcox as the principal witness. * RECALL BATTLE TO BREAK.DAM . . IN HATCH SUIT Mr. Wilcox for over 70 years a regident of the county, recalled the battle of farmers about 30 years azo to break down a dam below Mr, Hatch's property on the Fo® riw:j: which caused the land to be Slood The dam was put up by resort ownr erk, and was brokem by farmers who armed themselves with guns and Other weapons. It is Mr. Hatch's contention that this dam caused the flooded condition of the land and prevented its _ cultivation He -- 1: seeking to prove title against the county by adverse possession, con tending that the county acqv'eced in his possession by collec'" aras The State which had ¢ simed th land, has _ withdraw from the case. Other witd4ossos -- Friday -- festifi> i that hay hbad .«een cut on the land as far bac kas they could remem-- ber, erxcept h. year. when floo'|s prevented. .In previous years "e Hearing Resumed in Litigation _ Over 900 Acres of | Swamp Land . The funeral of William P. Higley was held Monday afterncon at Liberty ville at 2:00 o'clock. For a number of yur;'Er. Higley was atation agent at Gra ke. Weveral years ago be bought a little farm at Bbanan, Mich., where he lived ap to the time Of his deth last Satorday morning. Teath 'was rather andden and is be-- land was flooded, but only for month or two each year, they sa Mr. Hatch was represented at hearing by Attormey E. V. Orvis O interest to the old friends of Rev LITTLE PEN--Q--GRAMS Nt _ loks.COWIRdAfoatess WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN : Estare: Annie Minecs,. Waukegan. ' Proceedings. Imventory approved. \ _ John A. Sutherland, Waukgean. Let-- |<ers of Administration de .bonds-- non | lssved to Otto O. Sarvella. Bond of |sm. Inventory approved. | _ George Doyle. Executors report ap-- proved. x & *- Rudoiph Cruehaau.. Inventorx. and «ppraleement bill approved. * 11 CASES HEARD | BEFORE PROBATE' COURT THURSDAY J Mike Davis Administrator Au-- thorized to Settle Insurance Claim of $1,000. KEleven cases were heard by Judge Martin C. Decker in the probate court. and in one, the estate of Mike Davis. contractor who was shot down by former policeman Frank Herod, the admini«trator was authorized to set-- tle the insurance claim for $1,000, The cases were; -- Robert J. Erskine. Waukegan. Re«-- ignation of Lewis P. Erskine as Ad-- ministrator with Will annexed filed and hisbonmd--released -- Mike Davis, Waukegan. Administra-- tor @uthorized to settle insurance claim for $1,000. Firing the boundaries of the Chi-- cago metropolitan district by plot-- ting the area within one hour's ride Of Chicago, Harley A. Johnson, ger erall manager of the Chicago Rapild Transit company, declared last Mon-- day the zone would ertend to Lake Bluff and Ijbertyville on the morin to Barrington on the northwest, ,to Aurora on the west, to Joliét and to Chicago Heights and Hammond. _ This is an area of about 1,500 square mile and has a present ulation of -- 4,000.000. . The eoz now discusses large cities under the term of "metropolitan districts," he pointed out.. TME INDEPENOENT--B1I0 a Year Edward A. Suender, Waukegan. Letters of Admjnistration issued, to Raymond E. Suender. Bond of $250. Christian DeYoung, Waukegan. in ventory approved. Fanny Hlizabeth Ore, Highland Park. Petition for Probate of Will fled and set for hearing Dec. 28th. Paul Gehrke, Round Lake. Will ad mitted to probate. All property giv en to wife and family. Letters Testa mentary issued to Maria Gehrke wife Bond of $400. Proof of heir ship taken. ~ Russell Lord, Lake Forest. Sale of stock authorized; fees of executrix and attorneys fixed; Exe®eutrix author-- izod to géttle claims of John B. Lord and Amna E. Lord. -- 4 MILLION POP-- _ ULATION SEEN RLLOALYCD -- --~~! OYING® 'ICITY ANALYZES _ , BILL BOOSTEF » AODIT OF FNES * |{gyy««»= The audit meade its public appear-- ance for--the first tiime a; the council meeting _ Monday night when it was tossed on the table, then received and placed on file. © -- pleted some time agC was gotten under way city hell with Com: Yager as head of the tee to report back t Serving with him a: Robert Pearsall a: Counse! -- Albert Heall. Mr. Yager refused to make the an dit public., stating that he would T x."' w\ meno lpg.\t,_call in Poliee Magistrate,. ter A. Taytor, and then give tbe-# plete deata to the press. S . There ie a shortage. -- That ie ad-- mitted by sevyeral mgnben of the council. Two figures fdre given, how-- ever, one in the neighborhood of $700 and the second around $3,#00. : The audit covers «approximately a three year period. > Simmes ' was called back a leeola time on the audit, to go over his work with Magistrate Taylor, who claimed that the bigger amount was incorrect, and that the smaller amount would be nearer the proper figure. He con-- tends that the audit shows $5 costs in each case, but that Eg %.g; en-- tries a person was charged with more a| THEY AALWANS Give her Besy Yager Heads Special Commit-- | |-- sgraime guguesp 10 towns, uor tee to Probe Matter; Short-- ONLY FOR THEM, BUY For Auu age Is Reported or US. | TRADE WITH THEM the costs from $5 to $10, or $15, de pending on the number o_( clur__zo-. The audit will amo show. it has been reported, that the police magis-- trate has made a good salary, the amounts per month running in ex-- cess of the amounts of the Anes as a rule. Magistrate Taylor, while hbe aaid he was *willing to discuss--the entire matter confidentially with the press, Adeclined to make a lengthy state-- ment on his positio_ * He has fined many people in the past, he admitted, later refumding the money to wives. or mothers, «* bhe has always beld that the fine does not hurt the prisoner but the family. These refurds be bas neglected,. for the moet part, to show on his books. There bave been other rases, he etated. in which fines were assessed a #mall part paid by the guilty par-- ty, who would be rereased on the proimiee to pay the rest as soon as he or «he got it. The full fine w ou}d be recorded in the book. but often ty, who would be rereased on the proimiee to pay the rest as soon a® he or «he got it. The full fine w ou'}d be recorded in the book. but often times the 'charge account" would not return to «equare up. . Ho ie required onder the law to re port directly to the c:ty each month with his fines, but in the past be has always let the police take the amounts io the m imsioner of finance. +t & that --the--&800uLt Mr. Yager contends that there are legal points to be decided in the two figures as @hortazkee, which erfilains his appointing Attorpey Hall to act on the committee. will be made up 3652 TAXABLE ' :RETURNS IN L. C0., -- SHOWS DIST RECORD Analysis of the audit of the n police magistrate's book: eted some time ago by 8. 8 as gotten under way Tuesday ty hell with Commiseioner ager as head of the @pecial c e to report back to <the. col This County Made an Increase Of Over 600 Over The Pre-- vious Year's Showing Mrs. MUabe!l G. Reinecke, Coliector of Internal Revenue, recently furnish ed the Treasury Department at Wash-- ington an interesting statistical state ment which supports the clainf previ In proportion to population TIake County was well represonted with 2652 taxable returns on the "1040--A" form (under $5000) and 1731 on the 1040 form (over $5000) In 1924 there were 3033 tarpayers who filed on the "1040--A" form and 15391 who Aled on onsly made that the first [llinois dis trict is the largest in the United Ctatea wifh 554089 Income tax r~ turn« filed and a collection of nearly $188 000,000 for the fiscal year closing June 30, 19%5. In an interview recently Mrs. Rein-- ecke sald© T am Impregeed with tha number of returns intelligentis ANled out by tarpayers outside of Cook County and alseo By the fact that they represzent a high percentage of those Oltizens who seek to comply with the law and mno:ont teturns. The co operation of beatter class of citi-- the larger schedals Last year 2389 Lake County citizens filed non--taxable returng. \ cess with tax reductions." e epecial commit-- to <the. councell. are Commissioner and -- Corporation w omm t zh airun s 8: Wauke at simply adoptcd san;, _ The outs _ were worthy of the title banquet, as they were delicious, which of course is hothing© unusuat.~ After utt had>done justice to the meal, a short program was glyen in <the suditorium upsiairs. The boys' Sunday school clas« #ang the "HO".'!O you do" song with a fine spirit, Jittle Billy Meyer played a plano soto and did it in a pro€essiozz! mannér, after taking lessons for on!ly a few months. ~4nd: Geserves much credit for his effort Mr, Town from Chicago sang two selections, and Dr. Walker, from the Chicago#®Seminary, gave an address mostly for the bene-- fit of the sons. He related the story o fthe Pilgrim Putherx and Puritan® who came to this land in search of freedom and: religious Wberty, empha-- sizing their stadnch physigue, ambi-- tion. and good moral character. Mrs. Frances Stanciiff spent the Thahkagivinge hbodaya visifing with friénds in Michigan. C. H. Kruger has started movin« things onto the H. H. Schroeder farm. which hbe has rented. Mr Schroeder |'m'mm- to Waukegan some time during the holidays _ # & * # 4 t t 4 tox 4 6 4 4 & 4# i The Father and Son Goodfellowship banquet sérved by the Ladies' Aid in the church basement last Friday night was wel' auend«.l. Those Lithers who 8 ## & & t 4 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 i *4# a -- Carl Witt and -- Loylis Lindstrom were called to Waagnn for _ yary aervice last Monday. e We are glad to learn the B. W. Smail family has decided to remain on the farm Indefinitely, as we wou'd dislike to lose them from our 8. 8. and the church activities. Mr. Christianson has his house raiz-- ed and all ready to be moved down near the Whigcam.{farm, where he has bougrht some land and wil imake his . The road east fro mHalf Day toward Highwood is in bad shape, after the recent rains, and are almost tmpasst bie in some places. . The bible class held the regular month'y meeting at the home of H. H. Schroeder taat" Mondtay eventng The choir had a nhour of practice for the Ohristmas music, after which the class bad the devational and buisnegs ses-- slon: also refreshments an da roya'l We were much pleased with tbo' turnout at last Sunday night's serv-- | lces. The church was nicely filled and everyone was .pleased. The North Shore choruts ~from Waukegas Lion rendered numerous song selee-- tons and were enjoyed immensely. The sermon was Ziven by Dr. J. R. NXichols of the Chicago Missionary and Extension Society and as usuval was worth e. The most outstanding 0° his rems were these: "It is wnl import@nt to have a thorongh educa--| ion, wlede». etc , but the most im {'ofl:?)f them al is Christianity and character. So if you don't rememtb« any other words Dr. Nicho'!s rememb--r the word, character , Washington. ~Dec. 8. ----The _ rivers and harbors board of the War De partment was astked Aaday by--a dete-- gation of Wisconsin State officals and Citizens to make a thorough survey of the Fox River valley.-- Mayor H. A. Haents, of Fond du Lac was a member of the delegation, which was accompanied by Senator Len Root, (R) of Wisconsin, and Reps. The delegation proposed that the government take <teps to prevent re currence of overfiow from the river that inundates approximately $00,000 acres. Survey would be made from Poyan to Shawano dam. ASK SURVEY OF FOX RIVER YALLEY BILL BOOSTER SAYS:-- +8 BECAUSE THE4 OESERVE IT fls HALF DAY WITM, THL Fruucws sa O Wine cb -----i DHC 22° m \rw s 'm Apaw he side, the-- § tacing the o'mlu'\ufi'.'ibf unable to jJump from the jeft geat be-- cause the tracks were on .tkis side. Acting gquickly, he leaped .out of the A -- |right side, landing in a ditch J &A# * |ije ijain dseme by----_The cer, a ChaB-- t # a |dier. was practical!y demn'ishedt. . * LUIBERTYYVILLE MAN His only injury was a mb:, knee, ipcurred when he alighted it a ditch after a Jjong leap from hiw euto. The injury corfined him to bed Coroner John L. Taylor of Liberty= . ville leaped from a stalled automes _ bile at a railroad croesing in Ron-- dout late Monday afternoon in time . to escape a (ast passenger train which , whizzed past a second later, smashr ing hbis automobile. f . l | DISAPPEARS:; GONE : ' MORE THAN A WEEK -- Dr. Taeylor was driving east arourd tive o'clock. and started acroms the -- _ S8t. Paul line where the Libertyville _ bnnc: begine. : His rear whegls _ caugbht on the rails, A large milk CORONER TAYLOR, --~ STALLED--ON RAILS, -- Injures Knee Leaping From Machine at St. Paul Crossing _ The timi0. due. in 1.ibertyvilie-- at 1:19 o%leek, was bebind. time, . And. was laking' on apeed as it reached the crossinz. Jt knocked thg % bi}s from the track«. «piintering Dr Ta,lor's rizght ¥nee was severe Iy «prijued by the fall, but it wAK uot believed the bone was« M Otto Lippman, for the past~ t°8A n'nuomcrm'dmz lean Wire Femve cq@npany at tyvyNle and a resident of this village tor the #ame ~length> ot --time, 4# being sought by the police of Chi cago and Milwaukee, as well as bis many friends in Libertypvilis B 1# reported that Lippman disappeared & week ago xt Monday and no trace Fear that be bas met with 'toul play has been erpressed by friends in Libertyyille and Chicago and sA organiied search is being made 1of him. Lippman, who is about 40 or 45 years old, was in-- Wheeling & week ago last Monday. He was gean zoing south, toward (Chicago, and was al} alone in his car. Nothing has been seen or heard of him since then. ' It wase reported in 1Jremifviue@ Tuesday that Lippman had disap peared once or twice before without Jleaving any trate of himself, He is reaported to have stayed away two or three days and then returned as though nothing had happened. He has never, bhowever, stayed @war for any such leneth of time and his friends fear for his safety. time Samue! Zook,~ the «uperintengeni at the fence plant, refused to 4+ vulge any information Lippman's ,fl-pmm be had nothing to say for publica« tion. * Lippman was unmarried. His at fairs at hbhis business were in e¥ cellent shape and he was well liked and respected by all who knew him. tion. Hearing on | tor Decemberp 19. boy will be reart It was set forth in the petition no one ever had appeared to preoss ftormal charge against Davris, . bonds never were Ared in Ris «uit that 12« resnit ho without due process of law. . _ _ The statés attorney did Aot the action and as a result the 1 granted and the ind was ralons A tew days ago a pt in county court asking and be committed Habeas corpus proceedings bronght in circult court Friday afternoos re-- «nlted in the releas» from the county jail of Charles Davis, aged 16,° Forest colored youth who was f held on a charee of attempted on a 15 year old Ferry Hall g«irl Lake Forest on the night of ; ber 22. Davis was represented by A/ torney E. v¥. Orvis. § # 43 $1.50 A YEAR IN ADV, HABEAS CORPUS FREESs 8SY been found of him since that JUMPS TO S in Rondout. reported -- in -- Libertyrille +k

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