----|Local and Personal xd TE v noopc se ce mm ty n oupe oonmanifiant oo a s r Mrs. Nettie Weich was in Antioch Monday and Tuesday visiting Mrs. A. G, Watson. m i e James Dunn, of Antlocfl;,,hu taken & position as salesman the store f J. B. Morse & Co. B Miss LilUan Kohout was admitted as a medical patient at the Victory Memorial hospital Monday: Rev. G. E. ABmock. John Harms and Aubrey Wells were in Kankakee Fri-- day and Saturday attending a Boys' conference. 'They went ¥ia auto. Gene Luce is a member of the petit jury at the county seat .this week. Miss Millte Wrench is staying at the Robert L4 home on Third street, for the winter. A 6: bakery and fancy goods Fiale at the Farm Bureau office Saturday, Dec. 12 beginning at 9 a. m. 1t Saturday, December 12th We invite comparison of quality and prices. Langworthy's. _ . 1t Edwin Hart came last Friday from Vermillion, Alberta, Canada, and will remain here during the winter. Mrs. Hart and children have been here for several weeks. «. _ The M. E. Ladies'® Ald will hold a Short Items of Especial Interest to Libertyville People Telephone 29 W. W. Carroll & Son Co. Libertyville sim%$ Bank Read what Santa has chalked up on that blackboard in the above picture. Will his message hold good in your case next year? That is, will you have "dol-- lars enough to pay for all the Christmas Gifts you'd like to make? Decide now that you will! Emrol!l in our ' ; By depositing a small sum-- each week -- a trivial ammount you'll never miss--for 50 weeks, you'll be put-- ting away a total sufficient to buy all your next Yuletide needs and still have a tidy sum left. | ' Come in for complete jinformation! _ > " Linen Towels Bath Towels Handkerchiefs Silk Vests ~ . 1926 Christmas Savings Club! Xmas Uifts | _At the regular meeting of Liberty-- ville lodge of Odd Fellows Monday night, the following _ officers were _elected for the ensuing term: N. G., William Stucky; V. G., August Rad-- loff: Secretary, Wm. Mclain; Treas-- nmfi H. J. Hagerty; Trustees, George Smail, Walter Stang, Hen?'SeRért. M. W. Schroder and 'Ray Witers. The ne# officers. will be installed at the first meeting in,January. ordinary merit is promised She is doing nicely. Hermance Wheeler and daughter, b iss lda, expect to leave Saturday for southern California, where they will spend the balance of the winter. The quartette of the First Methodist <eBurch u) +¢»~ * +WBs o.r" Br. 1ine echurch Sunday evening, Dec. 20th, A musical entert#inment of more than Martin Eichler, an aged resident of Long Grove hborhood, is in the mmm where he. ba« h%& confined for some time on account bf iliness. * Mrs. Charles Gosswiller, who lives near Long Grove, underwent an op-- eration at the Dr, Stark hospital this week, on account of a broken kne> cap, sustained receritly when she fell. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Daley, of Vermil-- lion, Alberta, Canada. came Friday, and will be here for some time visit-- ing at teh Joseph Hart home, and with their daughter, Mrs. Roy Steele, in the ne wstore will be in operation as soon as the deal for the land has been finally cloged. -- =~----My, 2=~4 Mrz, Chasles H. Kaisor leoft last Friday night for--Rochester, Minn. where the former will receive treat-- ment at the Mayo sanitarium. Charley has been @nder the weather for two or three months, and his friends hope to see him home again soon, and in bet-- Ke--nxiiier:h;o purchased a valuable tract of land, and it is reported that ~An eAMjoyable card party was held by the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs at the lodge room Monday night. Daycing was had and prizes given. ~The pro-- ceeds will be used for the big Christ-- mas part yto be given next Monday night, Dec. 21. Charley Johnson and J. N. Bernard left Wednesday for Florida. Char'ley has a parcel of the golden real estate down there, and Jack has been more than interested recently. R Chester Decker has been carryink his arm in a sling sinte Monday., as a result of an encounter with a Ford. He was cranking the cuss, when it kicked._back and swatted him. The accident occurred on North Milwau-- kee--avenue. Dr. Galloway attended 'The Meyer Construction Company, contractors who excavated the new Lake Charles on Hawthorn Farm, is dismantling their dredging machinery. The story going the roynds that two more lakes would be dug is a myth. Many of the men employed on the big job have been laid off, and those re-- maining are working on the new road of the North Shore Line thorugh the Skokie Valley. 0C * Prospects are bright for a 'arge de-- t --age7~ . **r L ville next e Hhos who Ire Ihforchtcu . 48c to 98c 48c to 68c 10c to 75¢ Hours 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1925 $1.00 At the etated convocation of Liber-- tyville Chapter R .A. M. Monday night the following officers were elécted for 1926: E. H. P., Earl Corlett; King, Julius A. Treptow; . Beribe, George BSturm, Jr.; Treasurer, F. S. Kemm: Hecretary. J B Wetmore; C. of H... sas,; whith did such noble service al earthquake there, is the warship upon which were filmed most of the scenes of "Shore Leave," new First Nationa' offering at the Auditorium Theatre December 10 and 11. It was while en route up the Pacific coast that the Arkansas was rushed to Santa Bar-- bara, the seamen being landed to main tain order during the disturbance. The gates of the North Shore Line at Milwdukee avenue have been brok-- en three or four times during the two weeks they have been in operation. Last Saturday just after dark a man driving a Ford south reached the traCKk just as the gates went down, and in trying to stop his car, he skidded and crashed into the curb,. breaking a rear J. C. Boylan, 633 Laure!l .avenue, Highland Park, died at '7:30 o'clock Thursday night at Victory Memorial hospital. Mr. Boylan, who was 38 years old, had been a patient at the bhospital since Nov. 14. The body was removed tq the Prior undertaking es~ tablishment at Highland Park. not be learned. Raymond Bernard celebrated his sixth birthday Waednesday, December 9th, with a party, inviting sixteen of his Httle friends and his school teach-- -:?In Prizes were given and re-- fréshments of ice cream. cake and cookiles were served. The out of town guests were his cousins, Margaret and Porothy Klemp, of Highland Park, who spent the day here. er,. Miss Huff All had a fine umoi playing games, and Miks Huff read| The Coilins--Doane Cempany. . well known monument manufactui«ers, have started work on a new bui'ding on West lLake street, jpist east of Brain-- erd avyenue The shop has been locat-- ed near the North Shore Station fot many years. but this site has been purchased by the Insull interests, and the monument business had to find a neéw location. Residen:ts of that part of the village do not take kindly to Thé Uniied ates phffieahip./ . I. Coillins; P, 8,, A. F. Krumrey; h . M PeMk t * * 4* Tiiigg, Earl Gorlett has one of the best" holiday announcements to be made by anyone in the vil-- lage. -- Wednesday he borrowed i pair of hib boots, a heavy hunting coat, and coaxed a friend to lend him a : high powered rifle.: He got the cannon oiled up properly, and then disappear-- ed from his 'usua) haunts. We Aow'* *« W@; but. he brought back wit m a real BEAR, and now h&s the remains on display in his show window. His bearship will be cut up into choice steaks, -- roasts and any Il.h:: manper thlt';l;lear meat is to be cooked, and will be soid t all who desire a real treat for the holidays. Earl has provided fancy recipes for cooking and serving bear meat, and the lucky purchases v(lll have a rea') treat. He refuses\ to commit himself as to the exact location where the bear was killed, but inti-- mates he did the job of execu-- tion himself. Anyway .he has EARL CORLETT HAS BEAR MEAT FOR SALE the bear, and < will sell every-- thing but the hide. Uncle Sam shield the Federal Reserve Banks by always being ready to loan money to them, on their approved securities This puts us in a position to get money on sound securities when we WANT it. * and found solid. Lake County National Bank: LIBERTYVILLE ILLINOIS The Federg| Reserve System has now been tried for many years _ We Invite Your Business When your money is in our bank, you can get it when YOU want it. We invite YOUR Banking Business, Start Saving Regularly NOW the new building, and there has been considerable talk the past week of stopping the work by the injunction process, but so far as we can learn, nothing has been done. «*C > is _ P * " s hn 6 * B . ".2. secretary--treasurer. . Miss Ha Haven, who i sat the helm of the postoffice at Hawthorn Farm, is the new ser-- geant--at--arms. The next meeting will be held at Zion some time in January, the exact date to be announced l&ter. Although it has been stated for the past two weeks that the $250,000 bond issue to care for a new poor farm at Libertyville . would pass before the board of supervisors at their session whiich started Tuesday, it was learned today that objectors to the plan were forming in hopes of defeating . the proposition for the second time. Back-- ers of the issue had stated several times in the last few days that it would carry with ease, putting it, up to a yote of the people. tC . R. W, Frank!in, of Chicago, rep-- resenting* the Minneapolis Heat, Regu-- lator Co., was in Libertyvilie the first of this week in the interests of his company. This valuable appliance is to be installed in several of the homes in the village. It forever solves the problem cof even heat, automatically keeping the temperature in house at the same figure. More is told of this valuable appliafice in the large display ad in Section Two of this issue of th* Postmaster -- Ellsworth | entertained the postmasters of Lake county and the lake shore last Tuesday evening. Dinner was served at the Parish house by the Women's Guild, and the busi-- ness sessions were held in the village hall. S. H. DePew, postmaster of Zion, is the new president of the or-- ganization; Peter Mogore of Lake For-- ést, was chosen vice president, and Indépendent. SECURITY! We are System @ || Buy Coke NOW 44 \e {ll _If You Have Soot Troubles Ust YOUR FARM SALE WILL BE ATTENDEDBY _ A LARGE CROWD IF YOUR AD IS PLACED IN TH E. LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT _ _"--*"*_ _ of small means, those in moderate cireumstances, and aiss_ business men--to lay aside money by systematic deposits each week. * You can open an account with 25¢, 50¢, $1.00, $2.00, $5.00, $10,00, -- $20.00 or more, and put in the same amount each week. s No Fines, No Dues, No Red Tape--simply bring in your first de-- posit and we give you a Christmas Club pass book, showing, the : Club you have joined and amount deposited. Payments are due weekly or in advance. . Te 25¢ Club ------Devosit 25¢ each week...__..... $ . 12.50 ; .j'; 50(: Clll'b ~--........... D@pO#Ht 50e each week....._.... 25.w sl" '(:'lubvm..._v.....l)eposlt $1 each veek........,, m.w 32 Clllb h..'.A....*..Depmlt $2 each w'e:ek. lm.m n ss Clu'b --.....___Deposit $5 each week....... zm'w E> $10 Club--,--Derosit $10 each weer---- --. 5o9 qq S $20 Club----Dost 11# «ch w«e------:-- 1000 og Meis **SPFECIAt." CLHHRFOR ANV A MOI INT k'; .« To Which.Interest at 2%is Added «> !g + JOIN TODAY. --EVERYBODY WELcoME --~~*~~*~ MB¥ C HR I STM'ASI _CLUB . ::3 BASKET BALL| SEASON TICKETS The High School Needs YOUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL AT-- YOUR HOME AND ASK Y¥OU _ _ To BuUy THESE TICKETS x -- +/ l Libertyville Lumber t ----Company -- The First National Bank & GET PLENTY OF HEAT--NO ASH GOOD SUBSTITUTE FOR HARD COAL --Storm Doors and Sash What the Different Clubs Amount to * in 50 Weeks: -- "~ + ADULT TICKETS -- .-- -- $2.00 GRAMMAR SCHOOL -- -- -- S0¢ It Works While You Rest Are now on Sale at the High School. Seven Home Games ; And Have Money Next Christmag UR Bank extends a personal invitation to every man, WoMAR and child in our community to come in and join our new* . Christmas Club. This is the most popular plan ever det 1 vised for having morey next Christmas, and enables those PERSONAL INVITATION--_-- ' TELEPHONE 47 * Down by the Old Depot--Been there twenty years. _ Capital Surplus and Profits $100,000.00 Libertyville, Illinois Libertyville High School Even Amount Club Plan ZINCO YEAR 1925 -- 1926 Join Our New