_EABLY GRAINS _ GOOD em drinking to a point where ad e L. He said that he :'hn a gun. or throw away ~ A -tvcu approach otf Patto® , meg -- Heckinger and Loabie J& the atrested him with Rob sn hour after the astempt hbold-- UR --The politce sald that Mills led AThem to a point where be had tosmed 80 PERCENT OF STATE CORN CROP _ GATHERED EARLY In this case. Beqond case, in which Lesife # is a defepdant, is not to td thilt week --but will zo over % fi" the indication that L nc on the call. Ts this lfpVar Facts in D. Lauck-- ner Attempt Hold--Up. -- went--to the jury at 4 E--und :guilty vote was reached 4 Mills, h mother, who tood by (the FPoy al} through lal, was not 4s ';-bq gounr'oom g*v tates At f."g'f'_s,jm avd <chis assist Out Eight Hours Deliber-- poli¢e bad made the -- arrest, case .'l'.hy t .'& -;1 &nn&dymne' a from Mtills which mw beid Lauckner , HL, Dec. 30.--More than 89 rday morning. : : took the verdict with bts m relusing to comment " or the other. ~The sentence r Indeterminate sentence of it 10"14 YFears in the state t is the mame, with Thomas asaistant supérrisor from reushtp.--claiming -- that the s tried to get his mobey a downtown alley. "Milis away and that they bad md ."Suick" > Mills, 21, 1W9 street, was found guilty to-- _ °o o cepernie coeriih enc en d d l L eeie ce 0 0 Hret S iaigieninimen, m en _ ag S ine c N4 PR ¢®, uum"T he 4] : W'M'-K [ 9 * *rs moved for a new, imal and | of Aagricultere. ~-- sfi > ,',,,Am;.m* --"There.is the usual . number 0( . i.i wus »aid today j #mail--operators feeding shéep this would go ovéer ~MUu:|season,." the repcrt ~said,; "but many fay morsing. 4 : Jof tbe farmers who: are ordinari}y _tbe verdict with bts the: beavier fseders 3' their com *, refusing to comment | munittes have materially ¢ut «iowt or Other. ~The sentence | their feeding operations due to the lx'_b.u sentence of | Ligh. cost Jemarded :or {eedin' ~%W"14 Years in the state}lambs. orn Put in Cribs While Moist W in ; t&nu over the vrer-- ¥e arrested Milis for Charges. during | the . %fl but bavre never beceh able TY, MOTION 0!5'%0\&' TRIAL some . snn $ C--40000 0 1 TO 14 YEARS ----NO. 53 seles Apprmsnails is ccipur ues ~@ confessiqn} "The nu T it wa* --in--feed i« a pollce |étates and id -- signed _ Dec. 1, 19 ad threat-- less than ser hroa-[mber t t Rbald--up. | 6$98,000 t of -- the the con-- reached gven by that be Value "The first cases on the trial call for Judge Shurtieff, when he comes here Jan. 4, will include: _ §761--Lake Villa Co--op, vs. Western Dairy. STEAMA Go£68 ASHORE 4 #MMH ULLAILLBD London,. zan 30. --~ The Beigian , n $ ateamer #sh De Flandres has -- #* se ~-- driven ashors at East Bourne. Rome, DeC. 80 aCount -- (nsagran-- erew beeot. taken off des, who hat «bhen hold up »: Casa-- ' \ --~ y . _ 000| blandas for mighy 'weeks aeainiegs a CC e S mactmtiin.. &4 ~ votnb! a= #Mity-- to-- continu & . Ww enea i oo n oe uol iT invormbicconpetturticy to. continu¢ bis Jerry Van Buskirk." ®_ _Joseph A. Morria. _ Charles O. Smith. _ Joaeph Jackeon. l Ben Taziali, t + Maria Evara. Robert J. Erckin®." . Mary A. Lux. Charles Jamieson. -- Elizabeth Michels. Kiten G. Ames. © William Johneon. William MillarJ. Otto C. Heck. . * . William Hermann. Also any claim in any estate in which notice bas been given as re-- quired by the rules of this court. & SHURTLEFF TRIAL: CALL IS MADE UP COUNTY INDEPENDENT -- Loke.County's Big W Cail for Tuesday, Jan. [th at 10 m m. in the Probate court is as follows: David Moore. ~-- C ts Carl Gustaf Berg. Mary M. Druce. Waiter C. Pearce. $ Latticia J. Xea!. , -'..-. ""T £inp 'In 4103 is w a% y e ware +' on s test in Aliino tR **, T Thrcck . :d thhe yq\flb:q BPe CLAIM BOCKET Indiana was 'the only stits sbow-- ing a material increase, 32,000, over last year: (Small increases were in-- dicated in Wisconsin and Minneso ta;-- small decreases in . Illinois and Missouri, and little change inn Ohilo, South Dakota and Kansas. | Feeding statiins adjicent to Chi cago bad a few thousand less than last year, about 20,000 head; > "The decrease in . the -- corn--beit states was about 210,000 head~ This decrease was ih the staites wesi ol the Mississippi river. The largest In Nebraska, 120,000; lows, 75,000, and Michizgan 30,000. _ INDIANA SHOWs GAIN OF 32000 Biates and the western feeding areas Deéc. 1, 1925, was about 250000 head less thas on ' Dec. 1, 1924. The number this year is estimated at 4,898,000 bead and the reduction is about 5 per cent. 121754----McGowan vs. Yeoman. Chy. 15644--Schad vs. Schad. 11983--Jermen vs. raradige, 15589--Lgon & Rubin. 10625»>--8mith v\. Brikenan. 10643--Jacobsen ve. Aulaton & Son. 1078%4--Corselbaum ve. Hadelran. Chy. 109998--Rogers vs. Matthera. 11231+--Kingsley, vs Wienecke, 11339 -- Pmrfllzn vs. Straka. a 1021=--Johneon vs. Bishop. s Bome of theae canes will conflict mm will be made Mir. The 1 cail will go over uftil Jan. CorA gW ELT HEPORTS --DrROP-- "The number of sheep and iambs in--feed jor market in the corp--bel!* 11234 11329 22021 Son,e "Reports indicate that--the tots' number of sheep on 'farms Dés,. 1 will bo marketed roughiy as follow=: IThrtyJour per cent in Decembver, 44 per cont in January, 10 per crnt in F--bruary and. 12 ;er cent $n March or Jater. ; The. Usited States report for the . ONDECREASE IS .. STATE REPORT Springlield,. 1!1., Dee cent decrease in th FIGURES ARE PRESENTED Four Percent Less On Feed in !, Jane Upion Moore, 'Lake Forest, was fined $10 and costs by Justice John Speliman of Lake Forest, today on & charge of defrauding, growing out of a case in which a Lake Forest -xn charged 'that the ~woman had ied --to pay a $200 board bill} Sh6 went to Jail, being unable to pay the fAine, 400R -- W e @r Josiazh W. Butler ILLINOIS SHEEP . WOMAN JAILED ----=~ ~ . -- ON BOARD BILL a $ J# fa_ s TN 1 AILWGRKG A1OUNIIFY S DC WY CCRLE SECTION TWO ;. -- LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY.DECEME ERTYVILLE INDEPENDE] ; High Cost Cause Of Drop S LONG ONE rc. 30.--Four per the numbeér o( 'ro_'hl' or r j eetly ~ nothiao'. "."~ en he w.}! hore takenr at i=ts in the cout they extenl is wear ou*t ithe hood Mmss " The "Dafly Skoteh" : Sectetary ot Comtier© "hot--air -- merchont," . that there cah ie no cuase "it takes tx0 1o Great Britain Ras Rad « TRANS--ATLANT :C FLIGHT DEL AYED London, Dec. 38. -- A\erican discus-- sion Of a posible tra| war between the United Staiss and : n«land as the result of British rub© reatrictions are attracting wide . ention and causing bitter criticism | cre. The '"Dafly Skotch" <=ay re{ers to Sectetary ot Comtierce loover as & "hot--air merchont," a '_ declares that there ca@h i« no (: is war be-- cuase "it takes trx0@ to m c» war and Rev. Quayle to'l the same story to the Waukegan police and _ they agreed to drop all _ prosecution against the you'h. -- RUBBER COST MAY CAUSE TRADF W AR {father, ;nduu':f A{[rom the Deertfieig-- Shields township high schoo! and was one of the most briliiant pupils in his class. He served for a year at the Great Lakes station during the war. Wirile there be had frequent falatin® #pelt! which dated bock to his seriou« ill ness. ' * At the close of the war he en-- tered Princeton Unjversity. At the W_ of his. second year he ered a Chofryour dbreakdorn --art wa* found wandetring. on the stree in a daze. He was sent to a samt tariem for treatmen. and thea was brought home by his paroeni®. After a time he went to Naperville in the hapes of -- completing Rhis -- cojfe« cenrse bui his berlth wo--'d not po-- -- Mental irresponsibility as a resu!t of a severe aitack of Scatiet Fever when be was fourteen years Oold, is given as the cause for the actions which led to the arrest in Waukegan a few nights ago of William Quayie, 26, son of Rev. Thomas R. Quayle, of Lake Biluft.-- The e«xplanation wat made by the: father of the young m &n . 1 Youwe Qusrie--sccostine. o as / CHILD ANNOYER father, graduutm'] {from the Deerfieid-- TELLS OF OLD ILLNESS Well Known.Reformer of Lake Forest Tells Cause Of Son's Actions n SON WILLIAM WAS NOT RESPON&IB T some'im« to Snss $ s ts \\ '\\'\V' \\\3 SEXA L. m iz 3 * P a ens eemanmntin sn t in B Wigitr tm ne Ne --npen * use s i 'he only hope may in time ofi his child iy refer® to Inover as & _ dectares io war be-- e war and igh of war & e W he : found "& ho «o ol be sem ied to from OBbe to : <on'ty years The jury was obtain by States Afforney A Asslatant States Attor BlOGKk late yesterday . It ts# th» opinfom ot that the jury wR on time indeliberatinmi¢. ml'un, singe _ b. break on --with tw®o ( Mortison once Jive Wisg and said that | there, Morrison, in dAefense girl had asked him : purchase candy with had stopped at the ber the money. He fend#d by Attorney \ na, appointed by the ¢ Helen Walker, 8, was she ran to DeJoug's, v er, John, set out and c Fred Morrison, Wha Did Time _In Waupun, Accused By Lit-- ------ Ate--Elizabeth DeJong -- Elizabeth, from the stan| said that the man enticed Rer into a deserted lce cream stand> along > road. Morrison is «harged with taking in-- decent Hberties with little Elizabeth DeJong, 8, of Milwaukee roa~| The act took place about a year az> and Mortrison has been in jatl sinc> then He was ré¥cued, from a posse nf farmers, who threatemed to kill him, by Deputy Del Weale anl doputy John Froelich. Fred Morrison. a pint sized man. who served time in Wapun,. Wis. for taking imdecent liberties with chil-- dren, is fighting off & second sen-- tence this afternoon in th®e circnit court, with every prospect that the Jury will get the case before 3 ) o' clock. GET that wer® raised. Asst. States At torney S« H. Btock, fot the trounty today filed the petition for rehearing asking that points raised by the coun ty be giren favorable consideration County Treasurer Ira Pearsall, oul . +C DUD'L behalf of the County of Lake, in mel e s 0 _ f case brought against the St. Paul e j -- 3 railread for taxes, bas filed in mei Eifld Aged Ma supreme court of the state a petition |. Freezmq wmh for rehearing.. In the Lake county| $Smajj cm' eourt--&a.descision was brought in fa-- } ---- -------- P vor of the county of Lake. The 8t X Paul road, by Attorner--E:--Y¥.--QGrrie, STUDENT . IS counse!l, took an appeal t5 the su * ~%® *« preme court and the local judgment | Death . by freering was reversed as the high court held |Of a Cosoner's jury a with the railroad on nearly all points |the dcath of Edwar --*--The Legacy-- ----_---- TO KNOW FATE BY AFTERNOON 8AVE aught by the JURY TVUESDAY ST. PAUL CASE) LAYS DEATH TO 2s Boup: iT 13M4, ri ith her. angq| *ete staied to be about _ 229,000 e the fath | pounds sterling. or more than a mil-- h+ the man | lion dollars. His sole assets wore a id that the| némber of bad debts. + i nickle to' It is not known hbow #Wihie!ls 3i 4. that hbe| Broderick's failgre will affeet Enzlish d m 'Ive' people who have invested im hit rum being de.| runring ventures. 4 im Behan * MaJi<on In HF Should be sen-- (-- wife t and voH. m U a N € a se n | _ Springfield. HMis.. Dea "3n --Minots | teachers today will faormally name ) | Mrs. Bortha Armbrustér, Chicago, a 3 | veteran in work of the #5=~ctation, as q | president 'for 1926.~ Mrs. Armbruster -- | was chosen by the na som ;, | mittce _ yesterday. i=lu mm« ~| Schaetter, cmrw "The frst vico--president. C . to BPe el ¥re: _ 34 ' i'.':'... mgeor 8. géimd; x viiie} * ° "Hat x | riett . Berninger, * SDAY;,DECEMBER 31, 1925 _ CHICAGO WOMAN 0 HEAL TEACUERS The liabilities Oof Sit Broderick were stated to be about 250,0M pounds sterling. or more than a mil-- lion dollars His sole assets wore a nhmber of bad debts. 4 Sir Broter?k'n difficuities it was stated were due to the" combinated acttrities of the--Asmerican . anti--rum fRect and hte failure or Amferican boot-- leggers to pay their bilis. | of a coroner'a jury at an inquest into [ the dcath of --Edward Harvey, 64, at Lake Biuff, lone occupant of a small home n Shertdan Court.,Th« inquest wes held late Tuesday giternoon at \the Woenban undertaking -- establtsh-- meat io Lake Bluff. . f ~. Witpceegss included a colilege utu;' dent who lived next door to Mr. Har-- Me anid that the aged man cart home Sunday night after being away all day. and asked his he!p in build4-- tae & fire. The two kindied a :jl 'and when the etudent leff, the home was warm. he testified,. . The aged mat, &A _laborer, was reclining in a chair. Tondon. Dec. 30 --Sir Broderick Hartweli. admittedly a hearvy roser on rum--runniog venfures to the United States, was today formally declared a bankrupt, after an inquiry by the bankruptey court. i COUNT RUM RUNNER DECLARFD BANKRUPT Mr. Harvrey was an industrious la-- boréer. Ma had saved money and plan-- wved to move to a ljyrzger home. The jury concluded he fell asleop in the chair and frore to death aitor the fire died. He was found dead in his chalir the next afternoon. STUDENT . IS WITNESS Find Aged Man Died From Freezing While Asieep in Small Cottage at Lake Bluff Death by freering waes the verdict eckly SUB--ZERO COLB SeTriERFELO~ © 192 Bonari}-- Bagem Mre. Aarmy -gmauu iss . M WAUKEGAN WEEKLY $ plorcec s it" 96 while buonting wit London,. Dec. 30.--DAstp@@#s sicnals own>d by Charles Wilson #f _, were received today $FO® the = ~+m Hich Prince, o'l"" Ial --r Coropade caught Ig a solont sale Martha Moore, and " Sum oN Landsend. The OOronsjo. with sis owned by Wison, were "m~d. t3 m..aon.of.# R ermwy of 192. was| cesmm ormmenmmnemmempnicnmom s sn ie 0 0 + bound for J@ A . ( C »fa Efforts t Reach :"~ Coronad4o later| ce in the day Bare far byen in YRIR-- ; = esP P .# Ownere ef 0 sesses said this} cMPLE mortnifig tha <«ov Jhed jast heard * 1 s Al Mm.'} % [ on Ptesday .'cHl'rnoolJ A y titme h No casuaities were reported to day. Two hotel#, a power plant and l' pler were '"H'o"e»l by the fiames, and the town's chiet watér main was« | burst ~by the explosion ol a~ gato STEAMER HIT BY ------ TERRIFIC Ocean City, Md., Dec. 30.--fnvesti gation to determine the origin : the $350,000 f'se which swept »o~-- yesterday continued today as a :-- sult of reports that the cblaze was of incendiary origin. line tank Springlield, I!!.,. Dec. 30. --Spring: fle Elks are Taced with a receiver-- «hip for their imposing new build-- Ing -- of ~with--retinancing--the--#tree ture. Interest on the building bonds is due Friday aog the club has in-- sufficient funds --to meet the pay-- ment, club officials bhave told mem-- bere. The tangle w!ill be httacked at a merting of stockbhoiders January 6. PROBE ORIGIN OF ---- OCEAN CITY FIRE SPRINGFIELD ELKS . + FACE RECEIYVERSHIP The> Chinaman, Tom Joe, was a cbe: in the restaurant operated bere by Mrs. Semones. _ Norioik, Va., Dec. 30.--Afler nearly seven years of legal proceedings in city ctreuit court, in which a China-- man, later the victim of a Tooz war bultet, wat named co--respondent George W, Simmons, Norfolk mer-- chant, today had an absolute dfvorce from his wife, Bessie, now iiving at Imytogq, Ohio. ' NAMES CHINAMAN IN DIVORCE SUIT PGthes 407 P uy ts Areni + o dae > * SCns cn i nc c mhls intninagnce in i .04 0P " "!'.. "t" n' -- ts a uh in "according to W.G. Kuhiman, collece{fgchh .:: :fi' ive~ + : bure of agriculture, University of Nlinois. ns the laws: TW_ t More< Considerable sums' of money are thed rariouely m'..ut:; p« have c F up in farm machinery and deprecia-- the Couzous cofmmittee aud offichig tlon of this equipment is rapid. M'Q! the Zrea--ury as ranging from $1,. points out. Another loss of money 000,000,000 to $3.000,000,0060 since Iny to the owner is machinery that is out outbreak of the war. .Mf C M of order during the busy season, Kuhi-- *Thé\\ Auance ° committee," + man says. . Smoot "will hear Semat m *% "Losses such as these in the farm committee and any . Suggestions _ c profits can best be kept gown by re |recommendatiorn for revising & pairing and overhauling firm machin t"u'u',g teatures of 'm w ery at this time of year.sBy this means will be given careful consideration. ® unnecessary depreciation because of Senator F »f Mic! RA0,4 ne@té aU be g¥eq 0 C 'm'" o( he "'ul -- o j : b'rnfl'mh'mfio rusb 0'+m mw h uT: '.'!,. apring work has started. Ropair work cept. the finance commhtre's ip é also is a means' of using available tio.n. s : s labor proftably duripg the winter." * SE mW Inlabie mt ces us o t To d o l = "Losses such as these in the farm profits can best be kept Géown by re pairing and overhauling firm machin-- ery at this time of year.sBy this means unnecessary depreciation because of | TT\ TW 7 Wed 3¥ o0 2 up 198 mre masrady, ; 3 % vaetr / Paing m Mess io. anel bar =4} the:-- commitiebe _ * He. sBiech 4 ducer "Than in' bygdne" yours. | subjects of gorernme t:loases q the --same--tme----this oguipment _ is revenuss t isfat@rpretati meonaéiig the profiis e seoma "'T'"' fi?ttu.%' nlings by-- upomeding to W. 81. Kublinan. colleRt Soiticinls aud alleged laxity in en of agriculture, University of Ilinois. ing the laws. 'These fosses have@ Considerable sums' of money are tfed variouely estimated q memberi up in farm machinery and deprecia-- the Couzrous committes and Ofi tion of this equipment is rapid, b€ fa; the Zrea--ury as ranging from points out. Another loss of money 000,000,000 to $3,000,0600,000 since to the owner is machinery that is out outbreak of the war. ~* ,% of order during the busy season, Kuhi-- 'Tho ' fnance ~ committee" _ man says. . } She dgid not contest the suit. CAT WITH wor -- hed last heard | on Puesday afternoon. thipg to indicate at that e« was troubte, 5 & m'l" i >Ta | caused & fArs w o barn MAE the (air gt { tned Ave hot e hors--es Gestro I:«l at $2,000 an %;.0»~, owned by R. n f ca ¢ Biue Stona $3 $:.0,. owned by WT tan'a WKv ~and -- W $1.50 PER YEAR. IN |-- Berlin,. Dee.-- 34 --la ! Germany ed the ;aiftieia} The wl € | those were Amendments to exll"ll lh® to vent these losse«. Jue not to . but to ruiling withia the Nn' be offered := the tax bill a ¥ Anance committee's Weartsgs,. . It jaet~t y the commitkee, it was the fieht will be carrled to the RACE HORSES DIE IN BARN F ances was studled.'" One instance, Investigators sald. involved the T ed Statem Steel mm?'a weh the Government lost tarta~"throough «a m tion whrX w4 Belale in and out o t partment § in ~-- Cliloue-- is "1 deny the contention that the. ternal revenue burs%n is body," aaid Cousena, "It ust the rules latd dows by~ congress ai I intend to ace to 4t--that the law obeyod." .. _ © ho .o Tnn-c?fi_fi'm to amortization allowantces granted the Ihternal revenue -- pureay, Wertk ported 1to tha Courwors committee special investigators during Ito el Ing inquiry. A . total~--of approxima Ca se# law of congrems to please h He complained partitcularly compromises allowed in disputes the meaning of the law and is "Members &--my caommittee * pear before the finance com * and urge pur 'recommend ns .4 woppmz leaks in the zevenne said Couzreus. "Qur recommenda will deal with amortization ments, compromises entered -- into B¥ the inpternal revenue burean : a lial assics«mints, the han l cases" £84 :the pudu"«,:t values upou natural resourgts," ¢ Couzens declared his ommendations would be a | eftumrinating ot * m the internal. revenue' S fl which minor oTicials Inte New Ofleans, La. Dec. 30I c en To iv at $1%9806 used & fAir~ which destroye tm * the fair grounds MA tned Ave horsed to e hors--es Gestroyed I~l at $2.000 and Son m~. owned ')' R. H. M' & Biue Ston«a $5,000, o~. owned by William H. H .a, Ky.. and "'h " W I 'the fl year trative powery' bureay. cs t o .T hidhortsbed " fl.t",,Sm?.U. ol-- Utah, --cbairrean, '":;'NP:. that dua & m':laq conim it woul ¢ "caretal $ Sideration ~to m&-'.d.u...._m ic Couzena gegua 1 committ plusging | "leakg*, Abhe . tive featurés of e rxi.l Uic> The Courenk 3 ®pent two -- years atudying the a %:lL.'firiu:: ol tax I% wHI be gi earipg P!MM 3 M h "3rcromic o oo +xr zfi'v'{uan-fim rcumsu.&wfl-- -- ~LOST 3 BILLIO] -- "~JNTAX LQ Washington, Dec. 8 \[):':.urgel that the G 199 trom one to three .'._.'7)\1~ Shusnkt Wik-- the Sehtate ho were n «Lowh -- h Ts, 7 oxld "careful ®" \to N&:u-umu year in ec.._ $0.--In the face the Government has a pe rem )e -::7.'3'.'. 8 _ Interpret thy * ie themaelre=. * warly _ againet . s oA l o m -;"_7'1!" Beo:- ee of billion dollirs In Tax