hi 2 99 4o Ei AArmied Rtasident and vice w * i~ut uf * Kited States. 8¥3 94e 6 ratificd Tale of e ts Thked oanarsiis 'of 3. i F 4 'hnkllo' Preai 3. se of Warrea to "'r € 4# to % # sB -- 9 a ppointed ~~*~~ Brown. 4# o'infl' _resalution a4-- g.\. try . Into world i Persoug held Feiky "of ta ;mm se mime cor @ . Interstate: comme: e M mbars _ of t gorofrig t t Rreiifpeese inols to hnrt'n-' co--sperative a subdtitpts for Capper-- Metté third pa '"withdrawal of Kepan in the--P3«iAs. furine hold." revartiek ipy _ Deby . exonerated e se anuooon gdte on q * a announced wk of United 8t ironological largest afr-- m *A sb lin tw Pret 10--Episcopabian bouse of deputics '33 to drop I;W' "obey" from wedding Oct. 1?--Bis Brown deposed from Episcopalian mh" s ; lieut. Cyrus Bettis, U. & A.. won Pulitzer trophy in record time in Mitchel oct. U -- Preofient . Cochides accupued Oct » acrept resignation of J, W. Wnu':a secretary of war and appointed D. F. Davis to suc-- of active service in army because of his v:rmr-'Qt..,m Wisconsin Republican* -- for United :I'.ho senator; W. G. Bruce .o-b-'l -':'. n-#'-anr. air -- Investigation held Arst session. --KeHNoge canceled vise of Sakiatrala. British Communist and deie-- Kata to Interpafiiamentary union. . Oct. $--Convention of American Legion apened in Ouiaha. _ _ C Oct, rfnfldflu Coolidge adAdresseA A Legion convention,. urginge tol-- erance, and adequate defense without )--~C. Sanaad An --rewi¢gn ns . --lmer E. fi § coppuaiias: Oct. house of bishops af-- w of hereasy against Hishop . M. : Arkanaas. & Oct. ohn MeQuige of Cleveland, Ohio, was elected commander in .chief of. the American Legion, York by PDemocsats, defeating Mayor Hy-- lan. F. D. Watermag nominated by the __g M. La Folletts, Jr.. nominated by 99 29e Taore io Mgciare $0,00 wort! of 'Dr. '."& Clark, ;J:'a., and ~for 4 Sept. 13--Col. WHlism Mitcheli retleved wes ence ?..a In Locarno, Switzeriand. -- Oct. 1--International commission bagan mocoreuicrrin neveos" 24e ror ronatng M-z:nm :':u to vmm: States. 'nt tes troops, at request log""':'!_"!'l'." _of Panama, entered _Interpariiamen!ary _ Union _ sessions opened Washington .'%'-,&;'.'."'P!'! security pact confer. Bept ¥--United States--Canada agree-- ment to suppress smuggling ratified and in effect. &z' 24+--French _ debt _ commission hea by Calllaux arrived in Washing ton. C Germany accepted allies invitation to security pact conference. 80 _ adjourned. _____ _ Oct. 1--Caillaur's offer on Fremch debt ralecied but he 1DPOk back American offer to nccept $40,000,00) a 'nu for five years when negotiations wiit be resumed. Rept. 12--Allies fnvited Germany to security pact conference, Bept. 192--Mosul gispute referred to The Hague court by l)'Tn of Nation®, Bept. 72--Great Britain amvd Turkey. befote League of Nations, vioiating the Mosul frontier. Rept. 'b--Aunfl-'-: _iu'l;;n";;'na Great Britain ne iclal repre-- sentatives to Lfilrp Into the Shanghai m;m"'onu w powers and China refu to co--0operate. . 'lom. 7;n"nhlo -nnm:m'nmml;ly of eague of Natiors in Geneva; benator Raoul f'lngr'rnnd of Canada elected president. > lg:o hundred Spanish troop«s killed by Rifians in attempt to land near Adjir. Bept. @--Spanish armiy efected tand-- ing in Alhucemes Bay alfter hard fich* with RiMéare® Capture 6f Tetwan threat-- ened by Rif forcer Augk. ii--French and Spanigh warships and planes destro ANQI.Knm." «* ::"' farital 'sf Virak.yoar Dasen in "Caned #ith y ce -- bermaek to ulsnd *epateiated Aug. 3--Greece prepared to Invade Bui-- garia because of murder of Greek mer-- chant in Nifih. Aug. 3--Uni * .uul! marines evacu-- ated Ihmmr years Aug, &--] lan debt commission ar-- Two treaties of Washington cenfer-- ence relating to Chf:;fl:m and upen door went into ¢ -- + lued at $90,80.0%0, _ _ ~ _ .;'arx.u Pol.ah given chief command in Morecce. congress in Vieanm ::u-l-n.rau o _ Aug. 1$--Agreemen newan' seeels Unheiatlts" repched. tnterest un CAT bbiigations canceled Aug. &--French and Beigians evacuated Duu'ql'offl, wpburg .'n'rlloll':fl. the rived in United States. _July 1--French reported Ise of Rit-- Amne rmr ten days dThuu. but eva ted. two towns. 'July 10--France ratified the Washing-- ton ties concerning China. July'l:--lmuu begao oftensive against Freanch on X® mile front. July M--French in Morocco repulsed Rifian offensive after evacuating sev-- Aug, "--"nxl' ch and Spanish armies united for dri on Rifians. Aug. -- 12--Germany asked that United lebt settliement terms to Framce. Aug. %--Great Britain renewed fuf liplomatie relations with Mexico. Aug. :i--French and Spanigh warships sanction cities _ Kov, 2%--Major General Patrick, head of army air service, in annual report scored revoked by governmeht. Nov, #--All parmits for© wine> making marked by great Great President of Chile . 5) 5 ___| June &--Seventsen men killed by mine Oct. ®--Premier Painleve and the QM Ky. tthrlb&nme o1 persons, . mostly nance Miniater {linux refused on their way 1e oo ainl "aealin "Mad® Sits 11e Preree Ailee $A Tok arell onl Re Pabileve formed new French| Junse ®--Banta Barbarsa. Cal.. wrecked Aug. 22--Seven Exyptianse executed for m-r&r':l ~hL:' Btack, the 'fa'm. Sept. Boltv congreas election of Villaneuva as m& -- June 1$--Amundsen party arrived at Mtlbgnl safely. Flew to withib lees tham miles of pole. lost one plane and returned in other. June E--Greek government cverthrown by military --and naval revolt and new pne Instailed under General Parigaion June M--Pingrios became premier of Jame ®--Sheik Sald and :1 other la-'n- of the Kurdish insurrection ex-- ecuted by the Turks. July B--Leaders of Turcoman revolt in Persin executed "Au. &--m.:'nm{: 'r.cvo:'t" of Druses in rim t re Auc..g-m I'Z.-u of Turkey by _ presidential decrees divorted his wife, Latife Hanoun, and removed aill restrictions on women's> dress. July 19$--Druse rebels in &yria bekieged the J!rnch garrison of X¥, in the fortress of Suedia. July #1--Premier Da Silva and cabinet of Portugal resigned Juarte 11--Presbyterian,. Methodist and Congregational churches _ of _ Canada merged into United Church of Canada. king of Spain uncovered June 17--Viscount Poullet formed new Belgian ministry. April 12#--Former Crown Prince Wil-- heim of Germany found not guillty of April M--Fleld Marshal von Hinden-- "!!2'1'9?"'_'_' President of Germany. l ersal mhnbood sulfrage bill. }1:nb $--Turkish cabinet naro' ow -- '1ulmmmnv'n Greece, &--Panams made peace with San Blas Indians l'uk." Pasha again made premier of urkey. x March #--Tacna--Arica boundary ds-- pute Mt:onctauo.n.ohrg',mw vanced final solution decisggon of President %oolldco ibat the uiltimate 4:::!0.- of co:::-to' province should w -- . lmh'..'%cuny failed to elect President in mmhr election, _ March _ 1#1--New cabinet formed 'iv M. 'l':_k-bob. pfi Preinler Theunis and cabinet um * Aprit .--rnm.l von Hindenbure nominated for President of Germany by Nationalisie. April 10--French cabinet. defeated in senate on fnancial bill, resigned. \ April 14--Communists attempted to as-- sassinate King Boris of Buigaria. $® Reds executed April 15--Paul Painieve made premier of France. '""fi' machine expiosion in Sofia mAmM 16--Painievs .l:r'-?" w French ne abtnet with ('u'uu as minister of n ud relell emind. Senders caprorng."" re ut In-- Belgarn' Shoer mardei _ lnw: ord--or--~Events--0 . W. PICK ARD of (s C "" We March 16--Thousands killed by earth-- quake --.in central Ching, kil}ed ~Feb. _ Dec. #9--King All of ";'i;i;:;' _abdi-- cated_following capture of Jedda by the Wahabls. * Jan. --Berious Boogs in southern statem. = Feb. 1--Mine .Rm at Dortmund, Germany, killed Nov. B--Anthracite miners _ accepted Pinchot plan for ending strike. British seamen's strike in Australian ports ended without gain for men. Nov. .--Ohh'fo cemetery . @orkers went on etfike in five m'afig Anthracite operatore rejec nchot plan for ending strike. _ -- _ Dec. 14--Ftefch manufaecturers oft-- fered to momlco nation's industries for $406,600,.000 joan to government. wotnen. * 1 e g 0 N6 Nov. 1--8 M. Felton resigned a*t r dent of Cmr:ro Great Western ral)s Col. N. L. Howard sueceeding him n tinat Armrone migimer "soly Naw scted _ Oct. B--Americas Federation' of Labor turned down all propositions for co-- M"O?.:":' R.:-ha t;n'c unions and F t soviet government; mc Green and 'other oficers re-- can Federation of Labor opened in At-- lantic '('"'.M -- Oct. $--Chirago Board of Tradb adopted @Tingent rules to prevent market ma-- nipulation, as demanded by Secretary of A&kultun Jlardine _ Oct. 12--RBeamen's strike called of in 'ago, wholesa} + rd bought by Carson, Pirie, '*'3 0:" terming a 11000050 a year combination. Oct. 3--Jurisdictiona! dispute between brickinyers' and Mn'r?-dou that had long tied up bullding construction o far Sr Ware, Usparel and Continentat mer of Ward, Ge Continen tai '&'g; _companles announced. . Oct. E--Italian -- comfederation of in-- Industry, representing vn;!oycn. and confedetration of Faecist bor unions. Jardine dlamizsed federai charks aeminet margar of Armou: and lmm sls " wheltenis. urr 'qoodk. "ourbt by maue, RSUStrme of an Oxtahoma cont _Bept. 1--Strike of a2 miners be-- AaAug. 2-- t Lewis of the miners inswed _ -3"":."' anthracite strike on Feb «abinet ortr--fAfth annual convention of Amerl ted ta'm'v o mt Cenmmen ECC v, inh onbinat "h'm, Wae ¥¥ , w:'hu rebels won battle in inon and captured several towns M--Earthquake shook Mine explosion at Suillvan. Ind on in ports of all killed in nts --of 1925 -- ';lm. rnko ds Pasguall, opera diva, _ April $--Archbishop Alexander Christle iic:.x *--Bishop Wllllam A. Qua of §. m" 1 church; .tqhn.'tn. Makrch 11--Dr. Bun Yat--fen, first presi-- dent of Chiness republic, at Peking. March ®--Marquis Curson of Kédieston Feb, 3--Robert C. f'io'? former pres-- léent of Western Union Telegraph com-- pany . Feb. M=J. 1. C. Clarke, veteran news-- u'" man and playwright, in New York _J. E. Martine, former senator from Feb. 1%--Dr. Marion Le Roy Burtorn, "J""m.b:'ml:'lmdtxm:. hor a mes . P Feb. u--:{. Gen. James H &lflm last of Civil® war corps vommanders Feb.-- M--Hjatmar . Branting, . former premier _ of Sweden, Feb. &--Mediii McCormick, 1U. 8 sena-- tor from lilinots. _ Fub T=Thomas W weon. former RBoston 'mm-, . Lawskon. _Feb #--Adam H. Dickey, legder if Christian @rtence, in Boston. publisher of . Chicago Journal Jan. ?#!--Fljeld Marsha) Baron Grenfell. famous British soidier. Jan. #--George W. Cable, -- Amerjcan 6. n _ Lane. English "publisher eb. n#, . ----;oh m Fleischmannm -- million-- abre of ©Cihcnnatl, a M mm 1 B:.h 0 * -- * 'Feb. 12--Mre. Clio H. Brackes, Amer! can sculptress. Feb. 1$--Fred W Upham of Chicageso former national treasurer of Republicas party. 0 _ _ _ Camn -- *M. H _ De Young. founder and pjb lisher of San Franctsco Chromicte. Jan. t4--Archbishop HMenry Moelier of Catholic diocese ef Cincinsati. R J'-.r:. 6--Guernsey Moore, American artigt, * Jan. %--Georgs W. Belio®wn" Americas Feb %#--Friedrich Ebert, president of 3 _ wovy, Ji«BFItISh m of ® lost in English « f 6 lost in English channel _ _ _ ?Nfl. 1#--Ctyde-- Mflm burned oft Delaware coast: M passengers and crew Nov, 12+~British submarin KF u350 , svaliiie Nov. 13--B. D'm- Ohto. L uce ow (o% io -- cartoonis Domicio De Gama, Braztilian states man. Nov. 10--A. J. Earling, forther "Mt" C. M. & 8t P. rallwag, -', waukee _ __ _ _ _ T --42~ banker of Milwaukee, ~ _ _ .___ =-- _ __ Nov. 17--J. Campbell Cory, whll knovn Nov. $,Ira O. Baker, ME l sor of civil engineering at of 1iHnots, K Hsber of filx i'kr 'ribune. ~ Khai Dinh nw-mnAmh. YR(;V. C 1-- Ebklfld. Gerty -- daow, or nancier. ' * f Prof. Nordhages, noted Kor architect T. .HM. Preston, veteran Canmdta tor ««Wrance man 7""' * 1 Cw ie t o Oct 3 T;% publisher oft Etude, in PBb h = ():! N--M. E. Aflcs, W" Nationa! bank of Wl:'l j Gen. Felix Agnus, veteran army Nee polfin ioi ogeopnage or mer er Oct rxu L ':_th'o v s jJournalist, in D& Gen. M. W. #.-:'11-« Pussiaa comimizsar for waf. * * Nov. b--Dr. Samue! Tokie, m emeritis of Aiblon M P emeri N e Ada Lewis, American actress, ' '.l.; "huu SBingh, . mabarajab of & mir. RHept. _ B--Leon _ Bourgeois, . Freach t2 te@m a n * 'ocq, 1--William H. Sertves of Chicage, promibent rallroad executive, Btephen Rmm t & {. xk at "Hattie' Oct.. T--Christy -- Muthewson, famous c tb lame B Duke tobarcep + . Mme® . nate and phllasthropist, in New a No w Sla Legima n Toledo, Obls _ Bbept. D--Marquis Fat "ut" Clb lawyer and civic m' i ky Wr Francis Darwin. scientist and im Sandow, famous Strong maB, m T * Oct, IL--Gen. Iszgac R. Sherwood, ongresaman and Civd wwna Nov. 1?--J. Campbell Cort, well k» doonint in ie 0 Ho e Reymour 'Cromwell, Kew YTork bunket "hay foptms ot m 'Henry O M. W. Frines, SBovist Russun insar for war. a g:--» khfr. Samuve!l Tickie, tiuis of Aiblon college, $--P. A lA?':dfl of Balt Lake T J -- I Ninkh empetor of Annam, £ ._ 1--Eidridge Gerty -- daor, Ne# financier. * . . _ Nordhages, noted " 14 Preston, veteran Canaotan edi-- thlhnu.rcm' at, im mfi Y ork.. fienmue! X,