Tess than $1,000. ~--. . -- _ _ |bave piled up even a perpent-- | If; he werlt there the 15t) . Whe fire broke.out in the attic of|age of high voltage &MM uvobeunvc:.cr«m to h being attributed to an over=|did in his female disguise in "Char--| He and Miller were se heated chimney. Mrs. Wells. who|ley's Aunt." Chales "Chuck" Reisner| from four to twenty year ives on the ground fioor, feared that|directed this picturization of the well | out of tWe rdbon on. the the family residing upktairs might|known novel and play of Harold Mac| White home at Lake Fore m them. was over--| _ ___> Sk Franklin ~Patterson, of -- L ~Yy Th 'fl%fi nd| 7 i was involved, and he conte I * ,:._ TY .. Ts " h * & \'. TORSR 'X;_L..n L1 Tok cs .'.I_.:'_.'_'.::._..J '.';.-s"..;' sc _ Adoiph Francke,. captain. of South fide --fire Dept: nad~'t:clgse qscape ron M Friday at 9:45 a. m. when «h explosion bf gas cccured in the Geo. W.' W home, 822 ~Besley --Place, where'a fire had broken out. _ The orce of the blast . hurled Francke lown a flight of steps and through a door which was smashed into kind-- wood by the passing of his body. M l ol o rmt hoh Nes t :b vas s Francke Burned About Face And is Blown Thru -- "Bhor notse Br _ ~--FKOUM * i s AsEAPLOIN [ . ' _' a possible 24 hour day. ,ln Emergmcyf.uu at any time, *4« use SNOW 306 . .. OUR EQUIPMENT RENDERED --~----100 PER CENT SERVICE! ,:'* conditions which" froze up and 'm dtul o'lnratlbttrying to operate. house, it is estimated,. will be not a than $1,000. _ > -- neke's face was scorched painfully, . bair and eyebrowt were singed A SERVICE MAINTAINED FOR YOU _~~AT ALL TIMES IN EMERGENCY / CASES. * A CALL IN TIME GIVES YOU SER-- _-- VICE DURING SUCH PERIODS. During the past sub--zero wave, our cabs his back and elbows were bruis mmununu 8 _ lead pipe counnected with is meter in the attic to melt off, eleasing a quantity of gas which the room and exploded when it in contact with the Aames. -- from the burning building when stairs when the occured. hurled all the -- way down the seding aid to stalled and frozen motors. NOW'S I"back to get'a chem for 21-- hours out of * and 6@th, Syd Chaplin..who is being starred, ~impersonates a flirtatious maid in --one sequence, and is said to Tuesday and Wednesday, 'January 5th " Phe Bré hummed un . -- hp | _ Miller and Patterson, 'with one oth-- &" fire burned up . through 'or . youngk:> man., --were in ®~more re-- mat I mtame® amment w rooes | tons rmene m Pare Tereat, in, nmon and considorable oaiete 22" L0z [ Cab driver. but the driver wrested before the fnally' .was @XtU | ie gun frim them.and turned them sc CC uxc cks '--H.; DT SAV TV TAE VY ".r to tu m T + 1 c ~The Leo Drinkwine Tamily resige on the second floor of the house. -- it was necessary for him to have med-- in "THE MAN QON THE BOX» -- | ans any future. action. He is -- 'A\\'vmg Picture.. n l"..'fi';.";".?i'?'.'i' .H."['.'i"'L&? ~306 SYD CHAPLIN hed garages in A frolilc dance will be given by the Melody Boys in the Deertield Masonic Temple Saturday, Jan. 16. '\Mr. and _ Mrs.--Lew Sophker . and dhildron --Aiden, Ruth and L J;, Mr. At the annual meeting of the Deer-- field Masonic Temple Assn., held Frl day,;Dec. 18, the following were elect-- bd td office for 1926." President, Con-- bad Uchtman; vice presideni, Edward-- Begert; secretary, RAw. Belig: trea> urer, Richard Abrams; directors, Wai-- ter Lange and Charles Mteiner. 4 The Progressive Club will meet on Wednesday, January 6, at the bhome of Mra. E. L Vineyard of Grove Faurm A 'masquerade dance will be given by the Progressive Club Jan. 2nd. R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0o Hakgle were maried on Monday. They will reside in Highland Park. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Genkle and three Aaughters, of Galesburg, ore spending the holidays at the 8. 8: Love home. LeRoy ot Galewburg, Mr. and Mra: L Roy Hutchinson and Mrs. Fletcher, of| * Chmoago spent Christmas at the 8. P. 'The . Enger family spent Christmas withk Mr, and Mrs. Edward Bingham in Chicago. Honor roll puplis --in ~the Deerfield Grammar school are: Righth Grade-- Annis Warner, Virgisia Newcomb, Margaret Galloway: Seventh grade-- Olive Frantz, Marian Taylor, Ruth Frantt; Sixth grade--Grace Sherman, Donald Clark, Mary Jane Galloway, ILmdille Wright; Fifth grade--Samue!\ LDaniéle. Evelyn Williams and Doris Itn.(hlllc.putnded.lucbeu' At the home of Mra: P. Hameetman in * 0 0 0 00 0 0 0000 0 0 0 o Trom four to twenty years, growing out of the r&n on the F.: Kdson White home at Lake Forest. Besides : Miller . and -- Durand a Franklin ~Patterson, of Lake Bluff, was Involved, and he Zontessed, turn-- Ktrs: --fu 13"'"0 ht iten n ntiiel. Cc ons Mitter Should Serve As Well ' As Her Son, Jack. -- receiving congratulatons on the birth of a son, on December 19th, at the Hichland Park Hdepital en Mn t e s1 3e iloets 3 0 SPc co c e Mre-- ll'-?i Bingham, of CN.QJ was hostess to Ahe Matrona' Bridge Club on Wednesday. ' .n'ofléf;n aEg'gcou Dm;h.u'i[":;enbi sent to Pontiac or Joliet it is under stood. she will take --no further action. Jack. went . to prison Nov. -- 16, which means that he does not get credit for the 16 days'" in November: If; he wenrt there the 15th he --would have been given credit for a month. He and Miller were sentenced "to The Rev. W. J. Ryan celebrated his allver Jubilee at Everett on Sunday. Miss Dotothy EKadgs of Sault 8t Marie, Mich. is apending the holidays with her aunt Mrs. Burns. mother,-- Mrs. Scott Durand,of €rab tree farm, Lake Bluff, who is con-- sidering -- the advisibility "Of ° taking the matter to the supreme court on a writ of error., 6 s mmyflu:fldhtm.'g Miss Murtha Kartch was the Christ +o Cr + Wisconsin. C# Mr. and Mrs. J. Dorsey left on Tues day for Mnnesota, where they exepect ~ spend sevéral months. Miss Irense Rockenbanch,; of Lan sing, Michigan, spent the holidays at the 'home of --ber {ather, Mr. George Mr. and Mra. Géorge Sampson and daughter Betty Lou'o. Chicago. spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. John HushlL s | Mrt. and Mra-- Clifford Hammer of :llb.l::l' n-'i'&:tvvad' e r. Mre. t. --Mr.--and Mra._F.--C.--Biederstad+ and Missa Frances «pent Christmas Eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard Gibbe and family at Ravinia. --Mr--and Mrs--¥ : Latbahn spent *®mas Eve with the Senlor Labahn't at Evan-- «ton, and Christma#s day with Ir.énd Mrs. J. Dougherty and family in Chi-- Guests at the Elmer Schmidt hom« on Saturday were Miss Julla Reegan so it will be necessary for. her to g'dt other counsel, should she. so de-- ' ...'4 ® ols * James Gordon Miller's fate may She -- has not . hired an attorney, and 'Attornby John Prystalski, who defended Jack, is i}} and in a hospital ~Miss Markaret Hansen is spending the holidays © with ber parents ai their DURAND RECORD, ORDERED, AWAIT MILLER 'ACTION Miss Eleanor Meyer is spending the lidays with Mr. and Mrs. Max Euler The record of the Jack Durand Mr aAnd Chrie, Jr., J tm have ~> . | north or west. ROOMS FOR RENT--With or without ~ ~board;~ 825 North MHwaukee Ave. Telephone 285R. > fikdat s 51 21 WANTEID--A 5 or 6 room hbouse or . Aaighiow in Liertgrilie." Give loce: tiom and price.© Address Box 15, care to 60 acres, near concrete; suitable for country home site; with or with-- will do business quick, if suited; must MONEY TO LOAN--We have a comn "d.' fl."dofl:g&u on . i8 tarm or prop arty . "mm tngquiry. _ PFirse Natio:al Bank, Libertyrille -- 104 view, Miss Luelia Willyman, of Chica-- go--and Mr; and Mrs. Ethan Willman and two sons Bale and Jack, of De-- Moines, lowa spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mra. John C. Willman ~ FYred Hast has rétuarned Trom -- SL. Joseph's hospital in . Chicago, where he underwent an operation. _. & ---- Mr, and Mrs. Harry Olendort--entér: tained at a bridge party Wednesday evening. SaF f cuke .m e --girle--were th winpers -- in the doll: ~contest.aqt tbe Knagack drug store: k NT 2C B . Mr. and Mrs. Carl Olsen and two mm':mt Chrllunun »n:d _Chicago. * e of ford is spending the xg&flmx J:k parents, Mr: and --«Jessie Page, 12,272; Ida Sycken, Loraine Plagge, 9,987;~ Mary Cash-- more..9.327;. Romayne Stryker, 8914; Frances Werhane, 8419; Gene Frey, 8.081; Doris Kreh, 7,598; Violet John-- son, 7,547}; Mary Hoftman, 6,655; Dor-- othy . Vetter, '6,586; Caroline.. Siffert, €6.462; Louise Hendrix, 5,900; Rose Frost, 4,892; . Marion, Meyer, 4.163. o. . eonapmay o Tw beng 2A us a 2i g 1 7 HOUSES FOR RENT MONEY TO LOAN ° -- ![FrOR SALE--Nine Shropshire ewes 7/l£j'[8w'DayJewe[[': ' '. Bor s61, LAvergome at Jewett's Lowest Closed Car Price with Paige Hydraulic 4--Wheel Brakes! We ask ohly that you give this car an opporthnity to prove its right to be known as "The New--Day Car Kor New--Day Needs". It is waiting your inspection and tesk With high quality certified throughout by. standards from which Paige has never deviated in 17 successful years. Standard Sedan, $995; De Luxe Sedan, $1095; De Luxe Touring Car, $1095; f. o. b. Detroit, tax extra. ' The clearest vision of any closed car.> By nearly $300 the lowest price ever set on Jewett cloged car quality * [ By hundreds of dollars the lowest priced car with hydraulic brakes standard. . | Typically Jewett performance | 20% greater gasoline economy. * & 4 --# No superior at any price in wv.'datnflflntm for ease of handling. sadll Roominess unsurpassed unless you pay close to $1000 Do --you --ever gtop and consider that when the grocery boy leaves you goods that do not belong to you'he musi stand the Joss and pay.for them--not the grocer? Please realizse this. and promptly notify the store when you receive something thit does not belong es dn s enoes. ----Address -- Box --X pendent, for particulars. WORK WANTRBD--By the day, wash-- ingand cleanink. Phone 671--J--1. * Holmes, Libertyville. Phone 320--R. POR SALE--Nine Shropshire ewes, in lamb to full blood buck.~,John A. Thain & Son, Millburn, II+-- ~-- 51 3t »OR SALE--New lighting flnum.l-.--e Newest designs and finishes, AbOUt | m WANTED--Position as farm smanager .by practical, .. experienced : farmer; understands care of all stock. Refer-- WANTED--Girls® bicycle; must. be in '-- good condition and cheap for Call at Independent office, ° -- gage, due in 3 years, secured by Lib-- ertyville real estate; recently sold for §$2500. Sellers & Petersen. Phone 451. '\~. €C_H FOR SALE--Ford sedin.-- in perfect running order; new tires.. $150. or $1000 $% GILT EDGE FIRST MORT Triggs & Johnson Delivery Boys R. J. LYONS RAYMOND HAKER, EDBON SUYDAM, -- 40 4t 81 2t 2t rali nsm ~ddab h B P tssn mattses n s + K m C upe--iO e 3 OHs LeTT y ~yPen C athe" 'Shidle Hotses:. 1 breft Horbos, Jt head 2--yearold Ewes; 1 Ram. : f Bixty tons alfalfa hay, 5 tons timo-- y hay, 400 bu. corn, about 500 shocks tarnu--in field. _ >*~>.-- 5.. ---- t\ Fyll line of Farty Machinery,. includ-- ~A fot of Poultry, eto.> : **:*~=.~*~--~y=~ TERMS. All sums of $25 and under, cagh;. on sums over that amownt & gredit of 6 months on good bankable: notes bearing 7 per cent interest will: be given. « : -- A, J. SMi...--and M. C.; 8SMITH, The undersigned will sell at public' auction, on the. Wm. H. ln'lth-mt one--hdlf mile north--of Round Lake, on lowing improvement-- Bonds ~of said'year, and to transact any Village, of numbers and issues as set| ness. All meinbers m loru:"::v.mulbdtwuywo't*\ J.. & D s ( Febr , 10. 1926, and that interest!-- Miliburn, HL., Dec. 28, 1926. ~-- -- MONDAY, JANUARY 11; 1926 .| . SPBCIAL J commencing at 12%:30-- p. m., sharps the| @erles 3E following described-- personal property: | %: 8, 8, 10, 11 53 2t s3 . ~ . . Owners FRED GRABBE, Auctioneer. NOTICE OF CALL FOR PAYMENT OF mnov:u:n*r':onol. VIL ..__ LAGE OF LIBER. YVILLE * t 19 HEAD T. B. TESTED CATTLE For 100 t Bervice, &vm °o i'm"'vt ( or per cent INSURANCE THAT INBSURES. NOT AR R. G. KAPING / ON IMPROVED FARMS-- ~~~~9 and 5 1--2 per cent _ MONEY TO LOAN _ AVCTIHIQON . given--that: by au-- N _ aapanainate smy it _ .0 ¥eq Series. ';,M Nos.: $100.00--each, Total $200, . 8SPECIAL ASSESSME] Beries A--Bond No. .}. (; (Signed) _ DALE 53 2t ~--~. _ V¥ilage is ampet *b se oo 5 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT Series 3--Bonds No.: 1, 2 Beries a4--Bonds Nos. 1. 2 NOTICE --OF ANNUAL INSL MEETING---- _ The Annual Meeting of the Mutual Insurance Company-- held in the lower room of the Hall, Millburn, H!1L., on Saturd 'tQQ4 _ REAL --ESTATE gCaon uty