CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 7 Jan 1926, p. 3

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2 0 0 ~_*"_ Mrse, Lyman: West, formerly Letty | _i a.~~ Loveridge of Wtum& o;o of . the / * > Akes -..2"-" w"l m_ L of . m J | _ ~~~~ "Ing In ber sister's apartments in the . «B1 latter's .Girls' Finishing school at , f -- Atlanta, Ga. ~The shocking nows | *~-- __~ Oof ~Mrs. West's death came in & ; telegram~>from Miss Blanche Lover . .__"Adge to-- Mr. West at his office in | 3 ~* Chicago. A ' Mra.--West and her daughter Car ... Wine 'went to Atlanta to spend the §* . with her sister, Zigs Lover-- sz4 who some years ago established a girls' school at Atlanta, gn insti--| E: which Ras grown very rapidly ; since she founded it. When whe left | + JR ~Banday*--of the month: * The above arrangement of services + when voted upon was met with very apptoval on the part of the mem-- present. 1t is hoped that the « 3+ members not present at the tim t , . 0 . WIll likwise sense the advantage of the +: SPak wishes to a bear> *4 Ef« rb'fl.fl'"mlfl o. . Sm Lord's Duy tor wotship: Wor-- ___.__. Warkhington street, which for many 'years was Waukego»'s only. theatre o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 t ns PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH * lasi m'l y ® Mra.--West and her daughter Car: .. bline 'went to Atlanta to_spend the 4. with her sister, Zigs Lover-- ol who some years ago established a girls' school at Atilanta, gn insti-- which Ras grown very rapidly Chigago, Mrs. Woest was in seemingly Interesting and important matters per-- tnining to the future welfare of the eongregaion came up tor discussion. _ One matter of special the Churchgoing people, others as well as members, is the change voted in re gard to German and English services. Beginning with the month of Febru-- 'I'!.M'fllhh:l:tmfl- ery Bunday morning a German serv-- lte twice 'a month. In order to find ,:brmooonrflmumfin- mornings, it is necessary to hold mans in same S@unday twice a _ The following is the le for w' School and nmm-nm ¥b, 1926 at the (t. Paul's church. mufim 0:15 to 10:156 a. m. ' service 10:15 'to 11:00 a. m. .z' SBunday of the year. 11:00 to 11:45 every second and fourth song, praiss and prayer Great interested by the splendid at Wednesia y evening, Wible Study at & * . Franks fFuah nof T:46. Start the New Year right by | * Dt from Banks, Cash and Othe r"mflli'gw Runday, January 10,19%6. 10 :46 a. m. * 5 Veaper SBervice at 5:00 p. m. The monthy® meeting of the church «ehool ataft will be béld next Tuses :mumm' The men serve an oyster supper to the Indles of the church school staff and 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6. Church School at 9:30 a m. Adult Bible Class at 10:00 a m lowing its establishmént bere MADY | _ jyun;guy Choir will meet on Saturday | Masonic hall Dinner will be served decades ago lholn'utflpltll- afternoon at p. m. for rehearsal ',Iby the Iadies of the church, and fol-- besides ber husband is survived by Ive is the W. C. T. U. and following her graduation from the Waukegan 5 AT ATLANTA fiA!E Prominent Woman in Wauke-- | * ~FOUND DEAD IN BED In the course of the meeting many Following the service on New Years uy. the members of the church met @T. PAULS EVANCGILICAL "for winters . for _ several 'heir bome. at 733 North roaud bad been cccupled by who was with her mother Visiting. 4x Uived at 4000 , PE ETE FF PIFUCEF REVCCOT -"M #P C 'hc arranged for some future date : The details will be furnished later. EVANG. BUNGALO, CHURCH Roy M. Williams, Pastor x Bunday School 9.45 a.~m; Morning | Worship 11 a. m.; Chbrisian Endeavor lht"'""o?'noa-n"--'wfl as made to the utate of Hlinols, pursuant to law. © I, A. J. Crawtora, Cashier of the 8t ate Bank of Lake Zurich, do solemnty wwear tha' the above statement is truse to the best of my knowledge and tems and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Ao sounts, State of IlHlinois, pursuant to | aw. A J. CRAWFORD. RTATE OPF HAJANOI, COUNTT OP LAKXK, M6. /. * Bubscribed and swork to before me this 4th day of Januaty, 1924, 8 4 beautiful Kimball concert xramf!" plano has been added to our church | furnishings.-- This has been made pos-- | slible thru the many willing contrMu ; tions that have flowed into the piano tund the--past tew weeks Tho--pPBEHMOF -- wishes to-- take this opportunity "to thank all who so nobly contributed to ; bome.--at 2 p. m. -- Plan to lay aside onl m es &.... o uney wit 5s We ibome of . This fs the National week of Prayer. The Presbyterian and our church are uniting in services every night this week, alternating -- between the twp chburches. The Sunday night service Bervige 10.0 a. m. sa--~: * *y zks .q ~Our bope of adorning the altar plat | To give the plano a worthy trial a musical concert under the direction of Mr. Ewald Winter noted soloist, is be F',w been 'defined" as "that phase £ religious experience in which the w"! scomes to know God{lnd to himself, and seeks to 'become identified with the plan of God, not Monday in our church, etc. > Tuesday afternoon the ladies met in the church for their monthly W. M. 8. meeting. A part of the bour was spent in prayer for the coming Evangilistic services, of our church. > Euch afternoon this week there will be a cottage prayer meeting in some bome. at 2 p. m.-- Plan to lay aside ""OU Priduay sats the close ot the U nion Prayer service, the Adult Choir will meet for rebearsal~ ~"Rrery Member Present" is our New Year Slogan. Beginning SBunday morning at 11 a. w. Rev. Moser will be with us to con duct a series of Special Meetings. Watch all store windows for further definite notices. Plan to attend every meeting, if possible and dring some one with you. Pray much for Spirit-- Prayer: meeting-- Wednesday-- Evening ren,' tell all your schoolmates 'W'l"rumul-uuamuum On next Tuesday afternoon, January 12%, the Mission Band will meet in the ehurch at the close, of school. Child-- of Illinois, pursuant to law Loca:ed at Deer! Bervices for January 10 inday School, 9:15 a. : Statt Bank of Lake Zurich Mwol-am«m-g st"the closs of business on the . day of December A--d,otnhA"ochAmdm for himself bit for the world Loans 06 Renl EBALRUb(1R)Y.............................._coouuocccscessomseveee,. sersec cA £2M18. °8 Loans on Collatéra) SOERFitY (Mb) omm ie > $974.15 EKKE LKE CBC)...............~.s.coorucresstvrn ons veveseneertrreset encsun ravecenersursum 151,067 94 Ovrebdrnhts DJ ... <s140. oo crororevercencircaneecnaet soureous ixccersune ravers secers spune: o+ 45.29 U. 8. Government Investments (3) ........_.._......_._.__................._...._ 550000 Cupitul BEGCK (1).......................cccsupeccorscnrencremmcestee.. Undivided Profits (M@t) (B8)....:....».0..2000..000, ces h Wh ("):......a............'-....-......................... BDomated DEpORIth ABHJ----... .. :. w e»ssresivetcrercyss +rors *FStH LIRBIRUME®--.--"...:..~;... .. ....n..n0»..:..... mnnnl... OUbEK LOGRE (1CY...................l ts cc8s5:i....connnnconntiveccccsscecesssemncn.s»..... 448,011.92 OVGERHUMIEE (R).............w.... .. .o.occonnlnecenncpprcnermnn evene remnoneonnnnnneemmncnne. +. 102.46 Other Bonds and StoCke (4)........_._. ................._._.......................: 160,9986.00 Dus from Banks, Cash and Other Cash Resources (7, 8, 9)..--.... 52,456 21 Banking House, Furnitare and Firtures (6) ............................... . 10,150.00 Du# from Banks, Cash and Other Cash Resources (7, 8,9)..)...... 47.390.70 Loans on Real m ME --casvorcnss sessrrrvomvepconessc0se sucseccencencncurs sevsu Af -- B KBD. OM Loans on Collateral Security (Ib)........_......_._...._._......_..._......._..... 31,340.00 DEERFIELD STATE BANK a ##2 OFFHKIAL PUBJICATION Report of the Condition of es ce e0s eevevene (Ofbcial Publication) Report of the condition of church, on German 16 COWS AND 5 ~ | HORSES PERISH o' ASBARNBURNS A. H. Harttet returned on Saturday from Ohio, and will spend a few days this week visiting his parishioners and attending church meetings. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Slocum entertain: company Yew Year's day. Vene and Altsa Denman of Rosecrans ixteen' dairy cows and five borses were burned to death in a fire which destreoyed a large barn on the Henry Scbwight --farm oneéhal: Wile from *tiitburm earty "New Year's day. The value of the stock is plased at fully. $4,000, _ Including the cost 0f the barn and the valut of hay, straw grain, farm machinery and harness it is figured .that the total loss will be' in excess of $10,000. visited -- from Friday until Sunday with _ Several farmers in the vicinity re: sponded to the alarm but were. help-- less to render any assistance be-- cause there was no water available for fighting the flames which by this time had envelDped the entire barn. _ Efforts were made to save the livestock but it is believed that a majority of them had been smother-- ed by the flames® and smoke before the firé was discovered.> it is figured .that the total loss will| Miss Katherine Minto has returned be' in excess of $10,000. 'ot Beloit College, <to resume her The exact cause of the fire is DOL studies. & 2o known but it is thought that it may | Mr. and Mrs. W M. Bonner enter have 'been due to spomtaneous COM-- ;,ined the Botner brothers and their bustion as it is supposed to BAY® jramilies at dinner Sunday. +s broken ont in the baled straw. Po'm is the menu: Chicken pfe, A couple returning home from the} mashed potatoes, apple aalad, corn. Woodmen dance at Gurnee were the prown and witite bread, pickles, pie first ones to discovef the blaze,. TheYy | doughnuts, coffeé or tea. -- sent in au alirm--~by tetéphone add| (O)p Jan. 1st the barn on what is the members of the Schwicht f2M-- pnown as the Thayer place, west of y were notified. f Milliburn was burned to the ground. _ Several {armers in the vicinity re:| The origin of the.--fire is not. known The exact cause of the fire is not known but it is thought that "it may have 'been due to .spormrtaneous com-- bustion as it is supposed to have B-, 'f"f" sch 'cht Jm('iunvyur bntatred u;v;xflm; ; Vb lntmm: B" an had .been helpless for quite a --'-%mfl&l?finmfiut&'m' Tese T17 with Wigiet in Siftimurn cem: 4. BUL name. m 5 ~Cem-- *' T# "the Ground. ---- ~> jetery: > > s--<i0.cton-- ooo collg c e se eooomecir corrreservenscare veres §HUO UUL OM _ L a FCEKHE, verssccensnccescee: -- CyRORIET »-------------- _ £,000,00 vev...._ § 24 348.15 coomcees .. Su T 4 TD $250,051.83 $ 25,000 .06 10.000.00 1.672.38 89 43351 171329 .24 2.616.67 10, 000. 00 <# Philip Dietmeyer--was found dead in bed Monday morning, Dec. 28. Mr. Dietmeyer had been sick a long time and 'had .been helpless for quite a white. The funeral was held Thursday, Friday.eevning, Jan. 8. s o Miss Rubie Gillings returhed home SBunday from a visit with her brother at Rosecrans. . -- The church and ghurch religious so cleties metmy. January 4, for the annual & ular monthly returned Sunday from Wisconsin, to: resume tehir work as teachers in the Millburn and Grubb schools. s tained the Denman The C. E. society will hold the reg Nonpnee BrRrothers _ MOTOR CARS es at the Screen Commercial Car . Panel Commercial Car Type--B Sedan -- -- -- 1045 TypeA Sedan-- -- -- 1195 Touring Car -- -- -- «@ntoher coasttmg--and skjing party. and all had a glorious time. Miss Doris Jammison Jnvited everyore to come io her home ofter the sport On reaching there an oyster supper was served to a hungry erowd. The young people are hoping to have more of these par-- ties this winter, and wish that others might join in the sport. time. 'After the fun, everyone went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ander-- son to spend the remainder of the eve-- ning and partake of refreshments. On Wednesday evening the group met for The Christian Endeavor Society had planned to meet at the Y. M. C. A. camp at Hastings Lakefor the devo-- tional meeting last Sunday, but the bad weather interfered and the méet-- ing wagd héld at the Cbhurch, as usual. ~The C. E. business meeting will be held at the home of Mr and Mrs. Carl Anderson Friday evening. muary_. 8. The meeting will begin p ptly at CHRISTIAN ENDEAYVOR NEWS JAS. MORROW & SON WAUKEGAN These®new prices apply to a product that is far and away the finest Dodge Brothers have ever produced. They are made possible by a $10,000,000 expansion program, which practi-- cally doubles production, and materially reduces the cost of manufacture, £. o. b. Detroit to evening.and Wednesday : with Miss --r.| Helen Neabhause. Miss Neahkus re-- ,.. turned home with Miss Hoow Wet y,, nesday evening and attended the coast-- or Ing party. M |_ _ Migs Marguerite, Manzer of _Lake | villa spentra--few days last week with Miss Doris Jamison. © ; 'EFK Anderson--was a VisRone Visitor at Mill Créék Tarm Sunday aTternddf. Edward Anderson spent the week end with home folks. . Several from this vicinity atterm@ed the out of town parties on New Years eve. * 5 5 P. W. Anderson was a Kenosha vis-- itor Friday evening -- seocijal. to be given in the near future a Watch:for the date. PLATES R A"'l'm Mo Cantk MELL AthoU) Wianfin anangs] » socal). {0 96 sIYCD iD (DC DCadF iGUIUTE, Watch:for the date.. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Torfin spent New Year's day in Chicago with rela-- tives. -- * The best portion of a good 'man's Ufe--his little, namelea:, onremem-- --bered acts of kindness and love-- Wordswortn ies That Live 885 810 730 655 855 ILLINOIS $795 795 895 ©150,000 MORE TAX + wer i ------ on en aenm e 7,';5"' | -- Epringfield, M, Jan. 5.--An approx-- [imate, increase o' 150,000 in automo-- | Total 1925 Hcenses for passepger imrs. trucks, dealere, motorcycles and frailers was about 1:278,000 compared | with 1,132.641 leened in 1924. The. greatest' increase was -- shown by -- passenger-- carse, approximately 120,000 being gained in. 1925. . Truck licenses increased about 20,000, ° -- * Approximateriy . $13,000,000 will be realized from the 1925 aale of litense plates, an increase of almost $1,500,-- 000 over Jast year, Emmerson reports. All of thnouy has been turned in-- to the state treasury to be used> in figures "Issued by Secretary of State Emmerson. mLLld hes Secretary of State Shows IN 1925 THAN 1924 A t *' of Busitniess

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