_, --'Jance was summoned. ~ xu .. ----. At 5 o'clock Jangs Anita, 19..went :.* _ At 2 a m. four of the dancers €uit. --~ "dk B:BP m.;mmg thought the --___ oup donated -- ll%' ie w4 ------TAKE GIRLS --TO HOSPITAL ~ DANCE 13 HOURS [ o L wale ue K Public notite "hnby given started in a Broadway ballroom: ~ _' At 12:30 a. m..today a crowd in the balconies were applaunding as ten men G'elock--Al} young .men. The girls had all dropped out. Included in the four remaining con-- testants was M. A. Blackburn, of Birmingham, Ala. _who caine to up hotd the honor of the south. The orchestra couldn't endure the strain and was replaced by a phono-- graph,. Dozens of mneedles were being worn out. ..__At 10 a. m. the {ew remaining con-- testants were still gyrating but at a greatly slowel galt. *~*%~ . New York, Feb. 34--A world's record for continuous dancing of the Charleston was being estab-- lished here todgy. _ At one o'ciock this afternoon, four contestants, all men, were -- wearlly shuffiing across the fleor in a Broadway baliroom, having . _ been knocking knees . together since midnight. They had been> dancing thir-- &.n hours. . . 3 o'clock, the four men were still gyrating. 'The sixth phonograph had collapsed,; however, and the mu sicians, who had quit under the strain, came back to work. * Oue of the girls, who collapsed in the contest, asked Ior another chance. when told she couldn't dance as a contestant, she: trotted out on the Sixteen Start Contest But Only Four Men Are Stil Going and six young wom long, bard tramp through the wood-- DUSTS AGED STRAD FOR FIDDLE CONTEST On the death of Boone, the in-- s«trument passed into the hands of a sondalaw, Callaway, who pre sented it to a negro slave as a wed-- Slater, Mo., Feb. 2 --While others are engaging in a contreoyersy aver the award of a siate £¢dlers --cham-- plonsh . egoG,pire plonshp!, George Deer of Slater, si Danie!l Boone. % When the violin was_ the proper-- ty of oBone, the blazer of the Wi;d-- erness Trail, t was esteemed as an essential to the camp equipment and its melodies are said to have ber of the ploneer parties after a dasing off an old . Strad for hte next "Old Fiddlers® Contest," uk:h will be held soon by the to Marketing Buregu at--Jefferson City. His. old Stradivarian violin tas a history that dates definitely pack to 1710 and indef'nitely beyom!t that date. it was at one time owned by San Francisco, Cal, Feb. 3.--The Escola, a five masted schoodT?, en route from Portlaad to Sarn Frar cisco with a cargo of lumber, was still wallowing early today in the trough of buge wavres of the worst storm off the northern Califoraia coust for the last 25 years. Three v:uh were standing by to give assnstance but because of the beary seas were unable to make fast a line on the disabled scho# LUMBER SCHOONER _ --FOUNDERS IN SEA CLARA'S CASE IS _ DELAYED, IT SEEMS Rer According to meager radio me# sages, the gale" which hbas played havoc with shipbing along the Pa gific comst for the last 24 Ltnbu subsided somewhat but the seas were still running bMgber. § ' Instead of forfeiting her $50 bond. Clara Harcq gained a delay th her case, it would appear from press reports today that are as follows: Mrs. Clara Hartgq, 522 Addison street, appeared in the Town Hall court yesterday (t> anrwer a charge of disordetly mw against her on Sunday, tol} Nez artest as she was argulay w®ith a ca> driver over the tTare. The sompiaisant, Ar-- thur Greenberg. Ald not appartr and the case was sontiaousd to© Teb. 9. Mrs. Harcg, '»mr busbandt anmd her IN CHARLESTON _ CONTEST JN N. Y. , BULLETIN four left. at ten by Kay, of the - -- A vitrified tile pipe sewer pf twenty0me (21) tnch-- es {nternal diameter shall be constructed along a lige paralle!l to and six hundred sirty--seven and seventeen one bundredths (§67.17) feét south of the north line of ~~¥#Re-- saald Bection 37,.--a distance oft ong hundred sixty-- ----#uar aud sixtyseren one hundredibhs i164.67) feet from the west face of the west wall of the said filter bed by-- pass chamber at a point five bundred forty--seven and eight tenths (547.8) fee; west of the east line of the salid Section 32 to the east face of the east wall of settling tiuk by--pass chamber. The grade of the in vert of the said sewer shall be sizx bundred ninety-- . oight and fitty gne hundredths (§698.50) at the said west C en ; '-I-". pCes® 4 3 . "mt 2!" * ym t r un pte e ~ i y geoy i. *angee e o uP *4 & )h' ;'Df' vi2 2 y 1 .G * by--pass chambers, 'settling tanks, dosing tank, filter bed, distributor pipes, pump house, sludge pump, sludge Public notite is hereby given that the following re-- commendation, estimate of sost anud ordinance. was pre-- Ordinance No., 119 sented and nn.l.' at the r:';uhr ndbn:;c&n;fi:lu of Mundelein, on January 18th, 1926 .and 'Teferred to u?e Eonnum on Sewer and wn;g.wr publication in the ibertyville Independent, as vided by law, You are further notified that said ordinance will come 'before the President sand Board of Trustees of the Village of Muudelein for ';uuu- at its regular adjourn-- ed mecting on Monday, 'February 15th, A. D. 1926, at seven o'clock p. ®m..-- 000 0000 0 o0 _' AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE © MAKING OF A LOCAL IMPROVE-- ' MENT FOR THE VILLAGE OF MUN-- ' DELEIN, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, R. F. ROUSE, President of ViNage, DWIGHT L. DOLPH, Vilage Clerk. * * -- Section 1 > J That certain tracts of private property we acquired as hereinafter set forth for a site for a sewage jreat "~That a connected spstem O sanitary sewers, to-- getber with headwall, manholes, "Y" branches, connec filter bed, distributor pipes,*pump hause, sludge bed, siudge pipes, underdrains and appurtenances be con structed partly within and partly without in the Village of Mundelein, Lake County, Illinois,--and providing for the making of said improvement wholiy by special a> sessment and providing for the issuing of improvement bouds therefor. 4 . -- _ _ _ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEKS OF THE VILLAGE OF MUN-- A vityifled tile pipe sewer of twenty--one (21) inches Internal diameter shall be constructed along a straight line extending westeriy from said polnt. of oqt'jel sey-- enty--six and nine tentbs (16.9) {ee: to a manhole to be constructed at a point seven hupdred seventy eight (77¥) teet south--of and forty six +46) feet west of. the northeast cdrner of Bection 32, Township 44 North, Rapge 11 East of the Third-- Principal Meridian, tKence alopg a straight Hne extending south 61 degrees twenty-- six (2€6) minutes west five hundred sixty (560) feet to line extending due morth three hundred @#eventy--five and eight tenths (375.%) feet to a drop manhole to be constructed at a point six hundred seventy (670) feet south of and five bundred thirty--seven and eight tenths (537.8) 'leet wost of the portheast corner of the said Section 32. The grade of the invert of said sewer shall be six hundred eightytwo and forty--five one hundredths (§82.45) at said outlet and thenpnce shall rise at a wai-- form ralte to ® grade of six hundred eighty--five and fifty ome hundredths (§85.50) at the said drop mar . A vitrified tile pipe sewer of twenty one (#1) inclmes Intermal diameter shal}l be comstructed along. a straight line extending due west a disthnce af fivé (5) feet trom the said drop manmhole to the east (ace of the east wall of the flilter bed by--pass chamber. The grade of the invert of the salid sewer shall be six hundred ninety-- uit and ninety--eight one bhundredibs (696.98) at said drop manbole and thepce sh@il rise at a uniform rate to a grade of six bhundred ninety--seven (697.00) at the sald east wall of waid by--pass chamber. > >A _ face of the west wall of the said filter bed by--pass chamber and thence shall rise ata uniform rate to a grade ot--alz hundred-- ninety cight and sixty{ive on« bundredths (698.85) at the said east face of the east wall of the said settling tank by--pass chambet; all as shown in the plans and profiles attached hereto and made a part hereof. b} into the natural atream at a point seven bhundred ninety (790) feet south of and thirty> (30) feet east of tWe northwest corner of Section $3, Township 44 North, Range 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian. A reinforced P,zflllld cement concrete headwall shall be constructed t said poket of outlet, as shown on the plass aft"Iofiles artached> hereto eand made a part bereol. _ 6 . ' straight l|ime extending due west a distance of nine hun-- dred eighty (980) fteet from the west face of the wost wall of sald settling tank by--pass chamber to a man hole to be constructed at a point six hundred seventy (670) feet south of and sirteen bhundred eighty=evren and eight tenths ,1687.8) feet west of the northeast cor-- ner of the said Section 32; thence along a straight line extending m";vdn (1%4) dGegrees and thirty (30) minutes west distance *of eleten bundred eighty (1180) feet; thence along a stfZight line extending north twenty--one (21) degrees forty (40) minutes west a distance of eight hundred thirty (8$30) fest; thence along a straight line extending north eleven (11) d> grees forty (40) minutes west a distance of four hun dred seventy--one (471) feet; thence along a straight line extending north seventeen (17) degrees twenty tour (24) minutes west a distance of seven bundred d"hty-tir{c and five tenths (78%3.5) feet; thence along a straight line extending morth one (1) degree fifty seven (57) minutes west a distance of seven hunidred twentytwo and six tenths (722.6) feet;, thence along a straight line ertending north forty--seven (47) de grees thirty--nine ($9) minutes west a distancé~of ceven hundred. ninety--five and nine tenths (795.0) feet; thence along a straight line extending north eighty--three (83) degrees fourteen (14) minutes west a distance of six-- teen hundred twenty{fwur and six tenths (1624.6) feet; thence along a straight line extending south eighty--one {(81) degrees seven (7) minutes west a distance of ten hundred ninety--nine and one tenth (1099.1) feet; thence along a straight line extending south seventytwo (72) degrees seven (7) minutes west a distance of thirteen hundred sevehbty--nine and five tenths (1379.5) feet; thence along a straight line exténding south seventy-- five (75) degrees thirty--three (33) minutes west .a dis tance Of tweive hundred seventy--nine and seven tenths (1279.7) feet; thence rlong a straight line extending south sixty (60) degrees forty--three (43) rainutos west a distance --60f three hundred eight and nine tenths (308.9) feet to a 'manholfi'to be constructed at the in tersections of the center lines of Chicago Avenue and Hawthorn Boulevard; all as shown on the plans and profiles attached hereto and made a part hereof. Thirty-- two (%2) manboles shall be constructed on the said twenty--seven (27) inch sewer as shown on the. plans and profiles attached hereto 'and made a part heréof. The grade of the--inveft of.said sewer shall bo seven hundred -- lhnom h.'lfl.")utlo: DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A vitrified tile pipe sewer of twentp--seren (27) President and Board of Trustees--of --the Village of Muagelein. By : . _ '___. EBWIN RODER.___-- . _ ------------W#ILLIAM ZERSEN -- -- = j EDWARD H. BLUHM Committee on _ se Sewer and Water. ' .lines of Chicago Avenue and> Hawthora' Boulevard, ® a e ns o C en ue e Le t t n PA C + °_ _A vitrified tile pp@sewer of twonty--on6'(21) inches internal diameter shall be constructed along the center Hias of Hawthorn --Boulevard ~from --a--conpection with said manhole at the center line of Chicago Avenue to All trepches or excavations around structuges shall be backfilled up to the original surface of the ground. The back{filling shall be done in such a manner as to prevent aftersettiement. thecenter--line.--.of Crysial..Bireet; ... Lhenee . along. .A straight line extending sohbthwesterly to a mamhole to be constructed at the intersection af the center lines of Crystal Street and Courtland Street; thence west along the center line of Courtland Street to a manhole to be constructed at the center line of Archer Avenue; thence north along the center line of Archer Avenue to the center line of Crystal Street; thence--west along ge genter line of Crystal Staeet to a marhole to be '¢onstructed one hundred forty--six (148) feet east of the east line of Lake Avenue; thence north along a line parallel to and one hundred forty--six (146) feet east of the east line of Lake --Avenue to--a manhole to be con-- structed at a point two hundred six (206) feet north of the north line of Crystal Street; thence nortlhibast-- erly along a straight line to a manmhole to be construct-- ed at a point two hundred fifty--sizx (256) feet north oft t}o north line of Crystal Street and one hundred sixty (160) feet east of the east line of Lake Avenue; thence mnorth along a. line parallel to and ons hundred sizty ~(160) Leet: east of the east line of Lake Avenue to a manhole to be construeted at the center line of Divison Street; thence west along the center line of Division street to a manhole to be constructed at the center line of Lake Avenue; all as shown on the plans and profiles attached hereto and made a part hereo!f. Trenches sliall be excavated of sufficient width to afford ample. room for building and inspecting the structures they are to contain, aim for timbering, pump ing and draining, and also for the removal of any ma terial Bnot suitable for foundapions, shall be trimmed to shape wmnd secured against settiement. Where earth {ills are required to support any o(l. the sewers bere-- 4nbefore provided for, the earth shall~ be thoroughly compécted and shall be deposited so as to form «&1 embankmest baving side sivpes of one and one hall horizontal to ome--vertical extending from the patural surface of the ground to a grade level with the borizon tal center line of the sewer at lines paralle}l with and ope (1) fooi distant from the outside surface of the sewer pipe on either side thereof, from which points berms one (1) foot in width shall be formed extending from the edge of the said sloge to the sides of the se wer. hole to be constructed at a point Thirty (30) fert"west of the east line of Callfornia Avenue. Three (3) man-- holes shal} be constructed in the said ten (10) inch kewer as shown on the plans and profiles attached here to and made a part bereo{.-- The grade of the 'iavert of the said sewer shall be seven hundred--twenty--four 'Twelive (12) manhotes shall be constructed on the said twenty--one (21) inch sewer as shown on the plans and profies attached hereto and made a part herfeof. The grade of the invert of the said sewer shall be siz hundred nine and fifty one hundredths (609.50) at its point 'of beginning at the said manhole at the inter-- section of the center lines of Chicago Avemnue and Haw-- thorn Boulevard and thencé shall rise at a unform rate to. a grade of #even-- hundred fourteen and sixtyfour to. a _ grade of #even-- handred fourteen and sixty--four one hundredths (714.64) at the manhole. to be construct-- ed at the intersection of the center lines, of Lake Ave pue and Division Street. -- A«<vitrified tile pipe--~sewer of gighteen (18) inches internal diameter shall be constructed wgst.along {he center line and center Iine exrtended of Division street from & connection with the manhole to be constructed at the center line of Lake Avenue to a drop manhotée to be constructed at the center line of Grednview Ave nue. Four (4) manboles shall be constructed in the said sighteen (18) inch sewer as shown n'"tr plans and profiles attached hereto .and made a hereof lUine of Division~Bfreet as extended from--the east. {rom (724.00) at the mamhole to be constructed at--the center line of Greenview Avenue and thence shalt rise at a nuniform rate to a grade of seven hundred twenty--eight and ninpeteen one bundredtbhs (728.19) l% the manhoie to be constructed thity (30) feet west of the east line of California Avenue. eomeifaesy : The sewers herein provided for shall be .circular tu shape and--in--every instance the size etsewers ;e& ferred toq shall be construed to mean the internal di-- ameter of the completed sewer. -- The joists in each of thquvurlfled tile pipe sewers berein provided for thall be staled by being thorough ly filled with an asphaitic compound. Said asphbaitic compound may be poured bot inio the joins or a pre formed asphaitic gasket may be used. If the joints are poured hot, the {following methoé shall be ased:--# closely twisted hemp or oakum gas-- ket of such diameter as reduired to support the spigqt of the pipe at the proper flow line grade and make truly concentric joints, being of one (1) plece of suffi« clent length to pass around m'rlpo and lap at the top shall be used. This gasket shall be lalid in the bell for the lower third of the circum(ference of the joint. The spigo;, shall} then be inserted and carefully driven home. -- The ends of tie gasket shall be wrapped around the ptpe and solidliy rammed into the annular m«dmpmwa-mqu A kuitable run mer sbhail then be --a80d the-- asphaitte compound thall be poured in such a masner that the ansuliar space in the joint shall be completely {lllied., Baid as phaitic compound, when poured, shall be at a tempora-- ture of Bot }ess than two bhundred and seventy--{five (275) degrees, nor more than three hundred and fifty The grade of the invert of 'the uunrhu- (18) inch sewer shall be seven hundred fourtece® and seventy--si¢ one hundredths (714.76) at the said manhole at the cen-- ter line of Lake Avemue, and thence shall rise at a uni-- form rate io a grade of sevgn hundred serentsen and seventy--s6ten one--*--uadredths (717.7") at the drop man-- ~* A vitritied tm 'pipe sewer of ten (10) "Inclies in ternal diameter shalf be constructed along the center (350) degrees Fahrembeit. Where a pre--cast asphaitic gasket is used, it shall hare an asphaitic core which shall be encased in a fa bric casing and bavre an adhesive asphailtic coating over its surfage. The gasket shall be placed in the bell end of the pipe while the pipe is on top of the trench.~"The pipe shail then be lowered into the trench and the spigot placed in the bell of the preceding pipe which has been laid. A jointing Gevice sufficient to put a horizontal pressure of at least fifteen bundred (1,500) pounds shall be put upon the pipe forcing same home in the bell of th» preceding pipe. Should the pipe be laid in a wet tremch the interior of the bell shall be painted with kerosene or other light oil before placing gasket in socket and the spigot painted with the same ol before lowering it into the trench. _ The asphaiti¢ joint compound shall be a mixture of pure oll asphait and Vntngnl__mlcf. thq percentage of aspbait ranging from twenty five per cent (25%) to thirty--five per cent (35%) o%f the wholie. The fabrit casing where used shall weigh not less than one fifth (1/5) of a pound per square yard. The pre--formed as-- phaitic gaskets where used shall be of sufficient length to completely fill the bell of the pipe, leaving no opep-- ing at the ends of the gasket when put in place...The gasket shall be completely covered with an adhesive asphaitic coating of such consistency as to make it im-- mediately adhere to the surface of the pipe with wheh it is in contact. _ . The interior of the pipe shall be carefally freed trom all dirt or superfipous matérials of every descrip tion as the work procéeds. For this purpose a dise mold or swab fillipg the entire bore of tlie pipe, and attached to a rod sufficiently long to pass twa (2) joints frem the efM of the pipe last latd shall be con-- tinuously worked through as the laying :c(f!" pipe pro-- ceeds.._In all cases the open ends of pi and branch-- Each of the manholes herein provided for shal} be cylindrical in form, and shall have &n intermal diame-- ter of three (3) feet excopting that the upper two (2) feet shall be comical in shape, being reduced to tho (2) feet internal diameter at the top. The walls and foundation of said mamholes shall be six (6) inches thick arsd shail be built of Class A concrete as here-- inafter spacified. Rach of said manholes shall be pro-- ¥ided with a--castiron cover with .-'20 lHd as shown on the plans attached hereto --and a part hereof, The top of said manhole covers shall be set six (6) ;'Eiii"b;':'o.%orarny'cmd with carefully fitted boards or stopper® to prevent any earth or other sub stance from entering. e o a* *et. ou ~~a7 Gncrttiatt. 242. Te i. ie tamanete Aitaline in iainintt acd 1 Tstad n m,&mrm:mh.&" nat m es than the surface of the ground betore Sewers entering a manbole shall terminate at the Inside face of said _ manhole._. Sewers entering a man hole below the floor of the. manbole E-:..u be connect ed by means of inverts formed in , t bottom of the manhole. Said fnverts shall be formed so as to pro-- vide a channel which coincides with the lower half of the inside of the pipe 'with which it connects at the pdoint of connection with said pipe. That part of the channel above the center line of the pipe which it con nects shall have vertical walls. The floor of the man-- hole shall be, on the same horizontal plane as the cen-- Ler line of the lowest sewer entering the manbole. . .__.:The~--grages 'und gievattions hereinabove -- mentioneg 2t Lieen ts Tee! Au6merimale or Toat sbore Sondcloiy * Thut a complete sewage_treatment plant shall be constructed on the site hereinafter provideéd for. Said sewage treatment plant shall consist of settling tank by--pass chamber, twostory settling tank, sludge bed, industrial railway, vitritied tile pipe sewers connect-- Ihg the several parts of the plint, Iitet bed by--pass chamber, dosing tank, cast4ron pipe lines,.filter bed, under drains, secondary settling tank, pump house and with all. appurtenances.. -- Said sewage treat-- menat plant and the several parts thereof shall be constructed of the materials, in the location and to the dimensions and grades shown on the plans and pro-- '}-» attached hereto and made a part hereof, and with alt piping, --fittings, --conpections -- and -- appurtenances shown on the said plans. f Hardh un L NT SA owiik e ds is e octilenas w Ne o en | vations shall -- be-- back{iRed and the --ground restored hi its origin&l condition, as near as possible. . The nécessary excavation shall be made for the construction 'bf aill parts of said improvement to the depth ~noretsary to--Aecure~the. required grades, clevs the top of. the southeast corner of the square copcrete found«tion for the standptpe located directly under tke Village water tower about two bundred (200) feet north of the north line of Hawley Street and one hundred (100) feet westerly of the westeriy 'line of Chicago Avemue. -- --_. , w ~ __ The cemext used in the construction of the Port land cement concrete to be used in this improvement shall be of the best quaility of Portiand cement result-- ing from the calcimation to incipteht fusion of an if timate mixture of proper!y proportipned argillaceous and catcareous materials, and to which no additions gteater than three per cent (¥%) bhas been made sub sequent to calcination. The resultant clinker shall be so ground as to.produce a cement so fine that at least serenty--eight per cent (78%) of the volume will pass through a sieve having 40,000 meshes to the square inch and be s0 seasoned as to produce an initial set in not less than fortyfive (45) minutes. The fine aggregate used in making concrete and mortar shall be torpedo sand. clean, dry and free from dust, loam and> dmu of a size ranging from oue quarter (%) of an down to the fipest, and in such proportions that the vroids as determined by saturation shall not exceed thirty per cent (30%) of the entire vdlume. y Fific¢en (15) inches ..................14 inches, Eighteen (18) inches ......___........1%4 inches, Twenty--one (21) inches .............,.1% inches, Twentyfour (24) inches --.-..--.----5 Inches, Twenty--seven (27) inches .._.____....2' inches, * The bells, traps, curves, slants and "Y" junctions must conform to all the forgoing requirements as re gards quality, form and workmanship. 0 The coarse aggregate used in making concrets shall be crushed stone Or gravpl, which shall be clean, free from duast and dirt, and of a eite ranging from one eighth (%) of an fach to two and one halft (%%) inches in diameter. _ ~, ' _ Where herein the elevration of the bottom of the Inside of a sewer is given at a point which is the cen-- ter of a manbhole, said elevation shall be construed to mean--the elevation of-- the invert line of --said sewer produced to the center of said manhole, . ~ AH Portliand cement mortar used in this h.m'-:k untess otherwlse specifically provid®a nerets, ahat'c sist of ome (1) part Portland cement and two (2) parts find aggregate mired with sufficient water. _ --_ Where the Gdifferencée in elevation of connecting sewers exceeds eighteen (18) inchs the connection shall be made by means of a drop pipe outside the mamhole. A tee branch shall be get in the line of the higher sewer immedjately outside the mamhole wall. The opening in .the branch shall --be--the-- cort--sis0--small-- er than the uize of the imain sewer, The branch open-- Ing shall be turned down and a connection made to the bottom of the manhole by means of straight pipe and an elbow of ninety (90) degrees. The elbow shall be set in concréte.. All Portiand cement concrete used in this improve ment, unless otherwise specifically provided herein, shall be Class A conmcrete which shall conmsist of ome (1) part Portland cement, two and omebalf (2%) parts fine aggregate and four (4) parts coarse aggregate, mixed with sufficient water, as berein specified. . The consistency of concrete shall be measure@ by the fo} lowing .slump test and the slump shall} pot be greater than seven (7) inches. The new!ly mired concrete shall be placed in four (4) inch layérs in a truncated cone shaped metal mold, tweire( 12) inches high, four (4) inches in diameter 'at the top, eight (8#) inches in d ameter at the base, and provided with handles on op mosite sides. Each layer shall be rodded, as placed, thirty (30) times with a pointed steel rod five eighths (%) 'inches in diameter. When the third layer has . .__Baid."Y". branches in the sewers shall have the. center line of sqid 'Mlant at the same elevation as the center line of said sewers. All unconnected slants shall be sealed with a vitrified tile disc one (1) inch in thickness and eight (8) inches in diameter,. Said disc shall be cemented in with asphaltum as herein described for other jotnts in said pipe. The steel for reinforcing bars shall be made by the open hearth process and shall be what is known as the bard grade, rolled from mew billets. It shall hbave a tensile strength of $0,000 poungs per equare inch, and the minimum yield point in pounds per square inch Shall be 50,000. The castiron pipe used in the improvement, ex-- cept in the distribution system for the filter bed for the force main shall be flanged and of tha kind usually known as American Standard Class "A". Four (4) inch pipe shall vol(_l been rodded--and struck off the mold shall be lifted ver" tically at once and the ¢lump measured. ) e us One (1) house connection -uu_g "Y" branch of vitrified tile pipe of six (6) inches internal diamefter shall be placed in the gide of said sewers opposite each lot, parcel and plece of--land. in satd-- Village abutting upon said sewers. * of tha kind usually known as American Standard Class "A". Pour (4) inch pipe shall weigh 18.0 pounds per foot and six (6) inch pipe shall weigh 27.9 pounds per foot. All of said pipe shall be of sut-- fictent thickness and strength to withstand a hydro static pressure of one hundred (100) pounds per square inch and shall%conform to the weights, dimensions and specifications given on page 112 of .the 1925 general catalogue of the United States Cast--fron Pipe and Foun-- dry Company. C '-g' Ancsstiane .;l":Q:"' p" --++» % ... _ en D olllllllllll DCO0CTII1...1 l drtoigr "":"'lfi-f)" oo ty i en 4e Pnd nage 5o 1e 49e en sn ulnomncin, ce We pienrnn en oc y pnetignths ns Ee Nesn al tm on twX Aorcynnie i aaie: a "32, TawBenip it Norti, walige i1 Eail of the s * cipal Meridian--tor--a--site tor--a --sewage treatment plant, ------ described as follows:--begiuning at a point on the east -- P ----4' zta;;:-'--;v'---- :xrf;-vi;- ie 9 °+ fi* ¥, ftowit: Phvc? ho a t NC 2e e 3 All iron castings used in this improvement shall be of tough, close--grained gray iron, free from blow--holes, shrinkage and cold shuts, They shall be sound, smooth, clean and free from blisters--and ail defects. ~AH--cast-- ings shall be made accurately to dimenslons. The steei for all structural steel shapes shall be made by the open hearth process and shall be what is known as medium steel rolled from mew billets. !t shall have a tensile strength of-- 65,000 -- pounds per square inch and the mtnuimum yield potut in pounds per square inch shall be 33,000, . ; lne "of said portheast quarter six hundred stxty (860) . * 3k _ That easements in, under fi across certain traets of private property be acqui for sanitary sewers and appurtenances, Q'u follows : A Btrip of--land twenty (20) feet in width, being ten (10) feet on each side of a center line described as follows: beginning at a point seven hundred ninety (790) feet south of and thirty. (30) feet east of the northwest cormer of Section 33, Tm'_gsfi.& North, Rapge 11 East of the Third Principal Me a. thence northwest along a straight line thirty and four tenths (30.4) feet to a point on the west line of the said Sec-- tion 33 scven hundred (éighty--five and three tenths (785.3) feet south of .the, northwest cormer thereot: A «trip ofctafd twenty (20) feet in width, being ten (10) feet on »ach side of a cenier line described as follows:--beginning at a point in the northeast quar-- ter of Section 3%, Townsbip i4 North, Range 11 East of the 3rd Prineipal Meridian six hundred seventy (679) fee, south of and seven bhundred twenty (720) feet west of the portheast cormner of the said Section 32; thence due west nine hundred sixty (960) febt; thence north {welve (12) degrees thirty: (30) minutes west eleven hundred eighty (1180) feet; thence north twenty--one (21) degrees forty (40) "minutes west eight bundred thirty (830) feet, thence north eleven (11) degrees forty (40) minutes wekt eight bundred thirty .(830; feet; themce north elgvren (11) degrees forty (%9) min-- utes west four hundred seventy--one (471) feet, thence porth seventeen (17) degrees twaty--four (24) minutes west seven bundred eightythree and five tenths (783.5) feet, thence north ome (1) degree fifty--seven (57) min-- utes west sevén bundred twoentytwo and saiz tenthys (12%4.6) feet;--.thence «mortk forty--seren (47) degrees thirty--nine (39) minutes west seven bhundred ninety-- five and nine tenths (795.9) feet; thence north eighty-- three ($3) degrees fourteemn (14) minutes west sixteors bundred-- twesty{fdur and six > tenths (16444) feet; thence south eigyty one (#1) @egrees seyen (7) min utes west six handred IiftySOur.--@hd yBe tenth 48h4.1) bundred thirty--five (§35) feet more or.leas to the north-- erly IIné of rightdf way of the Eigtu, Jolitet and East-- ern Rallroad; thencae easterly along safd northerly line of rightol--way to the east line of the said northeast quarter, thepce no'rth_abe hundred forty (140) feet more or less to the poist of beginning: & feet to a point om tha east line '\I'e& 30, Toun» akip 1t Kortb, Rangs i1 East ot-- the #ré Principat Meridian: thence south eighty--onme (#1) degroos sever (7) minutes west four bundred forty--{ive (445) feet; thence south seventytwo (72) degrees seven (7) min-- utes west thirteen hundred seventy--nine and five tenaths (13795) fewrt; thence south seventyfive (758) degrees thirty--three (33) -::m west twelre hundred seventy-- nine and seven ten (12971.7) teat; thence south virty (60) degrees fortythres (43) minutes west one. bun-- dred twonty--nine and ; tenths (128.9) fes} to a point nmmtnnno'mflhnmm That all of the materials used in the construction of this improvement not specifieally described herein shall be of best quality and suftable for the purpose u' which used. *« [3# . ¥ Sane s ds se s N We e e ie P e CeRR e e ds * That the entire improvement and all appurtenances shall be constructed and laid in a workmanlike mapner and under the--supervision of the Board of Local im-- provements of the said Village of Mundelein. . A strip of land twenty (20) feet in width, being ten (10) feet on each side of a center line described as follows:--beginning at a peint on the north line of Crystal Street one hunidred fortyp--six (146) feet east of the east !#ne of Lake Avenue; thence north along a line paralle!l to the gaid east line of Lake Avenue two bundred «x (106) feet; thence northwest along a straight line to a point two hundred fiftyp--six (256) feet Gate valves shall be of the double--seated type, with a circular waterway of the full diameter specified. All gate valres shall have bodie» of best quality of cast-- iron; the stems shall be of solid breoawe, and all bear-- ing surfaces shall be of bronze or faced with bronze. All valves shall be built for one hundred (100) pounds pressure per square iuch, and shal} be tested at the shop under test pressure as great as the above work-- dred forty--six (148; of Chicago Avenue: ed with the best quality of jute packing driven down . * _ _ . s0--as A40--l80ve.--a space of--+wo--(2}--iseheos--in :sog "smin ------ iris Apiene~ the' hub for the lead. Said space 'shall be mu'(\n'}n Oe e e * the best soft lead melted in sufticient quantities to. fill * oi k the same witl oue pouring. --The lead shail then be> -- ... _ 59 thoroughly driven down and compressed with a caulk> _ . . :. _ _ * ing> tool and hammered sufficiently to make the E" *s$ water tight. After said water main pipes shall ve f e * «. )9 4 been laid and all connections made and the joints 'Jan'. ©. d tightly caulked, theyvshall be subjected to--a hydrosta ---------- igv tic pressure of fitty (§0) pounds per square inch witH="*~--~~>>----=_>«#¥~ <--_ out leaking. north of the said north line of Crystal Street and one hundred sixty (1860) feet each of the said east line of Lake Avenue; thence north along a line paralle! to the sald east line of Lake Avenue to the south liwe of Division Street; also % -- C shop under test pressure as ing pressures. A strip of land described as follows:----the south ten (10) feet of the northwest quarter of the nortbeast uarter of Section 25, Township 44 North, Range 1# L-t of the Jrd Principal Meridian. -- is hereby created and declared to be a sewer district, towit:--begipning at the southwest corner of Section 19, Township 44 North, Range 'l EKast of the Ard Prin-- cilpal Meridian; thence east the south line oft said Section 19 to a point thirtythres (33) feet west of the east line of Laurel Avenue;, thence north along a line parallel to and thirty--three (33) feet west of the,aaid east lipe of Laure! Avenue to the ug line extended of the alley between Park Street Oak Street; thence east ulonm-o?l line of the said alley to ;:o center like of Avonue; thence north along the center line of Prospect Avenue to the center line of Mechanics Grove Road; thence easterly along the center line of Mechanics Grove Road to the east line of the said Section 19; thence south. along the east lina" of the sald Sertion 19 and along the east line of See-- _ That for the purpose of the aforesaid improvement the following described property within the Village of Mundelein in the County of Lake and State of Iilinois All joints in said cast--iron water main-- pipes and special castings shall be made by inserting the spigot of one pipe concentrically in the hub. of another, and the space between the spigot and the hub shall be--fil+> outside, shall be heated to a temperature of three Huns: dred (300) degrees Fahtenkeit and immersed in a bath of coal pitch varnish of an equal temperature. After the varnish has become hard the pipe shall withstand a hypodrostatic pressure of three hundred (300) pounds to the square inch when struck a series of blows by & thrée (3) pound hammer while under such pressure. . All junctions .of said castiron "water main pip with each other shail be--made by special castings cor responding with the mains connecting t .'\"S.,"' ater nal diameter, weight and strongth. Said sbpblal cast ings shall be composed of the same 'lai @nd P ed in the. same meanner.as that her e "pro« ed for said Cast--iron water main pipes, 'and shall be subjected to the same test specified for ufl.m Special castings shall be furnizhed, constructed e in accordance with the plans atlached Hereto and made a part hereof.-- All uncommected ends of pipes and spe-- clal castings shall be fitted with plugs. 4 Said castiron water main pipe shail m a0 curately t5 the following: rg*4 . That the following Bescribed private. property . be feet easterly of the anmsterly line i ¥