_/ shown in the rgcord _'of its *' any of the county offices ')uu| for compensation a sum exceeding that of $2,400.00 per ansum, and fur-- . ther, that each county ofticlal *when presenting "to this board his semt annual report as required by law, sab-- mit therewith ~a pay--roll showing the amount pald to each person in his employ during such period. * * f Coroner ~__ Your commitrtée recommend uud all actiqn heretofore taken by this bon'id.wmw-cunm to fixing auy -- aniount to b€ alfowed the Coronat tot _ @ssistant, stenographers {ees, Or eX penses, be now rescinded and declar-- ed null and void, and that the Coron er be directed to pregent* to this > board his bill for fees due bim, 28 provided by Statate, Tor summoning jury and holding inquest over any dead body where hig statutory fees for such services canmbt be collect-- ed from the estate of the deceased. . Such bills to be in detail ard fully itemized for the information of this board. ./ €, . e hereby dtncrl to imsue to the in aividual so indicated by the Sheriff, hoh omcatsiicd. Aiirament P SX mW «ividual so indicated *by the Sheriff, a warrant upon the county| treecury 4n the eum of $$.00 per day for each ddy eft--euch epecial service so cer-- tiffed by the Sheriff, such waerrant not to be iasued more often than bt+ monthly. saPoeRnnnZ * Expense of an emergency pature Incurred 'by the Sherift shal} be pre sented by bim in an Atemized bill to this board for auditing fnd allowance. Wl S 3 3060 4 h ty m n y 10 11fi 12 2tA acoulionss i oi t Salaries of day and night turnkeys at the county jail will be. pojél by war-- yeants drawn upon the county treasury upon certilicate of the Sheriff, as hereinafter provided. llaty * en Gol oc mandatimn ¥___ M ' Eooo on ie ot this committee that the @02!07" ment of highway" policé by the. County be discontinued, and that the appro-- priation of $5,000.00 heretofore made by this board for such purpose be now rescinded and declared--ault and void. Your committee this page iss TNA * C t Hlohn the County Superintendent of High ways Was Increased from $500.00 per annum: to $1,000.00 per 'ansyum, be now rescinded and declared nuil and void. and that the annue} o:::'"" for the expense of such ia} be now fired at the sum of $500.00 per @nuum dating from January 15, 1926, and that the County Clerk be direct-- ed to issue warrants upon the Coun: ty Treasury &s heretofore in pay-- ment of such expense eallowance, *K-- cept, that same shall be issued at the p.te of §$509.09 per annum J Emptoyees at Court House | 'and Jail. ~~ = Your committee recommend that the number and salaries 'of the fo}-- lowing. various employees . at the Court House and Jail be fired as follows, dating from January 15, 1926, and that all previous action taken by this board at any time with re-- ference thereto be nOW rescinded _and declared nul} apg. vold: 0 l 1 HMHead Janitor at a salary of 417500 per month 1 Assistant Jinitor at a salary of" $15000 pet monthb 1 Assistant Janitor at a salary of oo o n ik UE TNR e C and that the County Clerk be and he is bereby~ directed to isay* war rants upon the County Treasury, bi monthly in payment of such salaries to escy of the empioyees named abore in. amounsis corresponding to the. above «allowapyces for eacbh, upon a& certificate of sach service signed bv the Sherif( and presented to the oaP EPCO TTR CE Your committee further recommend that the. salary of sach 'official be pow TWzed at ;" um ot m snouth deating a-.:m-ng,.xm and that the County Clerk and he is hereby directed to issue to the above named official, bi--monthly. & warrant upon the County Treasury by Aeporter of the Probate Court. Your committee recommend that thea action only recently taken by this Roard whereby the salary of the Re-- porter for the creased from month be no ed null and : Your comm in the sum of $50.00 apon pre senta-- tion by bim of a certificate of ser-- ¥ice signed by the Judge of the Pro-- hbate Court. Lake County Gemeral Hospite!l 1 Your Committee bave care{ully et-- I amined the report of the auditor con-- cerning the accounts df this instita-- | C tion covering the 3 year» ended Nov-- ember 30, 1925, and have conferred with Dr. Lieber, the Superintendent, regarding the management and main-- tenance thereo!. $otgeas l We find that & Considerable por-- tisn. amounting to the sum of $§5,-- ©11:39. of the expenditures at the Hospital daring the period mentioned has hbeen made in finishing buildings, paying cost of improvements not yet finished prior to December 1, 1922 paying for various improvements made since such date, adding new and necessary equipment, etc. -- Expenses of this character, except repairs made necessary on account of general wear and tear, we believe to be now about at an end and that we can confidently lJook forward to much less expenditures at this institation in the future. Ir. ILieber has planned some re-- ~duction in pay roll at the institution that will aid somewhat also. Your committee are of the opinion however, that a greater and more substantial bemwefit can be 'recured by the active co--operation and a» sistance of each member of this Board in exercising care and dis erimination when récommending pa tients to the care of the institution. When a patient is sent as a Coun-- ty charge no remnneration ean be exacted but when one is sent as a full pay or part pay patient we car-- nestly request that the Supervisor making the recommendation continue the case under his Bupervision and co--opération with the management ot ~ the Institution in the matter of col Assistant Jant Operator of Elevator at a salary of $100.00 per month pay Turnkey at Jail at a salary of $12500 per month Ol County Night Tarokey at Jail at . ie mhont this de. betieve the o Superintendent -- of -- Highways §$150.00 per mon tor at a salary of recommend that at no deguty is §14400 per ecommendation t Jail at a salary $150.09 per monia oi o °. mDg') month celpts at the Mospital ean be ma-- terially increased which in turn will operate to benefit our general coun-- ty fund. se -- _ Publishing of Proceedings ~ Your committee recommend : that the-- publishing of the proceedings oq the board both in newspapers and ln' }punphlet form, bo Adiscontinued for: the present until this committeo can \hno further time for investigation and recommendation. | And finally, your committee must earnestly request the hearty co--opera-- tion of the janitors and officials and employees in the Court House to as sist in the conservation of light, us wrg in hqfly_;_&g jmnoceuui ~burning:; on ~the partor 1ha ie We aiime CC CCC (ia owne various county officials in the mat ter of purchasing . supplies for their respective offices, using care and dis cretion to keep same t a minimum ; on the part of. those purchasing gen erat supplies for wseo at the Court House and Jail to attain the same result; on the part of each member this board in the matter oftallow-- ance in all cases of refief unless well satisfied of the necessity and con-- fine same as far as possible to need-- 'And as we have in the recommen-- dations offered by us dispensed with the servicees of one janitor for the Court House, in order that the add+-- tional duties thereby epjoined upon those remaining may be satisfectorily , performtd by them, your committee are of the opinion that our janitors should be relieved from giving care and-- attention --t6-- sutos operated by the Sheriff, that more time may be. left for care And attention to their duties im the Court House. | We recommepd that this sugges-- tion be brought to the attention of the Zheriff and that bhe be requested to assist and co--operate therein. Your committee desire to express to thi several County officials nam-- ed herein our appreciation of the kindly manner in which they have received the v@#rious recommenda-- tions embodied in the foregoing, and for their promise ot hearty eo--0per& e ie en ts * o s agrive ¥ Yufl%fi{t' be materially venet thereby. * f Ti 4o aniiiarene onst Ts Paue To récSunheac that Thes: larit committee be retained by this board to act in a geperal supervisory ca paci-- ty and offer from time to time such siggestions as«to them sba't, seem T ye s coma c ears "Satere of this report. All of whi« ted. A. W. VERCOE ° H. C. W. MEYER C. E. AUSTIN Bupervisor Maether moved that the report be accepted and adopted: Aye and Nay vote being had Superyisor Maether's motion was carried by the following vote: Those present and voting "Aye" were: Superyvisors Austin, Bairstow, Burke, Bletsch, Cory, Drones, m'r, Ficke, Funk, ugh, Hobas, Holdridge, Hutton, Kelly, Maetber, Martin, Mawman, Meyer, "McCullough, Naber, Obee, «YCompor, Potter,°C. H. Strattos, Thompson, YVercoe, Wijcozx--27. «YCompor, Potter,°C. H. Strattos, | Thompson, YVercoe, Wijcozx--27. . Those absent and uot yoting were Supervisors ~ Brown, 'Garustt, Kirschner, Monahban, Murphy, W. J. Strattomn--6. . Those voling nay--DOBe. Supervimor Bairstow moved that the Supervsiors be not allowed any per diem or mileage for the last two meetings agd that the matter of tur-- ther reduction of per diem and mile age to $309 per day be referred to the Finance Committee for further investigstion. Aye and nay vote being had Super ' es i e caA PR C PS PSE CCC CC Aye and nay vote being had Super-- risor Bairstow's motion #as carried by the following xote: . Those voting "Aye" were Supervi# . Meyer, McCillNiough, Naber, Obee, O Conmnor, Potter, : C. H. StrAtton, Thompson, Ve Wilcor. Fhose vong nay were Supet Austin, Ficke, Funk--3. Those absent and not roting Supervisors Garnet!, Kirschner Monahan, Murphy, W. J. St _s. _The malter of dispensing with the t L.2 d 2s hi liioct.. snn tbntiined E Those voting "Aye" were Supervi# ors Apstin, Bairstow, Bletsch, Dronen. Dilger, Ficke, Harbaug'h, Marther, Meyer, Potter, Vercoe--11. Those voting "Nay" were Supervb' ors Brown, Burke, Cory, Funk, Hoban, Holdridge. HSHOB,. _ Kelly, Martin, McCullough, Naber, Obee, O Conno ~~C. H. Stratton, mfirfim = Wikkorx--16. . Those absent and not vroting were Supervisors Garnet!, Kirschner, _ Mawman, Monahan,. Murphy, W.J J. Stratton, Mawman--7. Supervisor Obee moved to adjourn to March 9th A. D. 1926 at 10:00 A. Motion carried. STATE OF IJLLINOIS | \ ss COUNTY OF LAKE j C I. LEW A. HENDEE, County Clerk, in and for said County in the State aforesaid, and keeper ot the records and seal thereof, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of the proceedings of the Board of Supervigors ot said Gounty sat their Regular December Session, 1925. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County, at my office in Wau-- kegan, in said County, this #9th day of Dece. A. D. 1925. (BEAL) ~ LEW A. HENDEE, Those voting "Aye"* were Supervi# * Rairstow, Browa, Burke, > Bletsch, Cory, Dromeu. ' Dilger, Harbaugh, Hobas, Holdridge, Hutton, Kelly, Maether, Martin, Mawman, Meyer,. McCillNiough, Naber, Obee, O Connor, Potter, _ -- thought a thol Than to speak and re move all doubts. --Midwest Review. "Tis hbetter to keep silent : wNC ;x is respectfully submit o e es ranoc c matersaity -- venieritiba jwuay~~>> . to dena Htee-- are + i r-uwmfi'fi'.%&mfm rataimed by this board | CMTON »,. Yerco8, visOT® were COLONEL E. M. HOUSE, who was an unofficial representa-- tive of President Wilson during the World War, frankly ADMITS that "America's entrance into the world court is a MERE GES-- TURE. We have no more privileges now than we had before we entered. As a non--member we were able to sit in the councils and Heten: ---- Acemembers--we--can-- do--JUST --that--thing--and --NOBHINC MORE. Actually we are a little further than we were before. But iL. DSVCHUOTOCICAL effect of the world court will be a great the PSYCHOLOGICAL effect of the world court will be a great thing. To the MASSES of the people it means that we have en-- tered SOMETHING like the LEAGUE OF NATIONS. IT I6 A STEP in the way and it allows the leaders to release their ef-- forts toward a MORE ACTIVE ENTRANCE", House is daily RELEASING his propaganda to promote such an entrance and his articles should be read with this clearly in mind. . House absolutely confirms what the SUN'S forecast in its un-- alterable opposition to American adherence 'to the World Court. The Sun predicted that the League's protagonists would accept any old kind of reservations simply to get a tochold for the,NEXT STEP which House boldly proclaims is into the League which a sewen million majority rejected in 1920. . _ _ Illingis accepts that challenge and 'will reassert the WILL of the ONE MILLION majority which defeated the League in 1gz0. I 200. : w C org us . Libertyville Independent La*e County Independént « Waukegan Weekly Sun COLONEL F. L. SMITH for U. S. Senator and thu5 eau-- it 2C dermining of the REPUBLICAN PROTECTIVE TARIFF npon! which all PROSPERITY depends; of the U. S. CONSTITUTION ; and of our AMERICAN JNDEPENDENCE. So far as Illincis is concersed, the U. S will go out of the World Court and will never take the next step, which House's fanatics plan. Once bit twice shy, will be ILLINOIS' answer to McKINLEY and the rest of the TORY element in American political life. McKINLEY wWAS TRIED and found wanting. May lllinois set an example to the Nation which ABRAHAM LINCOLN kept united and which GEORGE WASHINGTON wWANTED KEPT FREE FROM FOREIGN ENTANGLEMENTS. -- . has to face today. '_rhgnf sre it is a para to ta'ze up. Mr. Smith has been tried on en true bluttothemsqoithcpeoplein State Federation of Labor Fas given thei We are glad to see the Trades Assembl did in unanimously endorsing Mr. Smit Labor Gazette. ' To TIA JUANA TO BE PURGED OF CRIME San Diego, £al, Feb5 1°-- Tia Ju ana jJs due for ® thorou®h clea® up as the result of the abduction and outrages Pfl'"(ntui on two San Diego girls last week, which led to a suicide pact and eubseguen'ly wiped out the four members 0f \Dbe Thomas Petect family. _ 8 OO C n e e 'l. 'Governor Rodriguet iformia bas aseured comsulate that be wil ough investigation of paush prosecution of responsible for the The state Gepartment? 3. ° ington also has a«sured Ran ecvinty officials of a probe. ) Palacio of Tia Jtana deciares he will submit Tia Juana to O the most rigorous cleanups i history. . suspicious ha and all mma Hving in 'YSEJ Ed Cb es wl 11 40MR L4 h Autvclc . eiteited without apparent means 0f {ve!ino00 will be arrested and sentenced to the Tres Marias lslands pricon, down the coast off the sta'e of Sinalos. aenituke our Republic which cannot the mayor said NEW MACHINE SHOP ORGANIZED HERE porations Imke and Company $15,000; Robert Luke, 1 Henry P. Luke, Ernest eration of a repair and A lake and [COUTPCUZ MDPnonies" £15.000; Robert Luke, Fred W. Luke, Henry P. Luke, Ernest W, Luke,; Op eration of a repair and machine shop. Tapping--Sbrum Constrection . Co. Peoria; $50,000; Ufin Shrum, GuY Shrum, LaurA E. Tapoing. Charles H. Tappn®t: hzlneu df -- contrac-- tors and by! i dA M 2s us Tateran®, Champaign; ] Intetests of | the state of John P. Hart Bpringfie!d, Hilinots _ Republican McKINLEY LEADS WAY INTO LEAGUE. ronalists--q5--Kemes. .. Iitnagis owll. nomingte.. q0A .£'6 2 0 . liy uic C2 SS ane "e"'ll"u Y '» : promote and furtber + the republican: party in Ii1., Feb LABOR ENDORSES SMITH res of Lower Cal »d the Amer|can will make a thor ot the case and t the man or meD e crimes. rmenr at Wasr A uies 20 oomne Ceeee e sts th has been tried on his record and has prov-- use of the people and that is why the Illinois _abor Fas given their O. K. to his candidacy. the Trades Assembly take the action that it endorsing Mr. §mith for the senate--Peotria in Tia Juanka 10 --New cor merican adherence 'to the World Court. the League's protagonists would accept ns simply to get a toehold for the,NEXT y proclaims is into the League which a e . Mayot ares that to one of ps in i!t* charactet Waukegan, K. 8iNes, Veteran®, .' Senator McKinley led the way to-- id in so doing he defied and defeated IMinois. McKinley is fqaled-- or is a e should be removed without debate. e, are slow 'to hand out endorsements en it comes to a proposition of en-- : the United States senate there should d of Mr. Smith in his past perform-- s been one that any laboring man Ccan been exceedingly fair to the toilers of t to trade union solidarity on the in-- question the laboring man and woman e it is a paramount question for them kaesa tried on his record and has prov-- 270 FOOD COSTS ARE pDROPPING AGAIN _t-mut&xi',',flb'.' 10--The cost 6! food is decteasing, tabmrintions. made today by the Department of Labor showed ;hat in 20 out of 28 u-lech cities the retail cost of food decreas ed in January from 3 per cent in San 'Francisco to less than five tentbs of 1 per cent in Kansas City, Pallas, Meimphi«s, Omaha, Peora, Portland, M#*, Providence and 8t Paul. GERMANY MAKES CUT IN TAXES Senator and thus end the un-- year was stag today LR CS Finance Minister Reinhold announc ed the reduction was for the purpose d .llo)'llflng the burdens of indu# tries"? ahd. to aid In offsetting econ omic depression. He declared that "there is a certain poticeable recov-- ery in Germany since the Dawes plan was enacted." LAST HOP IN SEA AIR FLIGHT TODAY Montevideo, Feb. Franco hopped off Spain to befors 2 this afternoon. ce stt cncmutioetneatementnapnmmmenmmeccet ISMASKED RORBBER, CHARGE _ LKeigler, 11., Feb. 10.~--Hampton Og-- looby, town constablé is in jail chark-- ed with being the maszed robber who 4ataily Wwounded Alex Partook, a met-- n rtayes by exist B Lh o6 c2 c aah en t simtern Apbligen oA wtene PB en who caubgt bim rifing a cash video, Feb, 10. --Commander hopped offt at 12%:03 todas last leg of his flight from 0 Buenos Ayres." He is e to arrive hxm Ayres, a ; of nearly 200 miles, shortly announced in the Peoria Trades )--Reduction of Ger| §$530,000,000 marks A the Reich Come years ago &n expert announced the discovery of clear evidence of prehistorie mural peintings in a cave on the Cornish coast, and a French authority on Neotithic art, which fp-- pears to have fourished about 20,000 years ago, accepted them as genuine, However, a local Asherman appeared on the scene and confessed that be was the artist. He had, he explained, cteaned his brush on the walls of the cave after painting his boat. Birds' Rapid Flight "»®ra" swirt, tub raRéRt _ Oof FFX, NAA a "feeding". speed of 70 miles an hour, but its maximum speed is not known. There is said to be a record of & swallow fAying 105 miles an hour from Explanations ---- "Police Raid a House Suspected for Twuo Years"--Well, if it takes them that long to make up their minds it's ro wonder burglars and highwaymen make their getaway with ease."--Buf-- falo Commercial. Roubair to Paris. Among the superstitious Irish peas-- "} antry Friday is regarded &s a very un-- luicky day. The door shoyld never be | opened to a stranger on that day, nor | thould a rat be taken from ohe houke . to enother, the Irish believe. _ g The--first railway built in Germany | was the Ludwigsbahn, connecting the | cities of Nurerpburg and Furth. It was | about four miles lorg and was opened 1 to traffic in December, 1835. ~ | Relentless Fate A wedding wag delayed recently be-- canse the bridegroom fainted. We understand, however, that the: poot fellow was merclieassly revived. --From C _ _ P c uied x " *~ss * s * % Kews' Editor--"Did you interview the ~celebrity?" Reporter--"Yes," "What didhbe say?' <"Nothing." "I krow that. But bow meny columns ot It7"--Bagton Tansenfpt ~~~ A great many giris say "No" at first ; but dike the photographer, they know how to retouch their negatives.--Cor-- peii Widew. | When one judges one's self the ver | @ct is pretty sure to be acquittal, \Habit clings. The old--timer who worked his way through bollege is now working his son's way through.-- Minpoeapdlis Star. i Time Limit ¥ngliish Ad--"Wanted, a cook, gen ercl, healthy, honest, truthful, for six montbs at least."--Boston Transcript. U Friday Day of Ilt Luck First German Railroad 1 t Progress This Century Not Prehistoric « Easy on the Culprit _ Is Going To Move-- Saturday Is Our Last Day ----In Our Old Plant Skilled Goldstein Clothing Co. COME DOWN TO OUR GREAT SALE, SATURDAY, OF MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S We are moving into our new Home, the Beacon Building, which will be known as the GoLDgTEIN BUILDING, located in North Chicago at Stanley and Lakeside Avenues, at Foss { WE ARE OPEN TILL 8 P. M. sxrunmw] DON'T FORGET! 2 m You Can Save $15 to $25 617 Market St. at South Avé., East of Sheridan Road, Down the Hill. Suits and Overcoats A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY FOR EVERY MAN. . Japanese Fruit Trees Japan is full of cherry and plum trees, but the Japanese eat the blow soms and throw away the fruit, WHOLESALE PRICES * ... §$12%,50 Heayy..Wool Swedters $8.50 All} Wou!l Sport Coats . $1.50 Dress Shirts',......... C _ "$2.75 Broadcloth Shirts .... $4.00 Broadcloth Shirts .... ; $2.00 Union Suits ........... $2.50 Union Suits ...,.....-- -- $4.00 Union Suits .......... $5.00 Union Suits .......... <C~* $24.50 _ $29.50 COME DOWN SATURDAY TO OUR OoLD NT AT 617 MARKET S8T. ~ February Sale We List Here Now Offering. BROKEN LOTS MANHATTAN SHIRTS ) So. Genegee oNE AND TWO TROUSER SUITS Value up to $35 Sold up to $40 WINTER OVERCOATS $19:50 $27.50 Formerly Prlcedy"s'.!.'oo and $3.50 AT Only a Few of Thke Bargains We Are +0 i) ~ Julius R Swykin ° 00 $1.95 _ Each plant hbas its parasite, and each created thing ts jorer and poety --/~ --¥Emerson. Value up to $40.09 Sold up Each Its Place _ _ !,__ ip to §$45.00 W aukegan's Men's Store Waukegan, I}. $1.95 ~ it 4