¥r4, * * *¥ > Supervisor's Committees Plan = > <_<~To Meet--W#ast :Program Of ht ho w4 ----Amprovements + by 'the County BRoard according to hawis~ m --__ .. Charles E. Russell," County Superip-- .20 _/ ... tendent of, Highways, bad the gemer-- ---- > j al approva}, of the State Highwas ~ . _ Department dOf "IHlincis . and were . *~* --"___-- drafted ofiginally by a committee of the Regional Planning Ass#ociation made up of large real estate subdi-- . . viders, highway engineers, survey-- x ors. and others wel}--informed about the situation throughout the Region. s In adapting such rules to Lake Coun-- o ty conditions the e~mmittee has se j lected certain major routes which are -- d@estined to carry the bheaviest travel, =**g and have said that they shall be dedi-- F9 ~~~ eated 1060 teot wide ay the tand glong-- s«lide them is sybdivided. C I T60 MILES 100 FOOT ROAD > + "Unless we provide in advanceé that these roads be wide enough. our coun-- will be, cursed with the same traf-- ness. in s 5 se : e anp e aaa o9 "Regardless of what pavement is built an4 when," said Chairman Maw-- man of the County Board Committee, *"Lake County up to the present bhas bad the majority of its. subdivision activity near the lake shore towns but we shall soon see every foot of land subdivided into lots afong Mil waukee Avenue. Grand Avenye, Bel-- videre Road. Rand Road and &emush» out the Li¥ertyville, Mundelets dis triets. * s 1 d Forseeing imediate-- subdividing of a large acreage of Lake County land. the County Board of Snpervisors has been hard at work on a set of regula-- Chairman Ray-- Paddock of the Cbunty Board said this week, "With-- in the next four months we shall see a large part of the Des Piaines-- Val-- ley of Lake County antirely subdi-- vided into lots and being sold to ple who are arxious to get away ffig tie. pongested area near Chicago. We must set up standards at once which will prétect the through highways and keep theim wide enough. . "Already> Cook. DuPage and Kane mme-_ havre adopted: 10t» gg,x wide r6 'bf war on in the stite high-- wave and miain coftaty raodds These stardards have been drafted ~by us all as a part of the Regional Plan-- mning Association's activities. . '~:=r__~i---.r.- -'_i";'-- " 'Q'i'é 6 : and streets to accommodate the 'éx-- pected population. °_ w# c TREMENDOUS BOOM IN SUBDIVISIONS 605 North Milwaukee Avenue Thursday, Friday and Saturday S U G A R --SGP ECGIA L! _ 10 LB. LIMIT TO CUSTOMER Best White Guaranteed the 'right of way now, before At 4s narrowed down by subdivisions. The County Supervisors are no more op-- timistic than the average Lake Coun-- ty citizen but they are far--sighted enough to recogniite the tremendous development which is in store for Lake County in the immediate future. "Our presefft scheme. contemplates' approximately 160 miles along these |\ main roads to be preserved 100 feet | wide, and almost the same mileage to ! be held §0 feet--wide. -- With these | wide" routes as the skeleton, Lake ' County and all her municipalities will have an adequate network of. traffic ways." CONDEMN NO PROPERTY | (-- Setting up these. regulations does. -- not mean ~that ~Country--roads --are "to& be widened to. 100 feet. This may not' happen for years-- However, the mo--. ment the property becomes so valu-- able that it is subdivided into 1ot51 there is an immediate jncrease in population --traveling -- the h':'ghway. and parking in front of stores and homes as they are built. Land will be given to the public by the realtor only as it is subdivided.'-- + -- f vision will be so connected" with those of the adjacent plat that there will be no short, dangerous jogs such as are found in so many parts of the congested area about Chicago. highways.. The 'atreets of eath _ subdt-- By cooperation of --the--subdividers of Lake County with the County Roard the subdivisions which are platted outside of city limits are to carry through all of the important PER POoOUND LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS .s ST. LAWRENCE'S EPISCOPAL -- --Rev. H. B. Gwyn, Pastor _ _ The services on Sunday, Feb. 21st Ythe First Supday in Lent), ares _ Holy Communion 8 a. m. Holy Eucharist and Seemon 11 a. m. Church School 10 a. m. The Easter food an dbakery sales begin on next, Saturday at the Farm Bureau, at 12:30 p. m. The Women's Guf® in charge. . -- -- ' _*ou are cordially invited to all our FIRST PRESBYTERIAN _ , Rev. Guy E:--Smock, Pastor sSunday Schooi at 9:45 a. m. W °G: Wetls, Supt.®" ~--o--~-- + Morning worship at 11. The morn ing sermon on "Christ Our Substitute" Young Peo,';le'u meeting at 6:30 p.m. Evening service at 7:30. Sermon topic, "Nothing to Harvest at Harvest T'me..'\ * & Third Floor First National Bank Bidg. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Services at 10.45 a. m. Subject, "Mind." * | Wibertyville Churches CHRIS FIaAN Sunday School at 10 a, m. Even'ng Service at 7;45 p. m First Mass Sunday at 7:45 o'clock. -- Second Mass Sunday at 9:45.o'clock. Daily Mass at 7:30 o'clock. . ¢ DIAMON» LAKE COMMUNITY * (Methodist Episcopal) S8T. JOSBPH'S SCIENCE SOCIETY -- _ The Earhest -- Workers class will méet with Mrs. James Davis on the afternoon of Friday, Feb. 26. _ . . The WideAwakes church school elass--wil} meet:--at the parRODAR@--On Tuesday evening, March 2# and wilt ~--Fifty new meffrbers by Raster Day is our goal, and everyone will help to accomplish this.* -- _ aee A Fathers and Sons banquet will be held in the church on the evening of March 12. Dr. Gratz of Chleago, will speak. . A threeact drama entitled ~An Old Fashioned Mother" will be given at the church on Monday evening, March 1, by a group from the Wicker Park Epworth League, and under the direc-- tion of tfeh local Epworth 'League:*. .. per service, He will have with him four native Mexicans, who will play on their native musical instruments, and give a program of songs. All invited. go to ! meeting -- _The Ladies® Aid will serve a New England dinner at the church 'iuesday evening, Feb. 23, beginning at 539. ' ,{. Don't fail to see Corinne \ Ith's latest 'picture SUNDAY ~February 21 _--_ _ DOROTHY _MACHAILL and JACK MULHALL Joanna <«Dorothy Mackaill) gets a million dollars in cash--owns a million in looks--always was a biltMtonaire in nerve--falls in ipre --with a fellow worth a dime, and it's worth a {fortune to see what--happens. Also Comedy and New a. TUES. and W ED. February 23 and 24 Mere It--is!. Marshall Neilan's Qreatest Comedy > RobertAgnew Ches-- ter Conkfi:e:;d ftl.zr- ma, (the elephant) "The Great Love" with Viola Dana, You don't know --how funny: a Pplicture can be GOnfil you've szeen this uprorous comedy. suprise _ The amazing drama of the wom-- an who sought the path to hap-- uiness between love for her hbus-- band and infatuation for another U DIT OR IU _ THEATRE _ A SPECIAL COMEDY the church for their class "JOANNA" mm "BE W ARE* en P s es mnd es s ag #ri c grom (¢ =: _-- m * es 3 N s in /. .0 146 un AaaPhocs I Rt \ k * K 1 .-- P T * ooo | ~ _ ~"DpRESSES -- -- -- MILLINERY * ADVERTISERS USE THE INDEPENDENT BECAUSE OF RESULTS SECURED. LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN LAKE COUNTY, OUTSIDE OF WAUKEGAN. WE CAN CONVINCE YOU ~DRY GOODS Silk Rayon, for Over-- _ 750 drapes, per yard......... _ _}~ Complete line of Curtain Ma-- terials, by the yard; . 1 5c priced up frorm.s...........: * White Marq:ilisette Curtains, lace trimmed, €1 Per x)au'sl'25 Dotted Marquisette Curtains, Ruffied _ _ $1.50 Per pair .....oc2l.2..2222222 6 0t 0 golored~Do.tted Margquisette urtains, fast colors; Per palrsz'zs Lacé Panel Curtgins, plain Per pair .___ and scalloped, , --=~$1 0§ New Dresses in ~-- (Trimmed with Silk Boullion Fringe) GEORGETTE CREPES _ FLAT CREPES _ CANTON CREPES CREPE SATINS CREPE De CHINE MOORE'S OR PATEK'S FLAT PAINT, Per Gallon ___________________ _2 2222222 inside gloss work ; per gallon......_..._. PATEK'S KITCHEN COTE, the best for MOORE'S VARNISH STAIN, CABINET ENAMEL IN COLORS, Ray Furniture & Paint Store Open Monday, Friday and Saturday Evenings Telephone No. 9 foc o or 3 Libertyville, IIl. $10.50 to $50.00 _ We Carry Wall Paper:iin Stock Libertyville, III. "__ GENERAL MERCHANDISE SILK COMBINATIONS CHILDREN'S HEADWEAR New Styles, Snd Paterns, yervard -- $2,80 pacsl c _ _ $2.19 Peryang __""____$1.99 Ceorgette Creve > $1.50 ;filr&d 51"50 Ganton Creve -- _ $2.75 Per yana _ $1.89 Por yarg _ " "* _ $3.90 Ginghams, Prints, Percales. 5_ _ DRESS GOODS > SILKS STRAWS I W anecnae $3.50 $1.25 $1.35 __$1.95 -- $1.50 2 SHo0 _ $2.75 _ _ $1.85 in $3.50 aA