CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 Feb 1926, p. 8

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w96 M l "at.) _ *--CLASSIFIED * ADS : ngm manulacturing or will remodel to suit tenant car grrage, about 200 feet frontage Rockland Road,. east of DesPlaines gfl..t.nmtmfl)wmbn. than adjoining property, for cash. ¢ C % LIEABE--Industrial property, 110 rallrond fTrontage; suitable for light manufacturing or warehouse: +Mrs. Lena Hebner Charges KONEY TO LOAM--Wse nuve a ooh «d ruble amount of sppeial funits to leus on improved tarm or city arop awty. We lnrite your inguiry. Pre Matio a) Bank, Libortyrlile 16--44 POR si1g® Apartment site on prom-- inent corner in town way below market for cash; 181 ft frontage district; lot 50 by 150 ft; aspararus beds and plienty of berry plants and bushes. An ideal home for someone. POR SALE--Large store with 9 large _ sooms above, on good sized plece of The <estate in question _ consists of §$9.600 in stocks and bonds and 1wo dwellings--in --Graystake --vatued at about $6,400. ferred that Mrs. Hebner, who as Miss Lena Glass, had entered the em-- ploy of Mrs. Brown but one year be-- for her demise had used "undue in-- fAuence in the framing of the will. Rev. Frank James, pastor of the church which Mrs. Brown had at-- tended. appeared as a witness for the defense, however, and testified that be had visited the aged woman several days before her death and found her to be sound in mind. In hber bill for divoree Mrs. Heb-- ner states that she married Joseph a» . »eereparapunt o Ouo Penseneecnnin Aene e E. Hebnef in Chicago on March 16, 191%4, which was shortly after the close of the fAirst trial In which the jury returned a verdict uphold-- Ing her claim to the property. Her husband has repeatedly in-- formed her, so she slates, that he would not have mapried ber if he had not been under the impress!on that she was possessed of a large sum of money. She also' charges Mbohuhnmolu'tulon- ed ber to leave their home and ob-- tain work. In Grayslake testified thit the lat-- ter bad became mentaily unbalanc-- ed before bher death,.--and it was in-- Nad been" removed by a jury in cir-- euit court here as the principal 'beneficiary in the will of the late Mr. <Lucinda <Brown of Grayslake, which was a basis of litigation in courts of the state for _ several --years, are made in a pm for di-J worce filed in the circuit court Mon-- day-- by Mrs. Lena Hebner against Joseph E. Hebner, also of Gnn-' quests of $5 each, that they were entitled to the. entire estate were upheld. & C '"" . " ~<<@a Euns 0 0 _ | anywhere In Lake county, If you se Lost Court Fight have a bargain and do business quick. * 8 somestume Submit best price and terms and legal _ Charges that her husband deséert--|description and get quick action. Sel: ed4--her after --he--bearned--that she |terk& Petersen, Libertyville--H}. ----8tf claims of two nieces, who had been eut off by the testator with be-- visions of the will granting Mrs. Hebner, bulk --of property valued--at The filing of the divorce action is a seque| to a recent decision of a jury in circuit court in which pro-- SALE--4 room modern home. 1 Real Estate ION OF JURY; \."L LOSES HUSBAND)| & NY 1PE IN@URAXCE Y of Chicago, Wlincis, ot-- a wider flel4 and increoms in ie aa hn e e ts Y Opportunities A7, van xi m e=:FOR RENT--What is ;.m known as the A x e l wosc:|\ Nelson fa r m of 104 acres 2/, miles north of ' zLibertyville; good set of \buildings, a1l tillable i.oil: a good chance for a --igod tenant ; rent $6 per E__'_"___' *acre. We also have an-- NCT other farm of 110 acres '"'.',':.'for rent at $5 per acre. E'See Sellers and Peter-- watie sen, Libertyville. -- 7tf FOR RENT -- Light housekeeping rooms, or room and board. Tele-- phofhe 350J. North Shore Station. En-- rance upstairs at rear. 7 11 FOR RENT OR FO RSAALE--#80 acreh past west of Bverett. Apply HiB & Stone, Wilmette, 1N 4 4t FOR RENT--Modern 7 room house. furnished, at 606 Secogpd" 8t ; 2car karage;, can ,Lu possession Feb. 20 Call Antioch §$. Rarsd 6 2t fiANTED TO RENT---i _ --Modern small house or bungalow in Liberty-- ville, west of Milwaukee Ave. For occupancy about March 1st. Tele-- phone 32. 7if _ also hatching eg#gs from biue ribbon winners at the Milwaukee National and the Chicago National Poultry Bhows.. Scheve Bros, 2201 Enoch Ave., Zion, I!l. Phone 128 R.-- 5 4t -- _ Houses For Rent FOR SALE--Overjand model, in good condll(on; reason-- able price. Inquire of William Gerbert Half Day, II1 _ ~© 5 3t FOR SALE--Pure bred Bronte tur 'keys and gobblers; also pure bred Scotch Collie pupples, 4 weeks old, at $5.00 each. Bergeron Stock Farms, on FOR SALE-- Cowr, 3 springers, 1 with en range, used very little. -- Mrs. T. Korinek, Ingleside, I!lL. Phone 184--W, Fox Lake. " it calf by side; T. B. tested; 60--day retest guarantee. A. M. Casey tel« phone 604+4--M--1. 5 3t FOR SALE--S. C. Ancona cockereis:; FOR SALE--Two bowling alleys 'E first class cordition, and two au matic pinsetters. Geo. M. Gollvllx?. Antioch. HL 7i FOR --SALE--One gray ename! kitch-- Lake Bt. road. two imiles west of Lib ertyville. Phone 678%--J--2 2 3 tt _ waukee Awm; priced right" Fred H Smitb. > a2 2. .. 1 t FOR _cLAL;'--Mu... lot._}uy.%fl Mi Phone 657--J--1 FOR BALE--Complete furnishings of four room flat; cheap, on account .of leaving town. Rowley, 549 No. Mil-- waukee Ave., over bakery. I 11 tor 'adults the Timit 'Is $50,000. The Company will give a very liberal com-- mission' contract (direct with Home Office) to a good personal producer. you about one--third on any kind of electrical _ goods, including lighting fixtures, radio receivers and supplies, electric washers, irons, heaters, clean-- ers, etc. D. H. Holimes. Telephone Libertyville 320--R. 2 U ELECTRICAL GOODS--I can save 41000 6% GILT EDGE FIRST MORT-- thoroughly experienced in care of all stock and general agriculture. , Ad-- dress "Manager" Independent. 6 4t gage, due l? 8 years, secured by Lib ertyville real estate; recently sold for §$2500. ~--Sellers & Petersen. Phone 451. ' mt 42 if POSITION WANTED--Farm manager Automobiles For Sale Livestock For Sale Positions Wanted For Sal LIBERTYVILLE FOH, &MLE_--Beautiful 120 AcreSouth-- ern Wis¢onsin Farm in Racine Coun-- houge surrourded by an apple orchard. fair barns and outbuildings; cement drinking tank, windmill, silo. Unusual circumstances enable us to sell this 25CAR GARAGE FOR RENT--Oppo-- eprilponaadih Ages repanye briit Aroopn in uids your #ale; experienced Aauctionger.. 634 So._(_f_orn'o'oe 8t. Telephone W&u-- TEAMS FOR HIRE--Contract or day site railroad depot. Phone Fox Lake 184W. George Korinek. .. 1 2t AUCTION--Get Young Gates to Libert WANTED TO PURCHASE--Acreage on lakes in Lake county. Address Wm. B. Carey, 4 6. Genesee St., Wau-- kegan, I!L ~ -- 5 6t WORK WANTED--By the day, wash-- ing and cleaning. Phone Prairie View 611J--1. 5 2t Phone 154--M Jack Hoxie in "Bustin' Through", a Blue Streak Western, with lots of action, thrills and beautiful scenery. Also a special chil-- dren's OUR GANG Comedy, entitled "High Society," with Mickey Daniels, Fatty Joe Cobb, Farina and the entire gang. A LARGE PAPER "OUR GANG" HAT .__(just like Farina wears) GIVEN TO EACH CHILD FREE! OWING TO THE MANY REQUESTS, and to the popularity of the last Matinee, we are arranging a Children's Program for SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27. Auditorium Theatre Saturday, February{$27th -- _ Farms For Sale . Big Children's Matinee Chas. D. Proctor Miscellaneous Admission: Matinee--Children, 10¢; Adults, 256. Evening--Children, 15¢c; Aduits, c. EPENDENT, THURSDAY Insurance of all kinds Coming to the | 6 6t B4 State of I!linois, County of Lake, ss: In the Circuit Court 'of Said County. ~' Augiist Linden vs. Joseph: --A. Holms, "Unknown --heirs or deviséés of Joseph. A. Holims, deceased", Ru-- fus Griswold, "Unknown heirs or de-- visees of Rufus Griswold, deceased," Jacob Brown,. "Unknown hbeire or de ue ty a n AivspofieccmmatcArugihc s =ns P otfidnt o n tistnttenareg mds ats i ntitne t t s RBY on cepangce c snn conicn nene ienss on notatecnyeitierce on ue o0 aine BB sc 0 ce y tocie uin farm at the Yery low price dmflivlna of Jacob Brown, deceased," per acre. It is located about 50 nue-(.ucob Bigwalt, "Unknown heirs or de-- from m«mme. Lands in this vic--'visees of Jacob Sigwalt, deceased," inity are increasing in velue. We George Weidner, "Unknown heirs or made a good trade on this place and !dovum of George 'Weidner, deceas-- only want to: get our money out.jed," John . George M. Weidner, "Un-- There is a $6,00000 mortgage running known heirs or-- devisees of John for 5 years at 6 % lnwfill--mnoei(}eorxo M. Weidner, deceased", Sophia namely $5,760.00 we want in cash.iL, Gunluck, John W. Gunluck, "Un-- Sellers & Petersen, Libertyville. Tele--|known heirs or--devisees of John '31 phone 451. ~ . . . 7-tl|unn'§uck. deceased", Harry G. Fowler, Waukegan, I!!1., Feb. 1, 1926 Public notice is hereby given --that ADJUDICATION NOTICE 39 feb 4 11 18 UARY 18, 1926 \Weidner, "Unknown heirs or devisees 'of John George M. Weidner, deceas-- _ed", Sophia L Gunluck, John W. Gun-- luck, "Unknown heirs or devisees of --{John., W. Gunluck, > deceased"; and liel with the east line of said quarter section 88 rods, thence west.. parallel \with the north line of gaid quarter ; section to the west line of the east ihall of the west hallf of said quarter section, thence north along the sald | west line to the place of beginning, in \Lake County, I!Ninois." s !. Cannot be found and upor diligent 'inquiry the place of residence ol.ny; 'or either of the said last named de--| fendants cannot be ascertained so that | 'process herein cannolt be searved upon | +them or efther of them baving ba'r[ filed in the office of the Clerk of said : of . Notice is therefore bereby given to all of the above named defendants that the above named complainant heretofore filed higd Bill of Complaint in said Court on the Cnancery side thereof, and that a summons thereup _ _Commencing at-- the--northwest: cor-- ner of the wast half of the west 'half [of said northeast quarter,--thence east along the north line of said quarter {uecuon 9.08 rods, thence south, paral-- 'leJ with the east line of said quarter tsection 88 rods, thence west, parallel 'with the 'north line of said quarter |section to the west line of the east. half of the west half of said quarter section, thence north along the said west line to the place of beginning, in Lake County, lilinois". . Gen. No. 16139. o Batisfactery affidavit that on due inquiry which has been made, the de-- fendants Joseph A. Holmes, "Unknown lbelrl or devl:;e"o of Jo:;r?.h'": Holmes, deceased", Rufus Gri t "Unknown heirs or devisees of Rufus ioflnwold. deceased", Jacob Brown, '*"*Unknown heirs or devisees of Jacob \Brown, deceased", Jacob -- Sigwalt, |«Unknown heirs or devisees of Jacob Bigwalt, deceased", George Weidner, l"Unknovn heirs or, devisees of owric \ Weidner, deceased", John 'George M. north range 11 Kast of tye 8r6 . m dneflpedutonm.' '" . *~** "Unknown ested in ~that part of the northeasat quarter of section . 36. township 43 north range 11 East of the 3rd~P. M. described as follows:. Cloths *' In the New Spring Shades PHONE 32 "Peter Pan Monday, Feb. 22, 1926 36 inches wi@e at 50c yard The Quality Store B. GODFREY Motion Pictures -- Talks -- Prizes FARM MEETING Libertyville Auditorium . M. McKITRICK, Inc. Sponsored by the Ford Motor Company like AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS A€ Bread,-- Tea--Biscuit, Sweet _ Rolls, Cookies,-- Fried Cakes, Pies, Ginger Bread, Coffee Cake, Corn Bregd, Parker House Rolis, Raked Beans, Potato Salad, Cold Slaw, Boston Brown Bread and numerous other, table necessities that are BAKED shrdlurd WATCH FOR | Jimmy :Jingles!!!! MOTHER'S BAKERY and _--_--__ DELICATESSEN | ---- He is going to tell you about the Delicious The Auction Sale of John H. Wirtz datedfor Thursday February 18, has been postponed on account of inclem-- ent weather, until Monday, February 22, 1926. TNE UNIYVIERIAL CA# AT 1 P.; M. NQOTICE LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. <|} . D. Hubbard, Prop. i ue is mmaey £ rop.:

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