CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 11 Mar 1926, p. 9

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~* _ Asked by Planning Experts i tode County. .. IWOLUME XXXIV--NUMBER 10 -- '"~ 'BECTION TWO LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1926 d pame 0000 9 ar'g:i~ ++/ I N!" * % [# .# m > 1 limoflxt:n_cp and procedure 6. --" Cl and yvacations. Jn Ag*= coun-- (foga i niiee tt i _. hereby pted, to . effeqtive. " _ and l'.foteo from fl after the * --~LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDE] --~ _ a dissenting vote. z+ 4O" * hect mc mtc0 Mc 24 the 'elty of Waukegan, was set for supervisors, with the resolution, which is printed in full below, ed by the tommitteoe. _ _ The resolution, which presents the project in less words-- than it could be erplained, is as follows and is particularly interesting .because Iikke county is being subdivided from stem to stern and the improvement hits almost all property owners in oue way or anothe@er;: 0 00 C. co. . BE IT RESOQOLYED, by the Board ol Supervisors of Lake County, that'- ot this resolution. * x RVU AND PROCEDURE COYVER-- ING PLATS, DEDICATIONS AND YACATIONS INX LAKE COUNTY, +. ILLNO8. _: Sec. 1. All laws of the State of Miinois are made a part hereo!, the and all officers and employees of Lake county, and specifically those hereina(ter referred to are directed to ~compel compliance with such laws of, the State of Illinois. Sec. 2%--TENTATIVE PANS. 1. In the filing of plats of subd}-- visions, there shall be first submit-- toed to the Committee on Subdivisions and Plats appointed by the Board o( BSupervisors of lLake county, bere leafter called "Committee", a ten-- tative plat in d@uplicate blue prints, which tehiative plat shall be in ac-- cvordance with the. following require ments : (6) All mecessary _ dimensions, limear' n'd angular, and angles neo-- eskary .th properliy re--suryey, shall By #«hown, limear dimensions given in g'?c and decimals of a 160%, ----*~ of all survey imis placed in BOON . TO SUBDIVIDERS (5) All lot linmes shall be shown ang lots and blocks properly sum-- bered or lettered. Building lines and eéasements shall be shown And deter-- mined by measurements, _ -- Rule on ¢a) Each plat shall be Crawn to a scale of 100 ft to an inch. Varla tions in scale may be made, bowever, where necesiary for a proper exhibit O a subdivision. L * _ ({) Where topography has a sig-- nificant bearing upon or controls lay-- out or utilities, contour lines at Bot gréeater than 5 foot intervals shall be ahown on tentativre plat. -- ----~44} The--procedure in said com-- mittee shall be as folows: | a)}) Such tentative plats shall .be examined *by committeo and if the same shall be, approved by t)o-.] they shall stamp such plats "Approv-- 'fi..' Committee on Subdivision and te, y <--------------------, Chlr'l.' (b)Ore shall be kept on file for public ersamination and the other returped Sec. 3--PLATS FOR RECOXKDW ' 1. After approval of a tentative plat there shall, within sizrty days, be submitted to the l!ormL com-- mittee a {final map, together with a blueprint thereof, which shall be the otiginal piast and made in accord ance with the tentative plat so ap proved. Such final map, when ap proved by the committee shall be stamped "Approved by Committee on Subdivisions and Plate, by ------ Chairmran of Committee" and the date of approval shown, and such final map shall be in accordance with the following requirements: . | 4. Each map -- shall include a correct survrey of property subdivid-- ed, !ncludu&.lenl description ; sec-- tion«, township and range; location and widths of all roads, streets, al-- leys and other lands to be dedicated to public use. All streets in the proposed subdivision shall be named, which names shall conform to those of existing streets and foads unless otherwlso permitted by ct tommit-- tee, and in case of offset Streets tha (b) All section lines, water courses and other exristing featur@s pertinent to a proper subdivismon shall be shown. {e) Width of _ existing roamdsi, streets with their names, alleys,Jots, butiding lines on property proposed to be subdivided and full width of streets bounding subdivisions and width 0o: intersecting streets in prop erty adjacegt with their names; also the location o{f exristing hbhighways or streets in subdivisions, which may be separated by intervening property shall be sbhown. (4) Names of proposed sabdivi stion and bname~o(f owner of trustese as owner, Oor name of sporm®or for the plat, are to .be shown; a brief desCription as to location shall be shown as part of the title. (2) All maps for record shall. be drawa to a scale of 100 feet to 1 lnch. Variations in scale may be made. bhowever, where necessary for a proper ethibit of a subdiviston. (3) Each map shall show the date of preparation of map and th6 north sign, section and quarter section lines. tee, and in case of offset Streets tha lime ol departure from onme street to another shall be shown. (e) Names of all adjoining sub dirinions sahall be included. and a4-- joining proparty not subdivided shali be marked "Not Subdivided." . _FOR 0.K, OF BOARD BVLLETIN The zoning resolution passed | (f) Streets in irregular districts and which ebeause of lakes and riv-- 'm will not be extended may be per-- ; mitted of a minimum width ot 509 each side of all rear lot lines for poles, wires, conmdulits, storm and sanitary sewers, gas, water and heat mains, but which shall not be used pntil authorized by and under stip-- "ulated regulations of proper authori-- ties having jurisdiction. to west line of County.. Highway:. From the north line of County at the center of Sec. 4, Town of Newport; south to the. center of Sec. 33%in said town; thence to the B. W. corner of said Sec. 33; thence south glong Section lines Seven (7) miles more or less to an intersec tion with Milwaukee road. County Line road: On South line of Lake county (50 feet on Lake ecounty side). (b) All subdivisions adjoinifig the following roads shall provide for a All designated State Ald roads not Included in the foregoing; and Al! tentative State Bond Issue roads; and certain other roads shown on the Master Plan and Gescribed as _ Belvidere road: From Waukegan to' the west l!ime of County. ~|_ _ width of 80 feet Geneva road (#so called) [from Its intérsection with the Rand road near the northwest corner of the Towa of thence sputheasterly through Fairfield and Long Grove io the County lime. (4) No lot stakes shall be used as ~markers but ~separate markers shall be used if desired. (e) Plat or certificates shali show kind of stakes used at corners. (8) All-- proper certificates, seais and signatures as required by law shall be shown. ' (9) --Provision shall be made for direct comnmections with the @xisting bhighways and with the . principai stréets in adjoining subdivisions, and in general, streefs shall be provided lines, and also approxrimately ball way between lines of a quarter, quag-- ter section and ~such. streets Shail be open to the boundaries of the tween the towns of Libertyrille and Fremont. . Highway (between Diamond Lake Cormers and Hall Day. _ (e) Subdivisions shall provide a not less than 66 teet width--on erist-- Ing bhighways and no streets thall be H"d.kmrbnhtbnm 'l'tmni or which may comnect wi existing streets if ex-- tended, Short streets asd those on which lots do not front may be 50 feet in width if not conflicting with (18) Building set back lines shall be established on all residential lots and. these. shall not be less in in distance than ;gwenty feet and not less tha thoses provided on the same streets in adjoining subdivisions, ex-- cept that the building line shall not be required to be more than 35 feet, abtd for corner lots on side streets shall --mot be l6%s than 10 féet. -- . {e}. Permanent monuments shail be erected at all street corners anu at all points where street lines in-- tetsect the exterior lines of the 'subp division, . a Ertension of the highwvay, bow pared, northwesterly from -- Round Lake, io the Round Lake depot; thence west along the present high way to the Woest County Line. All section line roads south of the State Alid Route No. 22. (e}--Section and <quarter sertion ine streets shall be not jess than 646 feet wide (other than hereia pro vided). ' . tre 1 and courts or places not mm than § lots may, at the discretion of the commitiee, be made 40 feet in width. -- (16) In-- gemweral no. black shall be _ -- t w-' It is pdossible the aldelines # should be at right angles to the street or parallel to the block lines. eter and twenty--{our (24) inches in length; cand if stonse or concrete shall be not less -- than four (+) (4) Secondary -- and <-- residential streets shall be not less'* han 69 feet in width. _ ft. and side street leading from main streets to water fromtage may be permitted a minimum width ot (12) On streets where the subdi-- vision is zoned for business or where lots have a less frontage than 40 feet, an additional width of 10 feet (13) So called "private" roads are bot permitted under any . circum stances except that private roads may be provided for access to not over two lots or omne tract of land. (14) Where alleys are provided they shall be not less than 20 {feet 9) Bulldings in --residential--lots |i£lll not be nearer than fivte Lfoet add maps ftor record. « (b) Permanent monuments erected in such divisions, of iron pr shalil be fot less than ome inch is "diam-- on each side of the center line of street, additional to the foregoing width shall be provided. -- vied, easements of not less than 5 feet in width shall beprovided od the subdivision shall be ghown upon (24) inches in length. _ (16) Where alleys are not pro t Iine _ rog4 ---- between the '"Ooft Vernon and Ela and be-- the towns of Libertyyille and 8# Blull (10) The area of all lots shall Bot be loss than the standards for all corresponding used -- established by the zoning ordinance of the near-- est municipality, which bas a soning ordihatice except that such provision shall not require inside lots of over 50 feet frontage and shall not be ia-- Terpreted to a{flect torritofy which a municipality has no plat jurisdic-- shall be filed with county superia-- pendent-- of highways. S8ECTIQON FOR FEES-- * (1) Upon the filing of a piat with the committee, there shall be at-- tached a receipt from the county olerk showing that there has beea pald a fee of. fire cents lfor each lot, sublot, or 'tract of land shown upon such finai map and in --no case sphall a minimum fee so pald to the county clerk be less than two doilars excepting that windows or bays may extend to within three feet. o{f .sych lines. (21) The subdividers shali grade all streets laid out in their sub> glvuk_n. 'Qiey 'shall also place the street intersections and waterways crossing cui¥erts necessary for prop crossing cuiye er drainage. (32) At that tidie of filing a piat with the comimttee {or approval they shalt Ite--a% eadditiowai print of plat upen which shall be: showa pro-- posed sites and tract o( culverts to be installed and shall show on said plat any proposed improvement o( streets other than grading which pia' €2) The committee shal desig-- mate a time and place at which ac-- tion shail be taken upon the plats and at which time the subdiridgers or their agents may have a hearing. If such fimnal plat or map shall be approved by them they shall stamp the same "approved by committee on subdivisions and plats this ---- day Of ---------- A. D. ------ (Chairman). (3) Plats not approved by the committee shall, upon the request 0f the subdivider, be submitted by the committee by the board of super-- visors with the reasoms for disap proval, After heviewing the evi-- (4) In case the board disapproves such map or plat it shall be returned by the county clerk to the owner with the fee charge and giving the reasons therefor. (56) Final plat may be submited of a re--subdivision of blocks on any plat previously approved and recokg-- ed under these provisions without the formality of submitting a tenta-- tive plat ~whera other provisions herein provided have' been observed. However, aa extra copy "shall be furnisbed to be filed as a tentalive (2) All adjustmenis relative to any and all taxes shall be made before : recording. Bec. § --APPROYVALSA. (1) --TBe committee shall have power to make such changes as con-- ditions may require and which do not materially deviate from substan-- tial conformity to the proviaions here dence the borad of supervisors may approve the plat but only on the two thirds vote in favror of such an ap> proval. (6) : AKter the approval of the fimtal ; siv plat by the committee or the board,| err of superyisors said plat shail be filed with the county recorder within thirty Sys and if not so filed said plat shall have no valldity' and shall not be recorded without reapproval.| . ° Bec. 6--GENERAL Li (1) In all cases of dedications| ¢" county arg directed 1o compe!l &T3 pitance with the laws of the state «ol of llincis and-- «e set , tet forth in this resolu ies 4st' 2t plat ~SaFrERFiELD ©1926 Bboas!-- bmuwn' peliks 9 um oi "a L\ a\iry¥ CE | 'state | collégo atudent: who has béen mys-- «a u&m%.u since 1ast Novem-- Mroatmr're trs tA e .3 130 34 PAltii ons isiva is To uin in is e : Troy, N. Y.. Mar. 10.----PolHé inve= tratiox today disclosed thet thesgirl ; | voorkimx as a servant in an Highth 1r*sect home, this--tity, Is not "Alice M. %?Tmo( Uticas 20 year ~M Oh--Boy! What A Girl! -- Fort Sheridan and Fort Benjamin MHarrison, as permanent posts--both of -- which . were officer _ training camps during the war--are to be re-- taimned and will benefit from land sales. SALE OF ARMY _ = LANDS ORDERED; FT. SHER. STAYS INT ACT Washington, D C , March 10--A bill for disposal of exten«ive acre-- age held by the war department in milltary reservations no long®r in use or required passed the house Monday, was put th:ough the sen-- ate late yesterday and is now ready for the president's signature. The legislation as recommended by Sec. War Davis would pu: proceeda of land sales into the treasury for the use of mHitary posts and reserva-- tions to be--retained. BENEFIT LOCAL GARRISON Tacluded in the tabutatina of lands recommended for 'sale are Chanute feld, near Rantoul, 640 acresa; SBcott feld. Belleville, 623 acres; Selfridge feld, Mount Cle-- mens, Mich., 640 acres; forty--seven acres at West 74th strget and South Ashland avenue, Chicago, used by tha ordinance department;: tha 806 acres of Rock Ilsliand arsenal, the 11.011 acres of the Savanah provr-- ing ground, near Savanah, IIl. Congress Says Cantonments Not Needed, But Lake Co. Post is Not Included. The Florida posts which would be disposed of and their 1925 valu-- ation include Chapman feld, $2,-- 385,000; Anastasia island,; $500, 000; St. Joseph's bay reservation. $200,000, and Fort Barrancas, $346.-- 695. TAX ADJUSTMENT W. S. Rinear o Antioch, owner of Rinear's Acres subdivision, yesterday asked that the board of superyvtsors ratund~ t§¥és t6 him on 9 1--2 acres, tlaiming that he had paid double on the property from 1922 to 1925 jaclo-- sive. The maiter was referred to the erron~ou«s assesement committee, With the exceptton of Camp Dir, New Jersey,. and Camp Lewis, state of Washingion, all of the canteme ments where thousands of national army men were trained in 1917 and 1918%, have virtually been abandoned This ilacludes Camps Dodge. Des Moines, lowa, 3,.7148% acres; Custer, Battle Creek, Mic®k., 8,770 acres, and Sherman, Chillcothe, O . 4,759 acres Scattered small forts or remserva-- tions beretofore listed as regular army property, valued at $21.495,-- 611.80. aso are to be disposed of, Included in this category are num-- erous pieces in Florida. g'fi' w::; NOT MIS [ J e ING CO--ED Aniioch. owner of New York, March 10. --Mrs. Edna Tinney, wife of Frank Tianey, the actor has been granted an absolute divorce. Tinney is acting on Broad-- way. Imogene Wilson, co--respond-- ent in the case, is abroad. EDNA TINNEY DIVORCEE 2% Reduction in Tax Effective Now We will absorb immediately on all Ford cars the two per cent reduction in tax which normally does not become effective until midnight March 28th. This means that you can have immediate delivery of a new Ford car and take advantage of the two per cent tax reduction. J. M. McKitrick, Inc. Phone 32 it as a state alid road. This means that there 'wou'ld hare to be a wait until the $60,000,000 bond lesue was exhausted eand the $100,000,000 open-- l'a". At present there are about three gal battlies on $60,000,000 routes in which people are trylnag to change the routes. This means that the firs}t etate road bond issue may be in court for a long time. Mr. Bairstow contends that political enemies of the governmor are trying to keep him from getting into the $100,000,000 _ road bond iysue by tieing up the $60.000,-- 000. This is being done, be saye, so° that Governor Small cannot take credit for any paving under i. Other supervisore are not so cer-- tain thal the beard will carry a bond issue, and they are just as sure that the people would not, should it be submitted to them for a vote. There is a strip of 4.6 miles to be pared and if it should be compteted it would mean that the excess or tra{-- fic would be taken off Sheridan romd, and that Sheridan road in Waukegan could be made a boulevard without incomveniencing scores of trucks. | The easiest way to get ~,'\tvln3 ac~ cording to Mr. Bairstow, would be for the board to pass tue romd bonL issue, which has been boosted _ to. $600,000 to include a strip x! road below. Deerfield and one near Antioch. Then, it the people voted for it, and: he believes that--it would carty, the county could pare. The next move would ba 18 ... _ _._.----vite "to Accept] But two chances are open to get Milwaukee road (Greenbay) paved, according to Supervisors -- George Bairstow and ,County Highway »u Dperintendent Charles Russgell, and one is far remoyed while the other rests directly with the peojle.~ ,>* ~~©~' 11 vul--1u« siapy * on other roads. The second chance to get the road pared would be to have the state do BUT TWO CHANCES TO GET PAVING ON _ -- MILWAUKEE ROAD County Bond Issue Best, and WANT A B0 N D ISSVUE Even if the firet issue were expend the State a Remote Possi bility is Claim. thae« <s8*A Jrq n iY w 3&:@1&&&'.&#% Libertyville, IMlinois $1.50 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE ~"IN CHINA PROVINCE HDNDBoERS. STARYI(G * London March 10--Hundreds are al-- ready dead [rom starvation is Honan, and thousands more &re dying from the want oft t5od, according to cen-- _ The la-b-'vug:- awept Honan is described as most horrible in the history of Chins." ~ 'Those of the population who are able to leare the distriot are doing so, mut thoussnds are bebpless. Food prices have jumped %09 per cenat is the past few weeks. his house had been damaxzed. The grade was elevated, and he seeks money from the county to elevate the house and pht in a new foundation. It was referred to a committee to re-- port back this session. NA --_ _A letter from Frank T. @heets, ?R.' board, pointed _ out that L:a PCounty had profited to 'the extent 'of $41,000 in refunda . and tha; Milwau-- kee road could be pared from refunds. The fact is that this money has been spent in completing the Antioch road and any more money from this sourcs is two years removed. That sums up the bare posstbility of pavikg Mil-- waukee road next year, and thus com-- pleting the link between Chicago and Washingtos, Mar. 10. --Charles Hunt. of lowa. was confirmed by Senate as a member of the (ede trade commission after a fight wh has ertended over months. Th« was 48 to 20. s & By putting in the cmo#g otf route 22 over the Soo lint at irle View, Thomas J. Lyoch complains in a let-- ter to the board of supervisors..that of the highway chiefs, in a letter to Mitwaukeo CROSSING HURTS _ _ _ LAND, WANTSPAY ~ ed then it would be the work of the county to get the state to designate Milwaukee road as one to be paved. It wouid take three or four years at léxst before the etate could pave, he CONFIRMED ON COMMIS8I0M dge 4 5, +8 y

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