CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 11 Mar 1926, p. 13

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. || G. A. Rolfes & V. L. Dondanyville _ GEO. YOCUM DIES / MRS. DAY--CANNOT-- |JORY ToREAR AT HIS HOME NEAR | _ BE TRIED AGAIN| ATTACK TRIAL ~ i. -- ~ GURNEE YESTERDAY| 1. 20 zs 1| S SWORN TODAY AUG, FROELicH, n remcmmnks TERMS: Ail sums of $25.00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months will} be given, purchaser to execute bankable note bearng 7 per cent interest from date, No property to be removed from premizes unt!) settied for. -- to mention. los Angeles, Cal, Mar. 10.-- lumber schoomner David C. zenr onto subimerged reeis off min, near here today and is sink The crew of 21 men has been re: ed and safely landed. Mokh BLks MiHusme: maly 3 1. O _ 1G DIPoTMT WIimure SpPrebugr, HMay Rake, Side Delivery Rake, Hay Loader New Racine Threshing Ma-- chine, 16--30 HartParr Tractor, 3--Bottom Plows, new:; 2 Tractor Pul verizers, 2 Grass Mowers, 3 Sets Double Marnegs, Corn Binder, new:; 2 Truck Wagone, 2 Hay Racke, 2 20.Diec Hoossier Dril's, new; 3 Two Bot. tom Tractor Plows Ford Truck, International Truck, Zrow Attach-- ment Corn Plow for Engine, 2 Grindstones, 2 Gas pumping engines, 2 Walking Plows Single Row Cultivator, 20ft. Drag, Silo Filler with 60 1t. pipe, new; Barn Forks, Scoops and other articles too numerous ba mamelaa HOUSEHOLD FUARMITUVAE : Kitchen Cabinet, Dressers, Commede, DelLaval Cream Beparator and Power Altachment. § Max D. Stever, counsel for Kreage, said the probably tpul' have an an-- rouncement to make tomorrow night The Kresges are in seclusion, ré fusing to see anyoue. : NO PATCH--UP FOR KREsGEs New York, March 10. --Efforts ot Bebastiin S. Kresge, mukim{llion-- alre Detrogt chain stote -- operator, and his youtbfu! wife, Doris Mércer Kresge, to patch up their marital and financial differences, continued loday, apparent!y without resuit to his bed until about five months ago. His condition became steadity weaker and a few days ago became afflicted with pneumonia which has-- tened 'the end. ~ He was active for many years in the affairs of the Odd FeNows b.'.fl in <@urnnet. His wilo ° alana Feed Grinder, 1020 MeCormick Desring Tractor, Farmaill McCormick Deering Tractor, Fordson Tractor, Trattor Witch McCarmick Rindger, Tank Heater, Corn Planter with 160 rede of wire, Hay Fork and Ropes, John Deere Manure Spreader Internatinnal Manmuera Ensusdll 40 FARM IMPLEMENTS, All practically new 200 Bushels of Ioflq:-WdMl&Cflw; 10 tons of Baled May and Strazw Possessed with a marked degree of ability to do almost anything well he was long regardéed as the jack of all trades, the man capable of. --building or repairing anything that. became out of order in that section TWe work of s brick masom; npwover: : . ~ot a brick mason;, bowever, and many builldings in that section are the result of his handiwork. Be-- itween 'employment --in neighboring communities and on farms in that district he looked .after bis own asmall farm of ten acres. , . He has been in poorheaith for the | past four years due to an infection of }ho lungs but he did pot take| commencing at 12:30 sharp the Gurnee and Milburs neighbor hoods for more than thirty--five years WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17th Having sold this farm will sell at Public Auc-- tion on the premises known as the Emnest Moore farm, near the Fasse Farm, 3 miles north of Lake Zurich, 2%/ miles southwest of Wauconda, 6 miles southwest of Mundelein, 113 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 113 PUBLIC SALE A--FARMER -- AND ARTISAN Well Known Resident of Cen-- tral Part of County Taken f SCHOONER DN ROCKS by Death, al.. Mar. 10.--The HAY AND GRAIN sinking. remov-- There is to be a musical progrim as well, which is to start at Y:45 o'cloek. Plate luncheon is to he served in the high school lunch m Mn inb rtaads: td zesc ud lang Park, where the school is loca*-- A splendid program bas been ar ranged for the day, and Miss Nila B. Smith, first assistant supervisor of research, Detroit Pubfic schools, will be one of the speakers. Another is to be Guy C. Caldwell, guide, na-- turalist, and eptertainer from -- the Rocky Mountain National park. _ len Smait BpringRe}d, I!I=., Kar. 10--A requil siiion for the return from ~Detroit, Mich.,. of Surny, Alias David Benks to Chicago, where he is wanted on a charge of swindling louis E. Conpor one 'of the most "z(vonut even's of the year' for hers, has been called for March 15 by T. A. Simp mon, _ county-- superinatendent of schools. The conference is to be held * in the Deerfleld--Shields high school in Highland Park. . i4 To alid the Waukegan deleg@tes 'a arftiving there the North Shore r.o wl run two eftrA doaches at £--40 RUN _ SPECIAL _ TRAINS *intendent Calls 'Session for * Mar. 15; Arrange Program. i T. A. Simpson, County Super-- on récord here today from the state Bupreme Court during a bearing op the application of Attorney General U. 8. Webb to set acside, _ An opinion of the Appellate Court, under which Mr#g. Day is now st lb erty in Chicago on $10,.000 bait.---------- 'The case was fAnally taken under advisement-- after argument. _ MID--YEAR TEACHER MEETING SET FOR * -- HIGHLAND PARK _ Lee Angeles, Cal., Merch 10--Con-- victed by a jury of throwing acid in her husband's fage Wut acquitted by the same jury in the same verdict of assaulting him 'with intent to do bod-- y injury, Mrs. Bernice Day, wife of time, if the offohse charged was the qannot be brought to trial a second Darby Day, Jr. wealthy Chicagoan, WALTER PagHn, CGRANTS EXTRADiTION , the following: was issued today by Governor mid--year teachers' meeting counts of the indict Hay is to be! = f The 4 'as"wiet [ The Createst Mystery Melo: | ATTORNEY A 1 A.A W LIBERTYVILLE HLINO!S LUCE BUVUILOING Res Phone 136M Ofice Phone 15 Office in First National Bank Building Mours: 1 to 3:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. [ Smith's Taxi Res. Phone 20--J. Office phone 163 Reverse Charges on Business Calls LYELL H. MORRIS Dr. O. F. ; |fJ | Clarke and Sistare, Lessees | E. W. COLBY ATTORNEY A T LAW Office at Home on Cook Avenue " _ Telephone 1644 LIBERTYVILLE ILLINONS DR. J. L. TAYLOR Phone Libertyville 146--.R--120R MIBERTYVILLE 1 NOW Telenhone 66 R. L GONSALVES WILL CONTRACT to furnish abor and material on _ your house complete for a stt fig--ure so you will know just what the fore noon was made up at'LéR;y Alcock, Harold Burge, Avon (his IJBERRTYVILALAR HA1NOIR Going to Build? driving home evidence h 7&--drc"n'l-; court on which he hopes to convict John Mundro and Staniov -- Maraw Matinee Wednesday, Saturday ; Sunday at 230. . _ States Next Week----Beginning Sunday * Matinee MRISH EYES" MAY _ FINISH . THURSDAY Takes .Day and a Half to mw t"u':.:r;.:::'g .::,:"::l:.?mm?blfitlyd;{ ns ':to?v Aigs su"; Bair-- | 'The eight men who had been sworn Who is He? MAJESTIC ALL THIS WEEK Every Evening at 8:30_ G. H. SMITH, Prop. ith GUEST DENT. TRorspay, What the defense hailed as some thing in their favor was & remark from the girl, that she made to the ~ high quality all--steel closed car, can. bel'dpurehaaed for o li-w * $520--§55 less than the Touring Car sold for six years | --~ mzamme m > ago. Open car prices are correspondingly low. e § o ___*While this program o% priceredGuction has been Tarried _ > s TMT------ mmtrwmpu&gguv nents have been _ _ ----{{} ' _ new and attractive body lines--a lower center of gravity, o closed cars in color, all--steel bodies, new brakes and new MSste Sho style fenders., -- -- im Attentions as best she -- CE L® 20 OE OE CHERE NCO % 180 IaAW yE The eight men who had been sworn Atitorpey ought back early, . _ ~., ~ _ The case will probably run all day 1 876 --THE T ELA PHGNER'BR FPLFTIERETHR O¥LA R--1vi18 "Ford Design Costs more to m-u Worth iun --But Sells for Less" NM Fifty years have passed. To--day there are 17,000,000 telephones in the United States, giving voice to human need, as Bcfi',s crude trans-- mitter.did then. Fire breaks out in the night; law--breakers invade a home; sickness strikes at a famil' circle. "Come here, 1 want you," is 'M R. WATSON, come here; I ' want you!" exclaimed Alex-- ander Graham Bell on March 10, 1876, during an afternoon of experi-- mentation, and over a wire connect-- ing two rooms, the young assistant heard the words,--the fir'::g?okcn sentence to be so transmitted. For the First Time ©*500 Buys a Closed Car TOURING NEW RUNABOUT ©310 PRICESsS ©290 However, the basic features of Ford design have not been changed. Threg"point motor suspension, planetary transmission, dual ignition system, torque tube drive, multiple disc--in--oil clutch, splash lubrication, thermo-- syphon cooling system--outstanding features of auto-- mobile design--have all been retained, regartless of cost. FORD MOTOR COMPANY, Detroit H plan to spend over $500 F. O. B. Factory for an iu{:;oblle,"you can get the year--round comfort and convenience of a Ford closed car. L rext i The fflu advantage which the public enjoys in purchas-- ing Ford cars is the result of volume production. In 1920, when the Ford Motor Company was producing ap-- prorimately only a million cars a year, the Ford Touring Car sold for $575. Today, with production on the basis of nearly two million cars a year, the Tudor Sedan, a TUDOR SEDAN COU PE FORDOR SEDAN Closed Car prices include starter and demountable rims | _ All prices . 0. b. Detrois 2 IILL'YmH One Policy -- One System + Universal Service ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 520 'ple, Highland Park; John Peterson, Higbhland Park;* Jobn Weber, Deer-- mum: George Weiduer, Vernon <own-- y . 2 hs . Attorney Jack E. Bairstow was ep tered in the case today. for the state, _with Assistant States Attorney 8. H. (Block entering the appearance Of 'the lawyer. | First Message & + Conmstruction Co., Ro George Field had almost a price of $66,376.45. Every telephone call is an echo of the 2rst message. For whether it is the physical presence or the listening ear that is desired, the impulse that lifts the telephone re-- ceiver is, "I want you." magic, a personality is projected through sguce, qua,ZMn r:' asked, answers given, problems solved-- by telephone. the summons, and the telephone speeds it on the n{hcmg impertance demands the decision one who is on the far side of the continent."Come here, l:daty:_'," # m # « :mir":n;\?::'nnlm in nn:.»z --»mpringDeld, liils., Mar. 10. Contract for the construction of a bridge on route five, section 15 B, Winngbago county, was let today by the state highway department to the Ferguson ' Bs rhengeges in the morn-- throug ort get young men on the jury, There had been 54 veniremen called up until 10 o' elock in the morning. o+ wl , Is., at It to the most ye \|. Libeftyville Chapter . | ~-- _ No. 272 R. A¥A. M. D..C. Grinnell, Inspecter 'SNOW'S / PHONE 306 Meets First ond Third Monday Nights of Each Month at Masonic Hail Visiting Companions Cordially® inviteg@. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOS Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesd®® of Each Month at Gridiey mail Visiting" Members Cordially invited LORA STURM EDITH LAYCOCK ./ CATTLE TESTED FREE OF CH ARGE -- William P. Whitney Marrisaon Linertyville P15 06-- W Phone BHM -- EARL CORLETT, . P. J. B. WETMORE, Secretary. INSURANCE Good Meals 50¢ WAUKEGAN, IL. n»one 329 LIBEAT Y\ Office With Farm Bursan 551 No. Milwaukee Avenue >--IBERTYVILLE iLLinois TELEPHONE 451 REAL ESTATE We Buy an ARLING T O N # HOTEL # SELLERS & PETE RSE N A. A. Grand3 _ KM.¥R./A _ [ > ACME CAMP Ne. 176 | ""_ *.:p'::*::-"v-*v P Pmd s of on o ie es Mystic Workers"" "'F/? M !'I.: }',", Veterinariam l WR

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