. ll, Here hrthep :25." COPELAND'MANOR' lSCALLING YOU! Rockland Rd., 'Bouievirded' with rows of fineCok) tree will be the most beautiful. residence street' in Lisirtrviue," , The gently raiuiirtsiopei'of Copeland Manor with the "Vida for beautiful and spacious landscaped Water, sewer, gas am electricity are assured so you can build this year. 1m apt"uou' Ground values will inc. crease rapidly. COPELAND MANOR SALES ORGANIZATION grounds. Office Lt the Grounds in Charge of 'J. L. Schenck, Gen. LIBERTYVILLE INDEPEN DENT, 'icturesque Setting For your "Dream Home." 7 we: "iasrgts,ii'a"'ehsyer, 'gr '"t'f'eq LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS . Jg, _ q .- ' r"rtF.r'r 'cr." 22' yd". ti-Fri-ei-d-. .- THURSQAY. APRIL 15, 1926. 1.. . -~v -c.r 'm-TM -- a _--':-.':-'..-.,,).'.-.--)"-")'-] _- (ji , 25 ft. Business Lots on Milwau- '-iiicit,, iv: - kee Ave. as low as $3750 i, "ata',',, "f Sites for2 Family A ments on is: . {.1 Pntirie'Averte $31500 .» ' --.. Good Well may: . Sales Mgr., Phone 530 a» "A." wry-4" ""5 - .'re'C 5")" - .,.-, ' :1'6 ' 5"; MiNtl a. u', T ._. " You know, we know, that Copeland Mayor. This fact cuihot be disputed. Why wait, Spring is here. Pick out your lot this week while you have a choice of selection. ALL SOLO ON EASY TERMS COPILAND IAN! "LII MOAIIZATDON. m N In." A". uunyvmo. mun". ' Corrund Adam. w.-----.-.--- in Libertyville. Pu- and .. tn: not price Hut of Iota h chad Inner. whom any obligation on my THIS COUPON TODAY S1'200 PAGE 1rtrgBgari', :53 if}: