CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 Apr 1926, p. 13

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~ BOTH POLITICAL -- PEOPLES' ARMY _ PARTIES GATHER KILLS 400 MEN AT SPRINGEIELD | 1z an7 o Tss Springfield, Ii1., Apr'l 21.--Victory ip November at the polls will be the . picture painted.for the admiration of both Republican and Democrats when they gather in this city next Friday for' their biennial convention. And It seems that. both rouncups may de-- velop into love feasts, with pats on the back and huzzahs drowning out * 'h);'i:rmymmm Of"db«)fife'ifl. For leagere of the G. U. P. seem to 'fevor a few mahouts for the victors, speeches and nominairon of three U. of 1. trustee candidates and a paesing of resolutions until later. The state argenal wiil house tbe' Republican rally and the Democails will powwow in Represenlatives hell.. étate capitol. f With a primary victory behind bim, €c!. Frenk L. Smith, Dwignt, Republi can 'candidate for the U. S. senate, wil} be on hband at the RepubHcan gathering, as will be Garrett D. Kin-- ney, etate treasurer nominee, also Governor lLen Smaill, Secretary . ot State 1. L. Emerson, State Treasurer Umer Custer, and Atterney General Oecar Carlstrom. Smith is erpect-- e4 to have an unrestricted bacd in drawing up the. party resolutions, which if made eo e@rly in the fight are expected to leok "to the future Democrats will rally around elightly molst tannperism beld asoft by George Brennan . of Chicago, nammer @away at the Vo!stead act, challenge various and eundry acts of their politioal .foes, end > «timite a mum _outlook . for vidmory st the: PWAt general election. pledge support to the president ex-- vept on his world.court etand, which Smith made the chref iseue in his primary. fight* © £0 es Smal in the laet prifmary, may be an entry and there is some bint that Alls ney General Caristromr may don running «hoes for io« gubernatorial dor« not Central ~Committee of Demo-- crats and Republicans Gather in Conclave. Liquor will form the chief rallying pointof the Democrate, headed by Brennan, who is' chempion of modifi-- cation ef the lxh'fln" prohibition law. Brennuan, however, frowns on the old time ealoon. He will make the trip to this City in «& epecial train Thurs day and open beadQuarters at the Hotel Abrabam Linceoln. Accompany-- for state offices, also--favoring changeu in the dry lawe. s Plans are expected to be lald at the coming G. O. P. meet to oppose the campaign-- of© Governo: swa'l for re nom{ination, expected by bis support-- ere. ~Friends of Secresary of State Emmereon may launch his boom for governor, expected by many wiee po-- litteativ. Former Jécutenant Gover-- Smail in the laet prifary, may be an entry and there is some bint that COVER STATE IN . SOIL SURVEY BY STATE EXPERTS Only Seven Out of 102 Coun-- ties Have Not Been Sur-- veyed to Date. ' LEARN MUCH OF CROPS task of studying and mapping the soi's of the un'nished counties and ®ben the soil s#urvey is completed the experiment station of the cot lege will be able to give farmers «specific information of the fertili-- zation and marfagement of all soils in the state. These eight men will work in groups of four e&ch. O. i. F'is, M. R. Isaacson, F. E. Schuit: and C. B. Midd@reton will work in Piatt and Schuyler counties and D. ping« C Max#®@B, A. A. Endres, .H. Was cher apd ¥. B. Fielder will work in Wayne and Fayette counti¢s. Soll survey work in lilinois is s heduleéd *o come in for special at-- tention in comnection with L in ternational soil survey conference to be held next dsbring 'in Washingto. Following the meeting in Washing-- ton, an extensive fleld trip is to be taken by those atterding the confer-- SHOUTING FOR VICTORY ence and during this trip constder-- able time will be spent in Ilinois {n; the purpose of stitdying the soils in this state 'and the work of the experiment station. The eagerness nt the internationally known soil men of Europe to come to the Un+ ted States and stidy the sotls and nil survey 'methods is an indication of the merits of the work amd the espect which Eur"mans bold for it. in the opinion of *Dr. Smith, ELECT 5 WOMEN "DAY$S." <pringfield; I1., Apr. 21.--Five wom en. running on a law and order"plat yesterday. They ,defeated their male oppotents who were classified as ""mmumet ad s PA -- form were elected by the voters of Riverton, a small viHage east of Springfield at the municipal elections jde to ® B iteB&21 fabe &1t Governer may 44 he contest, and if he he will be a candidate iItk will Bootb. national comimanCer ol {. vallpn army, wea comfined +~ apartment'in the Peareon ho« today following a renewed ata chronic appendicitis She is faced with tme prolatiis : having to undergo an Immediate o eration, according to Dre. Car} V sri ley and Louts L. McAringt, a'teniin ph yake ia na. The opinion .states further-- 'Noi coming under any statutory provis-- fonm the public roads are at all times opey to common use of the publi( and It is, of course, a common use to haul heary.loads in the #pring of the year. For instance, Marcha I is & moving time for farmers and 4 distapees ae (0 The Quaker church, which c0; ducts an -- academy> cat Vermilo Grove, Vermi!llion county, an ins tute of learning anmd a separate «0: poration but controlled by '! church, Which bas quite @ tbody « land in Vermillion county to b used for scn%gl Eflfim" en 440 re rented out an e proceeds use exclasively for school purposes, mu-- paey taxes on this land, attorney ge! eral ruled today, in another opinio given Eimer O. Furrow, s'ates a tormey, Vermillion county. After consultin® over long distance with Commeander oBethe New York phyaician, Dr. Shipier declared they would know within i4 bours wheibher an operation wohld h'no-an. _T _ u.cs ca td ,, it be cevered in such moving. T hen, too many times the farmer nds h » best market for 'grain for spring (« lHvery «+and it would work a hard-- ship upon bim to be denied the »:---- nt% of theawroads for the haulins of heavy loads.": Springfield, U'., April 21. --Coun"®t road ofiicials have no power or a«-- thority under the-- statutes in llino s to keep off beavy traffic or to place limits upon loads to be hbauled ove: secendary and state. aid roads i2 the sprinmtime or after heavy rain«, according to an opinion given tod#) by Attorney General Oscar Carlstrom to Russel!l O. Hansen, states attor ney, Ottawa, DJ. The reason for the maesacre, it was stated, was the shooting by the gu«rd of a score of Chinese students who staged a demonstration in protest to the president's yielding to an ultim=: um of the foreign powers. f The opinion says: "Under the ; visieons of the statutes it Js n» sary that the property in qaey be used exclusively for sehool : religious purposes, or for orphana and not leased or otherwise u with a view to profit. The fao's the casewhich you presedl( Jo -- bring the lands in question ® .' the exemption protisions of 1Me i stitution or Revenie Act. Un the holdings of our supreme co said lands are nat used excia~s for @chool afd relisious pusu . SanAntonio, Texas, . April 21 A seven foot rise aweeping down th« Olmost creck basin t¥is morning sen: the San Antonfo--river on anyther steady Itne. folowing torrential rains during the past three days. and agan menaced the city today with & fo~! A flood in 1921 from the Olmos region damaged property to millions in ex tent and took the toll of 51 tives A steady rain beginning at 6 ©'clork this morning was continuing. Guards were being posted along the (Oimos basin on the outskirts of town to sound a warning if the basin'« waters reach a danger point. t EVANGELINE BOOTH ©| -- IS SERIOUSLY ILL TEXAS FEARS Merrin, 1. April 21. --The Ar Klan ticket fas victorious iA \s terday's peaceful and orderly :« tions winning three ougy. Of the :o aldermanmic seats. J* Fosd, * mer. chief of police and hot)ho: one 6f the three klape=men kille the primary election riot, was « feated by Dr. Carg Baker by > narrow margin of 68 yotes ARE DOING MUCH DAMAGE TlLe guard was mowed down by ma chine guns. London, April 21--Four hundred col diers, comprising the presidential guard at Pekfog, 'were stain by Tic people's army before they evacuate the capital, a Shanghel dispatch «// today. + s COUNTY OFFICIALS CANNOT REGULATE -- * HEAVY TRAFFIC Carlstrom Says There Is No Way to Keep Heavy Trucks Off Spring Roads. ANTI--KLAN WINS HERRIN ELECTION Colomel Davis recommended *| Headquarters--company of Carbonda which guarded the polis yesterda be remored, 'but pending the ofd from Springfield( the tmop-fm l k~pt here. ~ --~ Jawyer--For the last time, 1 ask yen for that three dollara Debtor--Thank heaven, that's over ! he A g4 hey are leéeased wilh fit, _ These ladds ar ubject to Reneral taj April A BAD FLOOD At Lost & LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDEXT, THURSDAY. APRIL 22, 1926 | | _ David and Goliath? | Ambrose Raught, a Resident of | _ _Lake County for 56 Years | _ Passes Away. , Ambrose t Lake coun ULD RESIDENT OF _ --COUNTY ES AT nfss ol three years'due t of the arterkes, brought his. advanced age. He #. ol. aAge. _ M _ The deceased came tn 1 abo FARMED FOR FORTY YEARS Raught, o clock a F m March! 16,265 Cars HOME HERE TODAY Greatest Nash Month aPLooAll . [ m e f * ns < QR h: *# =~'* y$ e ' o P * %. + ~".wC.--~ > * s morping afi« Raugh 250 Milrankte Av¢ NASH\aFAR z: February--with Nash--Ajax sales totaling 14,148 cars --set a new high mark for both Nash and Ajax--but March, with 16,265 cars, swept beyond even that great record. . And still factory production was not sufficient to fill additional bona fide March orders for 1,518 cars. For Nash it was the 19th consecutive month that sales have exceeded the figure achieved by the correspond-- ing month of the previous year--except for Novem-- ber, 1925, when production was slowed up to bring into manufacture the new "Enclosed Car" motor. This great and growing national trend among buyers toward Nash and Ajax cars is assuming the propor-- tions of a veritable landslide. _ _ All because Nash--Ajax means greater Quality, greater Value, and far finer Performance--and people can't be told otherwise. It is only too apparent when you look at the cars. hew, (Clarit reet, at 703 ¢8}¢ 39 Two young netresses were dh«-uu-l ll.n" Aboin--pespectire --po«tteonsg hitht' profession. | "In our new pl#y'" said one. "I've} been given three pages of dialogue to.| Sickle, bigh school student 1i years old. is undet arres vey and will be returned trial on a charge o( wife ment preferred by Edith Yan Sickle, three month« o the youth. and untii recent! school student. to make his bome with his nephew Thiough 'his long residence and genial disposition be formed a~large circle of--friénds and acquaintances in tbhe county who will be grieved to learn of his passing * -- _ Funeral the home noon Bi H's nephew, Charles Rauvug the only livimg relative. ~~ Lead the World STUDENT FACES ChHARGE Lroville, 11, April 211--Ralph Van KENNEDY BROS. e Greatest Ajax Month She Was Beautiful Fhone 280 student p her. *tut beautiful in Motor Car Value here fo abandon Wrigh {t !d ar ]-from alcoholism, according to ~Sir '7;""; | James C.ichton Browne, who has just lpuhl.-hvd a new book on the life of the Scotch laureate. -- have Ha h a U 18 | HEART DISEASE | _ KILLED POET BURNS | . ----NOT ALCOHOL thouse clous undoiogk of eariy vrear James d« Ma 0 B« at eR M ITD® us t was rh« died c died of endocarditf®," Sir lares, "with the origination alcobol had nothing to do, is possible that an injudi-- leoheal may have hasteuned A J H Libertyville mati<m that was the n=. It attacked him in maged hi« beart, em-- + and cut shoit bis Bulla pyeter ratie hame t8 ster after a big party vOhb,. mamima, I met fal boy, Gieorge Hayn T % The poet, Robert disease and not fot « Y406) to U «uc otitederigatie. ateith........ --*"_ The Very Idea Old Gentieman (to old apple wom an)--No, no, my good woman--very nice, but you mustn't fempt me. --somewhere in the eas* in eummer of this eyar, Definite date for the matc} Tectded by Rickard -- The champion and Rickard mey in the' prix@ete office of Amon G. Carter, prevident and publicher and publisher uf the Fort Worth Star--Tetegram, shortly before nopon and wortd was civ _ waiting newspaper m#n that the arreement was at last signed. -- It is undermtood that no specific op porent for the champion is named in the @greement nor a definite date set for the fight. Thise «letails will be worked out later. Rickard explained. "I am willing to figut anypne that tuits Tex," Dempsey declared. "I wil} leave here eome time-- romorrow for Asheville, N. C , to start training, ®1 am in gaed condition now, but L wil} atart intence training"in~--North Cérofina as eoon as pussible. J pro¥ ab'y will--reach Asheville on Saturday. --"80,"* srtt the bridegroom, "we are agréed. On Monday morning at nine o'clock we vist the registrar. After that _we go to the church and thep you are my own dear wife.. Have you anything to say about thp arrange mwent ?" o a / "Omly that the Slm rights wil« of course, belong to r3e. --Lustige Blaet: ¥loletta, the flm star, was being married. o e Detaiks of the agreement will be made public hu:r in the day. Rickard said. w . i The Lady--Oo's a--tempting yert Myer think this !s the Garden eof Eden'--Humorist, London. * Announcement that Dempeey had signed on the dotted line was made by Tex Rickard and confirmed by Dempsey a {ew minutes. before noon. "It's all over," eald Ricka@ard. . "Yep, we've agreed," put in Deme Fort Worth, Tex., April 21.--Jack Dempsey, world's heavyweight champ lon, today eigned an agreement with Tex Rickard, New Yorx promoter, to defend his heavyweight champlonship title--with a man of Rickard's choice FIGHT TO BE N THE EAST sgome prom'nent w DEMPSEY SIGNS AGREEMENT:; WILL Will Fight This Summer With Men Selected by Tex Rickard. "The office oughbt to scek the man* "We fhought we'd give this job i EYE TV BUSINESS 2 Pants Suits I{ you want the newest and latest styles, don't con--iuler buying any of , these suits. They 're not the JJeading models but they were about eighteen months ago. They eriginally «old for 30 Bucks and more., We enly havye twenty 81x leftn --_ s " value«. These Suits are inade to meéet the preferences of men and young men who are alert to the niceties of elothing valne and savle. ' 30 So. Genesee St. New Spring Suits and Top Coats 11 The Way Today SALE PHE --HVUBH 1 $24.50, $29.50, $34.50 DEFEND TITLE ~12¢ '15 not Julius H Sinykin the late n 180 This Isl Maud--What a ferrible smash--up it must bave been'! Mabel--I just left Jack--he's fairly wrapped up in his machine. i buzz wagon now _ "How times hare changed! What's becowe of the village blacksmith who used to stand under the spreading chestBut tree ?" Mrs. Wiggs of the I , ~ _ Cabbage Patch "He's lying on kis back under s MIUESTICI ' THEATRE Buy Your Seats Now ~ Phones 541--542 Box Office Open Froim 10:00 _ A. M. to 10:00 P. M. 2¥ OR PROBABLY OH l e f T2\ §A"~ P JA Y //i.4 MX N( NOW PLAYING London WAUKECAN oUT OF. sIGHT ty Waukez--n, IL lled PAGE 2 % ehe m im m

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