CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 29 Apr 1926, p. 2

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Y' Moose of Wadsworth charged petit larceny was the first of the P 'Placed on trial before JU6tice A H. Cooke. |!e admitted theft of r ef rubter hip boots from a . on the Georze Strachan farm # Sheridan road and Twenty--ninth Bet. in -- Zion, Sunday, April 18th Foose with a companton wag pass-- Athe home in an automobile when BKK eeveal sheap in the farm 4 that looked as if they needed aring. Belic--viag that he might ob-- B the job of-- shearing, he stopped ear and approached the dwelling. secaived no response to his reps Ahe door and being intortcated, he claims. he entered the home. emerged a few minutes later with pair of boois. He was discovered ghe home by the rarmer who returning from his chores at the He brouzht apout the arrest . The defendant pleaded By to the charge and was fined Radki, aged 5t . \ :s the R\flwtfih Tesident to face the ge.. He had been taken in custody & --charge .o! tranmporting liquor. k~ Arrestbd bis cnp waes dr.vine BOurt calls at Zion last Friday. e chereceewcaiist tac Lo defen W varied in . wontin= and were 'fl bwo different forms of viola 8, m awdmitted that bad liquor w¥ie. vongeible for the downfall 0; ..eum fiu:lu Ti cA the mansger, w wi~ be gia o #ver all the details T--~ -- t number of worth whil ~~; iding musical instruments @~4 !~--| we won't te . yo H®#1ll be somethine we!i| for. Every persos who, .vradn some prizec . So > --gme and all--ans e Ja earlr, #o you won't be | 6ts; Another Was Trans-- <----porting Liquor. wearched he was found to be in empion o( a bottle of Uquor. ~ ed bis guilt and was a "m fine of $35 mhc costs. . Thi: gecornd time that ne has ap _police. oqurt in Zion. he --been arrested in the city a . on a charge of being in{o>) 8 and at that thse was siven a Of $15 and costs. 00 0o 0o 0 0 a o o o 0 0 o MHeld for Theft of Pair of 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o siaal will, that of George W of Guthes, was admitted to uaqwm" in the court, provid-- the $4000 estate be.left to W# during the course of ber that the g,,.t(y goes to the Cem--wity a--#ociation for the of keeping up the Yocum lot k be k boried The interest prindjal is :~ »« used for pise In case <bo repairs Afé Cemetaty. a«#ocia of keeping up th« i be i boried _ prindgal is :~ | pise. in case \bj $ ow to take n ":r- be ex; rth a« -'"'-tfl oT 7' n YADSWORTH MEET GRIEF IN ZION FRIDAY eas--d lef: a d¥ gbt tm GURNEE ESTATE FOR UPKEEP OF GRAVE !tt RalpH Chittenden ar i Jast Saturday nighs Th« whis big n place Th 13--14. The fir tesckime:.'a F Sebry» Mrs. James Sneesby. J: Ing sched appointed §»--4 to pa A CONTESt a RIVUM THEATRE f Agenda Club wil pre :!& Friday night at ut 8: 16. Worth entertained ber tion over the week ead W e I be the prelim ) three bew pla we bought a Spapish have never »layed a I} stit be possible for Cemetery Association Mre. Jane James on Waukegan, May 5 entertained Mr .Mre. Helen o. Rev. and tats @unday, in Kr. Mra. Georte . ed their 20th v Hen bas planned a: P se __of Burlingion. cousin,. Miss Elsie el1 retuined home spending a week home during th* Hook ate con the measles LNL both py Feaves € was and z- itn her death village is ex ch in his seat en in ed Lynn Haven, Fla., Aprti 24, 1926. . be called toads up there, as they have As 'I was born 73 years agb this a warty appearance, but they are l¢-- morning in a snow storm, I am not gion, judging by the chorus that they surprised at the kind of weather you-- keep up at night all winter long. * are having in Winois this spring. -- Ev-- As the ice in my last communica eryone who has gone north so far, re-- tion only grew from & quarter of an ports that they --went too early, as. inch to an inch and a quarter on J's usual. Last spring we were up there way north (and that in the--~hbeadiug and the hail storm broke plenty of and not in the text) we'fi¢e in hopes windows in (Gurnee, but 'the spring 1 that the weather will be well settled was seven, my father sowed wheat the ; by the time we get up there again in third day of March that made a fam-- a month or so. H. D. HUGHES. ous crop. The first oats that 1 sowed | se===~*>~ on that same farm was put in the 15th' (Shucks; Bro. Hughes, what is a L. NP sgh «And Abe . =2~ spahatr * 20 F4 JiHt:lc~ #tter--Nke@--ac ~:~ Aypwben ++ lapse either. So we hope you will comes to measuring ice" We had plen-- have it better soon. ty here in Libertyville, and are now _ We noticed in the 1.,',{nd,.p,.nd,.m:endlnx up the seventh month of win-- that miuir ald naiehhor Lowlse Savace |ler. As this is being set in type, the H. D. Hughes Celebrates His Seventy--Third Birthday by Writing to The Independent have it better soon. ty here in LAbertyville, and are now We noticed in the lul~indvp«ndrnt:*'nd'm' up the seventh month of win-- that our olg neighbor, Lewis Savage | ler. As this is being set in type, the had been brought home from Florida ' furnace is going full blast, to keep the for burial at Antioch, and that G--orge| machine ang operator warm ol".? in Bartlett had been run down by .an|#DPite of this, this is a pretty & old auto, s owe cannot be sure of life' Place to live in; the grass is«green anywhere. Two residents of St. An--: and the buds on the trees are swelling drews, younger men than |, dropped | OUL ready to burst into full Aloom, as dead in the last week, while one wom : 800n as old Sol sheds his kindly heat man from Wadsworth vicinity, lived ; & day or so. Lake county beckons all to be almost one hundred. As this is lfer prodigal @ons, ang" holds out a an old soldier colony, the bald headed | welcome hw to altywhenever they men ure in the majority, and the death ! return.--Editeor In« ndent.) _ -- of Dersons over 80 is not ungommon «L. . _-- _0 .o o .. ~ New potatoes are being used--from the gardens and we had green peas yesterday of local growth, but the only strawberries we have seen were sell ing at sixty cents a box. cisterns. No danger of frost eve 4erfering with anythluig like that. There has been no revival of the real estate boom of lsst year. except where the evangelist, Bob Jones, has mixed up selling propaganda in some of his meetings, and proposes building a five million dollar college aDout a mile east of here on the north arm of St. Andrews Bay. About 300 lots were sold to local people at from $1000 to $3000, with 'paved streets, side walks. electric lights, --water and sewage al in. That is, these things are prom ised, but it is mostty piney woods as yet, but a very pleasant location and we erpect the project to go through, although no bouse hag been built yet. 'The mocking birds and frogs are rivals in the vocal line in their singing but the onky frogs 1 have seen would We are now putting the finishing touches on our cayn r!-flden,%p. ; The septic --tank was byt in yesterday with all Schanr'( -- Hardware |l' paendable machines that stand up under the se-- verest seeding conditions. Thousands of farmers enjoy the use of these good drills each year, and when they meed nmew Grillis they usually come back to us for them. * .__ Among the many features embodied in theme drille are light draft, easy operation, simplicity, and adaptabil-- Ity to all kinds of soll. You can't go wromg with a Mc-- Cormick.Deering. -- They're bullt to plant accurately : and to cover the seed properly. Even seeding means even to cever the seed properly. Even seeding growing. better crops, and increased profits. ___ We have these drills on display in our store now, and Invite you to inspect them ahead of the seeding season We can take care of your requiraments IT'S DEPENDABLE because is has stood the set of time. Under every conceivable condition has our Lum-- ber been used and in every instance has the report been a favorable one. For that reason, builders everywhere come to W. F. Franzen, Jr., for their Lumber. _ _ u2C W. F. Franzen, Jr. _ Telephone 50 LIBERTYVILLE goes w¥ if, with »nlenty of McCORMICK--DEERING .thnger ME E Makers of McCormick Deering feed grain drills have learned, through years of valu able experience, just how to produce Amr!y. de Double Run GRAIN DRILLS 133 East Cook Avenue er in le be called toads up there, as they have a warty appearance, but they are |¢e-- gion, judging by the chorus that lt.wy keep up at night all winter long. As the ice in my last communica-- tion only grew from & quarter of an inch to an inch and a quarter on--dis way morth (and that in the--~heading and not in the text) we'ise in hopes that the weather will be well settled by the time we get up there again in a month or so. H. D. HUGHES. "These safety. policies guarantee e estate of the property buxer 3 deis tire Ao deso --or ins--avent that the nurchaker should die be-- called for in 'the contract. ' "This safety policy, irrespective of the amoupt, is pald for by the Lake County Land Association. in addition to guaranteeing the deed it returna--al} the payments --made, other than the initial or down pay-- ment.' place to live in; the grass isg«green and the buds on the trees are swelling out, ready to burst into full Aloom, as soon as old Sol sheds his kindly heat a day or so. Lake county beckons all ter prodigal @ons, a holds out a welcome h'::! to altywhenever they return. --Editer in« ndent.) _ -- BUYERS OF LOQTS ARE INSVRED AGAINST LOSS Officials of the Lake County Land Association announce the establish-- ment of &A department of insurance for the /protection of lot buyers in LibertySille _ Highlands, _ Lakewood Heights, Hun%--!ein, the Mundelein station and other subdivisions to be opened in the future in that area, opened in the future in that ll'.h "Owing to our plan of providifi® safety polictes with lot purchases, the establishment of an insurance department . *was made . absolutely necessary in order properly tq pro-- tect buyers and safeguard theéir in-- terests," said Arthur H. Jones, pres-- ident. {0t ; * that the purchaser should die LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSBDAY, °APRIL 29, 1926. Urbana/ NF, April _ 27.--F¥ty--six (iairylzza?'in 14 different !Hlinots coun-- ties hate one or more cows whtch are * all m AROLE--WBL 4 0T xA --*PAPDIRDE -- & zo}d medal and a'membership in the Illinois 500 Pound Butterfat Cow élub which is being featured by the college of agriculture. University of IIlinois, to show *rhnt good _ cows, proper f&d and the Yight kind of care and management are the things that make for economical and profitable milk and butterfat production. A sum-- mary of the records being made by the five hundred cows which have been nominated "for membership shows that these 56 dairymen are the owners of the 83 cows which have finished the first three-- months of their cOw CONTEST HAS BJG ENTRV'FERSM 3 COUNTIES HERE allotted year with more than 150 McHenry County Has 10 Cows that May Be Gold Medal Dairy, Cattle. Telephone 628--M--1 QVALITY AT LO W COST _~_--_--. Libertyville Garage LUCE & EARL, Props. Phone 202 Libertyville, T ouring Sedan _ --.735 Landau -- 765 * Toa T ruck 3% 1 Toa Track 55G (Chassis omby) L o b. Flnt, Afich. FIRE and THEFT--COLLISION LIABILITY and PROPERTY DAMAGE 2339 North California A;.nuo American Motor Underwriters Du--al Gas Control R. C. VALENTIN, Sotec Dustributor of Nerthern Hiinois Desvigned gnd made by Pioneer Auto Builders * it certainly is W. M. MASON 510 510 P}Mfmo} * Deakers Write to by Fisher. Swung low, g?dco- fully proportioned, finis in attractive Arizona--gray Duco, with smart Landau--bows, this coupe despite its low price-- is at home in any company, on any occasion, btninesonocitl. In addition, it provides Chev-- rolet's characteristic economy and the superbly smooth oper-- ation of the Improved Chevro let valve--in--head motor. All the distinction and smart appearance that,y ou w ould ex-- eupiomee shio your motor takes on mew We--more pep and wn Contral Valu® opecstee in peopostinn to the speed of the Mrre so that the Gamice Musture in andrt pertect und auto moare comenni ot ull comes . Thes remabtr in comaidervisie avving ns comrnOr on ts Lers Tnd mame [XJAL GAS OONTROL operates by a com bined Thermostatic and Vacoum As V:'M-n-u-'*fl'- Thermostat optrates and allows an additiongl of m-fimma&clnuhwmy gving a more powerful gas mirture for i wark motor _ And 4s your motor speeds up the Vaw ot '--i---db:-_'-v -g.---a;'n---: -cflym&&rm.-«d pat DU--AL GAS CONTROL an o. You to the gallon. _ -- s One user says he got 42 miiles out of last year at the end of the first three months, only 65 cows had pass-- ed the 150 pound mark, despite the f«et that the number of cows nominat-- *ed furami;mberuhlp in 1925 was slight-- ly larger than it was this year. This indicates that dairymen with cows en-- tered in the club picked up some Kelp-- ' ful pointers on feeding and manage ) ment as a result of their experiences last year, according to C. 8. Rhode, dairy extension specialist. pounds of butterfat to their eredit. If thye can produce 500 pounds of fat by December 31 they will have met the requirements of the club. _ _ _____ _ W. R. Augle, Dakota, . Stephenson county, still owns the leading cow in th r200e%* htre--xdail~s ddcuake, "*Ruan-- som, La Salle county, still has one of his entries in second place. Angle al-- so owns third place cow. Thrge dif-- ferent dairymen," Argle, Rapp Broth-- ers of Sublette and Kauffman Broth-- ers, Mt. Carroll. each have four cows among the 83 which have passed the 150 pound mark. Leading the list of fourteen counties 'which ahe repre-- sented by the 83 cows are Stephenson and le counties, each with 11. Mc-- Henry follows with 10. McLean has 9. Kane 8, DuPage 8; Carroll 6, La Salle 5, Pebdria 4(Jo Daviess, Kankakee and ¥ermillion 3 each, Kendall 2 and Knox 10 or 1: : Chicage, HMincis Libertyville, II}. LIBERTYVILLE -- ~+ mm * me ~ i eetalites. 5 Be Sure Your Home Now . Has Adequate Lighting PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY MORE JOY FOR MOTHER! A BOX OF OUR CANDY _ New General Lighting Service 9 cents sw onl 6 cents * »-- This rate will be in efect \The entirg, territary with | Electriesty . by ths where the rate (or initinl comstilinp-- tion in the month wil be |? cemts aet per knowatt bour consumption in the month . net per kilowett 8 cents hour --fos see-- on her day! A wee remembrance that she will surely appreciate. On your way home tonight drop in and get her a box of chocolates--and drop it in her lap. SWEETS for the sweet--and candy for Mother the month net per kiowett cents hour--for all ad ditional consumption in the month "Delicious" Pound Box $1.00 to $3.00 144. W 8 So. Genesee St., Waukegan Gus Krumrey, Local Representative OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Sunday, May 9th THE newly reduced elec-- tric lighting rates in effect May 1, 1926, will make your lighting dollars buy more service than ever before. _ This lower cost is an added reason why vour home should Good lighting not only makes every room cheerful and more inviting, but it protects eye-- sight, assures greater comfort and convenience for all the fAMAIV. _ m se se Our Lighting Specialists will be glad to assist you in obtaining all the beauty and comfort that proper elec-- tric lighting can add to your home. Free new installations or renewals on new 6O--watt. lamps. a o s a _ ATT/A D Electric o Rates _ _ |_ Reduced! |~ y Libertyville, 1!! Ffi'fifi Ca F sigh #L,

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