MAN CRUSHED TO DEATH BENEATH -- +5 WHEELS OF TRUCK Crushed benseath the wheel of a large motor truck engaged in road building work neur Fox Lake, at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon, Louis Kaz-- %' years, and lav' {athe: of ren," e me in Fox. Lake.two bours later. . Fatal injury of Kazlausky occurre} when, be lost his hold on the run: ning board of the truck which hbe was riding and fell, one wheel pass ing over him crushing bis abdomen and hips. > Louis Kazlausky Father of Five Children Dies as Result of Accident Friday. Following an inquest . conducieU by Dr. J. L. Taylor Saturday morpink., the jury returned-- a verdict holdinx death as the result of an acciden! and fixing no blame. aminattion of the injuries O( th" we1; attended. . well a 'Tyasday " refucg} ts "" [ af 1k week & large nupber of, voters 'n"::- y 'vu J:nnh:i as an I"" | were out and A lotal of 244 ypt's *®*!* a --and kubstamtial citizen (8 ) "© /.. 0) ;. y fsmaes was reelected f4r remo As the right of way oi the bew road extension is still in process ot being located, the path pf th« trucks ° used in the operations are nalurally rough. Jt is believed _ that Kaz lausky. did not have a firm hoid on the side of the fruck and tha' when the .wheels struck a depres sion the man was jarred (rom the truck to fall beneath the wheels. | Allen Decker of Ingleside, dnver1 of the truck, stopped the machine in answer to shouts of other wprk: | men but the beayy machine ¢nd»' passed over Kazliausky's body be ; summoned to attend --him. Af amination of the injuries Of Karlausky was regarded a« an in-- dustrious --and 'substantial cilizen in the inner county community. e had worked hard during bis ftes! Gence in the community and througn practice of thrift had succeeded /tD buyingx the bBome that houses bim and his family of *X His owife lef their five child: img but 6 years est a girl hay P# o o o 0o 0o 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0o o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o in th« The teachers of the i« af a par't» ANTIOCH Arrangements have been made to put water and sewer on Copeland Manor North. Wo will start inside of thirty days. We feel so good about it we want to cclchrateg invite you to celebrate with us. Come Sunday to lunch between 11 and 5. «-- Free parking space. _A souvenir for all the ladies, something for the men and a Coi land Manor balloon for the kiddies. EVERYBODY WELCOME! me * fad inquest -- conducted @ enrertain' d atioch w b w4®}ips Antipch Buginess . AP _'f, 'and Tuesday evening of C n h ># * n Y 1 Mrs. Aderne Clark of Honey ('mk' There is an ol@f city ordinanc | visited several days last week with that cals for milk to be Irsted -- 0 friengs at Anifockh *puan--unzwl Pasieurigation | dees n« _ _Mrs. Henry Barber of Wauke£AN | yjpj the tubercular germs, accordin ecalled on Artioch 'friends 2* "1 The milk has . been * coming | frot _ The operelta, '"The Emug@gtemMan .) Antioch, it is claimed. 'gmd from fa for which the | Antioch gnade sCh00l| mirs who once peddled to Chicag pupils have been practicin® for 'om"" unt!! the ordinance in that city cake time, was given Fridawevenink, AbpMM|ror Tofi tested milk. > 24. at the high school. The cast con--| There is Omwe datry <recetvige a sisted of 94 pupllis, who pn--m--m..d_ the| of this supply, the farmers cf;r;m ' pageant in a fine manner. Everyone | but ghey refused to give Oft th "present reported the Cutfdren as doing (fume -- & spleudidly Much credit is due the AsA soon as an amendment teachers for their untirin«k efforts made, Commissioner J V. Balzr wi Mr:+and Mrs: Aghur Jadiock and| be expected to have the police d won, and Mr. and "gl Sam Mesha and | partment enforce the laws. two. chilgrep*of Chicago motored out| "This . milk has been-- coming | \Sunduay and spent the day with thelr | for sometime, and we who have gor | aister and Mr. and Mrs E. L. Stanton 7'0 the expense to bave our her '\| _ Wednesday evening Of last Week,| tested and suffered the losses,. shou ' Mesdames Laurence _ Hof!man. _Wm.{ba protected," the farmersa argue \Keulman and 8 .J. Strahan altended! _"I don't know how the milk fins 'a meeting of the--O. K. _S. at Wilmot Iv 'reaches the purebasers, <wheth 1 "Cjrous Sally." a Play presented at| it is in cbeese. butter or the be I We uk Iugjr ols ks wa Fare antitimt in B0R was planned with a weiner roast, but on account of the, they spent the time playing games in the church and the weiners were roasted in the furnace. Needless to say, they all had a good time. -- Mra. E-ll:';i;lkrm of Chicago visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. J Strahan over Sunday. _ P Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davis and fam y of Kenosha visited thei rsister a! the home of Rev. and Mrs. E. L. Stan ton Sunday afternoon. A big timt was had at the meeting ot the Royal Nelghbore last Tuesday evening. Affer the business session a Penny Social was given for enute! tainment. A good crowd was in a! tendance. . 5 4 Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Labdon, Mrs. W evaning. Affer the business se€87°07. | a Penny Social was given for enter | Protesting that farmers with un-- tainment. A good crowd was in a! rested -- herds, who had lost their tendance. . \('hl('lxo market, were selling. milk Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Labdon, Mrs. w.] '" Waukegan, several farmera . re-- &,, Wastiske mm.r": siding near Waukegan, Monday night granddaughter, Ruth Perris, hm l:%m nomty----xoun!}~ z> been spending the winter in Melboyru { 4t' lon-- 10 halt this practice. -- Fia, returned bome--the latter part pfl._ Corporation Counse)l | Albert | Hall jast" week. ~ & Commigsioner J. ¥. Balz, and Health '" "The Ladies' Ald will sew at" the Physictan Howard> C. Hoag were home of Miss Lottlh Jones Thursday 4u|':poimed by the council to draft in of This week. ntmendment to-- the present ordinanc« _ Mr and Mrs J N. Haynes enter-- to prevent this gxmuu- in the fu tained Arthur Hamkton, Addison be-- l;n'e. This amendment will enibody, bew, Ruth Sinclair and Myrtle fTaynes it is believed, a Memand that a! fast =unday * 4 milk come from herds that have T L 0. \ ; |been tested for bovine tuberculosis LIPOW© EMRINUEA T T Cc k C the high. achool..upder-- the augpices of snn o nsl «hflflnen%fl rw}t -- Phe new trastees~ fAfe #--4r Poliock, Rey Mhrrie and Eo0 Ha» kin®» . & Bs MNre tm Mrw James gan Tursday Mro and Mo proud parents wrerk® ago »cheduled Thur«day (*«da _ COPELAND MANOR SALES ORGANIZATION __@ A ince cOMMITTEE MEETS . Stea FN® Clark of Honey ('n-ek'{ _ days las! week with! ,, rckh :'P Barber of Waukegan| ~Beiry ar*_amm:ffi h' friends * 1 -- "The Smuggteman", ) ; Ut this w eek was F54 E2x0C°T FOCEIE $ PCP E1 w a ¥ io hir Wwireline Muwiay . ) _ PATTERSON LUMBER CO., Barrington. |! Mr and Mrk _X P U ) H PATTERSON LUMBER CO . Wauconda. |!! Ixhan wererRgymiay Yinqotrs is ) pi PATTERSON LUMBER CO . Lake furich, 1!! ie e Jan--s« Koms i Aleriy s3fi : TIBBETTSCAMERON CO.. Round Lake, l!! kiatrom. 'I'bfi, Clarence !!.---t, altepd.--«d1 the danc» . thet the: £45 Lib« y wille :. irday nIknt oi i. . PPRPRPARARA#A###AR#® ! cradem and Miss#itadliel Lk a lily Lus « 8 « 4 «C¥ « « « « «€ € « it Wauke SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT "'"";' There is an _ wik Hh" cals for m pasteurized. _ Pas ikeRAn | yijj/ _the tubercul rafises W the tarmers. F:=: 1 The milk has eMAD .; Antioch, (t ix cli BOOTLEG MILK ~TO BRING NEW CITY ORDINANCE To Add Amendment Demand-- ing that Milk in City Come from T. B Tested Herds wetion to balt this pra« Corporation -- Counsel Commisgsioner J. V. Balz, Physictan | Howard C appointed by the roynr'il Corporation -- Counse) -- Albert Hall Commigsioner J. V. Balz, and Health Physictan Howard> C. Hoag were appointed by the council to draft in ninendment to-- the present ordinanc« to prevent this practice in the fu ture. This nmongmem will embody., it is believed, a Memand that a!l milk come from herds that have been tested for bovine tuberculosis There is an ol@f city ordinance that cals for milk to be tested OT pasteurized. . Pasteurigation does not till the tnbercular germs. according ;ie,. _ but we "are, entitled to SQme i enasmreravioy * 1t e Arfaed -- * --AsA soon as an amendment |s made, Commissioner J V. Balzr wil! be expected to have the police de-- partment enforce the laws. "This .milk bas been-- coming in (dtr sometime, and we who have gone to the expense to bave our herds tested and suffered the losses, shou}d be protected," the farmera argued ."I dos't know how the milk final-- Iv 'reaches the purebasers, <whether it is in cbease, butter or the bot-- 28e 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o o 0 0 0o *\Ir and Mrs. N--F* Busch and sbns pooali and Clarence, ahd Mr. and Mys Paul Raul Kadtke «pent Wednes-- day at the Kay Busch home in lake L4 b« W or ere is an -- ol@i clty ordinance | CraT TCl cals for milk to be tested OT Cand c eurized. . Pasteurigation does u-,r.}-h-u'-mr the tubercular germs, according } ®be" t e farmers. > n G-->_ l"f mu e milK has . been t coming from | SO" "Ir ech. it ix claimed. grmd from far ; musf: i who onece peddied to Chicago | cently the ordinance in that city (~-'1.d"..l tees {d T di tested milk. > of the ere is Oue datry recetvipe all sul»}i his supply, the farmers C%r}'l'd. colleg k-- cahisad in wive OM Ihel _ la reD thedr APTAKISIC e and Donald By eistes, Mis. James yvilie Tuecaday qo Mirs o bqward O tnp to Wheelunk~ 4 Mra. N OF Busc were Hunday +J 2. hame in Libert paren Ham\ Go--tz ~« LTB to rmerly employed _ ow «taying at hon Ralph 1 ald Busct Jame» Mi 2 ¢ 0+ 4¢ uen t all ! Two new assistant ;_»;u(eswrnhlw have | are aunnunw'x in the new catalog osis |just issued by Lake Forest college ance | Garrett H. Leverton, dean of men q or | and coach of dr@matics, is made pro-- u.,r.}-h-u'wr in charge of the %t-blflmvm of ding | #peei h/ 'Carleton Cummings, director l"f musical agfi\_'?!és." will be profes from } sor tn*Charge of the departmént of far-- ; musf: Both departments were ofe eago | cently created by the Board of Trus a.4qp | ters in order to meéeet the demands * of the growing popularity of the twu ; aif | subjecis and are an indigation of the readq | college's growth VILLE INDEPENPENT, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1926. -- Mr. and Mrse. Max Miller and family of Libertyville spent Sunday at the home of Grandma Busch. . the River Woods Friday. The time was spent in taking pictures and se-- curing plants lo;}he 's_t"_l!ool' Mr. and Mrs. Paul Radtke attended the show at the Audttorium Theatre in Libertyville Sunday night. k Paul Radtke visited home folks in Wheeling Sunday Otto Anderson was a visitor at the Al Bunton bhome Tuesday. Bill Wachsning of Chicago visited at hMis farm one day last Week. Vaclay Kram), of Chicago, called at the Alex Bunton home recently, ;'r;x-ni_rl:'h;; ;prul Friday nigh! the Edward Giss home. Mro and Mrs. Paul Rudthf sp¢ Thyreday night at lheAhouAn, _Mr and Mrg. William Schley of Lib ertyville spent Sunday at the Ed ward Giss home a_ LAKE FOREST COLLEGE ADDS TWO PROFESSORSHIPS Wls n 2 § s e Lues ies 2«"1.-&**.0"» -- F N -- P' #4444444#44##4#£4 _ you can .alm_o st O _ S2C Chl(,:'k_{_ grow _ _ This good oat meal feed gives strong bones, soft skin, smooth feathers, bright red combs, well--formed bodies--rapid growth, carty ma-- turity, heavy laying capacity, and w. F. FRANZEN Luxasn CO., Libertyville, I!! ANTIOCH MILLING CO., Antoch, I1} GURNEE LUMBER & COAL CO., Gurnee, |!!. LAGERSCHULKE & HAGER, Barrington, 1\ LuI ns EFEM FAMBDANY HWinhland Park, IH!. _ vits.s ns Abiinvns on bvity hp ies y P i M H.MUSSEY LUMBER CO., Lake F EMIL GEEST, Aptakisic, l!I § L. TRIPP LUMBER CO , Mungelein a J. MERCHANT, --Waukegan, IH. ) H. PATTERSON LUMBER CO, Ba ) H--PATTEARSON LUMBER CO . W ) M PATTERSON LUMBER CO . Li Libertyville, HMinois sb on 4gp-- ... The Quaker Qais @mpany t TWO LAKE COUNTY TOWNS WILL ADD TO THEIR AREAS Wauconda and Highland Park are Planning Large Expan-- sion of Territory. Lak and THE INDEPENDENT--$150 a Year flumpm &jultthfw you* * get s FubO--Pep GroWing Masn. H LSelier's e PMaAvSEt 1 e . d Aatla" Phon s %4"5! ambitious unty Con td ora'i Made by 'CGOPELAND MANOR ----COUNTRY ESTATES. Wertywills, . Phon & An unit f if he Wi Dod $!4 & Brothers pO'Si t iOfl * © <\.. ~ in the Industry will be_ . "--_--_-- Announced next week _: progressiye Wauconda ying plans Where We Stand -- * % ... 202 SODUTH CENESEE STREET, WAUKEGAN Tf;urii!g Car:... .$858.72 Roadster ____ $857.70 Dodge Brothers, Inc. will make an important official statement in this paper next week. * Specific figures Tegarding their sales record for the first three months of 1926 and the present rank of this company in the Automobile Industry will be reported. These facts, we believe, will be worthy of your closest attention. * MOTOR CARS Bertj a minll 11. uit 11 oo La Oulbly worr -%fi:': cauch +' is 6 .. * matesat" "_";f.jf?"r o" Ti & atfie seganct |.'.'Q*"..-_ * $ wR oupe