mers . jury nfh;r'ffl\v_;fr.!nlihg the death of Mis« "Beftha L. By, aged 57 years, of Lulfv t * w6 disd--Manday,. r24!r004 M@ijet, last night, holding that @eceased came to-- the death est Proves that Miss Ber-- I L. Harzey Died of Nat-- --'--~--ural Causes. f@arten classes of Lake Forest Is. Her death will brxng sor-- to practically every *boy or mtho age of 20 years in ak well us felt keenly bst of the older citizens.. tural causes. ~mutopsy made by BDr. J. L. 'eounty corqpner ghowed that E@y' had suflvr:d for some an abscess of the pan-- BShe had not been feeling well Easter but her eondition was $ in the Lake Forest. schools it interruption. 6 Seath which came after a Taw '"Of--#hmess, yesterday was be-- to have been the result of than natural causes and the garded as serious and she has following her duties as a CHOICE MIXED LAWN GRAS$ v"'"'low By Row, Our deceased was prominently in Lake Forest having served _ years as a teacher in the | xtent tha: B threequar MLK. FOREST ACHER VICTIM OF OLD AILMENT 'z trucks on a efective Friday * Wias thrown from its B a cpassifte friench ©@&Ps to become wre« dextemt thai traflic w was asked to make an in-- Well'$ Eversreen mwoe Com eKW ax Beans. per poun demi Wax Beans. por poun: i Valentine Beans. per pound h Lima Beans, per poun| ite Onfion Sets,. per poun| on One Car Throw It k-- Crossmg at High-- ind Park Friday. Y N. sMILTH uddles Bldg. and because of its it beauty all during own in Manitowoc, Wis., and suited to this climate mo one injured l E.'th line, happen of the freizh: ity '}w-yrpl'yt Yoaur Rest Knit Garden Seeds TCARSON _ -- WESTERNIN . AT--CROSSING® tiem Excels the perfect ser-- ille, IMlinois. ANK H. EGER >ant ren War M C liscrim-- women midd the d SI0O a SWEOq a m 1 to Ive Carrol $x66 He SANITARY SEWER _ PRICES ARE SET C O& ----Q----* »-UNHM.MLI}" ,\Q_ia; TY (Methodist .pf;s%opa & f FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL John E. DeLong, Pastor -- "The Church Whose Members All . Attend" Sunday morning worsbio at 11; e(@-- ning worship--at 7:30; Sunday School at 9:45 a. m.; Junior and Epworth Leagues at 6:30 p. m. ¥ * the debris was fic would not be Our evening service at 7:30. This will be an evening with the "Hymns of the Churck." The congregation has «pressed the preference. Come out and--bear the hymas sung. The service will be given over to singing the most popular ones. Whorers ~weres dn Tho=--scope --imme diately and the work to clear away _ Attend" I | ST. JOHN'S EVANG LUTHERAN Sunday morning worsbio at 11; e(@--| Elmer C. Kiessling Pastor ning worship--at 7:30; Sunday School| . Sunday School at 9:30 a. nr. s at 9:45 a. m.; Junior and Epworth| German service at 10:30 a. m. . Leagues at 6:30 p. m. #59 i English service at 7:30 p. m -- Mr. George Carberry will lead the| Y. P. S. meets next Tuesgday eve Epworth Laegue and the spbject wH} ning at 8. -- F s l Libertpville Cburches . (Methodist Episcopat) _ _ _ > 'Rev. W. C. Payfer, Pastor Sunday School at 10 a. m. Even ng Setyice at 7:45 p. m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Guy E. Smock, Pastor Miss Ruby Williams, Organist; Miss Cora Hull Choir Leader Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. W. G Wells, Supt -- Learn, live, love. This is the task set in religious education Morning service at 11 Tk'v_ pastor will speak on "Putting on Christ. _ . Young Proples' meeting at 6: 30 pm. The young peopie--have put on--g con-- test. Let each one do. their x'rt to make it a success. P glorified being. um-uon, reate. on prbgre«<ion : tion, and i# unattainable v:.hout them" (p ¥1) # Christian claracter. _ Mortals need not fancy that belief in ghe experi-- ence of death «ill awaiken them to s. ner pound. ..... 26¢ ( . per pound..22e¢ vyeet Carn per lb.. 22e veet Corn, per 1b..20¢e "Im the tw the last tr last cnll ~ mortals ~ | "But what things were gain to m« those I counted loss for, Christ. That I may kanow bim. and the power uf bis resurrection. and the fellowship of his sufferings. being made com-- formable unto his death; If by any means | might attain poto the--wesur. rection of the dead. . Not a« though I had already attained. eitbher were already perfect: but | follow after, if that 1 may apprebend that for which also 1 am apprehended ef Christ Jesus" (Phil 3:7, 10--412). _ Also a corresponding pas«age from the Christian Science trxtbook, "8ei-- kc ainl lHealth with Key to the Beriptures." by Mary Baker Eddy : *"We know that all will be changed h the twinkling of an eye. when the Jlast trump shall sound ; but this last call of wi@lom cannot come till mortals s ave -- alrcady -- yielded . to each lexsor call in the growth of Christian' <claracter. -- Mortals need CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES éDroraATIOXN AFTER DEATH is in beaven." -- Among the citations which com-- prised the sermon was the following pertinent selection from the Bible : * wus the subjuti of the lexsolr sermon in all Churches of Christ, Bcientist, April 25. ~The GoJd&en Text was. from Mat-- thew 7--21, "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord. Lord. shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doetb the wH1l of my Father which ird Floor First Natjonal Bank Bid Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Services at 1045 a. m. 8 Sybject, "Everlasting Punishment , «8T. JOSEPHS \_ Rev. M. J. Nealis, Pastor First Mass at 6:30 a. m. Recond Mass at 8:00 a. m. Third Mass at 9:30 a. m ound LIBERTYVILLE ||[| 545 N "Milwaukee Ave. Grid $1 Mactaulfin $2.333.33,. G ley $1,166 67, Britton 1 Upnion Bank o' Chicag Marguifin $266. G. Car 44 $1 D hurried-- so tha. U »-- held un foo lom# m€ ~CE sOCIL Y tjonal Bank Bidg 9 °45 a. m. A m & 40¢ Lustaye E1E Mh 2 0P E: love. ~ This LONG GROVE EVANGBELICAL education Rev Carl A. Stadler, Pastor. Thepastor Sunday, May 9; 8. 8; at 9 a. m . and Christ." _ German service at 10. All welcome. t 6:30 p.m. Sunday night mt.7:30, worghio and on p con--. song service.. witr specitat numbers. eir x'rt to These éwening services ure especially . ;for the benefit of the young: people. --30-- This Good singing, good music. jury il U --~*H: S. Senior Play to be" _ be Given May 6 and 7 | bl Thursday and Friday evenings,; May 6 and 7, the class of 1926 of 1. T HS will present its first commencement event in the form of the annual --clas class play. The play.--this year is "Adam and Eva" a comedy in shrre .The Ladies' Aid Society meets on Thursday,-- May 6 ap the parsonage. Irsportant business on h&nd. -- =* '""I'-iu:'(:lrmi'vh School board will mpet at Tthe parsonage" Moanday a-vflung at 1:45 o'clock. 2 "The Freedom Young People Want" will be --the-- subject --for Sunday --eve-- ping, May 9. This 'will be one of the significant subjects of the year. We want all young people and parents to come out and help us discuss it. Our prayer meeting is held an Wed-- nesday evenings al 7:39, and it is time for wholéesale spiritual culture. The Woman's Aid Society will meet with Mrs. L. H. Morris next Tuesday u. . 2o C kess . (riidkeg.____Mts The Woman's Aid Society will meet with Mrs. L. H. Morris next Tuesday atcoric 80. . > 22 _ es _ C vikiaaty.,__ MA Bartlett and Mrs. Golding will assist. Mothe's Day and Boys' day will be observed Sunday morning, . May 9, with appropriale talks and program. THE INDEPENDENT--S§1 50 a Year --No Additional Charge for Delivery be "Clhirist in the. World's Music' There will be some special musrlrcr. -- showy posters; Gene Hend¥ve and Jo»--| Sikes are handling the advertising:; Miss Wallace is superyising some qf the interior drcorating of the stage setting; J'r Hawks is bui'ding the catthge and chicken coop«s used in the Ixst act: Tiither Small and Gene Hen-- dee are raising the chickens; a large number of girl« will be in charge of the usfierthe: and itill another com mittee is busy collecting the various stage propefties The plot of Adam and Eva centers about an extravagant wealthy family, the Kings. Father King finds himself unable to manage them and in des-- pera¥icr fir(p bimselabrdiuebif(; W peration hands« them over ta his young busines« manage? Adim.Smfth. * The children. in the meantime, have done sgne plottimg. and througtr the aid of the family physician, plan to get rid of l}d by making him h:lh-vp he is aick Then the fun begins" See the play and 'find out for yourself + s Rév. H. B. Gwyn, Pastor Holy Communion, 8 a. m. -- Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11 Church School at 10 a. m. 4 nior clasa e for the d number c ET LAWRENCES EPISCOPAL Meats at Packing House Prices Fresh Ground Hamburger _ per Ib. UPTOWN MARKETS UPTOWN MARKETS Veal Chops, loin or rib per lb. Veal Stew, lean and meaty, per Ib. girl LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, A in have _ ma ne Hend¥e : x the advertising; iperyvising some / ittng of the stage ks is bui'ding the n enon« used in the Leg of Veal per Ib. 15c c 150C 255C 259C 545 North Milwaukee, Ave., Libertyville, III Lake Street, Wheelock, Grayslake, IIl. Galwitzer Building, Antioch, I!I. ction + the q Jo» Springfteld, f1L, April 22. The Ssu--| The Libertyville Athietic Ciob Base pro>> court after hear:a, acguments ' Ball Team will practice every Tuss-- by counse! today' toos unida@Ar advie fdny and Friday evening. All who wish ment the cagse invoivytnsz contract for | to play b&Ill should attend on practice eale of eertain land belt, _ inz to Jose 'nlxhu so we can get started as soon phine L Kellogg to P. ii. Kartie and | as possible. * & J: J. Krueger. The property In\nhwli Ennnnnppenmmmmmmmmemmncanel $ liea in Benton tow n--hip. Lake county. | THE lNl)El'E.\'l)BNJ'mONLY $1.50 A The ; contentjon was made "that the YEAR, DEIJAVERED TO YOUR DOOR owner of.the land found that it had TAND NO CHARGE FPOR «DELIVERY LAKE COUNTY CASE BEFORE SUP. COURT . _LAKE--COUNTY NATJONAL BANK. ; | _"f ~--FIRST E_A_TIQAH],HL BANK _ | COMMENCING MAY 1st, WE WILL DE-- LIVER MILK, CREAM, BUTTERMILK AND COTTAGE CHEESE IN . MUNDELEIN. * Telephone 94 Milk and Cream all Pasteurized, and comes from Tuberculin Tested Herds. ~ LIBERTYVILLE TRUST & SAVINGS f=s > BANK Libertyville, IIMlinois CITIZENS' STATE BANK OF 0 2 _ 'MUNDELEIN EFFECTIVE MONDAY, May 10th, until furthennctice, banking hours for all banks of Libgrtyville will be as fo%l,ows: Daily Except Wednesday _ o : 8:00 A. M. to 11:30 A. M. 2 12:830 P.--.M. to 8:00 P. M _ | Wednesday Only 8:00 A¥. M. --to 12:00 M. o Saturdaj{_ Evening G:45 P. M.: to 8:30 P. M.. _ -- STANDARD TIME OUR TRUCK WILL LEAVE THE FACTORY DAILY AT 9:00 A. M. HAFEMANN DAIRY AT THE NOTICE . Announcement Hetzel No. 1, Holly Brand Bacon, whole or half, Ib. Clover Valley Tub Butter per Ib. Mundelein, Hlinois Small Young Pig Hams per lb. Compound Lard per Ib. Attorneys John J. Coburn and M. V Kearney @ppeared for thne purchasers and Attorne¥s--E. L. Clarke and L. A, Needb=---- for the owner. The Libertyville Athletic Cloab: Base Ball Team will practice every Tuss-- day and Friday evening. All who wish to play b&ll should attend on practice nights so we can get started as soon as possible. * s 2AC ric~~ in value and attempped to aveld varrying out thWW*eontract. ~ 39¢ 333C 15c Libertyville, Illinois 29. 1926. --Corn, _Peas.--aor--To-- --matoes, fine §# --= -- standard 'uc quality, -- ~ _ CAN THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY | ~© SUGAAR, 10105 49c -- ~_ Very best pure rendered _ ; -- 4 LBS. LIMIT C ; 2 Ibs. 2 10 bars 39c | _ ,Ak B8ANP® P. & G. Naptba t 3Ta" Cal]S, 29C Kohout Flower Growers, Inc. _ Telephone 1743 | LIBERTYVILLE ILL. Cut Flowers------ ROSES ', POTTED PLANTS A BOX. OF SPRING FLOWERS A FITTING REMEMBRANCE --% [1] *} Shhs *-- SPECIALS -- '+--Mothers' Day, Sunday, May 9 605 Milwaukee Avenue, Libertyville CARNA NONS V ery Best, Pure Granulated 'nm tor TK NOTHING is quite so expressive of your love for her as a bou-- -- quet of beautiful cut flowers. Sent out for Mothers' Day with just your card. Special Dollar Blend ; lbs. $1.00