*55 _ . avening at the home of Rev. and Mrs , _R I. Atazaton and their «ister _ @»* Mr. and Mrs Ben Burke and son of '/ nfi _ Wuukegan Bunday . __ Claire K day at the Kelly. | ~ Roy Mer Monday 0 IInass of | _ Claire Kelly of Chicago spen: Sun : ut the home of his father. Williazm E"' Wairtio wha calted to Graysiake k «€ lust week by the serious 6 of bis mother, Mre C. Maerric, who paired away the following Wed mneeduay,. She was 68 years old and had _ mever bees 1 in ber life until the uzl aome -- She leaves four sons and *mo trace of the bandit car could eb 2s lkg *of the--robbe:s presseq a. gun A jinst is body the other made a _ Khorow search of his clothing and * ed all bis cash, 3 The face of each bandit was cov-- £ with & mask and this pre n 4~ the victim from obtainine ' m descriptnon o them. . After warn-- him not to make aB outery the _ robbers disappegred in their _ Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Borregaard :"C"M'QN guests Bunday of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Laursen, on north Main St. ---- Miss ¥ida Paimer has been having quite a time with wland trouble She wiks opemaed on at the Kenosha hos pital, remaining there several weeks, «und now she has immproved so much as to return to ber homme. She goes to ._.wmumnvnn for The two bouses of George Bartiett urs being moved from Main street to Tots on Victoria stre@t,. Mr. Bartlett expects to have a filling station on the lnts where the two bouses stood thurch, in Orapsiake Friday afternoon und interment was in the cemetory ?flww.fimv . und Mrs. Robort Gelter have re ..!h'_.: M'rM- trip is of Mise Mclaugh --nflou-mAumm _"W'Mvuvofl good and by all present -- Mim Ciadys Darvis of Waukegan is snomding a ftuw weeks at the home of the home of # 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 0o 0o 0o o 000000 0 0 0 00 o o o 0o 0 MILLBURN 0 60 0000 0 0 0 o 0o o o o o Wr: and Mre. Olso= ind 5a~a~4 An desson of Wunkegan sns \~ and Mre Carl Awderson whd M ans uo. [rving of this vicinity spen: ¥or>~ ---- Day with thetr mmother, Mo=ooj. a ander Mre Mary White O Waskemn~ wore MilUburn visittors Satiird» ; Decnration day WB be >>~--4rou PDecoration ¢zy *( 6¥#RCiz~s =\) be héld at the Millb=rn Ceffi@tery =. Aay May 30. Ninian Welch of €Chicaso will Garwood lost no. time. in .making i# way to the polioe station where ie robbery was reported. ° s The police car and motorcycle of-- gers were sent out to scour the t¥ and «surrounding territory but 2. Wauke w Garw ood ; was the \ ~ masked ~ aulo " "--"- 3 u'ciock _ The 'robbe"s o thet parents, Mr. and Mre. MHaynes, Bunday and M Wiliam aelly and son Mr. and Mm Emmest Kelly of Chi-- ) wpent Bunday a: Cross Lake, at and Mrs Waiter Christo(fé iraiest Kay cormtage. £. Jounatic Weils «pent last woek welutives in Wankegan, reéturning AT POINT OF GUN Then Nellis Culilison (Goodrich) of aalled on Antioch friends last Myrde Haynes of Chicago was of the speakers ) 0 06 0 o0 0 0 0 o o _ @arwood, Antioch Driver, Held Up in Waukegan «illed on Antloch relatives were Killburn vigi: Day was dbeerved & 'he day. GeralMine Bonnet and sire sang a duet, entitied. AUTO BAN:-- l Mn uo Soariith ence » White abe of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Bartter enter tained the Misses Newton and God-- dard at supper Sunday. Wisconsin the past week The C. E. business meeting was held Saturday, May 8, with Miss Lillian Strohal. The following officers were elected for one year: Mrs. Carl Ander-- vl? Mr. and Mre. Carl Carl Anderson and other friends here. . | PHONE 18 Bartlett & Morris Realty Co. 201 SOUTH MILWAUKEE AVENUE REAL ESTATE LOANS and INSURANCE A fter the Real Estate Man, the Contractor, / the Material Dealer and the Plumber, 524 North MILWAUKEE AVENUE We Buy and Sell Lake County Acerage ~TITUS BROTHERS Boehm Insurance Agency rom FIRE AND TORNADO PROTECTION _ _~COPELAND MANOR KENNEDY BROS. ¥3 "A GOOD OFFICE TO DO BUSINESS WITH"® ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS + Wiring and Fixtures -- 17 Mlfibk A ene /nsurance Lake Biutl 111 Phors» 816 "The Plumber Whose Work Copeland Manor Sales Organization Sheet Metal W ork Office on the 'gi'ounds in charge of Mr. John T. Schenck, who will gladly assist you in picking out.your lot. We would like to see our Liberty-- ville friends get in on this while the seléction is good. Don't let the Chicago people get all We are a Syndicate Real Estate Telephone 280 Libertyville's Beautiful New Subdivision SEE THE Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Strohal enter-- Tainod --Mrs J RBeativex 'dno-- dwuapmors; Grace and Beatrice, soh, Albert Sed-- lacek, and Miss Dorothy Grewn over son, president; Miss Myra Litzenberg, yice president; Miss Doris Jamison secretary, and Miss Lillian Strohal, treasurer. _"Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Denman and chil-- dren and Mre. W. A. Bonner and chil URRIS LIBERTYVILLE ofecct atmmminss. ... 2220c3 TELEPHONE 440 TELEPHONE 469 ERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, MAY 13. 1926. ing furnaces. We also have va rious other lein--the most talked-- of town in the world'! See us before buying. These homes are well located and can*be bought on easy terms. They must be seen to be appreciated. -- Very modern, even to the basements, which con-- tain oil burning heat-- Homes in Mundelein. PHONE 283 MUNDELEIN, ILLS. Park Avenue. Paving, Water, Sewer, Side-- "GOLDEN B U I LT " Lyons & Rouse walk, all in and paid for. It's the cheapest worth $1,000.00 more than the price asked. lot of its kind to be found in town, and is A. R. Schnaebele Phone 276 ---- Libertyvil dren, of this vicinity, and Mr, and Mre. C. E. Denman and children of Gurnee, and Mr. and Mrs. W. 8~Den-- man and son of Waukegan visited whe home folks Mothers Day. _ .« _ _ >_ THE INDEPENDENT.--$1.50 <a~ Year D. M. White attended the funeral of Mrs. Catherine Murrie at Grayslake mthpbmfinflnnnwmmnnlu! Choose a site now in this fine new reai dential region two blocks west of Milvaukee Avenue, and adjacent to the North Shore Line. Buy NOW. Prices will go higher; with the start of High@Speed train service direct to Chica go's Loop. Our Homee Financing Plan will help you to build. Our Safety Policy is for your family's protection. We Are Exclusive Agetits for -- Very Choice Apart-- LIBERTYVILLE HIGHLANDS |; For LAKE COUNTY LAND ASSOCIATION * mMOUE BTE DBEVILOP®ERS Arthur H. Jones, Gen. Salte Manager IMleta in Libertyville and Mundslsin ~~ tree beauty and a beauty of which people do not quickly grow weary. Bolid, _ stuceo--covered _ walls . with squared contours characterise the Rpanish style and ornament is found . in the tiled roofs, simple and endur-- Ing, and the colors and terture of the _ stucco. In o e . the textarinig has been ca to the extremes #hich ""As wanm parl n is only culegiem in most part it is only suficient to Spring!ield, T!l., May 6 for the Eanston Bus co tive on five dave notl proved in' an-- order. Issu By WILLIAM A. RADFORD My. William A. Radford will answer questions and give ADVICE *FREE OFf CO8T on all problems pertaining to the aubject of Bulilding, for the Teaders of this paper. On account of his wide experience as editor, author and man-- ufacturer, be is, without doubt, the highest authority on the subject. Ad-- Gress all inquiries to Wiiliam A Rad4-- ford, No. 11411 Priirie avenue, Chicago, IIL, and only inclosse two--cent stamp GRANT NEW BUS _ROUTE THROUGH CO. Water Piping Water piping installed in most houses constructed today is much too smail to provide adequate service, especially on the third and foorth #eors of the larger type. public taste of late years, particular-- ty in California and in Fiorids where It has been developed, almost to the exclusion of: all other satyles., Nor is it at all likely that this popolarity will die out for, though the present extreme demand for the Spanish style may slacken, Spanish architecture possesses qualities which make for permanence and we may erpect to see many such bhomes being built through the years to come. + Omne quality which particularly ree emmends this style is that because of Its very nature it tends toward sim-- plictty in outward design. Outward IIL, and for reply A Sreplace in any house, large or email, or in an apartment, gives a nome--iike appesarance that beautifal decoration or the finest architectural design And it bard to duplicate. The same may be said for colors, for while some of the color combinations are really too vijpid in their rebellion against the drabness of a bygone--time, most of them ara temperate enough to achleve a cheerful tone without overdoing a good thing. And what is more, colors are something which can be changed should the taste de The Bpanish style of architecture The Fireplace 'May 6.--New rates Bus company effec-- vs notice. were ap ler. issued today by Telaphons Randoiph 2355 ' e aC hGo pi p i ber | _" 3 fnt Sermmcge c ¢ o :b »Qron!, pualle-- pase -- Mberha Ne 49 L B t es ----ppppn-- the Illinols . Commerce-- Commission. Milwaukee railroad « certificate to 'The schedule of fares is as follows: . operate a motor us line over a cer-- Seven cents per paséenger per con. tain route in Evanston through NNes "tinuous. trip; 10 tokens for 55 cents; | Center, Morton Groves, Wheeling and with adults; free; by 'themselvs, aduilt ' Service company OF Northern Minole fare. i for a power line from . Waukegan.to Other -- orders Tnclude: Joliet. -- w _ Granting Chicago, Nortb Shore and i Authorizing the Evanston Bus com-- TME INDEPENDENT--§150 a Year storage pantry. f * This passage also serves as the en-- trance to the sigeping portion of the house, Apening into a smail ballway. "OU --this ~hattway ~*boere: are--two bed» rooms and the bathroom as well as the stairway to the basement. In the front bedroom, which is directly back of the living room, there is an un-- usually large double closet and an ample closet is also provided for the mand a relief frem the extreme or a bit of variety.. Simplicity is a consple-- wous . characteristic -- of the hbouse shown in the pbotregraph. This little SpanisN style bome is largely .una-- dogned and depends for its attrac-- tiveness upon its line, its testure and color and the effective plling over door and window, with the aid, of Nowers and shrubbery in window bor and garden. This solidly rectangular bouse er-- tends Its frst appeal at the entrance and the broad arches of which suggest the cool opening of a mountain cave, most appealing on a hot summer aft ernoon. _ From the sheitered porch, a feature too often lacking in the Bpauish ~style bouse, entrancé may be had either to the living room or to the dining room, quite an advantage where a vestibule and reception hall must be omitted because of the space Plumbing fxtures should be chosen with thought for the years ~f gse they will hare. _ Bathtubs, riosets, lavatories, sinks and the smaller ap-- pliances can be purchased in match Ing fAnishes and designs. Mos«t every home owner, and especially the wom-- an in the home, may hav» proper pride in the bathroom when it . is equipped with modern firtures. y built--in bookcases it otia end. An arched doorway opens into the din-- Ihg room, beyond which is found the kitchen with its service entrance. Be-- tween the dining room and kitchen is a short passage, an effective separai-- are well separsated from the living portion of the bhouse, an etample of been used throughout. Choosing Fixtures P & W _+ x % 5¢ years ~of use tubs, rlosets, e smaller ap-- sed in match . Most every ally the wom-- have proper w h: R O OFIN G | We do all kinds of Roofing--new work and old work; Shingle or Tar Work; All Esti-- mates FREE. > Call or Write to NOTARY PUBLIC TELEPHONE NORTH MILWAUKEE AVENUE | . AMERICAN BOILEANS AND RAD|ATORS TELEPHONE 14w " _ e LIBERTYVILLE ILL Telephone 50 -- Will be glad to furnish the material for the modern housé illustrated in the center of this page. ' . Libertyville Roofing Company .. It answers practically every question that comes up when a home is being plarined. e ._Letut.endgouacopywitl'mtm. ~ Our Blocks are Tested and Meet _ _~ All Standard Specifications. -- . W. F. FRANZEN, Jr. A L L--TY¥--PLV 8 --SERVTICE~ _ Plant Phone 415 PLUMBING and HEATING Sheet Metal Contractor Chas. Fitzgibbons -- _ \d. Libertyville Cement Works . G. Meyers & Co. REAL ESTATE 532 Milwaukee Avenue 123 East Cook Avenue Libertyville Battery & Electric _ | wE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF ELECTHIC FIXTURES LET US8 ES8TIMATE YOUR ELECTRIC WORK pany to operate on in Evanston. man to get such a reputation for men-- dacity that you're almost afraid be'll have a kind word for-- you. --Washing-- ton Star. . 4 Inc.) LIBERTYVILLE, ILL "wd'. wdr Phone 165--J At 8t Pav! Ry INEURANCE