CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 May 1926, p. 5

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<ork . ~~w --Intarest Payable Semi--Anuuallv, .. ... Titles Examined by the Bank's Attorney _ j Amounts Running from $200 to $3500 _ _ Maturities One Year to Five Years ~ _ THE INDEPENDENT------ONLY $1.50 YEAR Men's Dress Shoes or Oxfords Libertyville -- Illinois WE GIVE LIBERTYVILLE DA Y COUPONS Y¥VY . Telephone 29 _Buy First Mortgages _ _| --"LILJ 6% First Mortgages We have on hand and offer for sale Commencing Saturday, May 8th, our Blacksmith Shops will be closed Saturday afternoons dur-- ing the summer months. A 50c SH()'I-Z' POLISH BRUSH_ ----_With Every l'aiAr of LIBERTYVILLE HOMES RAY N. SMITH NOTICE M. PESTER and Son, Libertyville THOMAS RUSSELL, Mundelein Duddles Building FOR GRADUATION Light Shades in Crepe de Chine -- Georgettes _ Dainty Silk Slips - Step--ins and Vests Secured by ?x(;rfimqnnl'.'.fifl" i"fw Son Co. '"A daugbter wus bora io Mr. and Mrs: William Netz, on Wednesday of this week at the Victory Memorial hos-- rpital.. The Net: family lives in Libet-- tyville 'lléan of Libertyville, now residing in old friends and relatives. _ Hitatt Be ready to meet the canvassers for the new hbspital with @a smile, «nd give all you can afford. L Come. oi ie e S weeks, has so fat recovered as to be abie to rrturn bhome, being brought--to J ik#ttyyville Fuéesday afternoon Te wis friends: w}l be glad to'see him out We are fortunate in having #so large a nucleug to start our hospital. Now let every one add their mite. The mail carriers out of the Liberty-- ville postoffice blossomed out in br&nd new -- regulation _ uniforms last week They présent a natty appearance. C. C. Bulkley, for many years a clt-- izen of Libertyville, now residing in The postponed meeting of the Ivan-- hoe Cemetery Association wil be held at the Ivanhoe church Tuesday eve ning, May .25, at 8 o'clock. All inter-- ested please attend. »-- * _ Bert Hall had a stroke of bad luck Monday, when' one of his fine black horses dropped dead from a case of blind staggers. «s U 382 ki cts indA Bd anindofoai i e sB oi completed to put on the canvad for funds to erect the Eiizabetb Condell Memorial Hospital. Nothing can add more to our rapidly growing village to make it a desirwble place in which to live than a bospital The site given by Mr. Insul} for the Elizabeth Condell Memorial Hospital is the !inest in town. Let us add one more attraction to our beautiful city, by erectifmg a good hospital on it this . Carlo GagMardl County Generral h summer shap« K1 on daylight saving time $ a m. Holy Communion. and at [7, Holy Kmchartst and sermon _ Begin ning on this date the services w be The May dinner. on Tuesday, the 35th, by the Woman's Guild at the par ish bouse, will begin at 5 p m stand ard time Afterwards there will be inforthal dancing upstairs Durmx the afternoon and evening. there wil} be a bakery and candy sale in the umq -- Justice Lyel! H. Morris offictatéd at a wedding in his office Monday morn Local . and Personal A splendid organization ~uT n\ \"N1 Howurs 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. Awal Estate, Loans, insurance A Gond (Wfice to Do Besuress Web P01 So. Milwaukee Ave _ Tel. 469 that m d a y D Ma y Ha ral hgepital, following an r-- amputation . of bx:'lr;. k appeal LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY¥, MAY 20, 1926. bpligation. anq there will --« at St. Lawrepce's --at Communion. and at H. pprtunity 3 Whit > mak 6 ate in y o W he Lake | The milk train Tuesday morning blocked the Milwaukee avenue cross-- ing for some time, on account of the 'locomotlw going out of commission as the train pulled info the Libertyville | station. A large milk truck pulled the | train off the crossing, so as to allow iuulo traffic to continue, and another engine was brought from Rondout to [ take the train an its way to Chicago. and secured the license, and then came to Libertyville for the ceremony, leavy-- lngnzinedhu-ly after for their home in ford. ing. The bride was Miss Pauline Ben-- singer, &ge 19, and the groom was Cleveland Dash, Jr., age 21, both of Rockford. They® drove to Waukegan Jaseph Waguer is here from Eldo rado, Mich., to attend the coroner's iInquest Friday, inquiring into the acci-- dent May 8, in which his son, Andrew Wagner and John Schoenenberger lost Mrs. Charles Stephens, wife of the well known locdl physician, died in Colorado Wednesday night. She had been in the western state Tor several weeks, with relatives, and the burial will be there. No details could be se-- cured on account of the absence of Dr Stephens. 7# Mrs. W. I~ Collins was taken to Rochélle, IIL, Tuesday by Mr. Collins, where she is Twking treatment at a hospitat. 'The health of Mrs. Collins has not been good for the past {eKW years, and it is hoped the treatment in the hoepital there will benefit ber. engine was brought from Rondout to\ _ Arthor O'Lea@ry, aged 20, residing in take the train an its way to Chicago. Highland Park, was instantly killed C .: 99 this moming by a Rorth Western H. D. Hughes the migrating ciMzeD | train at'the main gate of the Uréht of Gurnee, arrived in Libertyville iast | rakes Naval Station. O'Leaty is em Saturda$ mornifig, in his Fordhouse, ploy«d as a plumber in North Chicago. having left Lyno Haven, Fla.,»the pre--| » alighted from a North Shore train vious Monday. Mr. Hughes and "'"':nd walked on the North Western were enthusiastic over the tMp eY¥N ) traek djrectly in (ront of the trafn and If it is an old thing to them havink ) was instanf@y killed. Dr Taylor, the youte, Alue . long 4per--moih LiX 200 Poggntyaniron am tm «motified, <t:! --bes spring for a past dozen years'" We are | poy set the dat» for the inqueést walting for a full account of the drive | _ y s e' . {frum Mr. Hughes. l ko u§ 0 s -- tC 0 B o. WANTED--1 waut property to SELL;, ¥ worth the money, l can mave iL. Bee my advertisement under real e tate for sale." If your property were thus -- advertised . it woulid move, wouldn t it? K. G Kaping 14 U pahy In which Dies was iosured The formal inquest will be beld Friday mornjng --of this week, at 10 o'clock, in the villiage hall. itims Word was received bere this, morn ing of the death of O EBE ChurchHl, a former well known resident of Liber-- tyvilte For several years Mr Church ill hagq been livin« at the home of his son, Fred Churchill, at Oswego, Il! _ It was learned several days ago that be was in an Aurora hbospital. and his condition serious . He was past eighty years of age. and a vetaran of the civ# war, being a member of the local G A R post He was bere only a few weeks ago to lllrbdzf Iuneral of his friend and comrade hn Batiard The body will be brought to libertyville and Jupetal serviees will be held #a: urday afternoon at 1 o'clock standard years of age. and a vetaran of the civ# war, being a member of the local G A R post He was bere only a few weeks ago to ut-ndr Iuneral o! his friend and comrade. John Batiard The body will be brought to libertyyille and Jupetal serviees will be held Sa: urday afternoon at 1 o'clock standard time Full details of the pas«ipg o' Mr. Churchilt wi'l be printed in nexi wrek's Independent _ 2l Fariy risers | this -- morning were Ereeted with the" unusual +5; 0# a bemiy whie frost on the 25 % dar of nippe grow fruit fortab to the east came out victoriou® by "a score of 14 to 5 Ray RBRaker pitched a good game but the supmort of his! team mates was not all that could be | wished Tor _ Alyin Baker was heavy| with the stick. geiting *#& doubles and | two single« in four--times at bat Mil | ler of Lake Bluff struck out five and | Baker retired as many the same way , Lyons for Libertyvilie caught a good game,. getting everyfhing that came his way Kterye--_--_>~ In all of the pictures Frich vyon Stroheim. he film "discovery" who has or his worth by rising to feature position within a Ma y to film "discovery" who has proven het or his worth by rising to «tardom or feature position within a short time. In "The Merry Widow." comtng to the Auditorium as i#ts next special attrac-- tion. the noted director gave Roy he ght «( TBe fir«t e Take Biu his McDonald Commercial School COMMERCIAL CLASSES in SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, BUSINESS -- ENGLISH and ELEMENTARY BOOKKEEPING team fro#f Intensive Training and Individual Attentjgll Given Positions Secured For Graduates M a T k 311 Park Ave. Telephone 130 i4 by"a y wh ed by I~Arcy a chance to become a screen sensatJon. He wag formerly a tenor ih comic ppera before yon Strohetm chose him for th8 important rote of the Crown Prince. Mae Murray. and John (iTbert play the leads in this Wiormation-- call Lite *7¥Meo-- CS¥ ° The County InstHutet of the W. C T. U. will be held atr the Christian churclr,' gt Gurnee, on. May 26.. The meeting will be open promptly at 2 p-- m., Dayligh Saving time. Miss Hood, Riate I'resident. will be the gpeaker Also Mrs. A. M. Crook, from the Law rl!]n!()r('eh)rn!JQ{!icn-, at Chicago, and Mrs. C. P Tibbets, State Temperance and Mission Superintendent, together with various superintendents of de-- partments of the county. For (u}tha;r Antioch experienced a $6'000 fire on Wednesday afternoon when the roof of"the Les Crandall ice house burned. The big ice house 4s located on the south shore of Lake ('nrshaflnv. about 200 feet from the water's edge. The origin of the fire"is thought tq have been spenmtancous comustion. . The Antioch fire degartment did fine work in preventing a more serious loss. This house contained the ice supply of An-- tioch 'ard many of the nearby resorts. A farce in three acts, "Thirty 4¥ys is to be presented by ttie Alumni A=-- soelation of the Tibertyvilie Fownship High School at the H. S Ayditorturn tonight and tomorrow nisht The pfo-- ductipn is under the direetion of Mrs E. W. Colby <The scene is iaid In New York City: The «ntire cast is from W. P. Higley, a 'resident_of Wauke gan --since 1869, passed away at his home in that city Wednesday after-- noon» after an HMiness of about two weeks. For many years Mr. Higley was +ngaged in the mercarmile busi-- ness in Waukegan, retiring in 1910. He established the first department store in the county seat.. Funeral ar-- rangements have not been made Auditorium Ikeatre NtarTi ed ¢ the M From Thompson Buchann@n'« (Th« army to stop the fpn. but dean't let t It's bere all for yog--Johnay's cou COMING SOON--RMin T'n Tin. iw the "THE NIGHMT CHY", Norma Shearer in "HMI§$ SECRETARY." "KEEPER OF TMHE BEES~", Lon Chaney in "THE BLACKBIRD." "THE SEA BEAST", Corinne Griffith in "Mile. MODISTE." > -- rt Acord. with bis talented pals Rexr." King of Dog Star« LAKE COUNTY INSURANCE AGENCY W AUKEGA N Telephone 96--J uesday and Wednesday, May 25 and 26 Thursday and Friday May 20 and 21 _ "The Still Alarm" t« __ Excavating, Grading, Hauling ~--~Grading Lawns A Specialty "LET US BLOT OUT YOUR INSURANCE TROUBLES" "We Settie Claims 'At Once" somETHINE nEw in wEsTERNS Pathe Rn-ow--'Anop Fable and Bluebird Comedy all for yog--Johnny's counting on you Also a Buster Brown Comedy, "BpJS$TER BE GOOD" Moore. Marie Prevost, Jo z comedy drama of a mad high society * MASON & WHITLOCK Widow _ @ of them @ Saturday, May 22 "The Call of Courage" Also Kinogram News and Bluebirg Comedy Expert Insurance Engineers "The Merry Widow" At Last--Von Strg'com im 1 Sunday, May ?3' "The Cave Man" "Rainbow Riley". Teaming Contractor E. N. SMEE 44 Monday, May 24 C ompan y «"wx««| LOCAL COMMITTEE _ is« +/ ON CONGRESS IN ~-- 2 .ta)~.. IMPORTANT MEEL Also Aesop Fable Johnny Hin TELEPHONE 2272 and 124 Belvidere Street at1C on June 20 to --attend the sessions of the International Eucharistic con-- gress to be held there on that date were worked out Wa meeting of the Lake Cownty committee in charge Plans for assuring food and drink to the hundreds of tkousands of visitors who will gather at Mundelein The committee decided to grant the concession for the supplying of food «#d drink to the great throng to a Chicago concern which agreed to have plenty of food and other sup-- plies available. Stands to be erecied by this company will be located in all of the nine parking spaces, to talling 1,000 acres of ground which will be located on the nine roads entering the city and which will be located within one--half mile~ of the scene of the-- congress. , It was also announced that *the National Red Cross . will assume charge of the hospitalization of the congress. * Arranges Plan for Assuring Food and Drink for the Vis-- itors to Big Event _ ----_ _ Probably They Had > In his young days lord Coleridge was tylking to his grandfather, and told him that he, had taken up the Aute. "My dear Bernard,"" said his grandfather, "haven't all"your frierfds asked you to put it down again ?" CONTRACT HAS ||}_ BEEN AWARDED ||-- FOR SEWER IN -- COPELAND .= +~.=> ,r MANOR! f Raven Copeland Manor Sales Organization s Immortal F im LIBERTYVILLE Edna Marion and Joha T of all the Fire Pictures. A Actuat work on the In* §$100,000.00 Sewer. Projec will be started as soon as the Contractor can get his .equ/pment . on . the ground, 'and this big im-- provement will be com-- pleted this summer. GET youRr PICK OF THE CHOICE LOTS NOW. PCNvmamilmench n ~= anncneargo n i vie n enc qpemneawecr they had to call out the or navy stop your fun. wonder horse. and P'h round of gild e Prince and The greatest Ha ILLINO!S rie OUR WANT ADS GET SURE "rr--'"fl"" h the wood % a CREO I YEP--THE HAPPIEST HOMES ARE THOSE SHING WMHERE THE PIANGO *A 11 col KEYS ARE StICcKy! Aail CQ The Federal Reserve System of banks of which we are proud to be & , has giv= en poise and balance to -- me bers of this system can take their sound cof mercial "paper" to their cent®al Fed . serve Bank and get money. «_ _ «. @ _ When your money i$ OA deposit bank, YOU can get it when you WAJ It is our purpose to handle & entrusted to us in such a fair. . and profitable .: 'As.ide' from the excellent faci forded, this bank has the advan large Capital and Surplus. LIBERTYVILLE Libertyville Lum Company . LIBERTYVILLE §ystem Directad'! Federal We are a member We In Your Bu * Capital and Surplus $100,000,. We invite YOUR Banking TELEIPHONMK 47 Dewn by the OAd Depot--Been there twonty First National Ba Start Saving Regularly NOW _ the Customgr"'%, re-- 1 ation with t hi bank -- satisfactory manner as to make _ Pur For the. E. a c h works for We build for ture -- Their So let us J permanance! we are buying ing material, CEMENT,! TILE, CY

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