CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 May 1926, p. 7

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+ Miss Lois Stede! and frirend of Ken osha spent AHaturday afternoon with Siena MielKk». 7 JB Mr and Mrs Sumner Bauer and son ~"Ind daughter Preiyn-- and., Charles, called at the Sherman Davis home on Monday evening Clause Junge was a Chicago caller Eid Tueadsy . George Richirdson -- and daughter Flitabeth were & Chicago on Monday Arthur Sanford was a Chicago busi-- ness caller on Wednesday. The opening for puginess of a. na-- tional chain store grocery at Fox Lake has caused a rumpus in that section and in other parts of Lake County lake regions that s will be alred at a meeting of the Fox Lake Chamber of Commercq o be hel4 Three grocers @t Fox Lake and a baker in the same town declare that the chain store is underselting them and cutting in on their business to such an extent that it, may .be im possible for them to continue to op-- erate. The sales from the "chain" age also cutting in on (the soft drimk pariors and refreshment stands aa they are said to be selling bever-- ages at less than they can be pur-- chased at other stands. 5 ~~Pre matter--wil} be~taken up at the meeting of the Chamber --of Com-- merce in Fox Lake this week and wh:?: some of the mechants are ob-- jecting strenuously,-- it is doubtful it anything can .be done mon the other band, merchants i0 not handle the: goods sold> by the cHain store arée pleased with the additional business coming into the town and therefore increasing their bysiness They state that with the opeming of the cut rate grocery, farmers and cottagets. from all over that section are doing their buyln, tfi Fox Lake and are buying other than groceries in the town oc' Chain 'Grocery Store in Fox Lake Cuts in On Old Bus-- -- _ iness Say Owners :« L. C. Deproft, preiident-- of the vil-- lage ~board. and president of the Chzmber of Commerce, and owuer of the Point Comfert resort --at Kox Lake, stated Tuesday that he could not sée anything that the Cham-- ber of Commerce, cog!d 'do about the 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o -- ROUNDLAKE," . o Archie Rosing returned bome Sa( urday evening with two loads of cattle which be purchased in Minnesota. Mr and MrZi O A Howarnd. Mr. and "Mre Itay Rippenberger and «on How -- ard. Elizabeth and FElinoré [ is: mot oréd to Gurnee and Zion on Runday Mr_-- and )lrr Ben Petérkort : and daughter Julle and Valoig» Smith mo tored to Oak Park on Tuesdiy ; Mr. and Mra Louls Wehrenberg and MUra Meyers, and two Mg*on boys# «pent Monday at the Wm Trost Home Round lake Tigers lo«t to Avon Mud Henme % to 40c advisabllity of taking any action o the question. 5 o 0 0 0 0 0o 0o 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mra Mabel Litwiler entertained Mr Ray Herrington and wife and children of Joliet and Mrs and Mra Whitlock of Waukegan on Spnuday Mra-- Leo Hendeé and son (Leloy were, Waukegan shoppers on Friday Mre. Charles Streetor of Long Lake was in Round Lake on Thursday. Mro and Mre-- Iobert Bracher mo ored to Waukegan on Eunday. Velma Fj'z motgred to Long Lake on SBaturday \ Mr and Mrs Jo Amann an® chilid ten were: out of town callers on Sun day . Mr and Mre E 1. Page. Mr. and Mr'a lester Page and baby, and Mr and Mri Ray Page and baby of Chica go and Mr and Mrs Jammes Labby and daughter Fainore of Raund Lake. apent Sunday at the James Curran home Mr and Mrs Joe Junge spent Sun_ day at the home of the former® mother at John«burk CAUSE OF RUMPUS About 200 person saw ine AYC!M M 7" Henqs get a few lucky breaks to bea' the tigers Tigers were off to a poor atart, when pitcher Weiskoht did not show up for some unknown re&ason Rracher had to g6 into the box with out a warm up,. a few eo«tly errer® ayopped hi monly+from a victofy al lowing only 8 bits and pasginng 2 men going the full foute. Gillett started for the but did not last long when got to hi« «low ball and Iv for him that Wallace was i FFTCCT RTET NOC T I i but did not last long when the Tiger® got to hi« slow ball and lucky breaks for him that Wallace was in the game "WiMare wa«s wild but good in pinch ea -- Carrol Porteous played A w hale of a game. connecting with a single in the third ending, driving in two runs and in the ninth got one of Wat lace's fast ones and drove it to the i Te ".'-..fl..' ' for CHILCHES TER 4 mfin BEKAND PTLLS in Rro and Gorn metailic bores, seaied with Bise years regurded as Best, Bafest, A'ways Rella®i®. s0LD0 BY ALL DRUGGISTS au»s EVERYWHERE SX Rinbon Tag®e wo R ¥ yo-- ftey "s CONTRACT HAS BEEN AWARDED FOR SEWER IN COPELAND MANOR! Copeland Manor Sales Orcsanization Tington and wilte and chlld . and Mras and Mra Whitl exan on Spnuday Leo Hepdeé and son Le] Actual work on the Big $100,000.00 Sewer Project will be started as soon as the Contractor can get his _ equipment on the ground, and this big i provement will be com-- pleted this summer. GET YoOuUuRr PICK OF THE CHOICE LOTSs NOW. gzon saw the Avon !lld for the M#d J{ens *Joc'f"'"i;fi:mx' nk {Drummendé and Bil-- lie Quick motored to Waukegan o. & show Monday eyening.-- _ _ _ . _ -- _ far corner of right fleld good for three bases, _n%' the longest drive of the game. "The Figers will give him a new name from now on. It win be "Hack Wiison. 4 The Tigers «dded two more men to ~, Miss Fienna Mlelke sment (Ne. WAPR | °D00 00 C with. reinjiyhs ond fpeuyde 2t Ke ' poue are: 1 8. Well £ e 12:30. Brather will lead the boys to. the diamond in order-- to be there for practice. _ It will be the last ;szv' uway from hbome, as thereafter they will play at Renehan's summer resort, starting '" $0th. Mr. Kinehan has fixed up the diamond in A No. 1 _shape. Drain, tiles have been put in to keep the , wate -- ith fence . been taken N'%'fiz}%%fi?fim W i;l "play A full schedule of ganres w1il be given in next week's paper. -- ville ili{fl school team. Eimer Hendee will join about June 7, which will mean more to the team. _ Dell 8Smith of Round Lake and John Keller of Waukegarn motored to Buri-- ington, Wis., Wednesday. . _ ~ _ Sunday the Tigers will go to Wau | kegan and'take on the Waukegan Car | dinals. _ The boys will leave about | ''nd Mre. William Moore of Chi cago spent the week end with the lat ter's sister, Mrs. Mary Huson. _ . ; Mrs. Clara Rosing and daughter, La cile, and Mrs: Wm. Schmitz motored to Waukegan Thursday. -- c ze Miss Rilth Davis of Chjcago spent the week end with Ker parents Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Davis. | * & Mrs. Agnes Hayes of Great Lakes. is now staying with ber daughter, Mrs. |[»ell Richardson. * _ _Mr. andMrs. Mike Pitzen ang child-- ren spent Thursday with relatives at McHenry. Charles Brainardwas aChicago call--| '" P eron 'Friday,. <-->~ and © Nick Kretchman of North Chicago, llr called on bis daughtes, Mrs-- Leo Hen-- t farme dee on Thursday. cents , Velma Fitzand Billie Quick attended | their a show :at Waukegan on Friday nité. ; tiona . Miss Sienna Mielke s»ent the week ' tions 1 1 L . 3 we _ ne#a uu-.iuneo Curranand Mrs. James Luby and daughter Elfnorv motored to Libertyville on Friday. 2l -- ~--yrs Fpyd Reneban and son Flbyd called at the George. Raneben Toms« on Thursday. e e Davids Elexander ofLeng Lake was in ~Round Lake on Thyreday. Frank Drummond and daughter Rtu-- thie were Waukegan callers on Friday John--Converse of Fox Lake was in Round Lake on Monday -- Adeline Rossendeutscher and Mary l.ou Kennedy of Long Lake were in Hound Lake on Thursdey ten lliinoks Miss Helen Wilson of V apent the week ead with t Mrs Floyd Renehan a= Mra. Graves is visiting at of Mrs. Chérles Rich, of Gr Mr and Mrs Milford 8u Sunday .at Ringwood Mr. and Mrs. R. Gainey of Chicago. spent the week end at teh Wm. Frost home f ~ Mrs. Robert Bracher and sister Cella Rosing were Chicago callerson Thur-- day. I George Tiff@ny, of North Chicago. Mrs. Leo Hendee and son I:Royl, t 8 -- calledonthe former's mother, Mrs N .';:. upday | at \he | Clare| Houlbk Kretschmer, of North Chicago on Sun-- | -- .}_ | _ 2. .. mt Smith and daurh Mrand Mra J Jones, of Long Lake were Round Lake Cakers on Thurs day. day The Raliph Davis bome is now un der construction > William Frost is varnishing the in terior of the Catholic church Mra Mabel Litwiler and Mre J J Herrington attended a euchre party at f1 Ben * 510 1 Ton Truck $ % Ton Truck $ on T¥ ding & QUALITY (Chasris Only) (Charsis Onby) All prices §. a. b. Plint, Mich. * Tt Costs » Fad ~--Own-- ) Round Lake ks at Manhat PHONE 202 at the hom Grayslake Smith speDn Waukegxan er Alslef 395 55( Parkec | IMlinois Hens Produce Enough | _ Eggs in Year to Reach | Around the Earth. Minnesoia and Ohio farmers, ac-- corging to Director _ Gougler, have beer sycceesfu} in. applying cooper-- ative marketing--(5 poultry and 'eges {n important sections of these etates, and conditions there are quite sim-- ilyr to those of lllinok. Many Ohio farmers have added an average of 2 cents a dozen to their returns through {tbelr organization, he eays Excep ;tionally eucceseful farme:--organizg-- | tions for marketing theit own prod Chicago, May 48. --The results of the 19%5 activities of Madame Hen, popular society matron | ol -- lllinuis barnvards, in , the' creation and delte ery ol the well--known breaklast part-- ner to ham, show that her_ efforis, excluding similar | activities of | her aters in--Adl pther stales excepting Illinols, would. if placed end to end, thrice girdle Mother Karth.about the equator with enolgb eggs remaining to form a& pendant to book around the North Pole and' suspend back to the equator. C * CO--OP MARKET IS PLANNED FOR EGGS-- ~FROM HTFHEEEGYPT Buch is the importance of Madame Her in Illinols, according to Frank A. Gougler, director of poultry <and egk marketing of the lllinols Agricul-- tural Aseociation. | . + > T _ In fact, says Mr. Gouglér, so important theat: farmers afra spend. Ing consigerable 'thougbht and effort in working out ways and rueans for marketing her contributions to the nation's wedlith, eo 'the farmer who omnes ber can get.a maximum return and the consumer who buys her egzs can do so economically without pay-- ing tribute to some umecessary mid-- dlemen. . & o6 LUCE & EARL \__Mr and Mre Dell 8Smith and daugh | ter Valoise and Mrs. B K. Tucker of Round lake, and Mrs. Wm. Smith, 0 Lflmllalo. motored to Pl&infield.I1! | lastSnuday . Highland P'ark on Friday evening. Mr Litwiler won first honor«. s Charles Brainardwas a Waukesxa caller on Naturday -- -- Miss Veima Fitz and Mr=--Wiiliam Quick motored t@ Waukegan on Sun-- day 2 s c= MF and Mrs. Ray Minick and child ren. of Round Lake and Mr. and Mrs R. Gainey of Chicago. motored to Mun deleln und viewed the grounds of. St Mary's Of The Lake Seminary, on Sun Mr. and Mrs. Irion.who rece1 rived heme from Florida called Robert Bracher bome on Suni Although it is bigger and more rugged than other low--priced cars, Chevrolet has a world wide reputation of costing less to own and to operatel This reputation has been won, first, by the longer life, slower depreciation, and freedom from repair that result from Chevrolet's modern design--and, second, by the oil and gas economy of Chevrolet's powerful vailve in head motor. Hundreds of thousands of Chevrolet owners will tell you this car is not only powerful, x::dv.comfm-ble and smart appearing--but g you can enjoy its exclusive advantages at a cost which is lower than you imagine. Come in -- a demonstration show why fi is true. so Smooth-- so Powerful M ho recently ar-- . cortect internal troubles, stimulate vite) a called at the|: _ organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist on Sunday |_ en the origirial genuine Gorn Mapai. ol _ Hlinais i and deltve akfast part-- her _ effoprts, les of her s exceptimg end to end, LO W . COST I Transportsation LIBERTYVILLE Zan gathered from' members in the coun-- try, asgembled and greded at Flora, agd ehipped in carloads to Lhe ~biz mlrxv\'y. L --4 Knox, Warren and Henderson Coun-- Fity Lhe ten lllirois counties fihlcfx produce the-- most pewi[Ly «1nd ez£8s per 100 acres of improved land, and the value, are given as ' followe" ty the lliinois Ag:icultural Aseociation: Ldawgrds. $247; Clark..$2i0;,. Curiber-- land,--§264; Wayne, $244;. Clay, $242; Effingham, $234; Clinton, $223;) Jas-- per, $233 Jefferson, ; §208 and Suelby, $202. Southern lllingis counties are heaviest poultry and poultry--prod act producers in the etate. » Work wase started troday on~ the constructkin of a $100,000 addition to 'the Holy Child higW@#*schoo!l on North Sheridan road by the Montoe .con-- struction cpmpany, 500 North Dear-- Born street, Chicago.. The permit..applied for today, will bring the building costs alone to $80,-- 000, according t6o W'llrrr Nibbelink, head of the building department of the city. When completéd, the esti-- mates, the entire cost should _ run aroynd $140,000: & * * t bufttime s add: elnrcrr <o se will be employed and egzs will be Ine ten produce th per 100 ac the value, the lliinois ty Farm Bureaue ate «i mavorgimneerrme y "evier? acquaint i wuikings C marketing. tormed in quartess w Counts -- Fa one--County HOLY CHILD STARTS 11 Classrooms to Be . Added; Permit Shows Building Cost --_-- toBe $80,000 Alone. he préesent ngs and eve n make the BUILDING $100,000 ~ADDN. TO SCHOOL haarlem oil has been a world-- wide remedy for kidney, liver and FOR OVER 200 YEARS nt iarmers witd -- Gelails _ ano ige ol joininkg together in their riing. O If an opganization _ is t in there coupties, ihe head-- is will be ut Galesburs. Ford & Farm --Bureay is planning a unt, organiation uknx esimilar with headquarters Ait © Gibson Byr: Mich and let us MHAARLERM OHL | follow the trend of od h sefool build i'ort beas been madt ilding etrictiy mod aiso Intereste details _ and THURSDAY, MAY 20, 10926. the bogze was in his car. He claim--| 'eq that he was in the trucking bu--' 'ipess and h}d simply called his OT | fice and. had been told that there ; were a few cases to be delivered} Lester F. Clow, the "big. builtef and~ ezg man," failed. to impress A jury iuthe county court Thutrsday and that jury turned~ and found Clow guilty on two counts 'of v1!0-- lating the prohibitory law, Trans-- porting and poss@®sing intoxicating '5".,'.'&.'.5'- k: ied The vermicl came at the end of an all day battle with bottle atter bottle of stuf!t that looked rare be-- ing presented to the cour(t as part of the --Clow loot. . CLOW GUILTY JURY FINDS AFTER TEN -- After the adverse verdict Attor-- neys William Behanna -- and -- John Noll, who had been appointed D¥ the court tqo * defend: Clow, moved tor a new trial. -- * Clow [ wepnt dowh _ alone. _ Mrs. Anna' Fleig,. who had beén his com:-- panion. . on--.the trip, bead hber case nolle prossed by the state because she took the stand against the exr restaurant man s c . Clow had felt that he would win. He had been willing to bet on the outcome early in the day. His de fense was that he did not know "Butter and Eggs Man" Goeés Down With His Carload of.. Booze in County Court. to Lake county. He picked these up. be ~said, not knowing the con-- tent.. They were to be left here for forwarding, be sald. The state had called upon the sheriff's force to prove Its case. A*-- sistant States Attorney 8, H. Block and Minard Hulse prosecuted, bring-- ing forth Deputies William _ Kelly and Frink Valenta, whe arrested Clow for speeding in the first place MEETS FIRST TUESDAY ? EACH monTH AT GRIDLEY HALL C. C. HOSKINS, Commander _ Telephone 345.J Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue-- Bilious Fever and Malaria T A I L O R I N G North Milwaukes Avenue Telephone §81 _ LIB&ARTYVILLE RAY N BMITH & Duddies Bidg. Libertyville, 1!% R. B. GODFREY Libertyville Post 32 American Legion Men's Work Shoes Are you trs bled with weak and broken down' arches? Weak ankles or ' painful hecis? Bumnin * callouses on the balls (' your feet? Toes cramped + in your shoes2 Feet ache and pain and get all tired out ? If you have any of these or any other foot of ~ shoe troubles Fou whi find relief and comfort awaiting you at this store, In Dr. Scholl's line of well --known Foot Comfort Appli-- ances and Remedics you will find one that will it your particular case. A Free Demonstration will convince the most skeptical. _ in regular shoes. $3.50 per pair. our specialty. We have a large essortment of material for you to select from. Come in and see us. and broken-- down arches and relieves tired, aching kies. etc. Worn Dr. Scholl's Foot--Eazer CICHY'S TAKMLORING SHOP Come in and look them over 2.50 -- 4.85 A complete hne of 666 The Quality Sgage in & Prescription for It kills the getms big butter Tep» (Mow, three yeats ago, Came c Waulu-fan when | the , clouds _ exhibiting silver linings He by & farm or two, was olected q; board) member of cthe Lake 'Cé 'l Fair asgpciation and then, sturte y the Hotel Clayton r¥staurant ~ 4| farm. deal> ended aftér the (-- ,. | payment, the restaurant crashed ;. | he --made an adroit exit {from ) fair board. + His Pate a Mystery The fate of Mascezel, who in 3908 reclaimed Africq for the Roman em-- pire, is one o{'lhe ,world's greatest mysteries. _ The: generally accepted story is that he was drowned dn his return to Italy, by Stilicho's, orders." 10 Alestlly in Cuuct. 43_ aw intesparifie of Pss p inss pi 331 _i F44 .. rext wreck Stahl."~ The "arrest took ptace the day after the primary. In the Clow automobile had begn found three cases of gin, six Cases of Queen Anne Scotch whiskey and sundry bottles 'of MeBrayer ~ Depu-- ties who had te saimpleo the sTul!l terrifie liquid unw ter. s ' GUARANTEED. NO FUSS. NO KINKS. tl COLLINS & DOANE COMPANY MONUMENTS Telephone 628--M--1 Phone 154--M FIRE and THEFT--COLLISION -- LIABILITY and PROPERTY DAMAGE American Motor Underwriters DOWK BY THE ELECTRIC STATION Phone 200--J Libertyville, Illinois PERMANENT WAVING PFhone 41 AUG. FR OE L4 C H IT'S DEPENDABLE because is has stood the segof time. Under every conceivable condition has.our Lum: ber been used and in every instance has the report beer a favorable one. For that reason, builders everywhere come to W. F. Franten, Jr., for their Luimber. & s WSF. Franzen, Jr. Telephone 50 LIBERTYVILLE A Natural, Lasting, Beautiful Wave. Chas. D. Proctor FARM AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTT Insurance of all kinds Jlary's _ STEAM OIL METHOD and Mausoleums 133 East Cook Avenue it [Old Resident of Wau-- ~ kegan Passes Away Kressin of Los Angeles, _ brothers. Thares and Wik daker of Waukezan. and Mrs\ McConne!l of Kenosha M Subscribe for The Independent LIBERTYVILLE Anna Jacobs, aged |l:ckory street. _ al _ _ LIBERTYYILE, me at K:a0 uo COCK m an aftack 'of peart Th W# -- t ~Brup-- tiF was stricken "while ; with other mey) ily. . She bas been it'acks for the past een inder the t that period. ind having re-- te. Mrs. Jacobs le »of ,~freads d 68 years and a rest death. husband uohil4 ret im Bad THE T clephone Chig! ~_ By Hou Basements __ tector of "" warding of j refreshing life of comfort. It is e stays on the 'i results * We 4M plumbers. «[ One of same coated. PLI'HI'!INO Valentine--V QuaraAtteod Phone 17 ROOFIN L.BERTYVILLE ~*~ TAR and QRAVEL Ready roofing over We Do AlU Kinds of AT LOW C1 Most A Teams Keeps You Fit in FRAKK K. DECK wITH TAR PAl A Bath a 3 0 ¢

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