to Quit in 'Huff® Deciar-- . oo is hag* Boem'!mmm. fi';'fi'n'flh:d:.':}cuuuslm.ub l= ~-- commitise an '*"" ""' Ex ut the-- meeling.. _ _. _ ___. . Wl\:%&- i .'fbnhtunm'flh!l-'!'!.".":.fl".'. -- mould appreciate s6t wihw dtker, so that We supervisors at their June: meeting, it was dinclosed today. -- 7¥ . #n éach line of the resignation is a Sirain of bitterness, such as; tendent of highways for 1% years or 'ring' does not wast me." Lo 4e 1 o "4 """ ta MCmmR ."V,_ E} .'r:'ua. on the part of uuz more thas a month he has been await Ing for some action from the bourd. FARAIC T 0O N RUSSELL, HIGHWAY -- YOLUME XXXIV--NUMBER 21; . GEOPION TWO LIBERTYVILLE, L&KE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1926 iriet that our triendsabhip in the fo tq'm-mp-w'. ; cuuxm f {'n Bupt,. of Highways. Tag. is them, that be was borted in no-.:-nu'n-. Mrfl,m&-fi.mud n'u-u'ml" m.wum&m of the atat ny'-z-tzm.uym avwerded erating out of Eligin, be trom his two insurance by Whe tor the )b. Aw far as tan be | a ruling in federal court lnkraed there has been no-- definite | live ta Gary, Ind. Diamond «tepe takens on bis part to geot. the | iy had named his wile as beneficiary post: Msmuzp--umumr:.m ot 34 years of agoe with years of act-- | to make his parents . ual road building experience. He in wnm.l-.e&ud «pected and took part in the con-- | the sourt in lIndiasa a¥ard straction of many otft the state Ing the insurance to hettrs .of the paered rowds in lLaAke count;, murdered wife. Ausse!l's Statement dinifititinimeapamenmmescanmmecmecccs Reaching . Ruesell . this aftiernoon --~-------- §000--#APS HOMELER® Two weeks Ago there Was & 19907t | Harty H. DMamond, hanged in Novem | strangliag 'himseit muc-nmuil' ln.lfl.-m&m"fl'lflfl' of the atat nvhs-t»u-.uuym awaerded sort of a hoodoo i erating out of Eigin, be in | from is two insurance by | jail which causes Whe tor the j0b. Aw far as tan be | s ruling in federal court They | to take theit own 2 mitemnte en hnd as |epasteoare esns | qALL NBE «tape ta his an post. Mbmuo--cflmh'mw'- of 35 years of age with years of act-- | to make his paronts a Sm' beese wilk one committes alone and that it had not been considered seri-- ove. Lobdell, he pointed out, has becth groomed for the job for the past two years and that was his main reason tot a demand that the board show its rowd bond insve this year would be # 4 KE COUNTY INDEPENDENT _ Lake Gounty's Big Weekly WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN . ||_ job be Mcee, Edward Moropey who beligcves M,flmmhn'h'- cele-- brating the of his boss. _ wOWMAN TELLS OF ABusE bet bhusband are joint owners of the home which they occupy and he aske that her interest be recognized by ~division of the ectate. mmmn-fiafinw in a divoree She asks &u enjoined by the court ow } MM"M'T' only ttought what it earned | that be had not pushed it to a--point where it brought him moneg. 7 : y ~boy bas been wotking at it," As it stapde the board, in Its June meeting, would bara th call examine-- tions f:" tho':u!.m_ ..: scould not be %&wmm&mfi« Charges Extreme Cruelty. DEMANDS DIVORCE FOR HANGED MAN Bert Gllbeft, 34, of Milwaukes, ar rested Tuesday night at #:30 o'clock on a charge of being dronk and dis-- arderty, made an unsuccess(ul effort to hang bimsel{ in his um W.fl'nmt:m-u- atrangula tlop y -- when Richard abowed him the danger of the othet wan and be quickiy remorved the necktle and allowed abhe victim to «ump to the Goor. -- s and the necktie and belt wore taken "'*'flfltlomfllfln pest the altempt. | «in police court this morning GO» bart. could not give an explanation of 'his attemgt to commit sulcide. "I was dtubk and --do aot remom-- A. W, Wias, a milor at the asval station 'dommifted eulcide in the lo-- aul wil by Hanging himselfl to the bars with his ALandkerchief, --Not very many months ago another man committed sulcide in the city jall by strangling 'himselt with a piece . of sord. The polics ste wondering what sort of a bhoodoo is hanging bver the »priaeiveid . A0L, s Beme _ AM ~ > _A ELE SC pothing new in t'omlb'. today," Governeot Bmail stated today, whon asked concerning . recommendation by Attormey General Oscar Caristrom M'm-. atate parole chist, and C. H. Jonkine, state weltare di-- "When thers is," the Governot son« cluded, "I will make public annsounts ment of the ta0t." n no;am in the . capitol, m: 6 varnor's , was ~ W aral that "_m no chao-- SMALL KEEPS OLD PARDON BOARD in thess Offices at this Lime. May 26.--"There is meore to want L* Chartes Russell, county super-- lnutendent of highways who has tendered his resignation to the sounty bourd, indicates that his ac. tion was brought about as the 're-- 30 MILLION FISH ARE HATCHED IN Fish Hatcheries Have D . _ Much to Restock Rivers Of the State. STRATTON OIRECTS WORK other dsep water fish havre beef hatched artificlally is llinois this year, according to reports received from the Spring Grove and Lincoln Park Hatcheries. The Lincoln Park Halchery, which W by the Lincoin -- Park in Chlcago, ~received fourteen propagation -- under -- natural cond+ tions. Since these fish are the ones best adapted to most of the inlend lakes and streams of Minois, Dt rectat of Conservation Stratton has established five natural hatchetrios in different parts ol the state.** ruso hatcheries are at Spring Gtrové, Yorkvillie, . Rockford, Bast Bt. Louis and Carlyle, ste now in production and more will be bought m"mlned tN:' y::r. The out-- standing feature this great work of fish restoratioh is that an the ex-- without owe cent from general tazes. ILLINOIS IN YR UL, May 2. --More IHen (pike. trout as4 u!'fi is, Di\ Chieago, MT, m has| othy Fubl, Eré cheties | by Assistant --4 L:'a.l:.-ltmm m'?" East| Desmond Tayk ow director, in 19 ALLENDALE SCHOOL } BOY GETS FORTUNE AND FINDS FATHER According to Mrs. Bradiey, wife of the head master at Allendale, mmct;mdhymhnum school without a cent of #upport. He wus reared there and tratoed in farming until he was a young man. Then be. webt to fight the world for hbimselt and in the fow years since he left the parental roof of Allendale, his training has hbeiped of an ad in a Joli®t newspaper where the father was seoking his long }ost to Th%" 'Allendale~ schoit at Lake Villa back in 1906, then, a wistfu! lad of $ years and apparentiy left without father or mother, last night was swept into his father's arms after an absence of 26 years and was informed that Be is the recipisa! of a $500,000 bequest from bis grand-- motber, Mrs. Jane Dohle. who died is 1917 in Adamsboro, Ind. him to make <a succoss of farming son's identity as | the heir to the $500,000,.-x.».--.n eWord,. was forced to -nn'ngr. and Mrs. Kaplan, thes Tving al mmm'fimuom Bert at the time a wistful lad of 8 ther and the TAYLOR WITNESS daIVES GOOD ALIBI -- Chieago, MF, May :6 --Mrs Dor-- othy Fubl, Evgnston, 111. questioned ;';'m-im Attorney Wik a- Ritienhouse in cfllmuo;uflmt: 4 -!fl?:- murder --0f . Desmond ylor, Mollywood movie director, In 1927, denled that sHe -': been in Cdm:'lh since 1919, it w today . Mrs. gm was . questioned r day at the request of Asa Keyes, nu.lng:umm.n ntly, the ta '.M-L,uoe:- * i# BEQUEST . ... Cz ... ... igeammntmemmnenmemermntmentmatioe. ce L 1. C1 + w-l' ---- By OAVID P. SENTNER | . * i WBI fimls L e New York, May 26. --A Broadway t *~« . y; -- |atmosphere was added today to tha t | mss CHARGES IN,,, "wine -- bath' trial of 'Earl Carroil ® ( C theatrical ----producer charged | with | ~] ~RAPE CASE HEARING | Aevrignc ane at Jomon, eqmenen ! " playwright, and A! Jotson, epmedian. & . * a > were summoned _ as -- defense wii-- 4 u . * .+ 2 jA ' _ | nesses while eight pretty young Failure of Zion Girls to ADPERT | scnorus girts® from Catroil's musical f _ In Kenosha Regarded reyue rooted #flentliy from a > fron:-- 9 + , |row bench for tbeir employer. T -- As cmm of Heart. guest© at the midnightto meru: party «o <>~~ en --of Hom: compiathants }n the Fipe cone@=Hiled againsat Burtls Morse aAnd > _ "Wi#rett Eocarth, Waukegan men in *--*"~ courts of Kenosha county, to appesr at the preliminary hearing of Moree -- Chicago, I!L, May 26. --Too much Charleston teday was declared to have caused the death of Mrs. Ber-- nice Plath who fell dead in the Of fice of the Burnsham oil company The court on motion of (he prosecu-- until snext Tuosday when it is q'lm "¢d that if the girls fail to put:--in ap pesrnace that the action _ against Moree will be--Gropped. _ it is under: stood however that the district at torpey is to make every effort to have the é'hhm witnesses appear 3t this ring. where. ,Q'Ao was employed as a sten-- egrapher, -- Mrs. Plath recently won several prizes in 'Charleston contests and over--exertion in these contests was giyren by, pbysicians -- as the cause of her ;o.t)(_ ralmigst s vesterday is regurdeqd as evidence of a chfige of heart on the part of two girle and 'their parents in the action. It 'was erroncousiy --reported from is at liberty on bonds of $1,500 had failbd to appear for trial but it was later annpunced that Morse bhad a»> pesred in court on time and thar neither of the girls had put in an ap pearance. " A mofion for dismisséal of the case put by Artorney KAward Rustz: representing the defendant was overruled by the court pending Investigation into 'the Tailure of the girls to appesr. " ST. PATRICKS €H. 10 BUILD CHAPEL AND NEW SCHOOL Construction of a new school house at Wadsworth and a chapel at Druce's luke are among the plans of, develop WWent of his parish for-- the year by DEFER CASE VUNTIL JUNE 1 hadot . Aocording to the etory of the two girls the two young mea induced them to. get Into their automobile and attacked them at a lone!y epot on Sheridan road north of the state line. It is charged that one of the men mepoéced the gir's with a gun. Defenpee so0ght to bring out in crosms eramibation. however that the giris did not resist--the attack. £ To en tt t eirbetts * *** ritck's church of Wadeworth. _ The school building 'which will be erected at a cost of more than $10, 009 will be built on a site adjacent to the cburch la _ Wadsworth -- This building will be large emough to housee from 100 to 150 students and will be sirietiy midern in ever}t de-- tall, so Father Foley Ooch';u. ° Albert -- Hoetel _ men's _ far 300 sults ot clothés valued at CHAPEL FOR DRUCES LAKE The chapel to be erected at Druce'a Lake wil} not be an elaborate affair, but will' be erected to serve as iA place of worship for resorters during the summier months. There. is also a movement on foot to erect a club house in conpection with the church, but it is considered unlikely that this plas will be carrigd out. and in Torreon today to raise $§6,000, the rensom demanded by bandits who on Saturday kidnaped C. C. Bra-- den and W. Gallagher, Teras miners, trom the Descobridora mine, in (he state of Durango. The Terace are being held under threat of death, heving been given four dayr to rae the money. _ Mertcan cavairy in searching for bandites who are believed to belong to the gang which last month kid naped 0. D. W near Velardena MINERS HELD FOR Chcago; 1N1., May 25--Burglars to iv "Rmmied" a side door at the During Coming Year. sTEAL 20 SsUITS Weaver Jr., Of Chitago, N CAUSED| SAY JOYCE ASKED _ _ mise, in the $1.50 PER YEAR. IN ADVANCE® here bie "Miss» Hawley said, it $1000 was --not--patd --Wer --uhe ~would ~ make trouble for Karl CarraH, ¥ut it she gort the momney she wouldn't say anything.". Scaite testifled. "What dit the --say about" the grand jury*"* Scaile was arked. *That if she got $1,000 she would say anything we wunted ber lo Thomas testified he was pot. a given by Carroll at --which it js at+ lnged Miss. Joyce Hawley, beautifol Chris Scaife, Carroll's manager, the sdext witness, jold : of -.'hu from (Miss Hawley, in which . *shg demanded money." o & state supreme court here by. J A. reamed in The PrewtUn cbeage otr by & county. gir-- cult court to. pay H. A. Foncanzos $1,974694 as the result of Htigatio® of ceriain notes given by tha Lewldes. Bude in a bathtub of chan;pagne, _ The playwright said he had knowaA Carroll for some years 'and testi Hed as to his reputation {or ver-- acity and general* good Ccharacter. -- Kawin Farrell and. Darid. ABnnei-- ale J. A lewis and 8. C. GiHimour were partnets, operatisg the firm known as The Motor Car Abstracs Franktort. They woere agents ltor the Standard Aunto Insurance asso ciation and an andi; of their books s«howed, it was alleged that the part-- nership .was delinguent to the ox-- tent of $1,555.5% is payments for premiums collected anad not turned ever to the Motor Car Abstract amd Security Company. The two Lewises then gare to an agent of the com-- pany _three judgment notes for $41%.51 each, of totalling the amount alleged delingquent. Carroli's Friends Claim Girl -- Threatened Trouble If ~< _ She Wasn't Paid. Springlieid, IIIL. May 23. --Petition tor a writ of certiorar| lor a re-- view --of their case has been filed in DENY WINE BATH SCENE ARGUMENT OVER NOTES GOES TO "Did she say what the would teil the grand jury it she dida't get the money*" Herbert C. Smythe, d« fense counsel asked. # ""No," The witness replied. "Miss Hawley said that on the night of the party you gare her drinks." Father and Son Are Ordered by Frankiin County Coukt .lo Pay Notes. . be ready to dispose of their prop arty, he put the notes on judgment by confession at Benton, 1!}} The Framklin county circuit court found for Foncannon, awarding him $1,967.914, The Lewises appealed i~ the appeliate conrt, fourth districi, which affirmed the verdict of the lowar court, and the Lewises now are asking the snpreme court for a writ for a review of the case. lt will be an ine docket ai the Jumne term. © R Pekin, May % --An attempt iA been made in Moscow to-- assassiita General Feng Yuh Siang, atpordina in the Chiness~ press. The CR In '197? H. A. Fomchasnoa boug*t these notes .In 19%3 os waffing 1 might hbavre givea ber ginges TESTIMONY TODAY FOIL MuURbZ: SUPREME COURT > C $omx4 A/TCMWPT pegentengt n