CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 May 1926, p. 2

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Ay 5. s®f his own nat . mBpd North Chic: ,,;;,;1"" in his conc« O~ ~A8h--American.. C s Chicago North Shore & ._. Milwaukee Railroad Company (2s, ** _ The high--speed electrically--operated ratlroad w .: Libertyville Ticket Office "ad to t oftt --> when--«~lling" stock ._in _ his\concern ~s«bowed theni &~plece 'of stee] which he claimed to be of superior quality apd which would be made in the pro-- poseq iwfill in Poland. !t -- appears, however. that the. securities were later trang{erred to a security and mortgage company. .. The dgfense states, however, that the securities'@till possess value and that all the purchasers of the stock have attended sockholders meetings for several years and are well. aware of the struggle on the part of the heads of the company to earry out its intention _ & ° Afer hearing evidence in the case Justice® Coulson deferred a decision until h could delve further into the statutes governing the sales of secur-- made in the co Coulson Thursd: Img trial. chars was operaling a its Jocation was stead of aversc means ol a wards deve! Chased the . § M" " " wUK ' "LE)) ll Among those who clai M mssy . o | been vietimized in t aim to. kave Een STQEK I*G'fiimf':»wnwl * Hage . ; 6 ' ts .0 TtR ctorta i n Gar P , " * ym . ;'(::;U. $1,100; John W'fi'ln};k o t > Peter lr;s-CoHected Money to Commonvesith gvease o s auhg's stflfl eel Mill in Pola $1°0; ski, 1301 . Vietoria is A * n ; Alexand c oria st A ?t Is Claim 0) | forin' street, $150, andp duse; \ .1 P12 | Justict e0. f I 11411 South Jac . and Joseph Ulick | Sn kson street, $50. v( * thN( "fll" beseect LAIM PROMOTER . "SOLD WORTHLESS Shore Lime tr=mns i + f\;;\:' comtortable North ~~~--e lLine there, on regmiar sonle. to Shore Line to Mdwaukee--step into T. M. Ek. & 1. trains at door of our Mibkraukee ter-- minal, for thesepoints. Through Extra Service cammmemmmemmmmemmemesmamee CC @\|] Ne on Saturday, Samday and Mon<y, mmmemdthontnvd- ing ower the Memorial Day week end. Baggage checked through to destination. For achedules, fares and other information, i e at ticket office, or at Traffic Dept., M W mta,m.mnammm . WHERE TO GO AND '"OW TO GET THERE Powers Lake T;%» chine men anf women itionality in Waukegar cago to puréhbase secur cern. Peter Miris. a Pol claimad. th*t he intend: tem mtfi in Rolnid _#s --& Those wha nur ecordlio@ to claims --'of Instice Hervey where Miris is fac ©-- M'r'g Insterd 1 mill"--and thet these two cities in-- erate Extra rail and motor coach ser Resorts, McHenry: Take North Shore Line trains to W aukegan, North Sbore Line Motor Coaches from there on regular achedule to these points. made with trains on our Lib ertyville -- Mundelein division. Through tickets * Livestock provided 86 per cent of the income received by the 19 farm-- ers in Cumberland, Clark and Craw-- ford counties; the return being $163 for eve~ry. $100 --jqvested. P Undvergity of I!Tinois. The average laFor a m; Mapezemegt--wage af~ §82! wws realized by 19 farmers in Cum berland, Clark and Crawford coun-- 'ties, while the $913 was the Jatbor and management wage of 30 fa mers in Mont= ~mery, Macoupin, Bond and Madison -- counties. _ These * farmers kept careful records in 'connection With a (farm account project ' on @ored by the farm management--de-- partment of the college. Low o« twese earninge are they un-- doubtedly are above the average for all larmers in the two sectjions: f Libertyville, Mundelein: * North Shore Line to Lake Urbana,.. [l. May 21.--An average of §$624 wrs realized oy one group of soutuern ll.oois farmers for their a* -- isk and hanagement last year, while another gioup in the me part of the state everaged only glx. according to annual farm~ business reporie just! issued by.the farm o resented the state in the prosecution while Albert K, Hall was attorney for the. complainants. . Ities in the state. Col. A.V. Smith rep-- F 14 & MA U serthhound, 1} sowthhoumd ; '" THURSDAY o lJULY 22, 1926 "**\. '-- LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, MAY 27. 1926. lMrt is being hauled to fili the yard of the Viking home, which will be ded-- beated June 15th O o oA RWIAREIFLrSEy _ |P LONG GROYE EYANG. CHURCH @ °~ ANTIOCH 0| 'Rev. Carl A. Stadler, Pastor 0 G O 0000000 0 0 0@ Sunday. May 30 S 8. starts again 4 * | at $.30 a. sm., standard time, that we 'At the Lotberan Chlhfch in Kenosha |may nractice the program for Chil Saturday afternoon. May 15th, at five dren's 'day on Sunday. June 6. _ AN o'clock. Miss Helen Gutbrodt was | teachers and pupila. please be on fimne united in marrliage to R 'A (:rnnnu'J German service at 10 a. m. Every both of Kenosha. Miss Ida Gutbrodt.} body welcome 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o Mrs. Anna Kamabulta the M¥strict Supervlding Deputy for Lake county of the R. N. A.. made her first official visit to the local lodge.= She «ave a very entertaining talk n her work. Measles are prevalent in our com-- munity, and many , folks are. being quaranjined. In several instances peo-- plzr:n» Maving the second Attack _ e W. C. T. U. helguithe county convention here Wednesday of this week. -- The state prestdent was hem, as well as several head workers of the organization. >. *A The Warren ('om-"&ry Association with the Modern Woedmen and Royar Neighbors, will hold joint memorial services"at the Warren Chapel Sunday May 0th. The progtam vxl' begin at # ». m, standard tiime. Rev Howard E. Ganster of Christ Episcapal church of Waukegan, will give the address ' _Clare Zimmerman, who-- has been yery ff. is much better Mrs Julix Ruodd is caring for him. * Mr. and Mrs. Murice DeLoof are the proud pkrents o fa son, born Sunday, May 23. at the Lake 'County Genetal bhospital. . iz Mrs. Benjamir ~Powell #nd baby daughter returned last week to her home. ~Mrs. Powell was formerly Eve-- lyn Dinsmore: * -- EoD So ons Aednons Secy SCRECY TT 0. s ue Due to. the--Hiness of Avery }'oge.",""h wook Ats P t N c ie Te NE e o e5 59 s t# hy -- uy*> +0 be. presentediJmue 2, at. high school. | -- -- 1O The musieal society of the high school O' 1 will present the "Gypsy Rqver."The | Time is at 8, standarnd time. Be suré ; vo 0 0 get there early in order to secure a| 'The mer good seat, for a full house is expected.|Sunday af The Gypsy Rover was presented five | time. The years ago, and t!}p-e who saw it xhen!,by the par; will want to see it again. -- idren of Lo p C Maywood. + 00000000000 0000 The'). wilson McGee family moved Mr. and Mrs. Be K. Mille*¥ announce the latter part--of last week into the the engagement of their daughter, bome 0f Mrs. Lulu Ching. --, Marjorie B.. to Chalmer M. Hart, of| Mrs Raliph Kinrade has returned Waukegan -- The wedding. will t';k'p home, affer -- visiting 'relatives 'and place the latter nart of June. Both of (riends in Chetek, Wis. | the young people were graduates of| _ Mt. Dixon has been appointed as Warren Township High School. Miss LAY:--Reader--in--Charge at St. Ignatius' Milleg graduated with the class of '22 Church. 'r will be in Antioch on Fri-- an:!'ur. Hart with the cKMss of *# !'d-y,'salfirdly'_.&mdny and Monday of 300000000000000 We w wel 2 100 _0 Bonds were set at $2,000 each and | both.are being held in the Highland Park jail by Chief of Police Ed Mo--. roney, who beliéves that Ricardo will make bonds. Pardi wlllI A prows b '-" _".4_;7.'. »the counly )u'ry action. | front of pke Pearl the. te: Friday, eve--, niftg when two pfi't'x;'émeu happened along in time t» pursue and capture , the two Mexicans as they drove 4way © from the curb. * 8 } of larceny growing out of the attempt-- MEXICANS BOUND TO GRAND JURY Neither of the men made defense, but both profected that they had been encouraged Jn trying to take the car by a negro who was with them. He made his escape. Acye * Jusiige Conrad Holds Pair to the Jury: They Blame _ «_ Negro Who Escaped. -- ta A. M. Zahnle, North Shore line conductor, living at Highwood. : will be given away by practically every store in Libertyville. Be Gala Day in which everybody is invited to join us in celebrating. Auspices of Libertyville Club and American Legion Post No. 329 Libertyville .Day V aluable Free Tickets GURNEE A delegation of the American Legion Post of LibertyviHe, Hon. Forrest Flag« Owep, Commander, with the' 'color- and firipg squad also the Le | gion AuxiHary, the Nationar lnugmpml of the Grand Army and the Boy Scouts will be with us again to pay a nation's tribute to the vetrerans buried at Long Grove . . glfldm'o day will be observed on 8u . June 6. at 7:30 p. m. The teachers and scholars of all 8. 8. De-- partments try their best to make that evening's program one of jJoy and in-- spiration. A free will offering will be taken for the benefit of our 8. 8. All members. and friends are cordilally"in vited to attend -- A short--program--wil} be: rendered ip the church, with recitations, #*ocal and instrumental selections, and the address will be delivered by Hon Wm P. Carey.--of Waugegan, a Legionaire All who love our country and remem ber with love and gratitude those who fought for Freedom's cause--dught to attend this service. . / -- Members of Long Grove Evangeli-- cA thurch take notice The semf annual meeting will be held at the school bouse on Wednesday, June 3, begtnning at 1 p m: A|! members ought to be present © ** -- The communities of Hong Groxe and vicinity are cordially invited to thi« patriotic service" -- The memorial day services will be Sunday afternoon at 3:30, standard time. The parade forms at the school by the parsonage. All the school chil-- dren of Long Grove and neighhorhood are invited to'take part. och who attended the dedication eere-- menies--of the U. 8. veterans hogpital at North Chicago. ' Miss Gladfs Davis, eldest daughter of'Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Davis, became the bride of Jack Styrms, of Maywobod. The wedding took place in Chicago. 'Immediately after the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Styrms left on a trip to Buf-- falo. They will make their home in Maywood. 5 R Goldie Daxis visited her sisters and their.families in Chlcago * Saturday and Sflum[,fgr. * 's . z Jl_r.'an&'Mrs, Ralph Krohn visited in Chicago Sunda¥ -- O -- R. L.' Wwbb, L R. Watson and, Floyd Haslan were among those from Ant'i- Mers. Clara Wilett spent Thursday in--Chicago. _ --.-- -------- es & ' 'Tli'e"égndr(-fi"dl'mornw a party in Ronor .of the birthday of their father last Friday evening. About twenty were present, and the evening was very pleasantly spent, and afine lunch was served a't*'he close of the festivities. * s * to whout~30 persons at the new home tbe groom had prévaneg @#¥* Ridge St. for the Peception_of Mis pride. . Mr. and Mrs. Gus Trieger of Nor wood Park, visited at the home of Mr and Mrs. A. B. Johnson 'Friday. _ Mrs. John Knott ang fitle son were Chicago visitors Satudray. e ~At the Lutberan church in Kenosga Saturday afternoon, May 15, at 5 Miss Mary, Tiffany was a Chicago passenger Safurday." _ _ _ sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and Samuel Ries was best man. The BHQQ was prettily--dressed in a charm-- ing. gdw; of Spanish dace over white taffeta »with a well, carrying a, boquet of roses.-- The groom wore a dark blue A small mollusk known as a photad, has been reported to have cuaused eK-- tensive Injury to the bfickwork 'at the eatrance to one of the dry docks at Cafcuttal The creature eats its wuy Into the brtcks ;ur_x_wr'! he surfuce glaze bas been destroyed. -- fo this purticular cuse they were desirbyed after having bo'ho"rnh't]. to ahout hu.lf «D inch, D"'l wcientists believe that éxcept for that they would have Jdestruyed all the brick work. * * A small moliusk k has been reported t tensive Injury to the eatrance to one at Cafcuttal The er Into the brtcks ;ul_l_"n bas been destroved It--is certain however that the po-- lice who will also be iningling in the crowd. at all times looking for this type of crook will doo much to-- Laké county jail. -- Fame Very Secondary I would give a!l ny fame for a pot ale and 'safety --Shakespeare. -- Ray Furniture & Paint Store All the newest improvements will be fully explained together with a prac-- \_ tical demonstration of cooking the FLORENCE way. Mollusk Does Harm FLORENCE PHONE 9 The old drudgery incident to the cooking of three meals each day Gver a hot coal or wood fire is a thing of the past. The FLORENCE OIL RANGE has shown the way to do it easier--better and more eeonomically with oil; the cheapest and cleanest of fuels. The intensely hot, clean, blue gas flame goes straight to the bottom of the utensil. This means quick cooking in a cool Cook In Comfort with Focused Heat Open Monday, Friday and Saturday Evenings SaturA(flay, May 29th hh cs .( DWE ngers o m ing) 2 90 A factory representative will give a Demonstration At Our Store OIL RANGES 350 Milwaukee Ave. QUALITY to adegree never beforefound _ _ .. in a car of this price class; PERFORM» 2C that is the LOWEST ever placed on a -- Nash 4--Door Sedan. _ _ © _____._"-- KENN EZDYmBROS' LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Libertyville (11»

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