CITIES WILL GET _ BETTER MILK HERE "Heretofore milk control has been one-- of the most neglected phases of . municipal public health srevice," said 'R.'Rawlings. "alhough it'is a major --sanitary problem, especially ~durink the summer. A new law requires all + paxteuring plants except those serv-- . inx Chieago, to secure ann@ally cer-- --*'tificates of 'appoval from the state department of health. It also requires _ all the milk handlers to be free from contagious disease. 'The first inspee-- tions preliminary to. Issuimg cectifi-- 'cates are now practically completed Springfield, IIL, May 25..--IHingis cities this summer_,will get milk of a distinctly better n{'ahuy, quality* than ovgr.feloh.'nccordlu to a statment issued here_today by=Dr. 1. D. Rawi-- tinigy --state health--Aijr@ciQF. .. ..........._. . Sanitary Conditions on Dairy Farms Have tmproved . -- Quality of --Milk. More efficient pasteurization of a larger volume than heretofore is the reason for this, he stated. His con-- elusions are based upon the 'report of detailed inspections made recently by the department's expert milk sanita-- in of the 349 downstate. pasteuriz-- ing plantg. which furnish the bulk of the milk consumed in the citfes." "In nearly all cases the expert mHk sanitarian who made the detailed in« spections was able to offer construg tive suggestions for improvement to the dairymen. As a result the milk from pasteurizing plants will be con-- siderably better'thain formerly. "It is especially fortunate that the InspedGons were completed before the onset of summer. Milk guppHes are more difficult to keep swret uad B--speed transmission, sem} reversible stecring, dry disg tlutch, semi--elliptic springs, with speedometer, Dace in-- Itsbh, Alemite lubrication, closed bodies by Fisher, balloon tires (on all closed models) and scores of other quality featares found only QVALITY A Schanck --Hardware Telephone 39 ME Makers of McCormick--Deering feed grain drills have learned, through years of valu _able experience, just how to produce sturdy, de-- pendAble machines that stand up under the se-- verest seeding conditions. * Thousands of farmers enjoy the use of these good CGrills each year, and when they need new drills they usually come back to us for them. _ _ Among the many Taatures embodied in-- these drille are light draft, easy operation, simplicity, and adaptabil-- Ity to all kinds of soll. You can't go wrong with a Mo-- Cormick.Deering. They're built to plant accurately and to cover the seed property. Even seeding means even growing, better crops, and increased profits. . 1 1 N Loull Ro n e e oo s McCORMICK--DEERING ___ We have these drills on display in our store n Invite you to inspect them ahead of the seeding We can take care of your requirements. LUCE & EARL fortunate that the| -- Memorial services. wil be held at completed before ')luMn cemetery Sunday, May 30th ner. Milk guppHes | Attorney Ninian -- Welch, of Chicdaga. to keep swret uad | formerly of Rosecrans vicinity. will hot . weather. 'rhélbe one .of the speakegs £5, . Double Run Feed GRAIN DRILLS ~-- =>* 510 for Ecofio:u»i»c'aj?_f_'rofla:'or'tbfio. »__ *¢Chausts @uty) t 42 All prices }. «. b. Flime, Mich. 4 Ton Track s3 G5,° 1 Ton Truck * mrer diarrhea and typhold fever has always declined. Homé [pasteuriza-- tion_ 'éan be resorted to when not otherwise. gyailable. that may be present destroys all disease carrying: bactérth "*Milk lhoulgbo the most 4mportant ll_cm in the diet of young children, blut 'It should always. be .pasteurized ... Where-- pasteurization ~has, . properly o 0o 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0.0 d 0o 0 o ~~--MILLRURN -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Edward Anderson of Waukegan, son of, Mrs. Ottilla Anderson, of MiABburn was qperated on for appendicitis last Baturday. _ y 1# 5. While in no sense a substitute for cleanlines®, _ 'pagteurization | -- makes both for economy and.bealthfulness since it makes the milk keep longer and destroys germs without affecting the taste or infuring the cream rising propertigs." Mr .and Mrs. A. G. Hughes are the parents of atbrand new son. . Miss Ruble Gillings is at the Lake County General hospital for treatment and expects to be there for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Papl Schultzand chil-- dren of Whitewater, Wis.,. spent last Sunday with their daughter, Miss Doris Schultz. x -- "oag O e Mr .antf o M¥s, J 8"022' and Mis# Lillian Strohal spent Sarffiay visiting friends in Zion.~ *1,"/ _€ & _ Miss Marion Newton spent the week end with Mrs. Torfin.. and they both went to Chicago Saturday. . _ Our sé't_u;;liclmes next Frigay, May 28th, with a pienic at the achool _ -- Miss Newton will teach in _ Juda, Wis . next year, and Miss Schultz will thach ir Bouth Dakota. o -- Misses V. Godd;rd andg M. Newton mpent Manday evening with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Dénman at Gurnee.. -- o urglent eb epienmane 7"_ ce HE INDEPENDENT--EBN %0 a varr re-- pasleurizdtion ~ARAS,. . PFOpORIY »praetreed; s Wce amoagt ot-- sume LIBERTYVILLE POLITICAL PARTIES |-- soin FesTIvITiEs i --ser-- mt NOIS FATR Springffeld, IH., May 22.--The Il!|-- nois State' Fair this" fall mot on'y will boast thé attractions familiar to Talg goers --and in addition the republican and democratic three--rink circuses, bheralding the opening 0' both parties' campaigng.. Plans are being--laid for rallles Wadnesday--armt Thursday, the latter .to be Gover-- nor's Day. Wednesday will be Dem-- oeratie Day and party leaders be MHeve that George E. Brennan, the party's cholce for U. 8. senator, should be _ present, Col. Frank----L Smith, <the repubMcan's choice !W the senate, will be bere Thursday, lu_gm'dad b'%fib@r party nominees . Bmoothing 6T Tactional difter ences "h'('.h have bobbed up in Cook county, are one of the difficult tasks facing'leadery ol the G. .O. P. forces Organization recently of the state central 'committee opened the way for mapping out. campaign ttivities ang with baimy political skies down state Jleaders© are prepartog"for the battles to come. C€ol, Frank Smith has said that be will--earry hfs --drive to every county in the state 'as he did in his primary. race. o 0o 0 q o 0 o0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Campaigns "to Open With 3 Ring Circus at Springfield | l0 0 _ThigFall.-- . s * o p o 0 0 0 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 o 6 _Brennan. it is believed, will con-- fine hi« activities in the main --to Cook coumty, leaving the downstate to his supporters With'a more than moist platform. Bresnan and hi« men already look for little aupport {fam the downstate rural districts, but hope that the larger citleg wili swing into line under the damp anti-- Volstead banner. > s Pont. from the Remimary, will speak to ups Rex Mr Pont is a. native of Germany~ ind will agatm m-rtr' thr hirnative land soon -- He spoke !6 4s some time ago. and bis sermon was enJoyed by all. «o he bas beenre quested to come once more before he leave« for the old couwry . There wilkbe a short rhur? serviee in conmertion' with the Sund4y &chool next Sunday mornin«. and there will be no servicé in the evening This is on account of the service in the a!: ernoon % The Peterson {amily entrrtained company from Chirago Sunday Jimmy McLaughlin has sn litike eoyotes in a cage, which be captured a short time agno He erpects to seil them. as they can be traintd. and make beautiful I!ttle lap dog« for the ladie«e -- Stop Jn and.look them over Kmnday + Pont. from Mrs. Clara Rosing and daughter Ev elyn, and sonms Buddy and Robhby a tended the play game at Waokegan gunday afternoon . e e o n e uen e s id * Mr and Mra O A Howard Mr and Mres. Ray Rippberger and son. How ard. Elizabeth and Fiinore Davis m« tored to Ingleside Sunday ladiee Stop Jn and.look them over A mice crowd was presemt at the cetnetery A&anc« at Hertels pavilion last Satufday evening, and a fine tims« wa« hag by al\ Velma Fit: and Mrs: Moyd Renehan and son. Glen, called at the Victory Memotial hospital in Waukeran to see Mre. Gieéorge Dailzsiel and her new daughter. 0o o 0.0 0o a 0o 0 0 0 0 0o 0 0 _ _pe!l Richardson and Ray Rippber ger motored to li4ly < Lake Tuesday evening x -- Len Fay of Woodstock epen:t a few days at Round Lake this week _ Mr. and Mre Harry Diets attended a funeral of the former's grandmotber at. Fremon® Wednesday evening Mr. and Mre. Grant Gundereon som of Kenosba spent the week at Roand Lake o ROUNDLAKE . o Mrs. Margzaret Smith was a Chicago caller Wednesday -- _ Mre. Winkie, mother of Frank Win kle. is very ill _ Mrae Mabel Titwiler and J J fNer ring:on attended a meeting Q! the M W A._at Harvard Tue@ay evening -.r;nd Mre Jim l,iby amt daugh tem Elinore attended & play at the lAibertyville high school last Thursday Mr: and Mrs George Huson and Mre Ralph Devia visited the Take county bospital this week where Haiph is a patient Mrs. Clara Ro«ing. daughter, Fvelyn sons. Buddy and Bobby, «pent Friday with the former's daughter, Mrs Marzie Alyward, at Hebron Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bracher AHrn'lod the game at Wauk$gan Sunday Vélma Fit# and BiMie Quick motor ed to Chicago Sunmday and saw the Cubs win from Bo«ton, 14 to ® 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ Mre. WiRiam Clark of Grayslake via Ited a couple of days with her daugh ter. Mrs. Frank Winkle _ _ <~-- fGiema Miclke epent the woek end with relatives and friends at Kenosha Ralph Davis was operated for ap pendicitis Wednesday of last week at the Lake County General hospital Mr MeMillan of North Chicago was a Round Lake caller Tuesday _ Mrs. O A. Howard, Mrs Ray Ripp mmam\ Howard and Mra-- Del\ Richa "métered to Lake ViMa on _ Mr and Mrs. Sumner _ Bauer of Grayslake, were Round Lake callers Monday evening. _ a. & \ Reward Larkin of Long Lake Round Lake caller Wednesday _ Pwentyfour quplls dof the Round Lake schoe! sent in penmanship »a-- evening w i# 3 hk . * > *k . ERTYVILLE--INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1926. good speaker. We e + church to 'the where the @raves A*T¥a a 44% «* rean and was A At «~ LAKE CO. COWS$ " -- ARE AT THE TOP | Fach team scored onme run in the -'nm_,\zl'b:; Tigers seored three in the |third. "In this frame Bracher doubled 11(1 center, bringing in two runs, stole third &nd then stole home with a per "vr-r slide at the p;'l-.- $ -- The Cardinals took the fead In the fifth, making l? russ, the count then being 5 to 4. In the sixth, Wolfe hit a bome run to the right field bleachers the ball landing clear across the street and thieing the score. Then the Car-- dinals catie back and jumped m frop! again in their round and belg it until Mr. and Mrs. Dell Smith and daugh-- ter, Valoise, and Mrs. B. K Tucker #pent Sunday afternoon at the Wim. pmith home in Grayslake. _ Mrs. Clint Hendee of Round Lake and--Mrs. Engene Hendee of Grayslake were Chteago--cakters Pupsd®¥. _« .. ed certificates as follows: Eight of the 8th grade, (wo'of the Tth grade. and four of the 6th grade receiyed grammar grade ('t'l'("l(":el: two ~of the ®th grade, two of the Tth grade and four of the 6th grade recelved a Martiy attended a K.~C. banquet at Woodstock Sunday * & . * - _ Mre, George Shober is very 11L Miss Lucilte Kosing_ and 'Henry Honeman were Chicago callers last Tuesday. % ~_Mr. and Mrs. Jim Curran attended a pay given --at the Libertyville high school Thursda yevening _ -- m.wn bat in the ninth with the score againgt them 6 to 5.. Wolf 'first un walked; Gene Hendee also walked; Parker «in gled back 'of first. and~-- Woil! was io-ughl between third .and home. Joe Wagner grounded to first, Carroli Porteous was next up and ~with--the _count 3 :o 1 on him dropped a Texas leaguer back of secomd and brought in the two rung@rs and the scores to win !;lru:j Frank Prummond and daugh ter, Ruthie, spent Thursday at the Ray Boetscher home in Ingleside. ROUND LAKE TIGERS DEFEAT WAUKEGAN, 7 TO--6 Airdtight haseball in the--pinches p&y-- ed the way to «ictory for the Tigers over the Catdinals. Bob Bracher, the Tiger moundsman, initiated 14, Cardi nals to the strikeout society, greeted William Frost of Chigago iness caller bere Tuesday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jim Curran, Mr. and Mrs. Jimg Luby and daughter, Elinore, were in LibertyyiNe Sunday. tehm with three hijts an dalso stole three bages. He accounted for tdur of the seven r@ms for his gay's work the two the san Piche : -- > C q Washer Honeman WoW or Englebrect Out of 411.500 cows on test in 27 Bw teating assnciations in -- Htinois for the month of April lake county had three of t¥e hiche«t 18 cow« in he state in production. as follows A purebted Hoilstein from. the Cabé «pring farm managed by (Chrie Jen wen produced 1415 1"'"" of --milk 108 7 pound« of fat. "This plare«: her second highast eow in the state Wray Rros. porebred }Ha~j«t«in _ pragtuced 2.0278 pound« of milk and %2 2 pronds butter fat. making bhe: * m the ru tire state. _ Anton Tm» Graffs pure bred Holstein proftured 1 %2%9% pounds rchle Roslhre. 'Harry mbtzind Bén ~~Bring Along The Family And------ Inspect Our Properties! JUMP into the "ol' bus one of these nice days and take a rfir; _ to Copeland Manor Sub--Division where you will see----spread before your e!"" one of the finest communities ever developed. * i qh E4 You owe it to the wife and kiddies to have a Home in this delightful spot----a Home _ ¢ of Your Own----a Home where you can raise a family to be proud of. y hik 17 !b was a bus Mr Hens ~ ¥a'y W No ! aner W & Y Subecribe (oh THE INDEPENDENT Omly §150 a. year milk and #1 > pounds fat. making ber &th in the state .-*n eoumty had also the second highest produring herd in the s@tate Jn the (Cold Spring Farm Berd® pro-- Cucing. 52.57 pounds fat and . | 450 pounds milk |: |s pard to hbeat a county like lake that is well suired for milk production * wone mipmends > mruges ae wp ons omm un egrrnigne 0. omm i cemriinetnges en <oe Unusual Equipment -- 325 N Milwaukee Ave. HupmobTMe Six Sedan. five-- passenger. ipur--door . $1 195,, Coupe. two--passenger, with rumble seat §$1185 Touring. hve--pessenger, $1}2$ Equipment includes 10 1 5 25. balloon urge. fow;-- wheel brakes. Al prcesia b Dewox, pius revenue tar. With every sound device and engineering feature which makes for long life, low upkeep costs, and super--smoothness, the Hypmobile Six is one of the most modern and completely equipped cars in the entfre field of the lower priced sixes. & O [ * HUPMOBILE CGauge -- Scrong"Rigd Fraime -- Heavy RipdCranksbait -- Special * V,b..m:.g'pv -.Muh:d'Co-m Chambers. REE MOTOR SALES O Filter + Gasoline Filter -- RemarkaBly Easy Scering > Upholstery in Lates: Mode -- Clear Vimon Bodies -- Special ursl histary. A «quirt playing in a gugar maj setaplhogs», and a ctow fevéaled the fact that hy tha Ubder «ite ol a 11%h playing in a augar n'-'«;-*v nearm' the sehayolhouse, and' a closer Inapertion fevéaled the fact that hy hbad gnawed tha under sige of a li®» an:s hangine on v-'ffixu'{- u:_.'»-v, uas sucking the sap that cored can > He rejeated this performance several tlines . -- At } "Advanced Features Just to give you an idea of what wonderful "buys'"' we have to offer you;. 5 Copeland Manor Sales Organization -- ve. .. * > LIBERTYVILLE, ILL Phone No &8 Sweet-- . ; A «quirrel was Las a sugar n'n;;-!v near t and a closer Inapect} fact that hy bad «gnaw de of a li®h ands hang eur feet, sas sucking 1 red cart > Fle rejweated U . several tlines + en ce (p y in n + Priman NEA > acan ETN 2 + 2+ ce w ® Hupmobile Eight Seda®Mplfive pessenger, $2345. Sedan, Berline, $2445. Coupe, two -- passenger, mth rumbie seat, $2345 Touring. fve-- passenger. $1945. Touring. seven -- pas-- senger, $2045. All prices 1. a b. Detroit, siitig ogquirrel plue revenue ux family Residence; on Prairie Street; Big Beautiful Lot for $1650. ONLY $412.50 CASH. LOT No. 95--60x121 feet, facing south on Lincoln Avenue. Price €1100. ONLY$275 CASH. LO'F No. 28--Zoned for two { nat ' Chas. D. Procton |~% Insurance of all kinds _ .|~ Phone +54--M 40. LUBERTY x,.h&&a&.("'a G""},'f'v--""f&' w but salso beceuse they are soid ud P i53