CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 May 1926, p. 4

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414. . 4& t N t aall e <: Total amount of loans' $271,365.00 k I + President Seymour Benni¢, of the | Waenkegan Clsb. »==sumed the role of | "the doting paren: for the Waukegan , ( ; Of (he father nf the Lake Forest! @randfather c( the Libertyvifie| 'wlub and gzeatGranc'ather of the Mc--' C Kiwania €owh to dinner in the Presbyterian church pariors - After dinner, "Pete" Jans, Lieuten-- :' Governor ot this division. took ol the meeting. He presented History of F¥ranston, a book com-- h' the Evan::on Kiwanians, to .lflgl-' of each club represented Tr. Cifter, of the Chicago Club was Jhe offspring seeme4 +o resent his complimentary remarks about the chil-- : President Gion Hoskins then for libertyville in a brief bBt fitting way. e#eld not fall to be ol value to 0\'" aone presenit. It is hoped tha Mr. Parr can be induced to come to Libertyville concernin the first to respond. He told in a rery effettive way. the slories of Kiwanis und the good that is being done Next, J. Reott Matthews, of McHen-- t3, «poke for his club. His wonderful Yikion of what the future hoids in #tore for all this region outside of Ch#-- eafo made his auditors glad "just, to be allve " Congressman Carl Chindblom o( this the Tonth district, was one of gtyflnc\m'm in a rather heated of words precip'tated on the foot of the House of Representa Cres in Washington Saturday after-- mwoom, Michizan and Ohio members Of the bouse were striving to KW Minois River Waterway Project ; -us&':o long against the prop the house would not to consider |t. In other. they: were trying to create f ang thereupon Congreme-- entered the fight and by his objections the Doings of Kiwanis Club Last Thursday night the Kiwanis| Club 0t Libertyvilie acted as host to ml J the Kiwanis Clubs of IX--, One North of the IMinois East-- en lows District There were dele gations from the Waukegan, Lake For | est and McHenry Clubs, as well as Tepresentatives from some of the Chi 'eflu. In all, about #0 peop'e sat LOANS FOR WEEK OVER $400.0C Aust. Gecretary of Security Title and o 'Trust Company _ Business of the Recorder's -- effice for (he week ending May 22. 192%6: Number of conveyances filed, 279. Nuriber of chattel mortgages ®1. Number of trust dgeeds and 'mort-- no.other way." great national groups whose inter-- ests are so-- closély-- Interwoven ma; a lzo forward together, There is e . oc pocous :fihYUfl. May 25.--More thap 4 else, .the farmer needs at' s time to find a solution of --his 3 éting problems to put American 5'_ ture on its feet, Secretary of 3 culture Jardine today told the -- No Association of Credit men. _*The hope 06( lge future, Jardine »aid.. evelopment of, "'# mil"'élelfnw(l.' *partrcuarty tn%' ~eg--gperative marketing o( farm prod-- The Tincher bill, Jardine deciared, "would be a long step toward solu tion of the agricultural surplus prob-- lem, helping prowcrtnll), to 'stabilize the --prices of farm p 'but of-- fering no threat to mn nor 19 eflicient private enterprise. --~--am hopetul of action alpng this line by the present congress." i ~~"We have ~reached that point in our national life when we must rec-- ognize by acts as well as fhoughts that --some redirection of agricultural policy toward the field of Gistribu-- ton is inevitable." said Jardine.\"Let This --problem best can be met, Jurdine declared, (Lrough the $100,-- ©00,000 iTncher bill, v)lch ghe ad-- minisiration _ has . Approved. . 'The measure was withdrawn last Freek just before the house defeated the +$175,000,000 Hauzen price stabiliza-- tion bill but this has not lessened his tope. Jardine added, that con-- iss _at _ this \%!md'd-ct' fi';ikrr.m Te prsoa«s he defeat of the Haugen bil} i2 the house last week has in no 'wise changed the agricultural | situation nor the need for sound and reason-- able leslation," said Jardine. ¥otal amount of Joans $400,806 67 Corresponding pefiod week ending ?' 107. . f Total amount of Nez ever add 'otal amount of instruments filed have sound, constructive support pe of Future, Secy. of Agri-- sulture Says, Lies. In Orderly Marketing. BY A. K. BOWES of of IETING PROB-- SOLUTION IS gonveyances filed 219. chattel mortgagés 130. trust deeds and mort-- and Cramton even ite -- In -- Chindblom's Instrumeszts filed @eeds and 'mort ta; FJpertrvilingrtsitor: Wedpaaday, ning, .and called at the ~Independeft office to leave copy for an advertise ment of the gances to be given by the fire department of Antioch, at the Channel Lake pavition. The first of & series of ddnces wili be Saturday eve-- ning, May 29, and Sunday, May 30th-- A dance will be giverm each Saturday evening thereafter. The Channel Lake pavilion is one of the largest in the state, accommodating more than 4,000 people at one time * Letters have been sent out to the people of the community, asking that all greet the solicitors with a hearty greeting, and asking that subscrip tiong be as generous as possible. John Hotan, editor of the 'Antioch News, accompanied by his family,; was been divided into duuu'a:mv a cap-- tain appointed for l;:c},bbg trict. The enptaing un Ephcist $he. member o It ought to be an easy matter for the $40,000 to --be raised. The hospital will be open to everyone. It is to be non--sectarian, and open to all licensed physiciahs and their patients, and is for the benefit of the entiré commun-- ity. The location of a hospital in Lib ertyyfile would make it convenient for relatives to call on patients without having-- to go miles to the lake shore® part of .the village, the site having| Wil{. bee ndonated by Samue) Insull. . Stm It iz. proposed to erect a modern < building, with a capacity of twenty-- "u; 5 9. T hbo lwu:; w'l:flwt'h.ol of $75,000, to ' -- e Baw building fund.. Of this amount about KWegan, $35,000 is now available, leaving the| gays | sum of $40,000 to be raised,by poular | ping. subscription. defend 'The territory to be canyassed hAs#};n»...0 The Elizabeth Condell bequest amounts to $20,000, and the sum of $5,000 was subscribed under the terms of the will. In addition to-- this, Mr. Insull has in his oustody a fund of $6,000, to be devoted to some charity, and this will be given to the hoapital. .e:. Insull will give 10 per bcem of whatever...amount is .raised. by . & scription, dnd this is expected to*& about $4,000, making the $35,000 now available. 8 "I ¢ wpon teh people June 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th. It is proposed to secure pledges, payzble in two years. 4 "'20 udrlmn e -pcm in l': te f 1 & 4 L ing week.. The hospital will be locat-- ed.on a plot of ground in the south New Hospital Drive Getting Under Way Hurry! Hurry! Put a little push behind those heels and toes of yours and hurry over. If you're hoping to en-- joy the coming Summer in a rebuilt, reconditioned, absolutely. O. K. Used Car, we're ready to talk business with you. Talk about "Great Buys"--look at these offerings: * FORD FORDOR SEDAN. CHEVROLET TOURING DURANT TOURING ....__. OVERLAND TOURING . STAR TOURING ___.__.._. THE FOLLOWING STORES WILL BE s CLOSED ALL DAY _ MONDAY, MAY 31st In the Observance of Memorial Day Hurry! TRIGGS & JOHNSON WILLIAM WALROND EARL H. CORLETT O. H. MOLIDOR NOTICHE! ivailabie, leaving the | q, > be raised by poular | »;, de to be canyassed has},, 6 di-trl'%mm' a cap-- : or ML ct. The!., boint the members of| _ LIBERTYVILLE--GOGARAQE runeral services for the late Sim-- uel Adoiph Suyddm, a former rest dent of IAbertyyille, who died --in €hicago last week, were held -- in Libertyville cemetery," Sunday. . The deceased is survived by his widow, Mrs. Bertha Suaydam. a daughter. Mrs. Virginia® Baker and two broth ers Fred M and John Suydam: FORMER LIBERTYVTE ~MAN BERIED SUNDAY He drew 80 days for seiling booze and 70 daye for possession. Oper-- atives ant of the office of State's Artorney A.-- V. Smith testified that Dorsey Rad 'sold tlem drinks of eut alcobhol at 25 cente apiece. In ad-- Doreey was> also _ unfortunale enough to be caught in a raid again last week in which he was charged with disorderty conguct. . 'le will never come to triel as the a will not be out until snow fall&. ~ ~ _ The case was prosecuted by.&: tormeys Minard Mulse and ~ Ha: Hansen. d on ;,lul' stated they made two pur-- chases. of a pint a 'lne. ~ e --Borsey is uot to appeal, tccordru to Aitorney Earle Gray, who was his counsel. The defendant had enter-- ed & generel denial to all charges. n S ce ® Edward ("Smoky" Dorsey, of Wan-- Kegan, Thursday started serving 150 days in the county jail for bootleg-- ging. Judge P. L. Persons denied the defendant a new trial and followed through -- by --giving -- im tr five months sentence. _ He had fecently served 60 days. esc "*In" passing . gtntento> Ne# cour "Mak: ed the negro if he could pay a fimre. Dorsey replied that he could . Bot, causing the court to presume that he SMOKY DORSEY IS GIVEN 5 MONTHS had not been out long enough to ac-- cumulate any money at his yvocation. Will: Not -- Appeal Case and Starts Serving Sentence of -- 150 Days. also -- unfortunate $125.00 $100.00 $300.00 $175.00 Phone 202 ; . FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL ..Jahn E. DaLong, Pastor '"The Church Whose Members All * Attend" « There will be no morning chyech services at 11 o'clock _but we wil} at-- ténd the union giemorial service at the Presbyterfan church_ at that hour Bhray-- chus Ves xD Arite® 15 AbsH service ~~ The Sunday Schdol W1l be held at| ~ German service & the usual hour, 9: 45. . | Y. P. 8. meets ne: Members of the church may bring at 8, standatd time . Young people's meeting at 6\30 p m. This is thectiose bf our cqntest, and a lively finish is expected. DIAMONU --LAKE COMMUNITY . +. (Methodist E 1 _ * ~Re¥. W. C. , Pastor ~ w:mml #t 'u"** & s ing Service at 7:45 p. m. -- FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Guy E. Amock, Paster Bunday School at 9:45 a. m. W. G. Wells, Supt. We have a place for adults to join the._class now forming. ?enlp; service at 7: 30. The Junior' Choir will sing, and 'the pastor will | speak on "Christ in His Nearness to | Morning service at 17 will be a union service for Memorial Supday. :A cor dial invitation is e:"?d to the G. A. R., the Daughpers the Grand Artiiy, the Legion and the»--Auxiliacy to join in the service and attend in a body. There will be special music by a union choir ._. Revy. M. J. Nealis, Pastor _ First Mass at 6:40 a. m, _Becond Mass at 8:00.a. m.-- _ Third Mass at 9:30 a. m. s * --G-- * -- CHRISFIAN SCHNCE SOCIETY Third Floor First National Bank Bidg. Sunday School at 9:46 a. m. Bervices at 10.45 a. m. . Bubject, "Ancient and Modern Nec-- romancy, allks Mesmerism and Hyp notism, Denounced." * STAR TOURING ..._.'._....._.___._.__..$ 50.00 CHEVROLET SEDAN ....._________.__._$200.00 STUDEBAKER TOURING ... _$500.00 HAYNES TOURING .______._...__.. $150.00 FORD TOURING ......___________.__.._$ 50.00 &nd Learn How Easy it is AMERICAN :2%Z, LAWNMOWERS A WELL KEPT LAWN You are invited to all these servijces Telephone 17 16--in. 16--in. 16--in. 18--in. 16--in. 16--in. 18--in. Libertpville Tburcbes . 16--in. "American" Ball Bearing....... 13.50 18--in. "Armperican"' Ball Bearing. ... 14.50 ---- Other Well Known Makes Requires the Use of.a Good Lawn Mower Get One of Our Easy--Running > to Mow Your Lawn. FRANK H. EGER "Forest Glen" '"Federal" 4(S Iy" 44 646 Congress" Ball Bearing Congress" Ball Bearing Garland" Ball Bearing Marvel" Ball Bearing Marvel" Ball Bearing Marvel" Ball Bearing Hurry! All the other churches in town make pledges and pay weekly by envelope, and we want our church to have the Best possible plan. m 4 ents and--. greatgrand parepts.;. All bables illl*fe given mpyx.. will campaign for a 'hospital for Liberty-- ville, and we are glad to give our aid to this cause. The Woman's Aid Society will meet with Mrs. B. H. Miller aext Tuesday afternoon, and the women. are resyest ed t obring thimbles and meéedies. We' a baptfsmal servics for mgs iddp *who desire it, but we want all bab to be desire it, but we want all babies® present, whether they are to be tized or not. ' + + Our prayer meeting is held on Wed nesday evening. * -- .8T. LaWRENCES BPISCOPAL .Rev. H. B. Gwyn, Pastor 'The services on Sunday, May 30th (T{llnity Sunday), are: * oly Communion 8 a. m. Holy. Eucharist and Sermon 11 a. m to the Sunday School s In the evening at 7:30, Dr. C. C. Jessée will lecture on "The Fal of Booze and the Reign of Law.". The loose offering w#l go to hjim. This will be a great lecture on one of the most timel ysubjects. Babies day will be observed Sunday morning, June 6, and all babies are in-- vited, with their parents, grand par-- ST,. JOHN'S EVANG. LUTHERAN Sunday School at 9 :30 a. m. German service at 10:30 a. mi. Y. P. 8. meets next Tuesday evenins hurch School 10 a .m LIBERTYVILLE rvices on daylight saving time "%M .. 13.50 . 14.50 . 12.50 --~$16.00 . 17.00 _ 18.00 11.00 state. Many students in I4Bertyville have received. invitations . to this big celebration and are planning to at-- tend. 'The program for the day will consist of --open house throughout the campus, a buffet luncheon at noon, & tennis match between -- Lake Forest and Y. College, a baseball game, a banquet in the evening, vlth'h_tr oue-- act plays after teh wku dance after the plays, and gatherings at the various fraternities and gorori-- ties will close the day's entertainment.-- keep bis mouth shut in' a telling situa-- tion.--Philadeiphia Bulletin. --~--The Wige tefter----__--_ {{----_=--=--;-- -- Ray Bros. Pavilion DIAMOND LAKE DA NC IN G teller knows MAY 29th and 30th Saturday and Sunday Nights "fiw( : j v'--'.,~n- yr s ammee Ns 4: a enies Saturday, May 29th Libertyville Cafe An Eating Place for Ladies and Gentliemen It is our purpose to serve the very best food that is possible ta procure, and "Cour-- i« Uf . BA f The Public Is Invited To Attend The Everything New and Up--to--date in the Duddles Building formerly occupied by the Farm Bureau, on OPE NIN G Service" is our slogan. es ies peel e o chime /s 7 ced sortem s .. . ~ ) Picgge & ad a < & wl C ie cae ty *h eamenl Aniiie es .*.Mr T. e# --<-->-- --"ALY SEATS 80 CENTS®. "~ ~--| '"The Marriage of Nannette"> -- Siraimie u5e : ecgentmes +WRAAA c m es ie mrre 5s1 40000 000 0i men . __ _8 p. m, Standard Time . SBeats may be reserved at Lovell's or Decker --&-- Nevitie's _ on or--after May 31st. 1x ; * i* t= ) . ie 'Presented by '!%-- ~ >' > The Students of Libertyville Townhip High m ~High Schqol Auditorium > -- Friday, June 4th -- AT 4y

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