d Meeatsind "'°-"f"':'~j---t-:--'-"'-'-~'-'v-~'r-»~ 46o h Ph Ay* ivugeg in 0 mm ns n oi ies ® lfypytdu_ihpoinveqtmeywhaeit.will be 'abso-- ------ LANGWORTHY'S _ " LIBERTYVILLE & BANK DRY G0O00D8 ~ w : W# o« .0 * *% Mywmhmd.ufiu&'j:fim _ VAUGHAN'S 'DEEP SHAI'?'E GRASS SEED, SPECIAL ONION SETS ~wW. W. C Consider>-->a1ety . e f In Investment . BUY OUR FIRST MORTGAGES We carry a full line of -- VAU gAHN 'S SEEDS both packages and bulk _ Announcement Paul G. Ray, proprietor of the Ray Furniture and Paint Store, takes great pleasure in announcing to the people of Libertyville and vicinity that P. G. Osborne, formerly of Hoopeston, Illinois, has been secured to as-- sist in the operation of this ever--growing concern. Mr. Osborne has had many years of experience as a Funeral Director, and has been a Licenséd Embalmer 1tor fifteen years. "It is in this department that Mr. Osborne will prove particularly helpful. C . _ His services were engaged after careful thought with regard to his qualifications for a task which re-- quires poise; good taste and regard for the feelings of others. The Ray Furniture and Paint Store recommends Mr. Osborne to its patrons, with the assurance that any work with which he is intrusted will receive the same careful attention as if taken care of by Mr. Ray himself. COME.IN AND GET YOUR CATALOG i' 14 P fr me ie css wir<bo Mn sR Hours 8 A.M: to 8 P.M.: FOR GRADUATION Light Shades in Crepe de Chine y« --Georgettes .. Dainty Silk Slips . _ + Step--ins anc"leeSts GENERAL MERCHANDISE -- Mrs. Harry Parsons spent last Mon--: the sBlack Hills, South Dakota with day in Evanston. > » 3'.- K. ::.d H. W. l'olhtu'."'nu will MF, and Mtv. ¥famk Kennedy ang|**!*. trip by gstomobiie, | son, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Otte Boehm, accompanied 'by hhh mordshao® ut be oo o P en C en is bals hss ® Klepper, motored to Waukegan " Rév. and Mrs. John E. peLong at~ . tentted a wedding at Sycamore today | (Thursday). Mr. D:%au wis the offi-- |cuuu clergyman. ~ Mr. and Mrs, Carl nw«}rna sons, Donald and Glenn, of Deerfle}d, were Sunday guests at the Chude'l(nlue home .on Broadway. _ ", _ _-- Mr. and Mrs. Vern Corley of Wauw kegan, na;'my at the bomo-g' the latter's , Mr. and Mrs. 8.P. -- Bathing Suits, Caps and Slippers at Langworthy's. . 38 1t ~Mr. and Mrs. B?l Wehrenberg en tertained Mr. and Mrs. C. Lemkuh! and sog, 'of Mundelein, Sunday. . ; -- ko diiee. tsisigs: sns dithet PWn weaci tA tiely> ts Teabart Itor in Libertyville Monday. He form-- William Arthur is 3 new grrival at the home.of Mr. u'dLu. Norman H. Madole. The little fellow was bornu Tuesday, June 8th -- «. _ ' Mrs. :..mn'.m came last Mon-- day for a with her sister, Mrs. FOR PROMPT SERVICE, CALL "ATLAS SPECIAL" 23 it "Mrs. Emima Biaftiett of Aftioch, was a business caller in Libertyvilie today. pAbhis Miss Reggie Jenkins, of. Rockford, was here over Sunday, the guest of Miss M"' Kramer. _ "George N. Gridjley of Chicago, was Charles H. Kaiser isattending the Syngd: 'of teh 'Presbyterian church. CafbolfSale this week. -- ~_-- *-- * _ _ Mrs. T. Dunn and daughter and son: of Sacramento, CaliL, are visifing at the Jochbeim bhome. Mrs. Dunn is .a sister of Mrs. Fred, Jochheim, and m: is the first t! mefor them to see each other for 34 years. * . __LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENTL L Local-- and Personal re. Georke Foliette and re, expect to leave neXxt spend several weeks, in B3 1t :fi"' and sister, Miss Hattie Boehm, go to Urbana Sunday, to be pres-- ent Monday at the commencement ex-- ereises of Ilinois University. . Miss Marie Boehin is a member of the grad-- uating class. Tormer attended a comvention of the National Il:'d éo'g!;m A ban-- auet was %t the Edgewater cratic class and now rides around in x ne wStudebaker sedan, purchazed trom Luce & Farl at the Libertyville Bunday morning, June 20 gRev. John E. DeLong, of ~the Pirst, w( church, will recogrize in & > Jy way the coming of the Eucharistic Congress, and will preach on "The Real Presence of Christ." G. C. Gridley reports sales totaling one hmw and eishty hl:.nil Cope ganizatfon -- sinte* January 1st. -- Con-- tracts for fourteen lots have been made during the past week. * j ~A':t'tufly c:louu-._u of the Barring-- ton thodist chure t ht the * sonaga of the m.n'fi?h'-. :fi"-?ehgl Tuesday uurnoor with the women of the local chureh in the Woman's For eign 'Missionary meeting, and: the af-- fair was considered a great success. arfd a'very-- pleasant occasion. .' Mre. Nickoley, who has been at 117 poin E'nivers|ty at Urbana, for the past yeur, is a guest at the Nickgley home ""A Gond Office to Do Russness With" 201 80. Milwaukese Ave _ Tel. 469 that you want to build on later It'll be worth more then. ' Real Estate, Loans, Inswurance HBLI.'S a plot that makes a good thriller--"A 1L6t For A Little." Part Payment Plian i -7M~"~U~= Temorrow Airight T ONIGQHT -- Positions Secured For Graduates o SS Attention Given DECKER®A& NEVILLER > 311 Park Ave. Telephone 130 . nesday, _ where th THURSDAY, JUNE 10 6 «+ on Wright Court. Mrs. Nickoley's hu#-- Band is a member of the faculty of the. American College in Beruit. Syrig, and she plans returping to that faraway place this summer. The Nickoleys have been stationed in Syria for : about ten years. . lins & Doane MoBument Co., has the distinction of receiving the first letter from Minnéagolis to Libertyville via the new air mail service. The lettof left Baint Paul at 2:30 p. m. June 7 and arrived in.Chicago at 11 p. m., be ing forwarded to Libertytille the next morning _R. H. Gore, of Chicago, Wednesday of last week took tit's to the 107 acre Radke farm, located in Section 1§% Fremont lowmm:.. The eomh_bnw; wag reported to be er acre., . J J uks 54 vieeravitie mandioa tac deal for Mr. Radke, while Emmett 3. McCarthy, of Chicago, represented Mr. Gore. Lyons & Rouse, of Mundetein, were the brokers. . Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bishop abd| daughter, Miss Prances, have cut their auto trip short, and aren ow in Micht-- gan City, Ind¢., where they plan to re-- main during the hot mounths of June and July, before returning to Liberty-- vilie. Bishop's chief diversion for two --months will be to, go fishing and sit in the shad¢e. HG_feels he has a rest coming, after puiting in twentyfiv years wrestling with problems found in a big lumber arid coal business. _ -- Joe Hart Tuesday bought at the Lib ertyville.Gardgé a brand new Chevro let closed car, and now has no apology when be drives forth Joe says the car he has been driving for teh past. twentyfive years was a good old gas wagon, but has bebn acting arratte of late, 'az'd'mmm It time t oretire it. Joe and his i , Byron Corearan. tare gettin c! hing*# in shape for a triv to California in the new car, and @#x-- pect to leave in about a month. | > August Hawk, who lives near Bar, rington, does not take kindly to the ribgton, the money to be pald to any« ho.will accuse him of the 'unlaw ful act referred to He also indignapt 1y dentes that hi« .anatomiy received a charge of shot, while engaged in steal-- ing chickens. > ~ engaged in the nocturnal pasttime*of pilfering chickens from the neighbore. Mr"Hawk has deposited $1,000 in~"told cash in the First State Bank of Bar-- Wm. Lang, of Grayslake, made an outstanding sale of light steers at the Chicago market June 1. y_bch be gab Jl Fnoc{ shipment of his own feed-- Ing At. $1 fl per hundred, top of the trade, and --price pald: for yzar-- -- DRESSES DRESSES A WELL KEPT LA LA WNMOWERS and Learn How Easy it is __ to Mow Your Lawn. W . 16--in. "American" Ball Bearing. _ 1&--in. "American" Ball Bearing. (@) Com A | Ik Umbrelias, Stationery, Fountain Péris, Eversharp Per You will Tind here a wonderful assortment of Summer Dresses at e e mm.nmbfimuwamdumwmm*&m rRO --sizes ranging from 16 to §8. _ i%l Prices $8.95, $12.95, $14.95, $16.95-- n °_ _ $19.75, $23.75 L [ WASH DRESSES . wis, Memory and Autograph in Rayone, Crepes, Bresdcloths, Pongees, Tub $iike, Etc., at Requires the Use of a Good Lawn Mower = Get One of Our Easy--Running Telephone 17 16--in. FRANK H. EG for Other Well Known Makes LANGWORTHY'S "Marvel" Ball Bearing....... "Marvel" Ball Bearing........ "Forest Glen"......_........... "Féderal" ... wl UE .. _ 319 * Prices From $2.95 to $8.50 encement Wedding weeks Silk Dresses were 15 head in the shipmeht, which, averaged 1060 pounds, and .were as sheek as show steers. They were west-- ern branded Herefords, which had been bought 'at the same market in September and after light gaining for several weeks went on feed. ' They Hfiam and Lrangierr to the h%o juiildflu'tJ at Hartford, for an indefinite period. Saturday evening he was given a 'fare-- well party by the office force, and pre-- sented with a beautiful white gold watch. His rapid advancement ir the |shart time he has been with the com-- was made with 11,000 cattle reported o nthe market, which contained num-- erousgcorn--fed lots of light stock, but none to match the to» price. Glefn Knigge, an employe of the] Travelers Insurance Company, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Knigge, in Mubdeleln, last Thursday evening, prior to his ©removal to Hartford, Conn. Glenn has been with the com-- pany for only one and a half years. He 'har been chosen from the large He pany is prool 0' BC MIB! ERWOE® which he ll.'bold. a a"l'ho snvor,éltorlu Company, N«& LaSalle street, Chicago, has ren the room in the Gridley build-- Ing, formerly opcupled by the National Tea Store. 'This company has the con-- cessions privilekes for the big Euchar-- istic Congrees, ang have opened an uffice in Libertyyville to better direct «rrangements for handling the big crowds to visit Libertyvilie and Mun-- delein... They bare arranged for nife parking spaces, to accommodate about $0.000 automobileg, and will also erect ons of the most popular of feminine 'players. _ _ Lys e J .sant: © John' Lester has the saféty Hret bug. and for some months, especially on Baturday nights, has been in the habit _oftparking his ear back of the store. so as fo fessen the dahger of collision during the rugh of traffic. Last Satur-- dety night" after closing tte store, John went to get his car, and found the back part of the top smashed. Bome eating and refreshment stands at var-- lous places in the district. || As the Limehouse Music Hall dane er in "The Black Bird", Renee Adoree wears an old eostume that she used to wear on the stage in Belgium )of{un the war. Miss'Adoree has ane of the best mn;'#hu ever played in this Metro--Goldwyn--Mayer mu. which stars Lon Chaney and which is coming June 14. -- Since the release of "The Big Parade" Miss Adoree bhas become one had evidentIygbacked into the car with a loaded truck, as the body had nnt been toiched. Fahn Cole is. now making repairs pla, Fancy Qinssware, irredes cent Goblets and Sherbets, Con-- sole Seta, Fancy Tea Bota, Pyrex Ware, Dining Serving Trays, Bets, Bed Bpreade, Fancy Tow of the high estsem in _...".%.~--. 1100 . 13.50 _ 14.50 . 13.50 . 14.50 . 12.50 .$16.00 . 17.00 . 18.00 | OUR WANT ADS GET 'I | 'To family happinest ?3 a "I | By wise regulation _' 'Of Je'xp'e:nditureé; 4 ':? *YEP, JOSH HIGGINS GRADUATeD FROM UIS CORRESPONDENCE Scaoo -- ME GOtT S LETTERS' BY MAIL' _ money ; the SECOND, .w the THIRD, add to it : the HOME, :cF% % :;"'.Z- Do not STOP SHORT in saving but work at a high P1 CATCH a good business on grab the bat, "hit the ball" turning neither to RIGHT 1 you SCORE a success. ... LIBERTYVILLE The FIRST thing a man should do FAMILY HAP Economy in fam Finances.never C A Bank account h is the--right Econo Company _ Devwn by the Old Depot --Boeen there ©C# First National CE IF OE m *