100 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o Mr¥k. Fioyd & Glenn, He f ies sar Tomr hn maned i4 # 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0o o o 0o 000000 0 0 000 00 0 0 Angley was. in' trouble at some pre-- %Jlous time, Apparently on a. probi Miss Edythe Churchill of Grayslake, progressing nicaly with her class in 0 00 000 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 _ waus i a quist dixpositton and|-- MJO. A. Voward, Mrs HAY WiD + tond of pets. -no--d---l--mmu' Lhume of ber mother at Fond du) Rlinore Imris and Lodiss® Richardson Accord 6k Slate in° the Tamaity You m rzau-nfi.a,m Mrs. Carl Petersen & Chi+ , were callers at the home of Mr. Mts. WIH Pester recently, Mt. Fseh is & nephew of Mra. Pester. ROUNDLAKE o and Mre Milforé Smith of lAke, Harry Geary in* son, dérwshk'. motoreq to Chi Mre. 'Geary from the f , to the home «f her , Jast Sunday MA Wilkon, spent Tues Saughter, Mrs. James =-'o da nml--..im;" Into the lce cream y w#¥: much K. E. church here Cunday 1\':-1 After the rain the diamond n_...""'...,...'.":....n. wla gwvet the week end. .lnll'r-b.i wore W res Py Riterncon Afternara v@ T / the County, 'netr Wadkworth pendered a fine program. was wet and and with a a Mickerson is at home, after film"fl'-m llfii"'hl"""m-'dmlm Next Bunday the St. =lh,h Chicago Heights. | Mary's team, also from Waukegun, a particalariy sood show| wil be with us, If weather permits. Burnstable pe!\ Ga:crday eve--| and a go6d game is expected. The St. iristine of the Hunery Heart" | Mary's team is one of the strongest in 1: Norris St*¥--| Waukegan and no easy .picking. but e have been | the Tigers are after them and expect ro lntely. to mauke it tough for them Bracher snpmetinGmenes _ the cowboy hurier, will do the curring _ Leonard o' , Belmora park, ¥ 'through ber attorney, ¥. @mith Saturday started Un the circuit court Luunt # Bblock, to a Mr. Johnson. ' uiready on the ground for Mrs Wm. H. Shechan wete und For Lake callers onte 'nmufihh& alttie«t completed. ove in soom C $50,000 damages . for the of her character, Mrs. le"Leonard Charges Seorge Cordingley ith' Slander * k; known as ~doctor' be a spiritualist'c Oper-- SLANDER ARTED BY Velma Hh' nday. The|atand.-- After ruin the diamond €ram . was wet and and with a ome, after wm reasult was lke e bome ofla acore. Next Bunday the St. : Heights. | Mary's team, 'allo from Waukegun, zood show@| wl be with us, If weather permits. urday eve-- | and a good game is expected. The St. pry Heart" | Mary's team is goe of the strongest in orric. Sp¥--| Wanukegan and no easy .picking. but have been '.M.'.""aml to muke i# tourh for them Bracher Wednes Bumines: of the resorder's officse tor the week ending June 6, 19%8; Numbér af conveyances filed, 207. Number of chattel mortga®kes, 60. Number of trust dseds and motrt-- nlm 0 ;r" ®* t $ Ne Total #mount of loans, $7%%,-- Trnrme. . Corresponding perind week ending Juue 6, 1995: Number of conveyanons fiJed, 31 Number of chattel mortRages; 132 tor the Tigers, while Umek will oppose $1732,121 LOANS DURING THE WEEK nanc's Luks wale Tiitots at the )im w-g»'gn have anew Chev-- :ohl number of in struments filea4, Tota) amount of loans, $407 082 61 ,...._'."ml" ..L will boid .-:n'-',n n_---_-fi_flw ot 'this {nfl Mrs. Joe Fitz: walled at the . Miner home at Long Lake last Mrs Dell Richardsonand Flizabech .mwmmm :cvn-aw Klizsabeth is taking Uth grade examinations thére. . mww'u«m of Long Lake, *Puesday a%t the home' of the former's parents, Mr. and e s s --~Mr. and . Floyd Reneh nd childgren J.S'.a th6 George .l:l:kl home in Waukegan Thursday. ,; . -- _Mr. anid Mrs. John Daowe of Keno aha lgl' m'iny with the latter's wister, Mra. Fmma Huson. ~ George Titthny--and MWiss ----Mayme Lradicka of North Chicago, spent Sun-- day at the Clarke Rosing home. _ Mre. Jim--Triggs and children and Grandna 'Triges motored to Liberty-- ville Manday A. M. White attendeqg the races at Aurora this week. .<.. _ -- ; Minnie Johnson, of Chicago, vice president of the Mystic Workers, in-- stalléd new officers at Ingleside Mon-- day evening. She was assisted by Dist. Manager J. J. Herrington, of Round Lake. Mrs. Johnson was pre-- sepjed with a beautifu) sitk handker-- Mre. A. J. Amith was a Chitago vis Mr. and Mra. Tom Hill of Chicago,, and Mrs. Ed Hill, of lowa, spent Sun-- day with their niece, Mrs. Jim Curran. Also Mrs. Page and baby, Mr. and Mre.-- Lester Page and baby of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Luby and daughter Ellnoi-e..;( Round Lake. % « to visit relatives. > h: The Highland school held their pic-- ule at Renehan's last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rippberger ubd won, Howard, Mrs. 0. A. Howard, Eliz abeth and Elinore Davis motorgd. to Duck Lake Woods Sunday. _ _ v> '.i;. and Mrsé. Harry Dietz and chil-- dren spent Sunday with relatives mt Mrs Alma Peterkort and danghter Julie, and Mrs. Edna Smith and daugh-- ter Valouise, motored to Waukegan Hon'n wl ns f -- P .s }m' to Hebron, Wis., Wednesday to visit the latter's mother, Mrs. Mazie Aylward. proug parents of a little baby. girl, born June 1, 19%6. The Uite lady is .tm be called Aileen May. Caughter, 'Ruthie, and Mr. and Mrs. Mr.:and Mrs. Sumner Bager of Grayslake, were Round Lake callers Wednesday evening. ~ . _ 24 2. Archie Rosing returned home Saidr-- day with a load of cattle from Saint Paul, Minn.. and has gone for another load this week. _ 'Mrs. Rogers of Coal City, NL, is spending a few days with her daugh-- ter, ¥rs. Jim Curran. _ . _ ._ _-- Mr and Mre.'Joe Fitz motoreT to Wauconda Wednesday evening. Gorgon Austin of Eigin, was avis jtor «t the Rell Richardson home last Thursday. Miss Siena Mielke left Round Lake Thursday, and is now working in Ra-- Harry Drummond attended the horse races at Aurora. Monday.:~ ~ Br A. L. in their part of the first a #amte was halted for 35 m s I + e i¥ L * uall £" --P3 £ a h y}s. x #"9~@"%S TA T. IC n o es t : 3 > i wiles . 4%. M t 4e se l tea) n wlgks. ~ w44 y * i¢, 8 3 ie ie i .5".'\:'. hA t i e 4 s Em * eCns t t C wormennemeniges . | D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 o o The managemedt ol Ravinia Park have arranged a series of children's programs . similar: to that of year. They will --be gtven cevery Thursday: afternoon. Mr. Eric 'De Lamarter will conduct the musica} program. as heretofore, witk music by the Chicago 8ymphony orthestra. The first Thursday .afternoon © con-- cert for the kiddie®' will be given o -- LAKE BLUFF o Attormeys Minard Hulse and Har old Hanseyf prosecuted for the state , She was defended by Attorney' Earle Gray. +/ } on In the Hill case Brune and his gauad made the raid. They found a couple of women and a white man in the Sawed, a few weeks ago, won a temporary victory when a jury. witi the same facts before th'-. disa-- greed and could not reach 'a verdict. Attorney E. V, Orvis stated that 'he would appeal. +. Fex 5 Constable C. A. Brune and metr-- bers of the sponge squad testified to finding liqueor on a raid. Specia! detectives had also stated that they bad purchased liquor ftom the man. lLieutenant Harty A. Hooten, U. 8. avy, of 421 Center avenue, has eluded several prominent business men, acquitibd Mrs Edna Hill, col-- ored, of Market street, of running a disorderly house. . > »IHA UE R ESSEX "6" COACH 00000000 000 300,000 Owners Know _ Its Time--Proved Quality _ MAIN CGARAGE on June 12. * Local contractory are urged to en ter into the competitive bidding on the three projects in which sontracts are still to be awarded. \ Other projects plansed include the construction of a meszanine floot in the instruction building, contract for which has been awarded to G. K. Tharter of Waukegan. the of an ash ejector system in powerhouse and construction pay-- ing to the naval bospital Intter job calls for an expenditure of $5,000. Bids on this prect will be opened :nd four 'Mt building.; w m-mnn'.-iu-n-um and and strictly modern, will be received lboomeooln'bhmn at ;y_...fl.._ _ on July 1. -- Reveray important; improvements ug'.u be mmu&p Grent TAkea Naval station in copmection with an extensive program <for _ betterment, work at the institation, it was anm nounced from the office it public works of the station.Thursday. .' Chief among 'the projects is & pr@ The Joseph Newells of 342 Pro#+ pect avenue entertained Mrs. Her-- bert Hicks, <a {jormer --resident--Of the village, over the week end. PLAN SERIES OF _ IMPROYEMENTS AT ---- NAVAL--STATMON brought out. a large delegation of visitors and nearly every home had its quota. . While :the weather was a trifle cool, it took on more the character of an October day,. The flowers, shrybs and .glorious trees mever looked lovelier and the pretty WM « This is one of the whow 'spots : of* Lake county and it is needless to--add the visit was .. We Jovely weather of last Sunday will move into "'her moew purchase the latter part o# the mohth. -- The Lake Bluff 'Garden. club met sSt Glencoe at 2 o'tlock on Saturday afterncon and from there drove to the residence of Mrs. Bturdevant in the Skokio: Valley, where her garden was visited and the beauntifu)} collec-- tion of Iris, the: French Fleur di l¢, leib home dn Evanston avenmue and three tours of duty and have always lived in Lake Bluff.= 6 x Lieutenant: < A., A. Markelier, U. 6. Navy, has béen detained from the naval medical school at " Washing-- Greenland in Europe America is usually, but not property, vderstood to Include Greeniand. A}+ ough lotated close <o. the NKortb mevrican cop(lmt. Greenland is ## l;el.'o he ."-':"inf t ter t ne floor mfibvi ontract for ) artyville Tuesday. | to G. K.\ Mr. and Mrs. J. H latter's brother an« m in |tund Park, Sunday on par--| : Mr. and Mra. Wai latter (ily enjoyed a trip e bf $5,000¢ | @unday. mnmum * 8T. PETEXR'® €v . CHUORCH The 35th anniversary of this church will be celebrated next Sunday, June 18. PFotlowing is the order of services for toh day* * Bunday SBchool at 9:30 1. m. afterncoon. Games ind contests were mmmurtum bodusertecces Ad i.._ entertained a fumber of playmates in |_ Fire. of unknown origin deetroygd | Jackis tavern Sunday night. The fire , was diseovered about 12:30 by one of ; the--employes --who--was out for se¥eral ! hours and o-z'ntm foursd the upstairg ro1¢ with smoke. j Rev,. and Mrs. Irion and son return-- N. Alma Heybeck was in Chicage T Ele? Liieg ui'énm "as return Mr. and Mra. J. Howeentertained the latter's brother and family from High Mr. and Mrs, John Fink and daugh ter ':nu in Palstine Suntdiay. k Bert Selp visited friends in LiG _ Mr. and Mra. Paviick and son, of Wheaton were callers at the Laun * Heddicman' was called to El kin on atcount .# the death of his Frank Diech] is serving on the --petit fory in Waukegan this.week> -->, . Mr, und Mrs. Almons attended the movie put on the the safety conmittes of the E. J. & E. 'railroag in Waukegan: , and Mrg, Irion and son return -;::g:mm-mmmp(hm _090000000000000 --Buarich Lodge A FP: & A. M. was hoat to visiting members of Deerfield, Bar-- mmn. Palatine and Wheeling lodges. at 1' attended. _ -- arg several cases of measles in our vmnl}. wen Fred 'Grimm transacted business in Waukegan Monday. o LAKE ZURICH o 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 00 0 0 0o the obtaining of more fil;oo::.. ' . It is charged. that Dr,. « n was summoned to the farm by tbe Kelsos ahd that be 'went' with the eblief that they had submitted to the request that their herds be test ed for traces of tuberculosis. After arriving at the farm he met Mike eKlso and Constable Leo Riley. An nriuynt started and Kelso pro-- ceeded to beat the veterinarian while the constable stood by refusing and the official. He df4, however, inform Grinnell that when the coun-- ty veterinarian cried that be had "enoug@#* he. would stop ch'o assault. The State is seeking to prove that Kelso 'was angered by the fact that it -- was/--difficult for him and bis father, owner of the farm, 16 find a market (for the m!lkb.fin their untested berd and he ved that Al Picke was called on the federal Mr. and Mras. Waiter Prebm and fap-- y enjoyed a trip to Mooseheart last Test!'mony given in the Rbearing by the veterinarian bore out charges made by Dr. ~Grinnell preceding the arrest of Riluy.--The hearing was continued, however, 'within a short time after it was started to bermit the obtaining of mm CONSTABLE --HELD <~OUALITY AT LOW COST uon ies crmiee BOY IS MIT BY man of Homewood, HI1. C A AT oW TUPARALGA Helping Your Development The atternooh 'service at 2:30 will German services'idt 10:30 a. m. -- interesied in every phuae 0f ts deveiparent, Te taik pegeaet wces »» Lo e --car--so the--road--and: mmakes 1. & :; }--=-- : sgz--= > > mm mm io indE . hoid ghe "one. ho Alps--so0de--and en t h :: + t entiegs > munity is an integral and vital part of the proot eertony se Miigaakes hn Our are t are K That is the Chicago, Miwankee & S. ?'d'l::zo-_d_wm to remsember it as an dllprie{ 4¥ Fimi Mxkizm -- 80 SMm00th --S80o Powerful »~T 2* ."5 # remliency that will delight you. Every» " -1,-., and yo learn :'k"n. eh:*'"b: _ ' 7 --= you can v true & hi fs o e in O y Th pore t pous home, evento the magatines oo on 9n /. am Its »Easy h Take the wheel putinge sm en pih w& --control the car 2 Tunnath -- ahow 4 staples and luxuries in the way of groceries, ber, as though it were only last week, when ox--wagons groaned westward and the pony mm&cfimmdw MM&:«M-:::Yuuxhy_db eanm-nlz as firmly with civilization as anry of the cities of the East. 8 --the hogs!~--the batkee? 1 i spordiy wany x t trams-- g::dbn-nm-m.mmu the Northwest is delivered at house doors in Florida! The best butter in Philadel flhmmhmm&mm going East may be eaten from Boston tables. this is merity d:muky making to the prosperity --_Hour after hour--day and night--eammer When down by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul tracks do you ever think what those _d:hlhuofrdlnnmtprnl--»mu mh.a{.'m"'"""" of this community d weaving it into the fabric of the nation! Ma;u*--"--'o'uafii Milwaukee & St. Paul roll on--carrying tlements of civilization back and forth -- thundering over those out of the land beyond the horizon. With the same regular-- ity they go whirling away to distant cities -- tostrange ports--into unfamiliar lands. The tracks are a highway, thronging with come to you all the elements of progress and development. Along it pass the %mm&ybm;pq LUCE & EARL time in perfect comfort, anism makes it «asy and safe for Take the wheel of the Cheyrolet, lfl'" wich what -m...nf."c control the car. -- Over rough roads z y the thousands and %a Wmcm. en atecembercr mss a Ne . LIBERTYVILLE 47 vm_v : m -'s.; 13 yuu 1to in done right at Cithy's Talloring WAUKEGAN MAYTAG COMPANY PRESSINC AND CLEANMKG . / KAYTAG Co Here is our offer, We will give $1 in cash free to every woman who phohes us for a home detn-- §41% Central Avenme ONML HARDWARE CO., will not be obligsated in any wey. |, your friemds about it, and reaily. do both them and us a favor. So we charge the dollar up to amything like it before. And we know that if you actuaily see what it will do--so much better lhvcywhm'm.n- velous washer the MA YTAG is It's new --new in desien -- self--don't' keep it the dollar is yours! -- No charge--no strings attached to this offer--no M of. any kind. Nor will you be urged to buy a--Maytag. All we ask is that you simply let us bring a washer to your home--and show you how quickly, cleanly and ccnlul{v it wil wash alt the soiled clothes you have on hand.> It will astonish Why we make just a few days more _ -- FPhone 1826 If it doesn't s#ll it-- --this offer is for a lEmited time only. Phone calls will be -vd.-'o is Fou e mdns your s casier , and better than you have ever seen a Don't wait to come Phone For home : .;l;-u ales -- Arvcsty, the 4 ~a"" -5'53.» Now! indiwesnmesmees io