CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 Jun 1926, p. 23

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;Wmmm--fiym Hayes of New York -- BUT GETS IT HIMSELF| whose palace is the home of Overseer Voliva ol Zion has again aemonstrated . how . litt}e, he cares :qr the convenience h4:(' othere" yet -- id imeelf williog.--to -mns:gaq denjed bis fanatical and deluded fo> ~~----lowers. * ; * *--~* But <potr.gomes "the paradorical _ Overseer 'Voliva Has ' Kept| while he's in New York. En-- _ Whole of Zion from Using |route to Cardinal Hayes' home They still talk of the "Mormon War" in Carthage, county seat of Wancock county. 1 sball not go uch fnto the story of the Mormon :ur @Stories told by the Mormons 'are one thing; stortes told by those who opposed them * ue j ) . Th® vm m founded l!4h 1830 in New York state by Jmlhmti. '.:'o." n'c" "visions." Following persec "Mormons moved to Missourl after M sojourn at Kirtland, 0. _ They fled to Nauvoo, HL., in 18i8. Here Ol' the Missiseipp! River they started a city and immediately became en-- 'nngled in Iiitnols politics _ Nauvoq a:« awiftly. -- Followers of Smith Iad' in. At one time . there were 15.000 peopte there. --to-- day perhaps 1,200. It has no rail-- rogd _ .It of Jilinois' ghost cities. A few Motmons still live hereabouts. Traces of the old homes they built exist,. Vineyards, grow on. the hills~ . Farmers today stiJl turn @p foundation stoncs'as they yatds»their--plowehnres ~ Mostty tha wells the Mormeons dug. have. been #Alled. The mafufactgre of atraw-- Lester B. Colby Mormen church, (01'- these black stains were made by Joseph Smith's Iiféblood-- still visible sfter cighty--two years! The building stands much as it did in 1844 on that memorable night when a mob of white men, disguis-- ed as Indians, broke into the build-- ing to commit historie murder. The heavy stone door that swung shut on Smith Bas rusted from it hiages. It lies in front of the house where we stepped upon it from a mntor ear as we drove up * One Pronite, a member ol Yoliva's churcl at that, makes the inquiry: "If Voliva can bave gas for--kL bak-- ery, how come that we can't get it . in our homes* M it's conveniebt and *comomical for hbis businéss why not for--our butiness of tooking meals is our homes*" % s "Antis" Started But Haited ' It was at the time when the anti-- Volita crowd cantréolled -- Zion--that wes for one terim only when they elected their own --.councilmen,--that the gas company wia alMowed by franc e 3 (c';flL Lionw. . The work had 'proceeded but a Tew bMocks into the city when the '"untis" were beat en at election and Volira came into powe:r again. And be's mu' ever since. It was'ton gefeat of the Independects that the gas company was told that Voliva's folks gidn't wunt gus service, that be buad all the gas that waes to be exploded in Zion --and he proceeded to expidde it gnd haun't 6t up sincef® > _ But, a--year Agq ibe Zion counci} gave consent, to the g16 company ex troding its «k to T em Whxuop memer you tor Bave there wes no liing ¢l the gas bun and residenis to the porth got gre but not withln Zion. However, re cently Volvea pR on #Marge additic, to bis bakery and inetalled gas ovens 4 it was found that was to be the best method of bu«ndling the busi wees. Bo: a main' was extended trom the main Bae and the ovese are op* eraied by modéern incthor --whorom the ofrdigary foike contisue to use yrim#tive mmearne such ao . kerosene #toves, ete . Sor domaesktie usme. _ ~-- va ut last consented and ordered a ##e :": extended frow tbe --maig line Ahiin big bakery Whick like ther -- foétitutions hmd used ¢oal .up to--recently, And so pow, the bukery. #vems are being beuted wilk gas but others in Zion wtill have no gus service. _ f was allowed to extend m-un service mains from the ~mailn "line. The ges company didn't pregs the maiter because demands. for service wesr beipg made from about as many iu;: gs it could care for anyway; ao Zlowts indifference was of no 'con-- .a;lndm'lo the company.s * 4 th-- meantime while civilized folks to the noutk and eoutb of Zion were cooking meals in tite modern way, with gas, Zlon resideuts have wone abead and contented (1) them-- welves--by using coal, wood and gao-- olre stoves no matter bow bot the weuthgr, .no matter what the incon-- HEHEUHOHEs: .+ ons > > 4oz :. =>: 5. n e rartkes Xears ago the North @Shote Gas company qxtended 'its oig main thru Lion and 'later qurried setvice o Winthrop Harbor, tliree miles north Voliva seaid that be aed his tofrow-- ers didn't want gas service in their homes and so the gas company never Gas for Severat Years. | 'sw&mmm was greet-- Ts ~-- ssm --| ed by 300,000° persons --with PUTS -- IT IN: --HIS BAKERY| bowed heads and in deep wor-- ~~| NOST TO They relate that after this mur-- der all the gentiles uflla:nfl in it fled easward, crossing lyinots river, and how the Mormong, fear-- tancock county today! B is a quiet -fir'n'mm community. Rough and hi in spots there are places where farming is hard. © There are also rich valleys and ;icher bottom lands#® Contrets roads have been de-- layed but they are coming in. Carthage, «downty seart, is in . al-- most the exact center of the county. It has about 2,5§00 inhabitante. The little city appeats to bé prosper-- ous. Branch lines of the Wabash and . Burlington _ ratlroad . systems make janction here. sort of gang war, the breaking of the Mormon power and finally the retreat west, to Utah under com-- mand of Brigham Young who had selzed control. . Two years after Joseph Smith's death Nauvoo was «Imaat x deserted city. . Ing attack, fled west ud.:n;d.'t.l: Mississippl. They say that » tiops filtered back into e: scoun try More strife, sudden in a Since the--Mormon church bought the anciest jail it has Become a Mecta--to the elders of tBe eburch of -- Latter Day Saints wheo go out to. preach the "Word." It is a legent in Carthags tha every Mormon evangelist when hbe starts out to search the world for converts, must f#rst aleep one night in this bhouse where Joseph Smith died. : f A resord book showed me that more tharn 2%0 of them thus came Isst year. about 250 the year be-- fore, s«.m the number is grow-- tog with succeeding year, And many' of them drive over the few miles to Nauvoqp where the ctcbo-l rate old bouses the Mormons' -m." smortly of brick of stone, many now vacant are slowly --crumblimg asd falling down Little of the hate that once ruled the passions in Hancock county #t1H lives. Citisens say that their fathers, now . related strange storias of the gkm how Smith would have visions that some man's eattle should be seired for the church and that they were seised; how he might cast eye on settler's duughter, fair of face and form and whinked ~"to" KNauvoo."""" > ~~ Ambitioh to take on citified ways has been giten birthb; SKOAUO has raised $350,000 Tor publfe improve-- ments in the last three ~years It Is --damniog a stream -- to insure plentiful water supply _ Well wa-- ter,~as in many : other~ Western towns is impregnated with minerals, mostly 4ron. $ _ en es ~ Warsaw, one time arch enemy of Nauroo, iy down the river a few miles Once Warsaw bad 4,000 in-- habintants. today, 2,100.' Dalas, up the river a bit from Nauvoo,. still exists as a fishing town. It too has shrumk with the years a . They recall a bit how warranie saworh out in Missourl charged Smith with plots to murder; how he . betame -- so --stroag-- in ~lllinotse politically that he snapped his fn-- gers at the iaw; how be mg: declared himself a candidate for presidency> of the United States; how 'he ®#» charged jn an fndict-- ment 'with treason; how he was arrested--the murder, _ / berry wine, once a famed beverage is not quite a bost art. 2. representative of Pope Piug X!I kel d6oes. Isp not. co--of goodwill the better way? "Who can tell me," asked the Sunday school teacher, "the name of the first «wan and the first woman?' "I can," said the bright little boy of the class «----"Adam and ERyil." > * '"Name a committee Anything they say will be all right," was tris reply. ' And tgq told me that William O. Kunkel was the "most aclentifc farmer 'in Hancock county." 20 I asked them how he had profi-- toed and they said to me: . "Financially be is the most suc-- seesftul farmer is many -ttq,| round " ~ o ®@ 1 have notigeed in this year of dustries and communities of llinois that men of this type are mufl the most prosperous They see to be liked, respected, honored. And I think that good citizenship does pay in profts. Bears and ruin,. crumbling bomes, #2--year--old blood--daubs on a pine (loor, memories of murder--that is the beritage of ans era of hate, mmobs and "Mormosk War." Now-- concrete roads, good homes, 1 bureau work, f1; ~hogs, y-uc-l#. tm toll:.o --neighborhoo4 praise for -- '"'Wiliam 0. Kunke!l owned land that the county wanted for highway. he kave,~ without recompense, an 18--Lfoot strip and a part of his door-- yard. More was wanted, a right--of-- way through h farm which-- left triangular and uneven fields. They asked what damages he wanted Wou'll be settle or would he fight? P.m see, the cost is low _ > fi:fi a iv--'«,«fl---fi' en cFry "' dormitories come at surprising lov, gout; $50 to--$62 a year wne'm. price for a modertn and rly , heated roum with, ruoning--water in 4t The uchool, operated in Car-- thage since 1870 was «started . by 'eleggn hbopeful citizens . who had various church affiliations .or none at all. 4* * "I am looking for a certain kind of car," sald the mon. Sust what kind of a car?" asked the sanlestian, "I want a car that will have. the guar-- antee the old horse trader used to give Sor must be at'teast 5000 years oid. The files entombed in some pleces of &tber are a proof of great antiquity, ;:;ar;ait"mn"fiby; do_Agily work-- outs" The country fair is one of the prides of, Cartpazge.. It was In those vernial geatons of the year, when the alr is calth and pleasant, it were an infjury and sallepness against nature not to go out and see her Hches, and partake in her rejoicing with heaven and 'e.rlh.--J?M Milton. to No man ean live bapplly who re-- gards hbimself wlong, who turns every: thing to his own advantage. Thou must live for anothet, if thou wishest 10 live for thyself.--f@neca, -- To rank ru mim Commune With Nature Don't Make That Kind who plan and think ~as Kun-- made by Cafthage. ; There is| Rev. Right Of the Bat 'Living for Others as genuinely "antique" ¥ V asnd There will be an election on June 28 for the purpose --Of voting upon the proposition to add--a few, mil}s to the taxes for the purpose of sup porting the public Mbrary.. It will will be 'a two story. structure, built of brick, and will prove® guime an improvement to-- the. loeality. .. «> ol -- the largely increased traf-- Thomas .QUaille! is puttinx The Automatic Gas Water Heater fills this need with unequalled satis-- * faction. It brings to your home the constant joy of running hot water With the turn of the faucet. _ * - A Only $10 Down----12 Months to Pay I w Will install one of these wonderful Gas Water Heaters in your home, so that i'oenr family may enjoy all the advantages that our Service makes possible. Why continue:to wait for water to heat--why try to skimp on hot water when its abundance is essential to your family's comfort? In all modern honits running hot water at the turn of the tap i.s"accepted as a matter of course--just as we @ccept the telephone and other twen-- tieth céntury improvements. ® is interested in rendering to its customers the very best gas service pos-- F sible. You can co--operate/with us by economical and efficient gas burn-- ing appliances. SPECIAL TERMS AND ALLOWANCES for your present water heater is ' offered during this sale on noae s3 K > North Shore Gas Company. | Phone Libertyville 16 _ Have our representative call and give you full particulars regarding your hot water requirements. This service is free. . ' ¥3 YOUR GAS COMPANY , bath, laundry and sick room. 48 5 JUNE 17, 192%% & s ) ~< hC iy-- tCY 4 qo rcagees o oo 2 ons n ag on C a S o ~:ne leased for a term o1 years. iflflT showh 'In a récent wedding ,%{ fi:%--fi mml-n.y.m new hoine at 711 Park place which | Sheridan road. The bride, who was fic, but that will come alopg soor ibe road officials promise. * Downty road has beert' e«ta¥lished on. the Chicaze, North Shore anrd Milwaukee road. It is located south of the Nava)l Training station,; op posite the 'station of the Nortbwest-- ern road. * & £, * Michael Dyer, the we'll known ath-- lete, is bome from college and will be a mest welcome addition to the ball team of the village. "He will play short. _/' Notwithstanding -- the _ inclement~ l:ulhr'.oa l#:om. Flag day, the ; ake Bluff Troop . o! B ;hfl! were ofn,l- lorci!;ud-'?:{! roubI their work in a manner reflectiag great' credit n the boys, l A new n' to be known 28| they purchased from the Krent®erg| estate. -- 0+ ' Mrs. Katberine Dyer and family have nfoved into the residence at"'olthodull'"offl. SesquiCentennial Internations Exposition, which will be hald in Philadeiphta from June Y to December 1, t« commemorate the 150th 'anniversary --of the Declaration of Americar Independence, is given in this photograph. In the foreground is the grea' Munteipal Stadium, which seats 100,000 persons. _ North of the stadium gar be seen two otitho vast exbibition buildings.© The first is the Paldce of Agriculture and' the second the Palaeo of Liberal. Arts. Opposite the Inttes building is the big auditorium, which sests 20000 persons on a single foor: To the jeft of the stadium can be seen the world famous Indian building the Taj Mabal. is . -- Sweet sentiment is a trakt to THE SESQUI FROM THE SOT FRO ' JC o Al --___| near the pumping ' station tpposite Day orNightl s -- Hot Water |-- _ Instantaneously being marrtéd upon the spot where " first mét <her future Jord asd r. and won the day. She wa¥y married exact_spot on (he Rus estate estarle, the brau-- tiful garden.. A beautifu! foral altar was used and the outdoor ceremony was performed amid thy same sur roundings . that' marked their first meeting. ]t was a most unique ideq and was carried out to the very let-- ter including the presence of the hammock swung frotm the trees. which we all more or less plead guilty. Where love enters into the alfairs it theb assumes more than a passipg nottee.. ~This was strik-- Ingly~ showh in a réoenut wedding: {rom * Kapsas (City, . met, her . fate while visfting the Yamily of Mr. Rus. While ~ ber. parehts wantgd -- their daughter to be married . at their -- The+stand pipe which is to sup ply water for the new subdivision in West Lake Bla'f is being erecles 1+--*~~ June i. . have. t on routed the Portugnese colouy at cording-- to repor's r 5 day. 'g_'.'h' the _ wore Kiprd ----~ west. side of the village par <bdas been put in excellent a-'gl-'l the villeze board aifd the court i%. ~patronized daily by a large namber .of young .people. Nexst week when: the schools close the second . vourt will be opened. * /% : Mr. DeWitt .Witherstein 'OT, 8t:ame" ton aveaue has started hfl.bll:. his new property at the corper eCuter avenue and Oak street. . --. ThtMfiM "mrp, moclUng . with much suwecess" i&-- Bo long as --we lowe, we serve ; ao long as we jare. '[-nnl:bz 6there I would almost #ay tiat we are |»din-- ---- bare Lrl.. .. Lure t "Tuke away froth a mun's life the vivacity injerted Into it over the mani-- curist's table,"". says Cynthia Grey, "and how much more disural a"wortd It_ would _be." That -- peing true we know a lot of men who ought te have their finger nails filed and polished by there charming young ladies.--Cup-- per's Weekly. > ' A popular belief iIn. Wautes is that rheunufatism car ke reateved by bing-- Ing & split mackeré! rousd the at-- fected part. ers came acroas with --a genuine d4o-- nation eand the citizens generaliy have been (mpre. tham generous it will be an all--day. affair and ibe elgion boys / want it u{;.r::pod Lbat i is a Laké > Blufl celebration to which everybody is invited. 4 | Wisdom -- * --It's no good sufering in #! :ou're going to talk a lot :; atterward --Good Hardware. S -- 7 ol England is epproxilustely $100.001000, Bank of England Notes The 'face value of the banknotes wluced wach week by the Bonk of ROUTE CHINESE PIRATES webt --puving anxc. -- »ving PAGE in «sBefce. it leot sabout it Macaw, ac-- d--herc. t

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