CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 24 Jun 1926, p. 9

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-- FEAR FOR SAFETY _ > OE FOUR_ADRIFT _ _ orF--oF ThIs PORT _ . Artists Aboard Lost in _ _: Lake Off Waukegan. * SFacht Mildred 11, With Chicago . YOLUME XXXIV--NXNUMBER 2s > * BECTION TWO LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1926 i U "& . +., m-m w . . Avoapd the small} crait are Robert -- Wellie, artist and part owner of 5. mmmmfla * ., ertists, and Charles Suapp, man { of the C. W. Wikley compan;, #4# mapuafacturerse 4n ~Chicage. ~ Mil are residents of Chicago, s *~-- The four left Chtcago early yestet-- ~ diy morning for Sturgeon Bay, Wis., where they wére to spend a two Weeke vacation. T uk -- * Local fshermen were spprized to-- dng of the plight of the small cerafit '~and are Interssted in the search for the vessel. j Rigging is Stripped The cuaptain of the Benson stated __" Qhat the yachts rigging bad been strip-- ped of sall and thar the mast bad --many yeare declared joday that in _his .uuumannnm Acitted at least miles or more Surther to the east, the . easterly mwdmum.m-ofl- _ graft toward the Michigan side of the This would bring it near the ae of gravel of ships to and from : 4. Michigen ports however A s«hould bring about their rescue, | the event of a storm is giving coast buard" oiticials some --worry, however. : _ _ Wot Sighted by Fishermen The eraft was not sighted today : tru onsb mou i mt wl these bouts do not * thas a distance of 14 miles into the CRAFT REPORT'D HELPLESS W ters of the Jake off of the port M Wuukegan today for trace of a ous 'yacht which has been Adrift yesterday. -- There arso {our men ' d --the email craft and grave gears are held tor their safety, > . Searoh for the emai; craft, the M E'Ho&mmwuwn ; after the arrival of the steamer w ol --the 'uttamer 'cut the he ul cime in Bin meul ar wabith «ghones the fond parest ansd the achool teacher siths for she knows that another cent and a hallt bas TMWMNMM . # ay out of the pockets of the school hoard, Other factore, of course, enter into the ~distribution Of funds. A echool must hold a term at the required length and mast fullin al of the 're-- quirements of the state board of ots-- cation. 'The instrucotore, too, play an importast role in this respect, sinte varying amounts are allowsd is pro-- portion to the education qualitica-- tions of the various faculity members. Thus a achoo!l will receive a certain amount for a teacher who is a nor-- State Allowance of 1 1--2 Cents Per Pubil Lost When Child Acting on information trom Abe VU, , Coast guard station at Chigago, I» mal . achool graduate and -- another amount for a teacher who Ras re untéaratty, --_ e The anfual report for ~"the torm to be presented to the state board of education --as a basie of a propriating etate funds in Lake n& g, is now being prepared by County «parintandent of gchooks T. A. Simp son, the moral of the story being, "Gan#@ little Willie to #thool." ; _ sTEAL 810000 ~ewerny Chicago, TL, June #2.--Joweiry val ued at $10,000, part c* a downtown window display, was stofen today z 1. thief who broke the window the cap from a fire hydrant and o# mou .fi Chictgo during the 'night E. Cis refort I atanted the yaeut miles olif of Wausegan and had imi she yacht tor awout ten miles "Willte will not be in school today," CUT DOWN THE | MWAKING REPORT LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT «o= « «|OBJECT TO ROUTING seliool last night, accorBing to a re-- port made by Deputy Ray Kelly to Sheritf Ed Ablstrom, and stripped the lavetory of ts fixtures, stole an oll stove, ouk table «ud dithes. They made their entry through a window that. they: Jmmied. --. * WADSWORTH SCHOOL IS BURGLARIZED sactions of the city is depriving to the city council apd membors :mm*m_muum hald" that fow If any auto Fear That Plan May Result ": Loss to Local Llllnu' Interests in the City. TRAFFIC is LIGHT HE mmtupmv- All of these | bave been made in Chicago. 'The setsion at Mundeslein would be a meces for pickpockets, in that around 1,000,000 people will gather there to worship. It will mean that the grounds will be ctowded to such an extent that pickpockets could jos-- tie their way through the crowds and make hau! after haul without being discovered, yniess through some slip. wwyl'.fli 2 7 ever the cause, traffic hbas actusily -- fallen --off on roads lead-- thieves arrested since the beginning of the congress and the pllgrims,; in somé instances, have lost a considera-- he thinks is another lackiess victim crowded in the throng. ~_I there are many thinves in Th¥ audience it is certain that the county jall and village jalls all through the county will be érowded as extensive preparations have been made to police Besides two companles of national with the traffic situation there will be the full force of Sherif E4 Abistrom, augmented by conitables and village marshails and polics from all over the county. Jn addition there are 109 mufimn&.'-hwm today in to go to Mundelein OF AUTOS THROUGH RESIDENCE SECTION xrwuuo-n-t- and othes; «gencies #ill assist in the po-- Hethg of the grounds and bighwayt On top of that there will be the usuil aumber of pifin<lothes+men to watch tor pickpockets and like crim+ PROF. LEAVERTON OF LAKE FOREST . Prot. Leavsrton who is well known in Waukegan and considered one of the most valuable members of the Cnculty of the university, attained much prominence on the North Shore through his success in the promotion of 'the etudy of dramatics in the Déan of Men and Instructor in Public Speaking and Dra-- matics in Auto Crash, the student body of the institution and news of his injury has been re seived with much rogrst in Lake MAY LOSE SIGHT OF EYE however that his injuries are not of a permanent nature and that be wil connected with a large stock com-- pany as director, since the clons of the achool year, It is understood Agfllhgmdeflor-nyhm d@uced into the fiving room by traming a large old map in a band of wobd Iron Made More L Malicable tron is cast trodw has been rendered tough and malleablé by long--continued high hea -flm bedded in powdéred # orld, or some otheéer ma-- terial, and allowed to cool s SERIOUSLY HURT Frame1 Maps fade More fi ) tron is cast trow has "IF ragt other ooe-rh:% . d :\ovcd to cool A . Tick ns dtuavion . Wedsworth au' RUSH TO ENROLL FOR CAMP ROOSE-- Maj. With the opening of the first per-- lod at Camp Roogevelt iess than a week away Maj. Frask Las Beaks, commanding officer at the camp, and his staft are tolllng through a heary ALL ARRANGEMENTS MADE additions have been made in great aumbers, according to MaJ. Beals, of-- m-mdx'to.r.cb the Chicago high 6. . Unger Governmant Supervision _ The camp will be held ander govr-- erament superrision on the govern ment reservation at Fort Sheridan. Boya 1; yests--of age or over are cligible to attesd. in sddition to the wyhnmo there is a summer opermted under the eupervision of the Chicago board of education. Tha camp will open, June ?#% and close Aug. 14. Three periodes, one M three wreeks ansd two of two weeks each, make up the program and a boy may enter for one or more periodes Ot those enrolled more than 90 per cont hare algnad for all seven weéki. A ditaraitied program of athletits recreation, military and educetional instruction, etc., is arranged with the cooperation of the war department, the Chicago firstald chapter of the Ame¥ican--Red Cross, the central Y. M. C. a of Chitago and the Camp Roomevelt association. This progrem junior camp for younget, boys. ~Facilities to Raach Camp A special train over the North Shore line, starting from the Con-- greas «treet stub of the elevated at 10:30 1. m. and 'stopping at Wikoa avenue on the way out, Will get the boyse inato camp before noon on the lirst day. Officers of the camp include Maj H. H. Moore, execustre officer; Mai H. A. White, senior instractor; T. C., 0t military division; and the Lient. Col W. E. Mould, quarter manter, and R. E. Pegel, head of the junlor camp, Capt. J. C. Thompson is prisntipal of the summer echool. --_--*The shove photo shows the crowd of 'more than 400,000'that --attended the public ceremonieg of the Eucharistic congress helté Mon-- day, June 21, in the Soldiers' Aeld, stadium, Chicgo. The legate, Cardinal Bontano, and his attendant prid@ts are shown as they were grouped on the stepé of, the altar, the domed structure to the right of the picture," 'hu, in front of the aitar, under a~canopy, sat the tem visiting cardinals and Cardinal Mundelein of Chicago.. . Thoulands of men, women, and'children, carefully trained, comiposed the choir. . About as many as entered the stadium enclosure 'stood. outside. There will be a similar mase Today and another Wednesday, Jone 23, at the same The Philadeiphia chamber of com-- merce siys that the cathedral at Bryn Athyn is one of the most mag-- nificent and costly stroctures in the world. Rrvory bit of stone in it was -t_lvhlfinmenmnt- ters brought from abroad. , 4 A wellknown local bachelor is in an awtul quandary to décide whether tha In Japanese mythology the for !s represzented as having been fAirst born into this world, and : now when a fox is seen he 16 most of the niors humble classes as a messenger from heaven s _% trom singing, or the mother sthgs to (Fa.) Star. -- « nually hn i. ing mills, T i UR, bile . »0 # toothpicks ts reduire to 5,000 cars of wood each vhar. teh =!ln--h-io applications 10r Closs to 450 applications had been Numbers of Boys Eager for the 1926 Outing. VELT AT SHERIDAN Where tme w ood Goes Competitive Melodies Fox Unique Cathedral -------,'qlfi Sacred in Japan e«se mythology the for is a« -- having been fAirst his world, and : now is seen he 1% Thousands See And Hear Cardinal Bonzano Officiate at High Mass . * Lake County's Big Weekly plar It's going to be some task to get the througs to Mundelein tomorrow. evem that portion of them that comes up from Chicago. The North Shore bas prepared to take 176,000 passengers from Chicago via is new Ekokie Vailey route and $0,000 more from Lake Bisf#, whence they will have traveled overr the Northwesters. The 8t. Paul plans to carry 30,000 from the anion station and the Soo line 15,000 trom !ts For-- est Park terminus. ' Roead to Use vwm Betwean 10,000 «ud 15. and other employes will be engaged in operation of the Afteen r. of 'cars in actual service from daylight until long after dark, and will be uee-- schedule upon which trains ara, to be TASK OF HANDLING CROWDS TO MUNDELEIN AN ENORMOUS ONE BUT . TRAINS AND MOTORS WILL~BE ABLE twaeire to fourtsen kours Probabiy in aX four units of rafl service Thurs-- day, June 24, there will be closs to 20,000 engineers. trainmes. condac tors ahd brakemen on the job, while to handle the estimated 400,000 pil grims 'who will come to Mundeleina over rine motor routes in approri mately 106,000° automobiles it is es timated 10,000 police, crossing guards and local pesca officers drawn from four sortbern lilinois countles will be called into service At Lake Bigf. where the North western and North Shore will con-- nect, long, broad temporary platforms to lo6d4 ang unloed passengers have been built and at the Mundelein tor minal of the North Shore there are six loug pliattorms and a big wodden stockade into which the returning pil-- grims will be admitted by trainioads after the conciusion of the uxc-y. «bout $:30 p m. with which the ' mfi:'m?-fi,uw Kach the ailne motor routes., i# a one--way arthry ending in its own parking space, at distances from 8t. lmdmuhmnn:: from one to two and a balt miles, each parking area will be tally equip ped with water, gas and oill stations and electric lights. All crossronds hare been eliminated a¥d an average of 1000 cars will trave} every hour. Orer an eight--hour :fl the . nins routes wW! carty 000 automobiles with an average load of four persons to a car and ina» much as the,tweatyfour--hour period preceding Thursday, June 14, is er twentyw#ighth euchatistic . congress pected to least 50,000 more mo-- torists come early to the seminary, it appears tertain that the 350,000 to 400,00 total expected by auto will be reached or excaeded. John W. Besioy passod away, a% his home in Waukegan Friday fol-- lowing a lingering Himess, __________ Ex--Mayor Dies than 600 Chicago policemen in uniform and plain clothes will be on duty at the seminary . grounads of seves snd onehall toms of "red bots" indicates the scals on which BABY DROWNS IN Witk his bead submerged in two feet of muddy water and his. feet twauching gry ground, Justin Parks, the two and one--hall year old son of Mr. and Mrs C. W. Parks of the A+ hn.n".)utoutl_flzm was found growned in an ércaration for sewer is fornt of his home by the fatber of the boy late Sunmday after distracted father, the child was play-- ing about in the yard about the house while his parents were in the houss Both the mother sand fatber were keeping watch over him and to-- was vat*ot --thetw sight but about FOUND BY HIS FATHER Two and One--Halt Year Old Boy Found Dead in Two Feet of Water. Parks bhome the #tch was par y ho wik masey nater. *' his--body Mr., Purks, as be-- was walking slong the ditch calling for his boy. just happened to notice the child's feet and legs sticking out of the water. His feet were touching the ground beside the excavration and his --body was submerged under about and picked up the boy. He appeared Ufeless bit with a faint hope. his parents jumiped into their car and m'bthdflenuor.khn L , _ eounty coromer of lake county. Dr. Taylor and . helper* worked over the little body for ovet «h bour and used a palmotor but to ao avail. Mr. Parks is employed in Chicaso eommuting out to his home in Mun-- According to the story told by the SEWER DITCH AT PARENTS' HOME odrte the hungry onts. Into the WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN dittb James Miller, one of the principal figures in the Jack Durand trial, was released from the county jail on _ his owa bonad today after servin®g 340 daye. l -- _ The ciroott court rebarte aKEP Ir i his motion for « "Bew trial was beard and granted. States Attorney A. V. Bmith does not know If be will ever bring Milleor --to--Arie} agate or #5t 1t he behaves 1 think the 360 daps in Jail will have been enough, the states attorney admitted. MILLER, FIGURE _ IN DURAND CASE, IS OUT OF JAIL the etate pesligntiary. Miler went beack to the county jall awniting « maotion for a new trial. That was the motion hbeard toduay. Miller was oot a model prisoner. On twq occasions weapons for breaking jall . were found in bis cell OUT ON Has Served 360 Days Await-- ' m&Trial and a Motion to ~Heard on New Trial. Miller was lound gullty, when bs stood irial with Durand, for robbing the F. Edeon Whits home at Lake Forest. He tursed, sfter the tria! bad gome a little way, and made it posiible to conrict Durand, according to the Derand faction. Derand's attorney lost his motios lor a new trial «nd the youss mil bonatre drew from 3 to 130 yearse in "It is my fervent wigh that the con-- greas grer which you are called to presi'e may bring forth a revival and atrengthening of -- religlious intereet and a quickening of epiritwal life, ast Governor Smail, gresting the pre lates -- at the~ We CUhicags Colfsosim meeting Friday evening expressed his sentiments nicely when among other things be said:; SMALL SEES GOOD FROM "CONGRESS" only in our own nation, but in all the Christian metions of the world. "I trust your visit may be made beautiful by the énthusiasm ea4 4« votion of all thoss*who participate in the celebration, and when the timse comes to say farewell, that yos may takae with you the happy mamories of your aojourn among use a54 a con sclouaness of a great work well and nobivr done." & To Clean Marble , Dazso!ve' a large bandfol of wash Ing soda in a pint of boiling Water and stir in as much whiting as will form a soft paste, Spread this on the marble, and let it remain for a day or two, then wash it off with soap and water and polish with a soft cloth. OWN BONDS $1:50 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE © Court~fame who gathered,in tha courtrodm of Justice E. K. Cooke in Zion yesterday -- afternoon to obtaia a riew of the two young womea who wore arrested in that.City at an early hour Sunday-- morning while ettired costumes that were a cross between the garments wors by Eve and a fol-- lies coorns girl were denled a thrill. The yourg woman li** their' mele egcorts preferred* to -terffln ~their bonds ratber than appear fof tria!. LIGHTLY DRAPED. ._--_ _ ~MAIDS FAIL TO. -- /7 APPEAR AT TRHAL ; C _ The two giris giving their names as Cornelia Sontar eand _ Annabe' Girls and Two Men Arrested While Mimicking Follies At-- tire in Zion Forfeit Bonds. -- 25 OTHERS FAIL TO APPEAR the most part on charges of speed-- ing and drunkeness falled to appear lor trial and their bonds _ were order-- ed forteited. Others who permiited their bonds to be forieited were> H. G. Larsen ot Waukegan, charged with being driak and carrying liquor; C. Gustaton, beld on a similar charge on bonds of 125, Nathan Ector, of Racine, charged with driving while drunk, bouds of $100, and Frmank Bailardé. all of Racinpe errested 'for drunkeness as compasions of Ector. . Gundar Bergiund of Chicago, ar mmisd. bunuay on a charge of driv-- Ing while drusk, was fimed $§0 and cis. Three others, Johs Formberg, W. Landquist and R. Johneon, all ot Chicago and who werse with Bergiung Inlled to appear to amewer to a charge of drunkenes«, each fortelting tewis ~ol §8C. The group bnd at-- tended the dedication of the Viking home et Gurnee and after the »ro-- both of Zion arrested Sunday oo a divorderly condutt charge after they had bad trouble with a neighbor fol-- lowing a hilarious party, was con-- tinued for bearing yesterday. -- The with Lisutenast Fisher of the Zion po-- lice department aad who is plaintiit in a wuit for $2,000 damages agzgatst the officer charging snwarranted ar-- reat and atteck.. HMe is under bonds o4 4509 while his brotser is beldé an« der bonds of $200. The court almo granted a cootine ance in the case of George King. aged 11 years of South avenue, Wauke gan charged with ¢isorderly conduct. Case of James Murphey, 40 yeasrse old of 2716~EKlimbeth etreet and bis brotber, Charles of 21707 Elim avreaue, ORDER GIVEN TO _ strocted to ask for bids and prepart tor the <ale of the $730,008 bond $730,000 issue Ordered Mar« _ ~ keted so that Roads Can 4 ~~ PAY UP IN 456 Juiy 22 4 . P o a "Tvée issue Ts to"be paid 'up' tm' 15 years at the rate of $36,.8500 assu ally plas interest Dates of pay-- ment will start July 1 1927 and will follow each year for 41 morg vears. ~ 4 . meeting July 12 At the same time the road 01 bridge committee was instrideted prepare plans dand specifications s that contracts can be signed fot as much paring as ponsiMe this summer. The first road to be don« will be the strip on Greenbay be A --~--~'nt'an asked '*o j5cz:l it burry the Miliburn road, and tht Deerfleld roxd a«* sgon as possibls, Milibura road is the longest strig and starts at Grand avenue. rom ning through Milibura, and inté Hickory cOrners. wteon An ad from an exchange wantk -- > nnyone desiring work to notify th® sncial department in the city hsll "We should expecially like to know," = ® the ad goes on "of those who are wib ----_ > ng to ca for young cMildren and _ u-t.uva-u'---mrm . About 2 offer violatorts beld for The finance committee of the SELL BQNDS FOR COUNTY --PAVING the state ling and Yorkhous« rate bf interest to report back for the of the sale at a special ¥ 4 Samuel Hunter, . _ i-- to be 44% im A1 WA $# U

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