ApUl Mary of the Lake, aid i More than $50,000 persons--of all na tionalities and ages--are expected to "..'h.,dhtm"t-mk-. which will mark the end of the great .est assemblage of persoss for one pyath,uchbmydmwu.' this number at least 300,000 will reach Muni by auto, accordipg to the best tes availableé. The ~olher $50,000 must be transported by .eleetric and steam roads. . -- ~--¥Uhe North Shore Line will bear the -- briint of this transportation problem-- -- the greatest in the annale of--the rail -- toad udzry Its trains will carry -'mih'ltw,".llewm * North Shore Line rolling stock has been augmented through the leasing of.-- 923 cars . from . thk Chicago s r!.ax-nl-q 'to. Mundelein from . Chi will be carried in six-- AT MUNDELEINEVENT]| & They've Even: Arranged c Band: to Entertain Those wm%onnomxm _ Waiting on Return Trips. -- 3' tnil Cnca DETAILS ALL WORKED OUT ents have been completed 'mmm_um K. throngs which --will joutney to Mundelein ord Thursday, June 24, for the--Hnal ceremonies of the Interna ___ "Transfer at Lake Biv®. . . All persons en route to Mundelein waukee and other . points north of Lake Blof must transfer at . Lake "Bluff on June #4 From this transfer point--the throngs 'will be transported in Mundelein on 18 eight--car trains, . whith, will mpaintain a shuttle service between Lake Blu#f and Mundelein as lonug as traffic requires. _ apart, starting at 4 o'clock in the Te Riaian i: h c um ud in o en s s es --. All regular service between Chicago and Milwaukee on June 24 will be #ver the Shore Line Route, leaving Skokie Valey route open exclusively to Eucharistic congress trains. It is esiimated that more than 60,-- 000 persons will journey to Mundi¢in over the North Shore Line from points morth of lake Blaf. Added to this Shore'Line. Furthermore, all persons proceeding to Muszdelein on the North Shore Line from points between How-- will reach Lake Bluf on the North Western and must be transported the remaining. distance by the North the Milwaukee trains on the west line just north of Rockiand road. They will cross the road on foot, reaching the loading platform by pessing four ticket booths. s . Preparations at Mundelein are on a vast scale. Six special siding*» have be operated by third 'rail. load-- ing and unloading platforms have been strected, two being 345 fooet long by umu.mmumtmhn by 34 wide.. This siakes it pos alble tqr sight trains of six and eight aurs to 'be loading and unloading at one time at the MuBdeleins terminal Munpdelein trains will be entering the terminal at the rate of one évery 40 apconds _ The Chicago Mundeleia ' The trus worth of a gentlieman is pevealed, not in his fashionable Clothes or baughty demeanor, but in his regard for the rights of others;: It is the little kindnesses that count-- and the instinctive recognition o% the miglts of oth@rs. As J. M. Barrie has gaid "Those who bring sunshine to from themselves." ; me! 1 should 'never dream of mars rying a man who conldn't afford toadi Certainy Not at St. Fourteen merchants in Sycamore have 'put in new store fronts in 'the last twelve months, A new motion In the edge of Sycamore a new in dustry, the V. S. Art Bluger com Luj®e _ iaI00S, _ HOTVEICICE ht ME omcs A " & Xotvm-l:g'mthoeo-u'"'"umummu of the 'Art Crafi W"-m that food prices remain unchanged. another orfanization bad arrived ahna | No profiteering is to be. allowed. r\-au-mmmm'mmmmm L 5 & .u'-- ' "m" '_'!k #mik, --manulacturer ... O[ ._KArm .A Mgfi::fillfi-mw in a number of places. ~Much of its work bad bedn done in a Wisconsin city.-- Now . everything is -- consoli dated in Sycamore. -- k ,Bycamere ~is paving . practically ::'oq' street in town 'l:tn eacm banks are s new b Bycamore's bank _resources tPtal about ~$5,000,000. Its -- population is Could there he m lessgon in '(Ge story of Sycamofe'¥ 'development?! Might J fisd bere some message to carry o other towns?! Has Syca more any magle that other towns do mot hatre! 1 went to 8yca more to fisd out. * When 1 arrived in Syeamore these thoughts were {foremost-- . I would ask the men who are d0 Ing these things how and why they ure doing them; the men who came to $yeamore brhz:mp'hl" with them wBy came . That stemed a reasquable thing.to do. i sbhail try to be brief. Robert Floess, vresident of the U. 8. Art Binder {furnaces. ~ This company, long "*I got your letter this morning. 1 hare talked with our board of 4+ réctors. Can I| have an appoint mest with you tomorrow morning* "That impresed us. Here was quick andg .direct action. We liked the method. K:'Onl."flf' Itmpression. We fnvestigated 83yca Lester B, Colby J. V. Patten, president of the Mero Furnace company, takes bis place in the story. He says: _ _ H. Fargo of Geneva is the man whe built the new motion picture house and !# bullding the new hote: and garage. He has some other in-- vestments in Sycamore. All of them will total about $300,000, he told mé His business philosophy is: "If you are going to make. money pick a place that is developing. The faster "It i# «nm. the better chance to make : y. -- Bycamore o y started.-- It will M.w w-n 0 > ~~1000 K. 0. Guards . Engineers, estimatibg . bu of lated --that, should it once begis to ahift en masse, the stately e'im trees of the groves would be no barrier, 'Aby' rate, it "Is faured That each p.}-- grim will have about nwine equare feet of epace in which to move around --s space about $ by 3. But try to get it. . A wonderful scene will be enacted in Liake equnty, at Mundelein, 12 miiles southweet of 'bm.". on Thursday, the climix tot he big Eu-- charistic ~Congress Of Roman Cath fl:' held in Chicago this week. On. glous fl'r'. «inc the tl"gi ce the «mdmz mu.%-fl troes Shstng 2t AWnarity--tris es the little mum Its goal.' A Miracle Needed 1 _ Just how this impressive multitude jsto be. cared for, disposed of and fed is something of a question. 'The scene, one camnot help tmuxike, wil resemble--on & -- more pretepntious W soene around "the Bea 8f on thag memorable day, cen-- turies ago, when the tuiracle of the loaves and fisH¥s was -- performed. 'And, possibly--who _ knows?--there will be another miracle of loaves and fishes, for without some such--marvol ho# are'the crowde to be fed? 'This problemm, however, ucems to be but would come crashing down under the glacierIlke--immpact. a -- causing the trie priguts there Ht mmammam.- Censions"--tents . 'Already uap duthide the grounds; of toms of "red hots," buns and sandwiches. And one is told that fishing in the lake is good. These concemsions have been granted awake, alivg. They bave falth is Sycamore, belleve in it, are cofi} dent. They sold me on Eycamore. That's why I'm bere. | In all this development in 8yca more the only thing that i found that might be classed as a bonus is this; ome gay Mr. Fargo chanced -- "Opportuaity to buy into this bes Iness 'brougbt me to Sycamore. For a year or two 1 commuted, arriving in Sycamore each morning, leaving at night. Finaly we stayed at a hotel here. Then we reated a bome. Adjusted, we became fizxed. in the bratiers, bronze tablets for frater pal organizations, clubs, ettc. He as one pea Wke anoiher, S7CA m-«u:mm-m. .yemlnuh'ou.nm industries which bave worked on through the years Two are the Chicago Insulated Wire & Mfg. Co. und the lilinois Wire and Cable Co. business on a | progressive basis; that's about all 1 can wee that Was #iven Sychmore its remarkable im peétus Then is it difficalt to be friendiy? Or united? 'It may mean fourtean new store fromts. in (This is the fifty--ninth of a sgeries of articles written for the Tlinois mpvenes on "rhir pergens inots. is to benefit, build and m NBnois as a whole The mnext wil _ DELEINS GORGEOUS CEREMONIES | . FOX LAKE SUNDAY I'd -- Questioned about this possibility, the priests ahake their heads 'philo-- eovphically, and admit their beautity} i# m:ulo::-u gh,l:; & on Pn ninine . .. .. Drinking fountaine have been in-- alled-- at nxen Intervale, . First ald siations to be provided, and the North Shore lne will have two bospital care equipped for major op-- erations. .For in a crowd of such magnitude, with' its incvitable aprink-- 1g of the aged and inirm, casual tits may be expec¢ied. C The vanguard of the pllgrimage, it ns expected, will arrive today and the wammwu under lock and key and fed on bread and water; Unless wome of the motherly muns who preaide over the seminary kitchense interveme in behal{ ol thus PrHeORKE, .:.... .. ... _ ns The gymnasium wase converted in to a carpenter--shop, where miles of kntéling benches were covered with ukirts of the grounds will be comvert ed' joto tourists' camps, Hundreds will aleep--or try to slieep--the night of the 334--in thaeir parked cars; hundreds will cook their <breakfasts the next morning over camp fires or Ray Pregenter, Grase Lake rewort | Deed H710. owner, today eutrendered to the sher | frey's Divn « --office whare & warrant ThHaFrEmq Deerfieid; him with vielation of the _ 3. pabs & But, one is quletly assured, -- "all| Vigtor M o ons oo Sn Sonm Dvwnegm of Columbys--1,000 ot them--will act m Fm -- as .epecial guarde, assisting: the Chi-- f * § wago police, the 'state and county po-- nnponthome . :/ lice in keeping order, . -- . -- . | BODY HUNG FROM OARLOCK Ope .caunot but {feel apprehgnaive, | ~ -- "* cupem m ames * bowever, as to the fate of the flower| Mystery surrounds the death by gardens, get out with euch mieticulons | Arowning of Victor Sittig. aged 35 m"wfcba.'" und (the. fourteen cardi-- nails' thromes with red cloth. care, and the well--kept lawnse with their "keepoff--the--grass"* signs, vnce this ewarm of humednity begins to overrun the grounds _ ------ /' PREGENZER SAYS HE KNOWS NAUGHT Denies He Owns it or That He SURRENDERS T00A Y act was setved on him. He imme dintely made bonds of 32000 betore Justice Harry® Hopyt for his apperars ance in justice tourt next Monday. In addition be wuse served with Botice of a temporary injunction 0s the wildcat brewery uncovered last Saturday night by the sponge equad. States Attorney A. V. Bmith charged that it was Pregenzer'a brewery, "I have netvet efttred Into a con tract with that woman, nm'ttz: od her placouand know nothing of brewery. They ate jast d me Into a squabble," Pregenter ..l "Samue!l Armetrong is at the bot-- It was found on preminss obce mutylmnmum Lake. She had entere® into a at the rate of $100 monthly #ith Pregenzer she confonsed :o Col. Smith. *** % ~' and Afty france for the chicken? You mfifl.fl.mm #¥as wortb so much |--Parls Pole Mole. North Dakhota's Nichkname ON BIG BREWERY ' Puraished by the LAKE COUNTY TITLB A | .___ TRUST COMPANY 4 * Abstracts of Title; Titles grm _-'?m%'muf 4 29 w x " a "t'd:"' 1 af Fox' u&::op.vudbwumun ) o revive Bittig failed The afimmuam»nn , _ last . evening, ---- . * Coroners jury following an inquest returned a verdict that was dus to accidental drowa-- .L" U was-- unable to. determine w condition or accident that pre-- seded the death of the man. Gentile 'Bros., incorp., to Catherine Gentile, WD $1. Pt Sec 1 & 5, Benton. T. E. DeWoody, to L. B. DeWood3, QCD $§1. Pt Bee 12, Benton. Dora Moran to Donald Gordon, WD §$100. Pt lot 12%, Dorse Mors Subdn. W. A. Nichols & wf to T. Corlett, w':':.m.uu.nmn.uw yille. f P * 'gno.uuiu-un.x.m y10. Pt See 17, Wigs. ~ &. Anderson to M. B. Stuper, WD m.ucmou-nus?hn. QCct')l' m:c\r{.'u . Thomas, 1. see ubs. . _ Lo.gou'q.u'.x.')nn. Deed HMTLO. Lot 54 Everets & Jt June 18, 192. Louls Harding to B. Eisenabers & wft, WD $10. Pt bik 49,. 8. Wkgn. . -- J. pabr & wf to W, J. Brows & wi Wi) 410. Pt See 26, Deertleld. Conmopelitan .8t Bk., to J' W. Doeracher, Deed $10. Pt See 31, Az Cosmopolites St Bk io I. W poerscker, Deed $10. Bik : Goets Resubds., Astioch, Qg,wh."?blnAWg D 1 . I herr 1y 4. berkes & _Bep jamin Zide, QCD $1. Pt Sec 28, Wkegn. G. C. Gridley & w1 to H. C. McNea!, WD #10. Pt Sec 17, Autiochk. John Stone to Pub Service Co QCE %1 Pt; See T. Fremont. p. W. Williams & wf to E. Nelwon WD $2300. Secs #§ and 11, Waucondsa. R. E. Heye to D. W. Willans: & «t WD 100. Lor 63 Williams PX Bubdo., Secse 18 and 33, Wauconda p. W. Willkkme & wt to A. Guetlich WI #%450. Lot 66, Sece 3% and 31. "D t wrmems & wtte 5 W m K % to J. W. ...vmw 194 First Adda t Williams PX Subds, Waucondsa. n'.mtflu.!.mu. wWD $3786. Lot 2170 First Adds to Wil-- Hame PK, Bubdn, Wauconda. Addn to Wuliam Pk, Wauconda. -- . n'."_l.v(bl.l-cl.' WD $400. Lot 334 First Adds to Wil-- Nam Gubdn, Wanuconda. > D. . Wililemse & ut to J. T..De fi---fl""'" ® Wanconda. s p. W. Willlams & wf to M. Albert, WD $100. Lot 3093 First Addn to Wit Ham Pk, Wauoconda. G. M. Ray & wft to L. C. Ray et al Wp 410. Pt gee 31, Ll'bm'vnk. * L.~C. Ray & wt to J. Hillenhin-- vicks & wt WD $10, pt See 31, Liber-- tyville. COharles Ray to J. Millenhinriche & wt WD $10. BU>$41. Lots 29 and 30 in G. M. Ray Subdn. K. N. Laing & @1 to 8. A. Roberts & wt WD §10. Lot 3 Oak Knoll, E. Laing's Subds Lot 36, Highwood. l.l.u'hnwlotnlwn.c.l'ni- tord & wt WD $10. Pt bik #1 8 pt of mtuuhn. C. Canterbury & wf to A.__w. _ R. L Thorech & wt to &# w1 WD §10. PV Sec 25, YansJer$ | | 20 mane aeccbted "Tneory ts _ that o Williams PX, Wauconds. / Willlams & wt to A. Woil, & Willlamse & wt to F. K. Husls, # in WD $10, Pt See l"l--q_.----m--'g and 329 First Willinme Buabdn, War ons 4 -,',f,".r-@lner TY 1Ss CALLED * iVacek Bros. D C,. W. m%:{.umw._m« er & hus Deed Pt blk 28 Wash burn-- Pk, Wkgu. ' &, W. Sleeter & hus to A. Epstein WD $10. Blk 28; Washburn PKk, Wiasu Lymons Liddell to A. L. Epotein, QCD $1. Blk 28, Washburs Pk, Wksa C. E. Daeniels & wf to E. C. Btar buck & Oscar SBoderquist, WD $650 P1 Sece 20 and 29 & 30, Wkgu. The abindoning and burning of an automobile near Brendstetter's 'gar-- ,&(uvinl people who noticed the usual act, and speculation is being prompted the action. +s ; mer to Deputy William Roging at An tioch and a detailed report was turn-- ed over 'to Sheriff Ed Ablstrom. Three men drove up in a Ford and then proceeded to strip the machine. They put. all the .Aaccessories -- in .A second Ford, a sedan, and then fired AUTO BURNED AT _ GRAYSLAKE PROVES MYSTERY TO COPS Three Men Strip Ford, Burn It, . . @and Then--Speed Away in . . a Second Ford. and that it could not command a d sent price on a sale. They bad to Ing Jt on bave to RIGHLAND PARK FILES ANSWER IN PAVING SQUABBLE nual salary of $2.400 was found is an answer to an amended bill of tatrpay-- ers Sled in the circulit court today. Oscar Wallen, and sizx other taxpay-- #rs, had asked an injunction against the city, Holmes, city collector, etce., to prevent them from getting jodg* ditlons to his regular salary in a paer-- streets for additional service, & was tharged. The asswer admits he re :ivdnhmnm-'nm w . s There is a denial of Wiegal transfer Attorney E. 8. GaH is representing these realdents while Attorney Arthur Bulkley nad been called in to defend It was to this that the answer was UGled. Holmes recetved $2083 in ad-- of money frotm one fund to anothor, as had been charged. ing préolect ftor Bunset ansd other streets for additional service, i was tharged. The asswer admits he re :ivdnhmnm-'nm W , There is a denial of Megal transfer of money frotm one fund to anothor, Ht. Louis; June 22.--Three bandits, operating in a motor car, held up two Rcssengers for the Union--East Trust| INSTALLED -- THIS _ WEEK company in fromt of the bank here Pa today, obtained $14,000 in cash ABE| -- Tup' newest thing in railroading A machine has been invented that will make a rumproof stocking, but nothing has been invtented to keep %4 up in the air for 3¢ hours knows how many of us féle when the rost The balloonist who recently stay-- Than Salary in Answer. Ot food tor thought. He alwiays eats too Much, does Teals, When 1 am paylng: nomm'-el And that is why Old Dr. Cratch > . Hays hbe will die, 4--NMinofs State Register *_ Early Use of. Gas Would Have His Johe BANDITS GET $14,000. F000 FroRr THoug@MTt! .. way to dispose ol it and d on --atrtpping and buru-- as to what ct on being t hn his .}:'*"l";u the timé béing fi;i mately . operate --with s , ite, sateam . locomot "AD f tuns. Et« :o.nu: PKk, Wagu. > 0 4 Fire Departments of Wauke« n."u'r'fz': gan, Kenosha and Zion Bat« wo mos|~~ Ue Old --Frame Hotel. --« away. News. bave fre tments of Zion, Waukegan nlm Snpally centered thé blaze in the old tower and «2s there 'battleil into submission. ~ ~. * ASblete, started cither--by de{cetive elettric¢ wiring or from a blow torch>-- u.'byp.@mntob'molimfl', paint preparatory to repainting --the-- WATER -- <DAMAGE -- GREAT. 'Mundreds of residents, largely melfie bers of Wilbur Gleun Yolsa's Christ lan Catholi¢ Apostolic.Charch bfi were driven from the many ments 4n the building and furpifureé . Voliva's apartment, in 'the south end of the building, which is in the pr en nmn on fire at about 10.0'cjock this ing wnd threatened (o level It to the ground. Valient and efect ive 'fire. Aghting on the part of the assisting . with the Are fg was MB inturce Whet the moger Noup ieblaathen Th im io toe foud to Of the big porch.. ~ The Zion home, the massive (ramto was carried and thrown. ' {tom the windows and sirewn over the #ireet# Aames and the costly turnishings werk undamaged either by water or moving; ¥Fire damage, almost . exciusively eentered in the tower which s=pports the 5--tom bell. was Jimited to about $1.500, according to Alderman 0. W, damage from fre and watér 'bw:pmuo a bout ' $15,000; & Ses Suliding facing on Sheridey read, tion facing on Sherida» road, was coustrugted in 1902 by John Alex-- ander Dowle, founder of Zion City, at a cost of $225,000. It is Insured now, and: valued at about half million dot lars. . Workmen siarted recent}y 'to r:#t the entire bullding and the of remodeling the Voliva apart» ments of 15 rooms is still under com-- struction. An electric elevator }» be-- Ing instailed in Voliva's apartment routed . west from Sheridan rsoad passed the Home as fre hose was strung across the pavement. When the fre frst broke ~ut, it could be seen ceating between the walls all saround under the roof of Mundreds ot Zion residents and u-hz-uon.umw about im front of the buillding while the Gremen worked. Trafic in Sheridan road was passed the Home as fre hose was strung across the pavement. When the fre frst broke ~ut, it could be seen ceating between the walls all sround under the roof of the home and it was feared that the "'"Whflnm With supply water, the fi':&'nh performed miracles In saving the building from destru@ Amowy those who gatbored. to see the fre, the remark was often made that they hul::' ajpetied -- the building to burn many thought it would be leveled. Only once before, in the 25 years the home has been in use, has fre attacked it and that was about ton years ago when it was struck by lightning and one corner a«lightly damaged before people in the building ertinguished the blazse with ..:'umwnu,bn«qm Mc Farley stated that there i m.&' insurance on the building MM':tn centents of the building. wSlth..includes the botei equipment and all furnishings ex-- ept those'owned by <the renters of the apartments. He said that there ar 19 insurance companies hbolding policies on th ballding and the con The newest. thing in railroading --eombination -- passenger, mail and baggage electro--motive cars--wil be e eA m-m-un rallroad. cars of a u: never before used in the west havre been por NORTH WESTERN Pw.llfl.hqnoew in One is Last Word TATFOY anL experiment. at present officials say, but if" the cars mee arpectatidns« more will be purcnased _ _.h_@ from Interurbans forty+wo passengers The car will reach a speed of forty4ive miles en | The: frat car to be delivered Jeaves the shops of the St. Loais. Car company today and will be operated from 0.:.".1'1'".; under its own power, . It will > taken first to the Chicago sBhops before being put Ih opsration The othet two cars are expected to be delivered on Wed nesday and Friday of this week. 'Cars Are Assigned One car will operate between Clin ton and Anamosa, Towa, a distancte of seventytwo miles; the second will run between Kenosha and Harvard, a distance of Aorty--five miies, and (The: Rrat car the shops of company today mo It l 4 W the Chicago s the third will be uged between Adams and Milwaukee, a run . of 12% miles. , _WILL HAVE ELEC-- _: --TRIC EQUIPMENT HUGE ZION HOME . operate --with the-- ~regulas locomotive trains on these said th loss would pe "" T as -- parsacts & the