CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 24 Jun 1926, p. 11

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.. ___ While of course--the majority af' cvents transpiring in the BRucharistic Congress held in Chicago this week tike place in the big metropolis, Lake County really furnishes the seat for the cli-- max of the whole world wide celebration conducted in this, the Roman Catholis Holy year, and therefore as much attention is paid to Lake County this week as to the big city to the sotuh. In "Aact, on Thursday of this week Mundelein which is about twelve _miles southwest of Waukegan, will be the scene of the greatest 'MWhldintthniudm'hmacmd 'estimated at from anywhere upwards of 750,000, will go to .the : wonderful school known as St.. Mary's of the Lake, --and 'witness .m processional in which Cardinals from all corners of the globe _are to take part. Without any question it is the biggest religious 'Sunction ever held in the United States, and the eyes of the world ~will center on our cournty all day Thursday, (In--fact it is likely ~Shat more eyes and more 'attention has been centering on the a'-- fair. at Mundelein than has been attracted to Chicago itself Therefore, it is a distinction for Lake County to iave this big affair within its boundaries and the name of this,._cquunity will be spread throughout the world as a result of it. The coming 10 Mundclein, Lake County, of the big Roman Catholic Schcol, from all over the United States as well as. various parts of the world. All roads lead to Mundelein on Thursday, but many of them: will be closed to automobile traffic as the pilgrims who have made their way to this section of the country will wend thtir way slowly over specified highways in order to make theit religi-- ous vows and do them in a solemn, religiouslike manner. Lake County men have worked laboriously trying to complete details for the big affair at Mundelein, and according to reports, they bave succeeded well, and everything is to pass off in a smooth known as St. I-c of the Lake, was due to the foresight amd{|"* 2°®OMPANUY larc'ua® Relg y Laga " 6 << e s ._ _jmove from 1. Chicage. S wision of Cardinal Mundelein of Chicago who, when be was Arch-- uu:&.t: B:?'El:i::'uec and tuhni': bishop of the Chicago diocese, visited what was then known as | 99 e will be the Count of Wril, Lake Eara, and drew a picture in his mind of the wonderful school :mtmfl:.'.'::':;:x:':o?c: which --should rise on its shores. That dream came true some--|«'nél®* chaplein and secretary. _ .. time ago, and the result was that the big function at Mundeléin| abotser outetanding figere at the a A 4 istic | Bpanish sections-- will be the > :AM;'" Jn ,'::.yhnoed' as the big climax to the Eucharistic ow micoine Shrd:.flc. l :'O"U:': Congress in Chicago. A wonderful miracle has been performed at Mundelein in the construction of the fine buildings and transformation of the grounds. The landscaping is one of the most pleasing to the eyc that has ever been performed in this section .of the state, and the layout of the buildings présents a scene which cannotbe dupli-- cated anywhere in the United States. . The coming of the Eucharistic Congress to Chicago with the | bi(chaxnfludddlonthcuth.mubmepochinreli'iom' trcles in this nation. i Chicago is the first of the cities in the United States, though | not first in the western hemisphere, to be honored by the Roman| Mchmhbbeiqw«thcphulofholdin'r' eucharistic congress. In 1916 Montreal enjoyed the same distinc--| tion. It is said that about a million devout men and women at-- | © The eucharistic congress is international, essentially demo-- tratic and in its aim purely spiritual and religious. It had a singularly humble origin. The founder of the congress wias a young> and--fervent French woman who was greatly moved by the spectacle of 200 members of the French parliament dedicating Mw_thcmdthcwdufingthenh@nccr& -ydmdoa.udvho.withagroupdc'mwt- p.'mtht"opdmcthcidudcmmioaonnmni- licent scale in the open air. -- .\bc first eucharistic congress was held at Eille: Since then Paris, where thé.real program of the congress is carried out. Muqnur --It is expected--that in--point --of-- $ and in other ways the records of the Montreal congress will be | feature of the e;;:&mm will attract" hostw af mmmkwinadtq.utumwo\aambw SUGGEST FARMERS -- BURN FIELDS IN THE LATE FALL This Would Avoid Countlees farmers in Lake county burned bay fielde early this spring to tlean out dead stuff, bring better woUuLD GAIN SOME END [ That Burn Hundreds 0 Birdnest of Field Flocks. + 'LAKE COUNTY'8$ BIG Day, proclaim and acknowledge the power, Amsterdam, Madrid, Vienna, Jerusalem rted the congress, and its influence has 'a taultitade Ctat has > stcording to William'1. Lyon, local authority on birde, that most of them make 'a pew nest, but some do not. In this way the raske of the feather ed flocks are not entirely depleted. To avold this wholeeale home de-- atruction Mr. Lyon euggeste that (he tarmers burn their fields in the late Jail. This would not work «n inton-- 'venience on the farmer; and it would nests. Willlam J. Stratton, in charge 0 the state department of conservation. remarked sometime ago that the loe= of bird life from fires was tremen, dous, and that the hearty coopera-- tion of the farmer in preserving bird havens should be lent to counter be -- ance the destruction of neést and birss by fires.' R * Lo k s 4e es aard He argued that the farmer wou'ls be merely protecting himsel{ in tha; there would be an increasing number of birde to keep from destructive in-- secta. _ It the farmers will just remember, Mr. Lyon euggests, and burn away their fields in the fall they '_!l])hn taken a step in the right diréction with no due being the jJoser. f his end without degtroying the is s 94 w " s % $ As It Saunded to Him y | _ Little four year--old Charles was vis-- n Iting his grandparents in the country. * ""Czl:(hhntmflum .i-un'. thite and.running into the ¢ claimed, "Ob, gran'ma, one in English--on> the Holy EuChariet, Juue 23, in the afternoon seesions. The bishop will be a member of the party of Cardinal Rerig y Casa-- move, Primate of Spain, and Arch-- bighop of Toledo, which will come to Chicago on the famous red train of Chicago, June 42.--The Rt. Rev. Fedele Garcia Martines, D. D., Bishop of Calabora, Spain, will} be one of the epeakers at the general assemblies of the Eucharistic Comgrees, according to an &nnouncement made at the Congrems headquarters bere. The bishop will give Hle address in the Coliseum, where all the meetings of the English sectional group will be held. He--will epeak Comgrers officials . have announcéd the personnel of.the Spanish party to accompany Cardina} Reig y Caea mova from Spain to Chicago. In 'a4-- dition to His Eminence and the bisb op, there will be the Count of Eril, a prominest meniber o£-- one of the SVG Y s u,wu--'\s:';n V. ML,. E,, EEpUF-- b 4 w srren"oug "Ank" na aecterany S tets in Rome. 1'3 Revx. Domingo Zaldivar, C. M. P., who is cheirman of-- the Bpanish and Portugess see tions of the Congress, bas announeed that twenty--five Claretian priests wiD come from all over the world to the C€Congrems. -- -- aries; "wao, #@nH sw secretary, will make the jourgey from his headquar-- CCARETIAN -- HEAD Count of Eril Cunm! as Pil-- grim to Chicago Meet This Week. CONGRESS ADDRESS -- ONLY $10.00 DOWN Running Hot Water For There isn't a member of your household--from two--year--old Tommie to his three score--and--tem grandfather--who hasn't daily use for running hot water. Not until you have running hot water at your faucets, just as you now have running cold water, will your home be thoroughly modern. Ld-'-nh"llG.,Wd-Hedninyowbooevid»mdzhy.Wo have various types and sizes in a wide range of prices. .. Any one of them will instantly end your hot water problem. ' IT WILL BE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE c'm water requirements now. Our special offer North Shore Gas Company Welcome As Sunshine 12 Months to Pay _ HFERE hi s i6 wl * 4 \ New York's Old Guard will" instal ore of these wonderful Gas Water Heaters in your home, so that your family may .i.y-lhn'vmtuauowServiumh possible. Why continue to wait for water to heat. _fi,."vb.&'-poobotm\vbmh-hm- dance is essential to your family's comfort? Havyo. representative call and give : gflxulu_'srg!&(yomhdwdcnq-' This sevice is free. The 'naval observatory says recent estimates give the diameter of our stellar system as approximately 300,> '000 light years. --The spiral nebulae gare regurded as ojher stellar systems widely separated from ours, the pre-- semably nearert ones being pearly a i!ion Night years away. & very best gas service possible. | You h CoPe, ate with us by using economical and efficient gas burning appliances. At wh imposing ceremony before their headquarters in New York City the inmous Old Guard of New York under the command of Major E. Hare meyer Anyder, commandant of the organization, received the invitatiOn from the oficials of the SesquiCentennial International Rxrposition, opening in Philydeiphia June 1 and continuitg to December 1, to celebrate 150 years of American Independence, to--attend the Flag Day exercises on June 14, when all the historic military commuends of the thirteen original colonies will assemble for a big military display and parade headed by Gemeral Pershing. Captain James A. B. Franciscus, of the Old Guard State Fencibles, of the Heaqu! city, is preaenting the invitation to Major Snyder. At Major Bnyder's left stand the Commanding oficers of the Philadelphia organizations, while mum'm&vohWWmm-)dnonuw 'In their striking dress uniforms, C § "_ Ne Harm in Moon's Rays This is one of the queer superstitions Of the world shat cannot be expiained and the eract origin of which is not "'h-lwu'mhqflp". Your Gas Company Phone Waukegan 37 1# q w$l "Is that man tight? Why, he's se tight that whenever you ask him for the time be takes two minutes of of it."--Brown's Jug. % following year. The pineapple plant produces one fruit and then dies. "Suckers," or shoots, become bearing plants for the ' Salary Not All Velvet The official salary of the bishop of London is $50,000. 'The greater part of this, bowever, gots in diocesan and nther expenses. . , Pineapple Plant Peculiar _ to sls cA e > night, adopted a resolution calling Sor the stopping of the North Shore line DBueses at 27th street providing that the lWinois Commerce Commis-- alon . will -- appprove--a --echedule--elim-- Inating the Sunday etop. Zion, on May 14th; voted an order ordering the busses not to stop at 27th etreet the only downtown de-- pot, on Sunday., The company com-- plied, but the Commercée Commission took» action and cited the bus com-- pany' into court to ehow cause why they: were mot liviag up to their echedule. aldermen eimply brings matters back to the beginning. * , _ All during this time the busses have not been making any stops in Zion, except on each city limit which It the company has prepared 'such a echedule, it hase not yet been filed for copeideration with the state com-- 'Pc upshot of it wes that the North Shoresline was said to have prepared a new schedule showing weekday stops but none on Sunday. ASK NE W --SC H ED U L E Resolution Adopted Asking for Stops Except Sunday if Commission Gives 0. K. Zion councilimen, in session laet ating 2& Bunday stop. This new action on the part of the DURING WEFK DAYS .. 2g59 Youv'e never seen finer suits than these--and théy're only [ That's strong and when you know that the=--*=~ *** ~aits you'll realize how won-- ful they are. Worsteds and Serges in-- cluded. All sizes, in shorts, regulars, s'outs, and half stouts. We're proud to offer such values --~_-- Julins H.Sinvkin ---- 30 So. Genesee S 'Waukegan, Hlincis 21th etreet stop all the " . As to Jurisdiction® "... . " .. The Supreme Court bhas ruled@IJ8 .. the Atwood: case and several K: :) + that the OPERATION of utHith y '"\:3'2 cities and villages lies entirely: with> | in the jurisdiction of the commisalon ~ . and Zion's effort to control the .. schedule of the busses in defliance, . of the commission hase beerr regented -- by the state officials who foresee a situation where Zion, it allewed to -- run the bue $gchedule might alwo for 3 example, say to the telephore com-- pany : ~ $ » To the eleciric and eteam romce< "You shall not cperate your traipge through® Zion on Sundeye because the no'se interferes with the radio program and prevente folke bearing our overseer's voice adventagcous}y over the air, therefore, no---- trains shall operate through thisé city." "You sebhall not bave phose service in Ziog on Sunddy because we waBdt all folks to be in church and 'do nb phoning en Sundays." _ OR-- To the Public Service company: "You sehall not--not furplsh Higbw o Sunday --everings because we #ast folkes to go to bed early and we dis-- courage eitting op reading beraute it's hard on the eyes." 7 OR cork and takes the the valuable bark. h and.Portugal, the two soll and climaté esp« growth of the cork--osk. Lendon i.g vork Marict Waukegar's Finest Men's Stere _ of Spain 4+

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