& ./l ?;invl:l;ls uk <ha d + "te d / apending « r ' J life # of visit # on Th bee :: & ms, others iq) members of the committee :&" . Jmke county otticiais generally CA p w'[u every effort lp'fl" pro-- ;'," r..r tacilities to meet the -- »mpeds of life of the hundreds of thou-- e of visitore who will visit Mun--, ------ e on Thursday the closing-- day © \at International Eucheristic con-- «. others find it their duty to. 4 after the needs of those who E'm be cléimed by death or eerious _' iilness during the great meeting. 64 g.mlldorede'fll.l'lul'm _ ' Rundreds of thousands Cx-- ,.' r' to attend the .h:.l:l'l. of F7 great congress visit Mundelein on -- that day that there will be scores of Notwithetaending the fact that -- all .. who set out to Attend the affair will ' age of Deaths in Day: _ _ Certain to Run High. . IN PREPARATIONS QVALLT T coentialto mosoring eatietaction . Chevrolet is c%hwull'n finest _ low--priced car. winning new buyers by tens of thousands every month. Seeit! Drive it! Chevrolet is a revehtion in +erformance _ LUCE & EARL WISCONSIN NMN1ICHIGA N | , CERTAIN --|f"t ataree ht ce n | 95 MOTOR--COPS > p world's largest ceder oo _ The high--speed electricallyoper e candy wrapoers --4] canr LIEEARTYYVILLE TICKET* Mea malke m tk AaATt LOW COST investigations into wudden c::: event t,ut the m."m. "'l PRA gepnty corokgr« in Jue counyr 10 o : There, Finds Roads --On the other hand hospital service| Rooms at a P will be established. o the grounds 4 wremmnamom at Mundelein. It is amo understood |-- Some definite idea of filtllblhlfi'flllhmm cars | delein uu'? Mary's . permitted to travel on road | Seminary 1 look Uk and other cloged highways and' this | when 1,000,000 pilgrims only in case of collapse of pilgrima {spot to. celebrate the K Members Of the lllinols National|gained Sunday. <~ ~-- guard who will serve as guards along| At one time during the~Righways will-- be instructed --to |traffic became so donseé arrange for ambulances. and G@irect | space 'at such «a premiu removal of alling or dead to hospitals | rees, in or out of the Or . MOFEUOR: _ ._._ . .. _._._. to an abrupl hait. Sh« ---- "While it is hardly cuslomary," Dr. | atrom was on the ground 'Taylor stated, "to comment on possi--|and at 19 o'clock"in.the morning i..s mmmmynm there | forces were augmented 'by 95 state m,uuyuu-mumm highway policemen who were able to 'qwmmmmomu tron out a two mile parking jam, be made to handle them. My great| Within a few hundred feet could -twufin-wm'mfiumummmmmu. cur among oldest pilgrims, especiallX | wisconsin, Towa, Michigan, Indiana if the weather is upusually warm." |and Pennseylvafia. Out of curiosity | ie II--.m'umwthn- ® » kegan people driving through . the "'F 2+ seminary and only oneé, Mike" Haney; 1 *--: %iz * was sceén. 3e f *% A Lew days ago rooms for Thutre ow -- day night rented at $5 for elecping i ~ * 28 e f space, but since then prices have a % soared to $10 and are still climbing. : \ .\ Real estate offices are opened every-- k 3> < 4 * _| where with subdivision after aubd'-- iss vision etretching away over . fields Fises" | that held crops last fall.,. . o Bs : . .' By actual count *Saturday ' Bight § m! there were 54 refreshment stands .06 'tho concrete road> between Liberty-- r Routes to _ _ Popular Resorts many sudden doaths among IL L I N O 1 8 WISCONBIN Take Maorth Shore Like +o MB wenakee; conmectione at doce of Mibwaukee Marthern creime dnc ¥tea'gd 395 ae"'ud 550 that he will summor| Sunday, 4 Days from Meeting Telephone 74 ~ Bome definite idea of what Mu® delein N'fi Mary's of the Lake Seminary will look Uke Thursday forces were augmented 'by 95 state highway policemen who were able to tron out a two mile parking jam, Within a few hundred feet could _ Old Mundelein residents, wa~ bave lived in that vicinity for 20, 30, 40 «ad even 50 years don't know what to make of it all.' They wonder what it will look like in the village before _flw.u'rl.nuymtu-m der what the plate will be after that sumd of money ° from their etands after selling to a part of that 1,000,000 people and still othere fear that the pageantry and shouting will die out in a fash leavring a sleepy rillage to sleep on for years to come. Every-- thing that deals with tha congress is aews to them and it is talked eager-- ugmquatpm -- "But what will it be like out bere after it is all over?" in the inevitable '"--?--l e oo sou ire flowers and articles to eat. Of the nime bear and beliere that WISCONSIN IL L I N O 1 8 reached by the Norch Shoee Lane. Libertyville Mundelein H-"'hhh absring Lake Comnty Country / side. Visit beantiful So. Mary of many care and people in Mun-- AT MUNDELEIN! L is Roads Jammed; at a Premium. countless venders on home and at gather-- is go to that Kuchariet was it will . think Washington, June %$3--It was Theodore Rooservel!t who said that if Washington aewspaper ty pér cent of what they knew as truth Qo:::g:t and Government Officials or diaing with groupe of wolFintormed or n&:fll vrt:ou has its advantages, very late has turned to the increasing num-- ber ofcampaign managers appearing in -- Washington for---- conference with their candidates. The majority --of these men publicly announce that the nominations of their particular princt pal is assured, but privately they have x worried look and admits doubts os umulgodr' primaries "at home, In the : of the Senate and House, the candijates for re--elec-- tiin and their henchmen gather 'z long and serious conferences as ways and means achieving a sufficient ers say that Melion has the organized farmers o 0 000000 0 000 0 00 mum"runllt is in thig division that it is most need-- ad. Corn, cats and pastures have been improved by the raims. -- _ , The moisture was much needed, i theare has been too much in places. BY ARMY WORM Springfield@f1. June 11. " MMI ut ts ht subsidy to Investigation in mw& primaries has"transconded state daries and become a matter of nation-- al importance. . For the first time in years, Benatoro Reéad of . Missourt, Chairman of the Committee, has found Wuwnmmz' nmm w:G tain --authority .fromthe Benated for this specitic¢ purpose have failed on other occasions, principally because of the powre wellded by "dry"orgaals The revelations of the Select Benate lc ma un eA Rt m n versations in the of the Senate mo, Beunitit ts datrecn tn men §¥ .. 'be relegated to a secondary position in view of the expose of the AntiSa-- matters will continue to occuPy the limelight becayse of the congression al campaigns. § ttmm-mmfi the average to learn that the Presidents of the 'United Wtates are interested in publicity. Some Ahardened observers devoid of partisan #entiment, say that Chief ERxecutives freqyently and delib erately staté publicity stuats. -- Theo dore Roosevelt was particularty noted '-ud-h-uuws . the fact that he paid a suprise to the Veterans' Buresu the other day. presumable for the purpose of review-- ing charts. -- According to local writers those tharts vot: .nnm:"h A mwm Bureau ". Yished. but the visit of the President .umlu-ounm It is sAid that the President 'the -- papers mm.uihu-obm by having certain portions marked for his attention. The President rea} izes that it is necessary to keep the minds of the general public thorough ______ & oo ch_ aewroa cali Arvs EPE L4%. ly informed in the matters affecting *mn'hbmu u.-mwwm-lunnum "White House Spokesman" plays his part in newspaper W from es o0 Considerable apeculation exists as to the part President Coolidge' will play in the struggle of the Senate and mnh"mp.'fllwfi" tictpate directiy in the primaries. At the same time he is desirous that the administration control a WOTZ*U® mammm_n--- BY WILLIAX--pausy N. E, A. Correspendent Makes Report to the Board. BY A. K. BOWES Aust. Secy. of Security Titie & Trust Business of the ReCorger s 171 tof the week ending June 19 1926. Num ber ocmvwm 244. Number of Chattel 86. Number of Trust Deeds and Mort gnges, 08-- + -'.1'0-1 number of instraments filed, Total amount of loauks, $508,870.42. 461. T ---- Patal amount of lomns, $508,916.17. * #e5, NC# Number Af conveyances filed, 202. Number of (Chattel Mortgages, 179. Number of Trast Desdx and Mort ths penniés so s o0%e away.-- . P67 Subscribe NOW for _ paper in Lake County, The Libertyville .: : Independent, $1.50 A Year. _ $ What will your Car be worth Then?! _ Or in Two Years? Or in FIVE? o4 .~~~ ~worry in the minds of Dodge© _ _ -- . ... 1 for cool summer cooking y Donsee Brothers -- C ~MOTOR CARS _ > _' _._ Six, cight and even ten years of -- > «. * ~faithful service--with mileage -- .. > =-- .. ~--_ ~ running well 'into six figurés--is x ~~_ ~hnot un uncommon record" for _ .. _ _ in fact, 90% of all the cars Dodge .. . -- .. --*~_~ 'Brothers have built are still:in _ _~ ._-- _ <--_ _' service--an astonishing record, . . ----_~ Jn keopa fooda hot or cald on picnios ~~~~~Touring Cat ~--~*--*~~--~~ §803.72 > Coupe --~ _ -- -- --~ . > James Morrow & Son-- 202 So. Genesebk Street ® aly o m s y $10.50 electric servants E * 'Let these modern cooking. appliances es save you the bother and discomfort > ts dMn--hhqov"d « With them you cam cook in cool com-- fort right at the table, on the porch., or anywhere there is an electric out-- let. They not enly make cooking eas-- ler, but allow more hours of leisure. rates for general lighting service, effective May.1, 19265--the cost of ° operating these cooking appliances is . ., 8 So. Genesee St., Waukegan Gus Krumrey, Local Rep. --call on these Phone144--W <t OF NORTHENN ILLINOIS Pusiuic SERV! COMPANY 0 4 Wo No a ap i# idien ie cngredeadccrrms x a > 1 o0 *# heds mequelyons mnmenpe mm 1 &1 M »] -- 14 \¥i Libertyville, 11.