THE INDEPENDENT------ONLY $1.50 YEAR We will pay interest from July _ ist on all Savings Deposits made during the first __* ilen business days . + 5. 4 of July. LIBERTYVILLE 'TR'U.S-T & .__-- SAVINGS BANK -- Get your deposits in before July 13th. - Libertyville Garage celebrated Goodyear Tires at s BIG RE-- DUCTION. All first class guaranteed tires no seconds. All sizes in stock. Call at the garage and have your car fitted out with new tires while the reduction in price is in effect. ' o LUCE & EA"RL, Props. _ Phone 202 LIBERTYVILLE BUYV NOW _ Prices Are Right! . W. Carroll & S--n Co. i\ PRICES CUT NO TICE Hand Embroidered Pillow Cases, 60c Booties 50c, 75¢ : ON TIRES! Dainty Things for Baby Bonnets, white and colors, 75¢ Oudatits W s Antad w en se PeC " we can offer the on daidich c c he t iL SE RAT o the V o~ Kimonos, 75c 2t C t t F7X * I Dr. Maurice Penny appeared befote A Junior Tennis Club will be organ--|the village board last Monday night, tzed on Wednesday, July li4th,.at 3 and 'made a short talk relative to an p. m., at the village hall. All boys and | ordinance rélative to the sale of milk girls who signed the list in Cook Park-- in the~village. The matter was re-- g'g___lnmd to a committee composed of ' r--t-->-------------- |Tristses Johnson, Nicholas and Swan, n n t n t l"' report at the next meeting of the The foundation for the Collins;and Doane Monument store &t Second St. apd Park Ave., have been completed, will start thi« week. _ Exclugive agents for &. G. Spaulding sporting. gooda. _l'll'm"l. 1t R. . Kaping has bought the Lee A. Warren bungalow on east Park ave-- nue,. The purchase is in the nature of an investment. WilMHam Ferguson of Hoopeston, I11. was heére over the holidays, a guest at the bhome of Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Kaynee wash suits"for boys. Lang-- worthy's. . 1t Mr®. Byron' Prosser and son, Junjor, spent several days this week in Wau-- kegan with the former's mother. Mrs. C. Spring. was hostess to her daughters and familiés from Wiscon-- sin over the fourth. * Mayor H'ntt' was absent from the council meeting Tuesday night, being out of town, and TPrustse Johnson pre-- isded in his place., Mr. and Mrs. Lyel! H. Morris and family are spending a two weeks' va-- cation on an'automobile trip to Jowa, where they are guests of relatives of Mréa. Morris. _ © Bathing suits, caps--and shoes. Lang-- worthy's, . t 1t Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pettigrew of Chi-- cago, were here Sunday, guests at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Boehm. ing a vacation in the lake w isconsin. 2s Jack Bradford and family arg spend-- [tems Of General Interest To Local People Hours 8 A. M. to 8 P.M Hay NNN LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, JULY §, 1926. i mVHTG mRRRIN® UTC CEAW _ 22 MB ENP 7 } | MUivver. --and Personal |"=:>zzzz> en t=e e . : in s 3 * + t ree Jae-- mmtfi FAnd#0n., ~ Paul G. Ray gathered the Ray clan r'touc-thei' Tues%ly morning and set sai} in the family bus for points north. He didn't know where he was going, but was sure on the way. Expects to be gope a week or two. George M. Petersen asked of the vil-- lage board Tuesday night a permit to construct the new filling station at the corner of Rockland Road and Milwau kee Arenue. The building commission er--was instructed to issue the neces-- sary permit. Two lots have been sold to Chicago peope,. and the sale de. pended on permission to erect the new buildings. / c Harry Pester celebrated the fourth at the Slocum Lake Golf Club. Harry had a fine time knocking the little sphere over the landscape, but when he went to his car to return home-- good. Some one had removed the spare tire rim and all, and left no trace. Harry notified the Boehm In-- surance Agency at once and July 6th a new rim and tire was supplied Mr Pester. are requested to be present. A}so any other boys and girls under 15 years of age, who are interested, are invited to be present. » . The John Cole fam@y left Saturday nigh{ on a short automdbile trip to Greenville, their former home. They came back Monday night.. John says it's hotter than you know down there and that, Libertyville is a summer re-- sort in comparisogy . > 4 Next Sunday, July 11. the Liberty-- ville A. C. baseball team will play the Northbrook nine at--the fair grounds. The--game will start at 2 p. m., stand-- ard time. _ Teams wishing to book games with the Libertyy¥ille team, call phone 480--R or 387--J. 2 The village bon'rd!fiuqdny night de-- cided to dispense with the services of Jacob L Crane, Jr., the zoning expert. who drew the ordinance soning th4 vil-- lage= Mr..Crane has been mployed in an advisory canacity, at a salary. of $50 per month, since the 'passage of; the Ray N. Smith hit for the tall and uncut of Wisconsin Tuesday, and by this time is busy fighting off the mo-- quitgs and flies. 'Ray's destination was about 400 miles horth of Libertyville. William Speliman is seriously i at St. Anthomy's hoswital, Chicago, where he was operated on about a week ago. Mrs. Speliman and son John are 8t his bedside. . 4 f Mr. ang Mrs. LeRoy Richardson and CARD.OF THANKS little daughter, and the former's moth-- We wish o thank the friends for ali er were here Monday from Keota. !4 .' their kindness to us during the sitk-- for a shqrt visit with the family 0( , ness agd death of our loved one. We Rev. Guy E. Smock, en ""'";( COU®*. |especially thank all of those who gave Mr Richardson is publtshef 06 tb® |, omany beautifu flowers. Keota Eaglé.sand is enjeying a "waca--| > MRS D. NEJAON. tion the firs© in a number of years He | -- JOHN W NEILSON, was formeriy employed as a linotype ; MRS M, DAY, onerator on the old Waukegan Ca | MISS VIOLA DAY. sette. They went from here to Park | mpmmmmmnemammemmmne Ridge, where they wil} make a short IN MFEMORIAM *A Good Office to De Busmess With 201 §p. M:.waukee Ave -- Tel. 469 COMMERCIAL CLASSES in SHO7?THAND, TYPE "RITING, PU'SINESS FKAI~ T 'SH and r't CMFNTARY OMX XEEPING UecDonald Cammercial School " Park Ave. » ~----h~rmre 130 Intensive Training and Individual Attention Given Prnsitinns Secured Ear CGraduates esmm ce ge / qpiagn i Three boys staged a belated cetebra-- ! tion at Milwaukee avenue and sciroo!: street Wednesday night, and had a big | thnme--shooting cannon crackers,..ant! } Marsbal Limberry bove into view. The celebration ended at once, and the cel-- ebrators took to their heels, with the marshal in hot pursuit The chase| led across lots as far as the North. Shore tracks, when all trace of the , three fellows was lots. Later: This | afternoon Marshal Limberry arrested | two boys who gave their names af Go-- delsky and they admitted being tho! culprits lawt night. They are to be giv--| en a hearing "before Police lm.(ntek Newsom tonight An interesting mrti of the 'hearing will be to find out just where the fire crackers were purchas-- | ed, as it is against the law to sell mer-- | chandise of this character, except on | or just preceding the &th of July. | Police Makistrale Newsom. 'The mag--| _ for the you yisit before'returning to their: lowa home making the trip in a trusty drastic verbal lacing and alowed them to go, on their promise to refrain from using fireworks in The forbidden zone. avenue to St. Mary's road, will be clos-- ed to traffic for an indefinite period. This was decideq,. on at the village board meeting Tuesday night, on ac-- count of the big_job of installing sew-- er and water mains for the subdivis lons in that neighborhood. The village closed the street east to the fiver and from there to St. Mary's, the road was barrtcaded by orded of the township highway commissioner. But few people are affected by the order, and they all have means of getting t otheir places of abode. s _ * Eldon Kitchen and a cousin who was | visiting him from Seattle, Wash., had . a little extra fourth of July celebration | Sunday, whe nthey mountéed to the . roof of the Gridley building and had a | lot of fun throwing big fire crackers into the street below"> As this-- is a, yiolation of the ordinance probibiting fire. !'orh in the-- business distret. Mar-- shal Limberry wglegi on the job and with Ed Schneider took the two young men to the village hall and summoned Police Magistrafé Newsom. The mag--| _ _Each day this week has been sort o' warm in Libertyville, and things don't get much better--as the week advances. Wednesday afternoon the intense heat caused *teh sidewalk in front of the Carroll store to buckle. Harry Gotti got'that new orange drimk machine at the proper time, and he has been kept pretty busy dishing out a refreshing drink made on the spot from honest to goodness oranges. _ CHRITTIAN SC:!YNCE SOCIETY | Third Floor First National Bank Bidg. | Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Services at 10 45 a. m. Subject. "Sacrament." a 11 Joe --tart; who,;--with his-- deon,.--By---- ToP Corcsran" Toh mast Sgtoraay tor California, that the new Chevrolet was rolling across lowa in noble style, and, that the trip was being enjoyed. They expect to stop for a few days in Ne braska to visit relatives, and then pro-- ceed to Denver, to Los A_ntelu,.,by' way of the Sante Fe trail. IN MEMOR!AM MRS JACK SINK In loving memory of my beloved wife and our darling mother. who left u«s ome year awo. . July 1, 1925 Darling Mother how we miss you, > Miss your a«weéet and loving face, You have left us all.. in sorrow For no one can fill your place Mother, we are sad and lonely And we miks you day by day, Watch o'er us,.darling mother _ Guide us gently on our way Your loving Husband and Children Rockland Road, from MiUwaukee Emory Johneon's melodrama of the newspaper world. Starring Raiph Mewis and a splendid cast. > Auditorium Ikeatre Thursday and Friday, July 8 and 9: "The Last Edition" Saturday, July 10: "The Street of Forgotten Men" with Percy Famnt. Nei! Hapilton and Mary Brian The director of "Peter Pan" has produced another masterpicce. The strange story 6f a Bowery Cinderelia and the beggar who lost Rimseeif for love. Comerty: Neely Edwards in "80 THIS8 18 PARI8," and Pateh Review Sunday July 11 : with "If Marriage Fails" Eddie Gordon in "A FLIVVER VACATION® To the many devotees of the old game of Horse shoes or quoits and in same places--called barnyard golf. here is an announcement of extraod-- dinary importance. Mr. Krieger tells us that he' has a regulation 40 foot !eougt laid out on teb grammar school 'SI'OID'.I. where most of the activities | of the Libertyville Recreatfon Asso-- clation are taking place. A set of the | regulation shoes are on hand ready | for the use of anyone who may desire 'to use them. 2 -- We know that there are many play-- ers--in this vicinity and it iswour desire to see oné of the:-- feature contests of the season. Go over right now and see the court; tak to Mr. Kriger about en-- tering the contest. It is in fact, one of the oldest games, and one of fhe anost popular-- Get in the «wim right now and sign up. The list will remain on the board until Judy 15. when the pair ings will be made. Dont forget Do it right now and be sure of your share Libertyville has just finished her Tirst week of superviged play~ From It is nlanned to hold an elimination eontest in this game for the champion-- ship of Libertyyille. There is posted on the bulletin board at the school grounds, a list which anyone interést: ed in playing in this tournament may sign.. There will be a diviston for the boys, opé for the young men and one Other activities are being planned and will be started as soon as possible, according to My Krieger. His plans eall for a full pr"nm for both old and young, just as soon as it is possible to put the plans into execution. n'ny --ready for full swing Play 'ground" b#ll,> volléy ball. horseshoes and. tennis have been started. . Th« sand box Bas been made and filled with sand for the kiddies. The story hour made a successful siart and has grown rapidly in popularity with the little f:kl. Every morning exceart htuJ!hy. the story bour is held\ a 10:30.~ Three meetings are held sim-- ultaneously at the grammar achdo} and Central Park.> w in HORSE SHOE PLAYERS ATTEN-- » TION _ * A great deal of work has beeun done and a large amoun( still remains+to be finighed Before the playgrround is proposition. Without ineluding the op-- ening meeting, attendance was 794 the first week. PLOYGROUND POPULAR -- * DURING FIRST WEEK ORANGE BROS. & MOON BROS. GREA T ER 3--Ring Circuses CIRCUS Friday, July 9 LIBERTYVILLE PARADE AT 1 P. M. Afternoon and Night WiILL EXHIBIT aAT ONE DaAY ONLY OUR WANT ADS GET SURE RES onge»~ vmur)wwo\"?f pag ho : romere n t pliGpen Beaite oi ho ) "IF NOBODY LOvE s «ou-- MEBBE YOUR OWN HEARTSTRNGS NEED A LITTLE TUNING up!® --G ColO®G) se A LITTLE ready money will often get you over a BIG financial difficulty. It will-- also put you in a position to grasp an unusual . business OPPORTUNITY. _ C Make up your mind to save a PART your income;, no matter how small it fA now be. _ _ . 5 s t The START may seem hard, but start MUST if you wish to win sguccess. .|_ .. We invite YOUR Banking w'if Start Saving Regularly m Libertyville Lum Company . Lake County National Havr Mongy| Worryless Inve: &nhhww--hhmm [3,. Experienced investors are quick to w' ate the many advantages of our First M gage Real Estate Notes. . *. e + The security behind these notes has been carefully investigated before we offer them to our customer$. -- 'irst National Bank . ------when you have surplus money which must be kept safe and should be made to earn liberal interest, drop in and--let us tell you more about these securities. © Capital and Surplus $100,00000 Libertyvilie, Illinois _ _ 4~aue The world -: back at the : &« natured man Nat rewards the farn who treats her & with respect -- a n plants the high gu ity farm seeds Y sell. Our : poulf supplies hkelp you make your chicke more profitable.