, He is here today and Cond, tomorrow". Today's customers are tomorroks, vague ts . memories. l f _ -. Your dissatisfaction meantfndthing to the Peddler. He is off to new fields. He is a once over man. " ' " A - I _.- -- 1.411.: I" , . pe' V»._.'.,...:r.d 5.- A. ' " o ' ,' N . ., ml, "s.. . c., "t_'ditf-'rt'.eit: - mt? - , "r. _ c, L2% M... - WP. . - mm - -. a,» " = - .~ IE2 L .' . How.much does the peddller value' your -good will? . ". . t'. AI-. _'." . ' Dissatisfaction on your part means the probable lloss of a Steady customer, the possible loss of customers, Influenced by your dissatisfaction. No established mer- chanfcan afford he shortsighted policy Contrast thiifwlth your loCal merchants' position. They must haveyour good will. No transaction between. you and your local otores'ls complete until you are satis- fied. ' Libertyville Independent auiii Back of the lwholesalsr " Ithe manufacturer who will make Ell to the wholesaler any defective merchan- dise. blished business prizes the good name of its products and you. In dealing with your local merchant, enjoy; thigrtriple assurance of fair treatment and good mirihniidise." vourhoeai, neictAahi.iiyupte goods, know from ftet.to gout. - 39d: lst his {merchandise In a welt es- lubed. hrtttatttttie whoteLieV -riiiiirir' Gaia- iririiiUiir, 1eltt, merchandise to In: customer, your hpmc N, "Yoiir Newspaper" 1w it- t' Mr. T. K. Kelly, banker and president of the T. K. Kelly Sales System, Minneapo- lis, Miner, who has studied the peddler problem and is an authority on it declares that in most cases the guarantee is guard- ed by so many provJ.sionstats to be practic- ally valueless. . Besides--with whom will , you deal Ito get action' on your guarantee? How can it's provisions be enforced?., "r . _ Play safe. . Depend on the men who, ' _ depend on you. Buy your merchandise . .1 from your hom'e stores. " ". . "irirhi'et, WOuld leaireorou, Otherihah'tl'lor- oughly satisfie¢ "i') .' . . True, the peddler often gives, an elabor- ately worded guarantee bub-have you ever ' known, any one Who has secured an adjust- ment through such d guarantee? V Wrrrwm"ia-'M1Efig T7e'riT't"st "F; a '1. a4 iii???- ' l - _ :r '. rurur au" - ."N ' V " _ ", r . mms,"