_ They came in great rnumbers in of the fact that one hundred were injured 'late yesterday last night when a crowd of 1004 {police estimate) fought with po-- reserves for a glimpse of the fea of the dead star. Most of the J were 'women and threse of em <«policemen. They werse deluged ith: fragments 'of plate glass win "that had been pushed in or in-- ed in the rioting in the streets. ~Sidewalks «nd streets were littered pocketbooks, umbrellas, furs and Bhortly after midnight ten men clad 'the black shirts of the facisti, who ie of North America, arrived and i to have two ot their number the night, each "pair --standing ard two bours. : They said this ac-- m had been taken--upon the cabled Ivice of Mussolini. Karly today the body of Valentino v'eh tomnntunootottlo ut urch to facili bandling mou.,nmu:i woyed im the "gold room,." upstairs: Bitra police were detailed to pre-- mt a recurrence of the riotows llce. Once an automobile parked t of women.fainted. Many of hk for . HMemied wourek igh wmwm the long line, without regard or con-- "I have never seen anything lke i. something to do with the tunr-- of President Grant, and we we had huge crowds to han-- , but it was nothing like this." . riotous scenes enacted at the al thurch were without preced-- in New York, in the opinion 'of ; 'Frank~Campbell,. proprie~ of the chapel and a veteran uvder-- omen's shoes when the doors of the lapel were closed at midnight and ie police chased, or rather tried to iase, the people home. Crowds Again Today The doorsiof the funeral chapel Bre opened today at--9:30 and _ the owd began to file in rapidly, They sed the casket at the rate of thirty-- e a minute. merovlm'bJ New York, Aug. 25.--Thousands of Imirers of Rudoiph Valentino assem-- ed agpin today in the streets for ocks ~around Campbell's ftuneral urch in Broadway in the hope of m:wmll*dtht a motion picture !wmt-mm l that 'the line or people Nare pase 'the coftin, mvnl-xhvn getul repose, at the rate of 150 a mute, or 9,000-- an hour. -- The people d by from 2 o'clock yesterday after-- l.nm_va'Md- t caused i triot whon men § sent out with megaphones notify-- them that the doors were closed. hiw morning a huge be--ribboned n'.mem*rn-mm i," was beside the casket. New k fascist! announced the premier eabled' to provide the wreath in ) persons f past the coffin n eaae o mm en who m'm 'sheik'" typé as d 'by ' Valentino on the screen. NCA o All Classes Seen When Mrs. Philena Burnett War 1::;-'"'u't:omnmfi.. evening a birthday Aanniver-- sary party given at the home of her eon, Dr. Burnett Dewey Warner of Chicago, 'discovered there were only 88 candles on the cake prepared by ber : daughter--in--law, 'Myrs, 'f"' %fi.':&'mamw 89 years 1926, according way J taugh; grithmetic,">sgid> Mru. Center --school:--near Grayslakey~_>>> =; ""And don't forget," she added,"ths; u: year I will h:l..m-ofl.'" # -- Suetmecmmepmese When --Mrs. Philena Burt ::;-'hmmmuh mctlflnlfl sary party given at the won, Dr. Burnett Dewey W Chicago, discovered there 1 88 candles on the cake pre bher -- danuthterinJaw | $WMee Great L One of Mrs. Lewis' #Ong t g?ov&fifim"n at fmike 'ad a05, 57 bostogron CAME TO WKGN. BY BOoAT AGED LAKE COUNTY . INSISTS SHE'S 59 town churches and took the flowers m-mumun{u.um grave of the girl, Another episode which is recount ed .is that when one Of his young playmates died, Rudolph was denied the --hbhonor> of being a nallhbearar "There is a great--desire here ' California. i0wing the report of Valentino's death, declared today that Miss Ne gri would urge Valentino's brother .Charles Eyton, friend of Miss Ne gri, 'who with his wife, Rathlyn Williams, has been with Misa Negri ' the Avon Center School Th weyaans in 1902,"" Has Daughter Here. Valegtino's for her~®wedding, is grief the in 1862 taught the 'Avon !A'g' pm'» ~ .*I :; i f QCD, $10.-- Pt: 'u.'imm ndm&mm sent & wi, QCD, $10. Pt Sec.26, An _ L . Hilgesen & bus to C. A. & w1, WD, $1. Pt See 16,; Whgn= .' @. C. Gridley & wf to W. A. Megie, wD, 310. Pe Sece 21 and 23, Libertr _ E. 8. Gail & wf to R. 8: Gray, QCD, 2. %. Uoubtimene & W i6 A.' M ghgis 6 se Yo aa n e 5 .-- D. Adams Jr., to[L. J. Kenevel / WD, & wt, WD, 31. i4 16, Grant O Durkin 40 V. LM @CD, $10. Pt Sec--8, Deerfleld. > ~R. E. Schoening to B. C. Schoening, _ D.R Manzser to A. T. Arvideon, WD, $10. P, Sec 14, Antioch, ; C &, Tacrmann & wtto J, H..Gaetje robbers carried fltnm&w whiskey, . 100| galions: 06 M e 9 bullding, where h was blown open, zontvf.wn.uo.rts«.u.hp. f x-.nnu\ . wl * A. F. Sullvan &--Ahue to J. B. Lentes & w!, WD, $1. Ft Sec 10, Grapt. A.r.mchug'.u&m- arik & wt, --WD, $1. Pt 8 & 44, Antioch. -- % ¥; H. Bartiett to H. C. Stei & w1, Deed, $190..Pt Secse 7 and $, Shielde. ¥, H. Bartiett to L. Loeb, Deed, $10. Pt Bocse 3 and 4, Wikgn--' . ~>. > :Nellte Conrad to . Wkgn--Finish Ey WD, $10. Pt Loj; 6, Riverview Tertace. 'J.KW"V.N&'&'D, $10. Pt Sees 14 and 15, Deerfleld. ~_F. H. Bartliett to H. R. Will, Deed, $10. Pt See 31, Wkgn,. -- . * ¥. H. Bartiett to T. A. E. Ruatd quist, Deed, $10. Pt Sec 19, Wkgn.: . &mcnu:.mfi&u, CD, $10. Pt Bec 33, Wkgn. _ . -- ~ B. H. Blum & wi to H. J. McBride, WD, 310. Pg',lnl,h-u%' ' "+C. Beringer & hus to C. L Worth Ington, QCD, $10. Pt 5e¢--32,~Twp 46) ""c.'i.'v'imw'wt N. W iC ' w * u' ner & wf, WD,$10. Pt; Sec 32, Twp. 48 K., R 13. ®€, Beringer & bhus to C. L. Worth ington, QCD, $10. PC Sec 32, Twp. & 7 "Aug. 19, 1926. 3 C. T. &.T. Co, to J. A. Poligquin & 't.nql.mptu.l'tsocun C. ¥, Larsen to F. Kluk, WD, $10. Pt Bec 20, Whkgn. Nx R. 7. Garrity & wt to:J. ¥. Garirty, QCD, $1570. Pt SBec 15, Deerfleld. F. H. Bartliett to H. Prasze, Deed, $10. Pt Sece 7 and 8, Silelde.> ~ -- all other battleships,~ shows °the highest degree of 'efficiency in the severest of all tests, that of prepa~ ration for actual battle., > s Communder Willett is regarded as an unvuapally capable and efficient Official < List of Transfers ¥urnished by the & wt to A x¥ Bl n 'Il ""vh' ol nereee party 'left: for the Aair grounds. Republicans. of 'Illinols will have 'mdnummmw. Gorv. Len Small and other narty GOVERNOR'S. DAY * AT STATE FAR TO the 1 | Wenewec,. Wis. back in Fort Sheridan, ~which wil vamp oparta, Wis., the 14th field artillery,. the only battalion of. field artlllery "Of the regular army in the Sixth Cofps area,.is now on a march BF HELD THURSDAY BACK TOFT. SHER. m 34 utir"&fia -- ; telling cheriffs oft his work, and the things he be-- lieves should Be changed to hbelip Cook 8 crime -- sitaation will "."m&hu well as the 'Thrifty Buyers who are taking advantage of the Big Reductions this month have saved thousands of dollars. You too can nvio'condd_eubla on your s1avo saved LI0usalnus 0i QoOLUaATS. JOUu 100 Call Save Considerabie on your 'household needs by making your selection pow. Take advantage of the 26 Years Of August Furniture Sale FINAL WEEK OF OUR .. Seragossa, Spain. %'a epi-- demic of typhue has out in a number of villages near here due to a contaminrated--water supply. Sev-- eral deaths have been reported. TYPHOID SWEEPS SPAiN N. u0e Stent Intire Suite in this sale at _ as7 30 ecolor pattern=--with reversi-- ble enm Carved frame. Proof Jacquard Suites, 3 60 Sample-- Living -- FIRE THREATENS VILLALGE San Fernanda, Spain, Aug. 25.--For-- est 'fires which are raging in the pine foreste of this vicinity, due to the projonged dorught, are menacing several esmall yvilleges. $