7 + "mmmh:: Game Code gives e > open season tiking migratory _ --'Dirds as September 16th to Decem--« ;-,g'mnmmvmt_h'tfl[ _ -- Mimois law zhall comply with the > Atty. ér. For Chicat \_* _ to Col. Smith. -- _ < --AREWEDDEDHERE have received 'instructions to insist upon strict--observance of open sea: Bon ~dates 'as well=as 'other restric * Warning to bunters that the open-- Ink of the shooting season for migra-- tory game birds,--ducks, geese, brant and-- coots: is October . first instead &? ':rwf J." Btraston fepion, dreo tor of the State Depaftment of Con-- The change of the : sea-- son to e:m-ropm to: g-ry:ug Birds Will Not Be Opened Un til October 1 This Year. 2e'ore --any ~shooting is done. Pour Mufilflfi\mm issued hu-m»nlnn-m._"s able that --the number"wil}l be "oven Ereater this year. Faillure to" o. Py 'with this provision means a fine and--closing of the club for onme year. GIVES caME CODE: HERE EVIDENCE TURNED reached | this iwon for his yer-- sion 6of the m t bat . ao-- 4 o im anine the«< . «how o bf the money 'paid In hy arrest vie in the office nre, . "; > ' M'h' :mn&Eg" ufi: g;;.«a.f« i m«v that ' ere marked as> en as soon as Col. Smith has" time to gw over the proot submitted by Attornmey Builiager,-- * , ~Om ~ Wednesday <morning,. Sept. 1, wmmumm's' . "daughter -- of~ Mr: and Mrs. T. zfrdouuo.uk-my was attended by Helen and Walter ;;"' iFne coremony "was nitended _ MF. und ~ Mrs. Mullery ' laft> on' a * '"hHhoime --at 1822%=--Clatk ave sar. and it seems. prob | 1, Ela. + number "will be "oven| _ A. Joe year. Fallure to"~ o. v~] WD $10 provision means a fine| ~A. J9e E the club for ome year: | cobs. Y weddings in one day, is told in th f s records at the . bou 'nicm;::'u.pm' "'-v 'to co n P , v.d." 'The followiug 'are the --sey-- en to take out Hcensens. yesterday wile" WD $10. Pt bik 3, Kellogse subdu, * Seo--10, Benton. E 3. W. Gilbertand wite to ¥M.--C. Fianagan. ~WD $10. _ Pt. Sec 241, "'luau "" U x $"~ A. Joerns <and wile to J. P# Me-- :«g.mm WD $10.. Pt See . A. Joerns -- and wile. to ~KH. _ G, wmm wWD $i0. Pt; Bee A. Joerns .and wife to John-- GHass. WD $10.«© Pt SBec 1, Hlzs. -- A. Fperna-- and wile to A.C. J# cobs. -- WD $10..-- Pt Bee 16, Lib ertyville. i T. Bonk and wile to H. J. Vogel: WD $10000; _ Pt." See & H J. Vogel and wile to K. L Foote. ~QCD §1. 'Pt_Sec 29, WX se on t make &; gflh'.tm in in w oo ie o. e B '.!.g!.-g'tbu to. M. D. Scheveland 9 0. . .Pt Sece 7 and' $8," Shields.. $ 'Van Essé myr- o. J. GCD §1.' <P{ _ See 1. "{KM. * P.. Pops. and_ to ~J.; »B. w ¥ite:" Wo Sie. 5ce 18 -- %A.~ Shea and wile to M. L _ ~Pt BHeo 26, NewPort. * _: 'li.xa vine to" J.-- A. Shea.--QCD $1. <~Pt m% els ¥. L to "J. Shea. QCD® $1 Pt See 2%6, : N _R CA ¥. and wife t L D: Wile _ WD $10 Pioloc 3, bik 1 Richarda O'Connor and wile to -- ~ seprempen 2 198 ¢~ --lfwonty.spven Per Cent More :~Dolly--I--I wonder: it --he'd put his. of Transfers|| -- * Purnished by the -- raxe comere Teum axo || [ smcs' --|| BESOWNINFALL |wmm C tseecs~ 1| 19 TAIEINDICATION!:-- :: ONTRAINWRECK ds > uw i« Atus *# % will be 4ssued in December. ; 'The farmers of the United Btates are ~ini.nding to ~sow -- an average OC / winter --wheat »this fall> 144 per sent greater than sown last fall o# a total acreage of 45,039,000,+acres. __An Iincrease :of 114 per cont in &m;-'mwmoNg 5 * wil i whi . mad Than Was Sown in 1925 is Kats of the Great States and miembers. of the 'train crews -- ot' evidence from which a coronets {:,'m attempt to fix responsibil-- thean 100 '4njured. F4 s »Featuring toddy's session :of the was brought to the: jury: room from the tragody. ~He ~was -- summoned not 'only so that he might tell his oft ~ Another angle which the in tion is> pursaing closély is &'."*2 .. _"The fools aren't all dead> yet,* anfetaent mm s is . J A9t nhen't aven aliing. ~_ * W'.flb- imin t Arornl bare. & new trial; Vorld Throu Chicago,© SHept. $8.----Bcores of -- per: > Alive and Active «)¥ of fnulae... -- TL _ O mnand E30211 .7 e _ CC -- 2 k ""'"{;{f? < o i % e Ad a * § .." ws . JP e 7 PC it 5* on l t 4 +o 7 F m ty o wl Soge se wn £ gts » T .,'&»" # : R . 49es P SAE M C sAE 3 _ > ~C oA «l --=~ > p k . > w <C:* --" sA & Re w .' 1 ut uw w N anett vi"' se day of 14 5n1 o ons dn t o . &3'"5'5: is t,' K', :&, y l eting! (oo d B e _ Iwo Chinese, cmployes. of & MAR-- darin sestsurant at 125 Washington street were beaten , and klcked"m sensibiiity and then robbed of $100 by three negro bandits, according to theif story to the Waukegsh police Thes-- day night.. 'The victims are Edward Wong and York Wong. The latter was removed to the Victory Memorial 'hospiteal whbre he was attended by Dr. 'who 'said there were indi-- Cations that the fellow might have sut; fered al"injuries as a result of the -- beattfi®.; > _' MAY HAVE INTERNAt--HURTS Joliet, IIL., Sept. $--Warden Elmer Green, of the penitentiary, announc-- e today, he would allow no more aeroplanes to fly over the peniten-- tlary or the honor farms. " ~-- He was considerably upset by a machine. which flew over --Stateville four or . ftive times -- yesterday after-- 'mf-- + f Y es might drop down tools to men working. OB the honor farms, which might. .get to. desperate > and enable them to":apo. WARDEN GREEN > ~BARSARP Hospital, * * armies 'have> won~ important Chinese troops on the Yanktsze riv-- 'er, according to word reaching here. m; d"': * P e T €" '4 Commander --F.: C. Ferley, British gunboat Dispatch. se k> . -- Cieut, <A. R;. Higginse, British_gun . Meut. Commander IL., S. Acheson, British ~wboat --Cockchafer, > '¢> Tieut. Jo Fogse, . Britiwphgunbosat Cockcha{er went to . the assistance. of two British cargo boats, that Rhad: been wiezed by the soldiery --of Gen« éral Yang Sen, an adherent of Mar--« shall Wu-- Pei n' j¢= Then the British 'consul at Chung-- king and officers from the Cockchafet fai'~ * ~: negotiating for the reloase of 'th»2 geized steamers, aA naval er who is now serving with the Temple -- Total number of instruments filed, * Businesg of The Recorder's Officé mm ending Sebpt. 4, 1926._ . ~~Number of conveydnces Tiled, 271. «.(*'Efl Ase't.. Becretary of Security Title: & 'M-l: amount of loans, $408,$57.65. Sept. 5. 1925 & o%. s Number of conveyances filed, 264. . L 4 " '.,g i 'V... h Je . & @4 5 %"~ ~BY A. i. BOWES > . Number of.Chatte!l Mortgages, $6.~ :~NMumber of Trust Deeds and Mort. Number of Trust Deeds and Mort Tiige "f frast Dosds shd Mort ?:n number: of Jnstruments filed, Total amount ORI-u. $372,55411L. & gantor; # .mR '«/\?zmix . sn 5. fi #:z hests :42 + B¥ y ~% -- To .. +*. xk 6. 3 : e wer to & 4Cl : "WQt, ,,' 'RBe 1'.."/' -- W L Ca dda 'v"")""' 5 ke $ /> > kee, Wis., S 8. --Ad-- A |. aitisnal returne trom yesterday'e *3 * --arimary this afternoon continued '; uy | the lead of Gov. John E $ x . Aand -- anti--world j ~-- ssurt Canr Yor United St:;e': _ | "genator. _ afterncoon, 1,792 *| the share's 2708 precincts gave --_ 1 _ Bitaina* 440 4MK and Senator !|. L. 1LENROOT -- FAR = BENINO w. -- & i"*' h ¢ Returns from yesterday's primary, apiled up to 10 o'clock today, gave lajne a lead of almost 11,000 orer the crest of WiIscunsin's 11000 uo of uuwment. Gor. x.g-;;.a Blaine, "wet" and auti--world Charles -- B. Perry _was> the conser-- vative republican candidate and de-- pany of: Chicago-- and his brother, m--ihj Kelly, to the badsgide of mother, Mrs. Kelly, and _ their Wb Boston in two 12 strom, Of St. Louis, but his -..'.':2': j ther asd their aunt seriousty injured 3 but fiyrinil recover, . at" the k %!-x'.. " in: the collision, witl be an 4 'raigned next-- 'E'mm: * Ks s nedl son--inlaw ft L. Whitcomb, president of the Grif fin Car Wheel company, of Chicago, se Indianapolis, Ind., 'Bept. 8--B. E. who is president --of the Chicago Col-- Aber' . club, and Paddy Mullins, man-- ager 'of© Harry Wille, negro chaillen-- ger..vere to be the stellar witnes» bes today when hearing was resumed hhm eout_t",xo. 4, on Clem-- ents application for and injunction enjoining ~Jack Dempsey from meet-- «n attempt to secure & similiar in /. Junction in PennsylyAnia. ,1 & 3 nn..z essing the Window _ 3 'i . "What do they mean by associateé ~ ATTACKS DEMPSEY-- TUNNEY BATTLE Lenroot WINS A THRKELING ~RACF WITH PFATH *440,105 and. Senator !. "' 8 : g.)' ; BVLLET § $ &4 r-- i k2 E: