% i ; m'm;:'otbom- e eS $ geason R. M. _ Lobdell, ,{* '& j ntendent of highwaye, --. Anmonnced definitely Tues. The fact ':E there is to be considerable work . in gha the shoulders will prevent 1§; ie completion of this mile and a half _' _' mirinp between CGreenbay road and L£ E. We and daughters, of Ber-- Wyn, Mrs. L. E. Woabster, « Highland Gomer Hopkins and daugh ter, of ° Mr. and --Mrs. C. E. Denman and family of Gurnee, Mr. and "@:muammm-r. of Highland Park, all at the C.--KE. Denman home on Mrse. J. Strobt! and Miss Lillian Stro-- hal spent Saturday at Zion. «D. MeWAite and Mr. and Mrs. Den-- man were visitors at Lake urich on Mrs. F. Denman returned to fher home in S:attle, Wash., this week. Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Denman, and son Elvin of Waukegan spent the week end with homs folks. _ Mr. and Mrs. L L Webst>r and *aw«mumm- er of Mt. Palaski, were Millburn call-- Thom, of Chictgo, were Millburn vis-- , M. White leaves on Tusday, for , Colorado, to spead the winter + daughter, Mrs Carl Neawman. ~& Gertrude O'Connor returned to 660 0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0o 00 000 ~Mr. and Mrs. Harris and Rev. Raiph Mre. Jack, of Waukegan, spent last Mr. and Mrs. Wyman are moving to The C. E. Society will have a basket ~C road is almost half ce-- ' and unless the weather is ) bad this work will all be dn this season. The state line -- be reached by this Thursday. Weutz has been keeping his gang go-- for® the last two Sundays so ~ean make sure of finishing C ¥ superintendent of highways, inced definitely Tues. The |fact RHat there is to be considerable work 1 mping the shoulders will prevent the comp nofthlsmllondl::l; strip between Greenbay road Wadsworth this year, he said. "R C. Feutz the contractor, had aoped at one time to complete it, but mow realizes that it will have to he done next spring. . Suf . aund Mrs. Myrtle, Mr. and Mrs. dell That Mile and mot Be Done » to Shoulder Work, lere is to be a letting on a' third ' of the $750,000 bond issue mfla'. At that time the Deer-- 00600 00 0 0o o 0o 040 0 Liass «UB® T#RLaEF /o _ strip will come up. This will ~it poseible to rush the Wads-- --road, Grayslake road.and Deer-- road to completion early in the with ;r":"'"'-. ur-;:c.k._' ' FOR M--m Duorl Hart and> MUra m.hm'"'A'Lm 41 tf suais, Jackson and William farrison. Martin Van Bures frst president Born an Amer 118 East Cook Aves E;"fl% CANDIES and . SOFT Drinks _.~~ LUNCH TELEPHONE 39 A. Tennyson ooX wokp=> SEASON, WORD|== road will not be com-- Eitst $25 takes it. E Independent. x t _ table, chairs, '*U8, etc. Tele IFIED :f;)lhs + SALRE--Large White Nas, mx# per a8.-- $12.00 ~per " RADIO, in the 29i8€, round; "S&as heater, prAimerd Ave Sithing ma-- h'.':: 41 4t table B2 > Sovne 81 121 4 1t Wauy-- 41 2t |rueo $9,000.00, |friet; house can easily be remodeled .into two flats; lot about an acre of | ground; gzoning ordinance allows 12 familiesto the acro. This is an ideal property for investment and income. Don't fail to investigate this bargain. and see this brand new Colonial home . 4n Copeland Manor North. _ SEVEN FINE LARGE ROOMS, in How aquwfl:.lx" for_0u|d|mr- ance, e Write.all Lines in Good, FOR RENT--A 6 room, i _steam heated, mod_e_rn FUK SALE--8 room house on pavéed street,. west of Milwaukee Avenue; south front; zoned for two flats; lot }52:3«; 1 block from business dis-- Fine & 2007 0t h Ready to more Into ationty $12,000.00:. . _ |~, . .-- INSPECTION BY APPOINTMENT Lyons & Rouse. -- 41tf | phone 365--R. mVWE T i1V LVCAN----We "y'.m siderable amount of epecial funds to loan on improved farm or city prop erty. We invite your inquiry. First National Bank, Libertyville, HI. 10tt MONEY TO LOAN--We have a call Waukegan 1781. does not understand the business Also 3 lots on 16th St.. No. ClMcago T5x150. Prica $350. For information with or without building. 'The last live to wurhdmlmtornm!mfil made a large fortune: present owner grond 1 FPOR SALE, RENT OR EXCHANCGE-- __Uptodate butcher shop and grocery, ihin % wihe ioh sation of t Pool Fmd within & mile main station of St. ------------|r&ilroad and on State cement highway, fii'm'""'_','--_hu gold 1% miles from Route 57. within 4 octagon watch, with white gold miles of real town with over 50,000 bracelet. Return to Marian Gooding, population: good 7 room '10use, shade at the High School. 42 2t and fruit trees, barn, poultry house, WAITRESS WANTED at the Liberty-- TL AEiNLI--IRLOOmM in a new home; hot water heat; suitable for one or ro ladies; near transportation. Tele-- Telephone 324--R. _ den. _ Appoly to gardener on David Adler Estate; Phone 509. 42 tf MAN WANTED--To help around gar-- WANTED TO EXCHANGE -- Chicago | income, a 4 room bungalow, with ex-- tra lot, fot 40 acre farth; north or %A. B. Meyeor, 2664 Burling St. 48 4t Barred Piymonuth Rocks 812 Buff Oon| UY Llilnts. s16600 ----=--. >=.;-- mmmxrnmm "'"',.,m."w m"' mw,.mm' oo ps Ave.; 50x150, 16 ft. alley. $1800. "%' 'n""'}. uacomnk per hundred. These are all husky, pure D?":."x;?-"b"'m' its. 8t on huse, furnace heat, cement »uc.menuhc-nhcuc&m'am'"--. it lots, a r walks. Jarge wood our heaviest layers. We pay post:* $2,000 each. s f u ce of shade and fruit ago and guarantee live ':""g w "0"';"1!;'": ; fimmmm Prompt shipments. Order from this Sunnyside Place: 8 roomes, 2 car. gat. ition and cement'fidors and am-- Acme. Farms. B _ _ 35 2°*| "ago, lot 60x110. $8,500. _ ~vodin for 6 horses, 25 head cattle, 3 s McKinley Ave.; 7.rooms, garage, lot | 109 ,'mm 10usg@ h & 50x251. ?0.500 , 'house 16x60, corn crib 30 =fi===_w-==§& sa':,':loou'm' wm?."tt?fi_ &dtmmnm ARMS cash buyers; will! lot. k ; -- t dark enced cross _IL-:RW:ZW H. Broertjes, | Johnson --Ave;; Smmlotilm ,M!gormlhl,'lhmnlm' "_._.u_!.'.._s_t_'.___.._______ M!masm;amzmm At| be s mu.mm.um' WANTED TO BUY--One Guernsey, 15,500. s | must be seen to be appretlated at cow, fresh if possible. Write to Lake ' Prairie An;im,w.mfi er acre. . Onethird cash. * | Bluff, Box $43.. i1 2t |__age. Jot Eox150. ° $11,000. ; o Td Taurs WaxermD_--wet, or dry wash; laondry | 'Tot $52100.$11,000" ~, . ~~*~'| pany mew" 8 toom beues. sgsdo fees, prices. Mrs. N.C,Sorensen, Liberty-- Park .Avenue; 5 rooms, lot 110x862 orchard; within 3 miles of town; gran-- | ¥ille. Phone 604J--2. 48 1t:" sri.akn + orchard; within 3 miles of town; gran y + % Ns w p mvaine}y avo., 4 s Wanted ---- |_sorrsi. g10,800 ?:m::'n School ; 4 IL FARMS for cash buyers; wilt|! _ lot. 5,300. : with owners only. ~H. Broertjes, | Johnson Ave;; --5 246 Lewis St. Hammond, Ind.. 41 3t' _ §50x150. $6300. cmmmmmenpmmmmmmmammmimammmmmmmmnntemmmmmmmmmme : SCCONG St.; 8 TOOI WANTED TO BUY--One Guernsey,; 15500 BABY CHICKS FOR SALE ---- Large type Barron Strain White Leghorn baby chicks, $9:50 per hundred. An-- conas, $11; Rhode Island Reds and Barred Piymouth Rocks, $12%; Buff Or-- pingtons and White Wyandottes, $13 per hundred. Thesge are all husky, pure bred, htchodhcnnkctcgn-f our heaviest layers. We pay post-- ago uu.!mmnuoo live m'q _"mmm «. 86. ville Cafe. Female Help Wanted YOU MUST comge OovERr Male Help Wanted d Rd. & Mitwaukes Ave. : -- LMAbertyville 530. ent; reasonable. 283, Mundelein. 39-- 3 3% --At 533 First +8t. -- PE U '© Dusiness. | house, Bx40 with | Preaara. 5ood well, milk house, gran-- racumm:mn?&rnz.'mp.&".fm.um.mmmm information m_g,,,mw'.'gw"'"m1mobbdu.omonueemtofoldm un,..,;,...&..,mmu.,ms.uwm;mammmim *----===/count of old age. $7500. 2 horse, 8 *2°* 5 Y°ars .. ; * um ---- * | cttes. 150 chickens, lb :toots and food| ___ > > --I_>_ > **---- mm Earage, milk house, corn crib. 'This .. #5 27 , | is a real buy, owing to the location, mit1@e8 ) price and terms. Can' be purchased -------------- at $8,000; half cash. | 1| C $ 200000# C000 Comeas us aing ol w; & AY8-- / mile: from: town, 1 mile from state ce-- !u'MMum:':':;m"' resident; being at, $6500. . Halt xfllfi.hhm[n'ui. > -- s to wnmintsnecs: 3 40 acre farm, 3 miles from town; ex-- &L"d""""'mm-m 42 1t 48 1t 113 acre farm, close range 'Antioch, "A mile from town on stone road; has strictly modern 9 room house with 3 porthes, hot water eat, electric lights, cement basement, good well and cis-- tern, wonderful orchard consisting of apples, pears, plums, cherries and grapes; milk house and wind mill, gar-- age, barn 36x66 with ample--room for 6 horses 24 head cattle, new cament silo, 2 poultry houses 10x14 and 18x24, double corn crib, implement shed 27x54; all buildings electric lighted; farm is renm fim:rou tenoed:&'.' acres under higi , & considerable firgin timber fl ' shade pure water. Being -- 28 head choice cattle, 12 ho §00 chickens, feed and tools. o 80 teres, close range Antioch, route 21, withing 3 miles of town: good 7 room house, shado and fruit trees; a xoodnund'hdnm:hm.m and other buildings; owned by a non-- red.mt; authorizeq to sacrifice same horses, 5 cows, 300 all tools {mate-d.upmm ' 48 acres, located 1 mile from town and 1 mils from state cement road, route 57, with 8 room modern home; positively surrounded 'by wonderful shade trees, large orchard and vine fl:hmtcfluflqlmm feed; garage, poultry house, gran-- ary, implement.--gied, new <brick silo. all black. Iowa soil, tiled, fenced and cross fenced. Price $300 --per acre; Gnnohuuo."s rental, including 4 | choice tested cattle, 16 hogs, 200 chick-- eng and turkeys. -- ' and ceéement 'po'nryf W fiw'; barn "--'M with stone foundations -- and cemont floors, room for 5 horses, 18 cattle and 40 tons hay; good concrete silo, im-- plement shed $0x60. ~Being sold on A&ccount of sickness at $12,000. Two drilld well, new cemfent milk house throughout, with electric lights, bath and hot water heating plant, complete water systom, south and east frontage, surrounded by #1ade and pine trees and one of the finest orchards in the state; garage, milk house, drilled well 225 ft. deep, wind mill, tool house, poultry house, granary, new barn re-- cently built, costing over $6000; all dark soil under high state cultivation. Being--gacrificed on account of old age. ¥22,000. One--third cash, balance 5 yrs. This is an ideal city home in the coun-- try; must be seen to be appreciated. \try house; adjacent to Fox river and 'within 1 block of railroad depot at :Fox River Station; all dark soil, un-- der high state of cultivation. $6500. Half cash, balance 5 years. e ' 36 acres located on state Gement road, route 50, has good 7 room house, fine shade and fruit trees, good well, Mmmmmm! ings usually found on a farm of this with ample room for three hors»s, 10 cows; all dark soil and well tiled; 1 38% acres, 5 room bungalow with south and east frontage:} house sur-- rounded by shade and fruit trees, barn . quarter mile from station : . .00 aACres C10Se range AntUloch, three-- ::&.rmmm:ua,,':,m-mhumun;mm small farms 8 room house surrounded by shade and m:ot:.er.l.:mm .11..:."_' fruit trees; garage for 2 cars, barn for Half cas1, balance on on before 5 yrs.| *" C&ttle and 7 horses, with ample T. J. STAHL and CO., |tioes range Weukegan: good 7 roum Real Estate, Loans M'&"Eéfimfiifi% Sunnyside Place;: 8 rooms, 2 car. gar-- ago, lot 60x110. $8,500. _ McKinley Ave.; 7.rooms, garage, lot soxa5%. $10,500 4 'E. School St.; 4 rooms, porch, 50 ft, | lot. 5800. s a § 'Johnson Ave.;--5 rooms, porch, lot is o e i t ty C eC V mss SCCIC Amomn, io suugeo TV Rune lot $5x150. $11,000. gan;. new $ room house, shade.trees,| Park .Avenue; 5 rooms, lot 110x862' orchard; within 3 miles of town: tn.l-' s once o6 e i aaan aasee n hok R of or tion, we es, 20 cattle, tons + * have Property to mest your' *' |under high state of cultivation; fenced : requirements. and cross fenced. mnfl-nw , j count of old age and at $100 per Sellers and Petersenm |acre, with third cash, balance 6 yrs. 10,000, s must be seen to be appretlated at nlrul.n.;lroon,w.nl'-mfim,w&' | age, lot 50x150. $11,000. f --onmmmrmmeme 4 c Vw;imzwm. 120 acre farm, close range Wauke lot : $11,000. gan;. new 8 room house, shade.trees,| irk .Avenue; 5 rooms, lot 110x862 m;mamam;m, $13000. £ i ary, barn with ample room for 5 hors--| soardless of nriea 'ar laratian® wl es, 20 cattle, 50 tons Giay, silo: soil Waukegan, Illinois. . which gives cattle amy Libertyvilie, _-- _ 1|20 cows, feed and 50 tons hay; horse barn for 6 horses;>poultry.house, im-- f dent must nk} per acre. .a $5000 cash,; balance 5 years at 6 per WORDS, WE WILL HELP THE MAN WHO HELPS HIMSELE. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION SEE THESE CHOICE FARMS ARE ALL WITHIN ONE HOUR'3 RIDE OF LIBERTYVILLE. ALL LOCATED on MAIN THOROUGHFARES, A N D MUST BE SEEN ~TO BE APPRE-- CcIaATED. f WE WILL _LOAN ' MONEY OR HELP FINANCE ANY PURCHASER OF THE ABOVE FARMS--IN OTHER ment highway, route 50, three--quarter mile from town, 1 mile popular lake resort, 1 mile North West-- eran'station; good 10 house, large erchard and shade trees, 2 barn 3$6x80 and 40x90, stone foundations and ce ment floors; swing stanchions, room T5 cattle, 12 horses, 3 additional box stalls, 2 silos,, large con¢rete milk house, 2 poultry housas, double corn crib, hog house 16x24, implement shed Mx50, large granary. --This farm is heavily stocked.and under a high state of cultivation. , Being sold on account of sickness at $115 per acre: ono--thml' eash, balance on or bafore 5 years. fruit trees; garage for 2 cars, barn for 25 cattle and 7 horses, with ample room for:all feed and 560 tons bhay; milk 1ouse, drilled well 185, feet deap; house 18 x 36, o ap * large implement &:mhvmm.with hrawmtodbynoflu-prlu. which es cattle shade and water supply, This is a real farm and hbas all;dark soil; fenced and, cross fenc-- ed, and we can sell same at $135 per acre; half cash, balance 5 years with no propayments. t Setal T. J. STAHL and CO. _Telephone No. 5, . 160 acre farm 2% miles from town, 2 miles from real lake resort on stone Td.zooa'ro_'mo with hard-- ! 'vod floors, cement walks, abundance of shade and {fruit trees, good 'well, windmill, large bran with cement floors and modern stanchions,. room for six: horses, 25 cattle, all faed, 100 tons hay; 2 new cement silos, a large garage, with cement floor; gran-- ary, tool house and other buildings; all buildings have stone and concrete eash, balance on or before 5 years. | good 8 room house, cement basement, iv_'_npnd.chh'l. abundance of shade, ,mcuxmmmm good modern house, garage, poultry house, 2 barns momm.z bhouse and corn crib, inwolement 20x66.© Price $120 per acre; onethird cash, balance on or <before 5 years. 140 acres with 2 complete sets build-- ings, modren 6 room house, screened in porch, cement basament, cement walks good well, barn, garage, poultry house; also new 8 room house, large orchard, good well, milk house, gran-- ary, tool hous¢, barn and silo;. posi-- 223 acre farm located on state ce-- E. G. FRY cent interest. 120 acre farm within 2 miles of main station S8t. Paul railroad, on stone road 180 acres close range Antioch, three H ~ _ UE N. SMEE TEAMS |l _ Teaming Contractor -- Assistant to Paul G. Ray 2=) «FRANK H. EGER #re Ey t,fl\" -- + 4( it s«yh n¥ pyt ie ib arkeran '*,., it ".% £Souginy '. 6 J $ j;fi & 4 ; w ERSAL 211 x f WAUKEGAN "LET US BLOT OUT YOYR INSURANCE TROUBLES® ~~*"We Settle Claims At Onoo\" . | LAKE COUNTY INSURANCE AGENCY A. W. WEIL. Proprietor Fred Grabbe, Auc. -- Earl Washburn, Clerk terms of sale are complied with. TERMS OF SALE--A!ll sums of $25.00 and under, cash; 'Cnmso P GLE=----Ail SUMms Of q400 and under, cash; over that amotnt a credit of six months will be given on good bankable notes h.rlu!'l per cent interest from date. No property to be removed until b a mout m as Anmaptnanc : ym ns 97 4 1 Corn Planter 1 Light Wagon 1. Walking Plow A 1 Hay Loader 1 Mower . 1 Side Delivery Rake 1 Hay Rake l&yflm 1 McCormick Corn Binder 1 Grain Binder 1 Top Bugsey t ~~~' Grading Lawns 'A Monday, November Ist. Commencing at 12:30 p. m., the following: 1 BULL, 12 COWS, 4 HORSES, DUCKS, CHICKENS, GEESE. 17---- HEAD OF LIVESTOCK ----17 PUBLIC AUCTION Having sold 'fihe farm, I will offer at Public Auction on the premises known as the Weil place, located one--half mile west of Green Bay Road, 1/ miles east of Wadsworth, on the Wadsworth road; on s Telephone 17 . --Install one of these handy heaters in your kitchen and have a handy place to dispose of your waste matter. You will find it the most convenient article in the house. T 14--inch Firepot ............................\.... 18.00 16--inch Firepot ..........._........____._.... 23.00 18--inch Firepot ......._.________.___________._._.. 28.00 12--inch Firepot ............__________. One of these fine HERO STOVES will solve the heating problem for your home. They burn any kind of fuel and will last a lifetime. Prices are very reasonable. 2 .~ You Need A--Kitcher Heater and || F arm Machinery, lmpiements, Etc. MA SsO N'& WHI TLOCK Priced From $17.00 to $36.00 Expert Insurance Engineers HEATING STOVES TELEPHONE 2272 | 124 Belvidere Street"? Other Articles too Numerous to 1 Spring Tooth Drag 1 Farm Wagon 12 Milk Cans 1 Manure Spreader 4 Sets Harness / 1 Single Harness 1 Pump Jack Forks and Hand Tools 1 Riding Plow ILLINOIS $14.00 18.00 It -- Schanck Hardware Co. |} Stoves and Ranges fst 0A COAL RANGES YOU GET YOUR MONEY'S WORTH WHEN YOU SUBSCRIBE FOR THE INDEPENDENT! Phone 154--M Telephone 39 'Telephone 283 .___ FARM AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTT Phene 41 _______________ _ Lake Zarick, Wlunis. AUG. -- FR OE L1 G Beautiful New Home in Mundelein [ Unusual home, just completed; hot water heat; 'every modern convenience; built by owner, who is leaving town ; lot 75x150 feet. Pretty surroundings; just the home for some-- one who likes the best. . * THIS WILL BE SOLD AT CosT, _--_--_-- TOMAKE QUICK DEAL. Chas. D. Proctor A Good Stock Priced Right 183 East Cook Avenue Telephone 50 -- LIBER IT'S DEPENDABLE because is has stood the set of time. Under every conceiyable condition has our Lum-- ber been used and in every instance has the report been a favorable one. For that reason, builders everywhere come to W. F. Franzen, Jr., for their Lumber. W. F. Franzen, Jr. HOT BLAST OAK STOVES COMBINATION RANGES ~FOR SALE HEATROLA HEATERS . LYONS & ROUSE Insurance of all kinds 506 North Mitwaukee Avenue -- GAS RANGES PRICED RIGHT. _ LIBERTYYILE