CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 4 Nov 1926, p. 10

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§ For it is the crankshaft that re--*d@epartment permits workmen to se-- _ ___~..~ ceives the pressure exerted on the cure parts without:--any loss_ of time. [ ** Rhrekigh the nropelier 'shpit. and. the 'Poca ghoy thG: Interesting § *>*" * tm the propelier © and the : gre two :. t erl < f 'rear axle"to the: rear wheels which features; --The -%«.m ad~ o propel the car. s 3 lkcolno the light repair, and handles. E . Absolute ~snootiness and> quiet--, battery and i&nition jobs. 'The lat-- ' e ~ mess cannot therefore be achieved ter is expertly manned and operated E unlegs this power which leaves the! by men who know car Ducoing from k crankshaft and goes to the {iywheel the ground u$. _ _-- _ °_ | _-- CALLEDBY EXPERTS o THF SMOOTHEST TYPE OF ENGINE The new smoothnecss and quiet-- ness in performance qualities which is -- gaining widespread popularity for all the new: Nash models has been made cossible byr the introduc-- tion in. all Nash cars of the T--bear-- ing crankshafit motor. C -- Produces Smoothness This principle counteracts the constant. downward <power strokes of the pistons and commecting rods, and produces the ~resulting smooth pess which is <characteristic only of the T--bearing typa otf .«unstruction. unit--of the motor and have safe guarded its regular smooth opera-- tion~ by~ introducing 'not three or four bearinzs but seven main bear-- in**, h ; This engine -- design reduces distortion in . motor~ action to the vety mnimum by hoiding the Crankshait securely througtbout its entire length. Seven bearings are the maximum 'number of bearings it is practical or even possible to use on a six --cylinder motor crank-- shaft. This makes certain that the crankahaft is supported at every nscessary point--not merely on the ends and at one or two places in th> middle--by sturdy mun 'bear; ings. ta crankszbhait with ceaseless vigor,.such forces would tend to ~cause defjec-- tion bf the shaft. DefMlection® would in thrn résult in noisy operation Result is Nash Cars Perform With Incredible Sitence At All Speeds -- crankshaft and goes to the [ywheel add other driving members is ab-- solutely smooth and noilszseless. _ Naturally enough, with six con-- necting rods ramming down on the Consequently,-- instead of trying to foréstall noilsy 'deflections by hold-- ing the. cranksoaft in place with m'or four bearings, Nash en-- bave absolutely assured the highest effit¢iency in the most vital ©Bi MAKES EVEN POWER--FLOW ay -- * Neven bearinzs assure a consist-- itv Sutift and rigid mounting of , mm.g...i;:tttliluM!'umwmn #Fi On the 7mflw of shaft, t\s bearings are pladed on both sides of "? --~connecting rod, thereby giving sup-- port to the entire at the closest possible intervals over its entire length. Therdfore, as the force of the comnect-- ing. rods ram gdown on the crankshaft, it is held.rigidly in piace at seven points.: And when it is operating, the greatest possible degree of smoothness and quistness is attaingd. ® * torrest on our l#urels. . We're look-- ing to the future, and we know that in order to keep up the reputation we've established. in the past, we're got to treat --our customers right and continue giving them efficient, prompt and courteous service. And this is just what we are going to do." the crankshaft. -- And -- despite the. constant up and. Aown thrusts of the connecting rot!tho crankshaft is toid true, in 'pertect aAz:ment. without noisy deéfticction. -- "It is our aim," s@#ys Mr. Wetsel, "to serve people not merely satisfac-- torily, but far better than they could be served elsewhere." We know we are in--a position to give people better service than the maverage. We have the last word in buildings, equipment, tools, and men. But we don't intend length of time for completion, are taken.--care of: No customers are al-- lowed here, so the workmen do their jobs unhampered by interruptions. Here are located twelive repair stalls, whickh means that 12 different cars may be worked on at one time. Each ctall is easily aceessible --obviating the mecesseity of moving one car to reach another. Centrally located in the heavy re-- pair . department, equidistant from each of. the repair: stalls is the parts #epartment. _A big-- stock of parts is ately any of the requirements of Nash owners. 'The central location of this department permits workmen to se TWO DEPARTMENTS FOR SERVICE IN LEONARD J. LATZ tContinue® From P--+ge One) 'a1n Ts #* &7 * q 2 --</t* -- C. W. NASH CONGRATULATES _ -- LOCAL DEALERS on sUccEess floor, or rather® on the lot. . Their: guarantee consisted iw pledging their 'word that each car sold was as rep-- regsented. « . They: quitkly began -- building reputation for équare--aealing and for efficient service. 'The 'word . o f Turner <the best interests owner always ~comes first. lmuhhtl:you eongratulate N. C. etzel E. Turper 6# their splendi of achievement and I feel t * Wetzel -- & Turner <are proud Of _ the .. selution . . of,. . the _ old 'problem, of 'used cars but they are even"~ more proud ~of the company's record on new Nash sales. The Wet-- zel--Turner Co., 'has virtually doubled their new car sales each year they have been in business, excepting one year, and it is already certain that 1926 will hang up a new and even more inipreasive record. I ~Wigh to take this occasion to AA#4. Aan URUCpULUONRLIY _ W# SUSIARLIHEL® congratulate N. C. Wetze! and A.|"Dt° all the way from Glencoe up : Turper dtm':t'rlm&m uga'rd"" ghore to Kpnosha. f achievemen feel that Wau-- ----------5:'--, kegan may be justly proud of theu'a?'- M'.l':f' T e ':; 'm mu" men. iA-.-I-'- se bs bn au dA AnAvares us ~ i <an A dhan # stops leakage 6f rain and wind Last _ year the company's Sales of used automobiles totaled about ©250;. during the . first six months of 1926 sames were 185 cars. mouth' advertising which invariably follows such a policy brought them new customers and old customers be-- gan to repeat. \ In January and "JiMly the Wetzel Turner Co., try to clean up their stock of used cars. They usually sue ceed and now in addition they 'q have far more convenient quarters for used 'car rales in their new building, FEW (Continued From Page One) (Continued from _ CONCERNS CAN EQUAL WETZEL & TUARNER RECORD dy o $ 0e ene + plece windshleld; to ; they: * Say e i piece windsnieids; 10 iney. require '---kru- owu .. pIEH.L. E; 4 * h a special type tongue--| And under the most severe test T o : y & us construction, as used on Nash --nade roller bearings: ha AKR] c . K e > oR closed . bodies,-- effectnally | proved . to : be ?.l in ;ex > a . oo . Ts & 4 3 ige 6f rain and wind. racy, ktrength : and) durability. ' lr W -- i i C hk ~[KR f , 0 #4 of the Outstanding. among used car salee--| men in this section is W. H. Voge!l,' un:etctthouul«rdounzem] of Wetzsel &>Turner and "Grand Com-- mander" of the celebrated© tent. Mr, Vogel --chalked up a ~brilliant record the past year by selling more than 250 recanditlioned cars. He has VOGEL BATS WGH »IN ANNUAL "TENT' _ USED CAR SALES their on slsn e a en w ke $5 € xo . TL ------~--~ when winter blasts begin to blow. Pser PVE. -- STEEL HEATING BOLILERS That the new Wetzel--Turner Sales and Service headquarters is one of the most up--to date buildings of its kind in this territory is clearly shown by the many new features and con-- veniences that have hbeen installed. BEST WORKING CONDiTIONS is entirely unlike the usual type for such a building. It is electrical, and depends for its effectiveneses on cir-- Power Ventilating Apparatis in New Nash Home. : MODERN FEATURES ds 4 Wetzel and Turner customers will find the beautiful interior of that concern's new building an invitingly cozy place to step into °* _ For it is heated with a Pacific boilef, and that means unfail-- Pacific Steel Heating boilérs have been on the market commer-- cially since 1914, and with hundreds in actual operation not one has failed to live up to its reputation for durability and efficiency. Pacific Boilers are built for steam or hot water in both the smokeless nndd:nctdnhtype-.fotemmflndofhwh o 24 Every seam and joint in the shell and firebox of Pacific boilers EET'P;EEM xn;o; joint will not open up or 'leak under the most severe strains caused by expansion and contraction. Pfificadhme&bmfli% to 40% of the floor space re-- quired by other boilers of equal) capacity. The 'horizontal smoke connection at the rear allows them to be placed close to the chim-- ney. Tubes are all cleaned from the front.: ° Pacific Boilerts are built of open hearth flange steel and high : 'The efficiency, construction and workmanship/of Pacific boil-- ors is guaranteed. 1 t, _ . t o P +o n f When the Building Is Heated f With a f en lsiAR ex® *] thé zelect 1sil in# hpne _ ® mfid to the heav'y duty service de-- ment. . Ap exceedingly éfficient device is R power Washer that is us-- ' _-,wqgflfi.cuén"rhls washer blowe dirt s 'under 300 pounds p e $' & < » ~< Hle setvice doors and a tele-- e Switchboard are two further examples of the. uptodate character of this new Nuhn::fldm. No stone has been left unturned in an effort to give Wetzel & Turner L oo emein e t s etit :y WE COVER W AUKEGAN Waukegan Roofing 123 No. Vic Waukegan, i. building of the Wetzel and Turner Company with our usual excellent covered the new as it is employes ideal conditions ':s under, and Wetzel and Turbe tomers ideal all--around service The inbherent skill of Nash--Seaeman body craftsmen is aptiy characterized in the arrangement of the rumble nogt of the Advanced Six roadster. Tkis car -- fulfills _ every conception -- of power, speed and stylishr«ss. *3 tors _ iurber tus--

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