B GURNEE LUMBER & coaL. co. BARRINGTON LUMBER co. " LAGERSHULKE & HAGER TIBBETS &noa co. Barrington, |liincls Round Hilnois # EVANS FEED comrany _ _A J "MWERCHAKT -- ¥+ __--_ W. F, FRANZEN LUMBER co. _ EMIL GEEST ?J Libertyvilie, iilinoia Aptakislc, I!linola : ANTIOCH MILLING co. 8. L. TRIPP LUMBER co. fl Now----a Heater for All Models ARVIN Regular HEATER -- ARVIN Reguler HBATER for HUP--6 ARVIN HOTSPOT Reguisr for PORD / 't delay! Give your hens ARVIN Reguiee HBATER for PORD Libertyville Gar hey Sure Do Heat! J. H. PATTERSON LUMBER co. ; Wauconda, lilinols 4 | J. H. PATTERS8SON LUMBER co. Above Prices Include Installation A. J. "MERCHANT Waukegan, lilinois PATTERSON LUMBE Wauconda, lilinola ?ATTERS8SON LUMBE Lake Zurich, Hilnols Fails: ARVIN Regular HEATER for DODGE ers, like other Arvin Heaters, are backed by a factory to user guarantee of complete satisfaction.© Each heater is furnished complete with all neces-- sary fittings and a detailed set of in-- stailation instructions that anyone can fo'low. Bring your car to our --garage and we will install any shown in this ad at price given under iHustration. All Arvin Regular Heat a heavy sheet stee! jacket which cov-- ers the exhaust manifold of the car, caging the radiated heat. This heat is driven into the passenger compart-- ment by the fan and forward motion of the' car through the register in the toe board or dash. The accompanying illustrations show the mechanical con-- Heater is the original exhaust manifold heater--a heater of proved efficiency, priced moderate'y. Formeriy available only fot Ford and Overiand cars, the Arvin Regular has been perfected for installation in Buick Master and Stan-- dar® Six Models, Chyrsier 60 and 70, Hudson.... Studebaker.. Standard.. Six, Nash Special Six, Hupmobile Six, Star Four and the new Overland Whippet 96, also for the new Fords equipped with Holly Vaporisers, Each heater consists of The ARVIN Regular / ARVIN Regular HEATER for STAR4 Phone 202 y Feie* & *# Clark being the principal. __|Senator Fernald.. It is generally con HO4U8¢ of ;' Transportation was made from|Ceded here mtmkmmmm Volo to Waukegan by stage. win, as Maine has-- seldom, in late CU'TeDce January 20, 1855, she witnessed|Yearq at least, sent a Damocrat to "°°°$®Ary. mg;:wnummwmm. aygo i |_ There is . gan m Chicago, -- taking three Many caretake Washington lation may hours to make the run. idencer afe puttisg theil Ryuses in ment to t k&omm Volo to Wau m«mmu'm'nm m:f" egan Congressmen wi &A * many Gone Dear Mother gone forever, mm.nm"':-:';mfltll How we miss your loving face; wmumm&-&»m' ine order -- of numbers follows; Units, tens, hundreds, thodsands, mil-- ltons, billions, trillions, quadrillions, quintililons, sextillions, septilliens, o6 tillions, nonillions, decillions, But you left us to remember --. None on earth can All your place ;;:ounyth:no we once enjoyed, w saweet _ memory still, But death has left a lonesomeness The world can never fll. * Funeral Tuesday at 1:30 from the In 1854 she attended school at the old _ Waukegan ; Academy, Judge Mr. Rogers for many decades ran hte biggest gemneral store in Volo and conducted a store on Wash-- ington street, Waukegan, after mov-- ing to t.»» county seat. Eight children came to bless their happy home Mrs Millie Raught, Waukegan Mrs. Nellie Howard, Round Lake. Mrs . Rhoda Sutherland, (deo Mrs. Rhoda Ann Rogers was born in Dundee, N. °¥., May 1%, 1841 and died at the home of her daugh-- ter, Mrs. Charles Raught, Oct. .29, 1926, making her 85 years of age. When four years old she . came 'to Illinois where she has always re sided. She was married to Henr; Rogers, of Rochester, N. Y., May 22 1856. She always lived a quiet lite and devoted to her home and fam-- ily Mrs. Rhoda Ann Rogers was born in Dundee, N. °¥., May 1%, 1841 and died at the home of her daugh-- ter, Mrs. Charles Raught, Oct. .29, 1926, making her 85 years of age. When four years old she . came 'to IUinois where she has always re MRS. ROGERS SAW _ FIRST TRAIN RUN FRAM CHICAGO Passing of Pioneer Resident Recails First Trip on North--. western on Jan. 20, 1855. 'est street. Waukegan. Burial in Three children died at the ages Mrs. Laura Thomson, Libertyville. Mrs. Bessie St. Peter, Highland zical Order ARVIN Reguier HEATER for STUDEBAKER ARVIN Regular HEATER for NASH Specie!6 ARVIN Regular HEATER for CHRYSLER / B committees which 'have been given Of 4 postmastar, and a decision of a authority to conduct hearings during Wajority of 'the court was read by the summer months will hold thair Chief Justice Taft, a former President tinal session during the present month Of the United States, and is laid down in order to havg their reports in read-- 28 authority for his. successor and oth-- iness at the convening of Congress in @rs. Because of the fact that the cour o Hacem "aratemagea inapanie s a ame Tor i For instan t power, ous e mm:a'n.?nmmm"""mfln'hmd& will meet next week to receive"report *!** D°Xt month, j from the Post Office Department as to| 'With interest in the farm situation revenues under tie law which in the--middle west at low ebb, th: at-- mwnugzfim The tention of Congress will be directed to report of the is expacted legisization dealing with the cotton crop to greatly influence postal legisiation Of the South. Several proposals have at the short--session of Congress, The besn drafted for the legislative hop-- Congresse. > P |_ There is a possibility that the legis-- Many caretakers of Washington res-- lation may take the form of an amend-- ldmmnmu'm:}mhutwthemmmflonwwuflne order expecting the rsturn of Senators POWer of the Chief Executive, which and Congressmen within a few days. Bany say 'mas 'become centralized of The Senators are obliged to come to lAte and has been buttressad by the WMhmme&-thW'cdm Curiously cesdings against Federal Judge Eng: ©DO0ugh, the decision was made in the lish waich opehs next week. Several CaAse of a removal by President Wilson have won nine seats in the Senate to Senators familiar with the constitu-- control. It will b» recalled that 34 tional law say that there is a loophole out of the 96 seats were contested for in the recent decision of the Suprame at the elections, held Tuesday. The Court which will permit the enact-- Maine elections remain to be settled. MDt Of legislation designed to over-- Taey will be held November 29, when COM® the effects of tha!aighest tribun-- the voters of the state will be called *!* Y°rdict It will be necessary for Senator Fernald. It is eom. House of Representatives in order to ceded here that the Republicans wili P45# legislation of this sort, as the con-- By the end of this week it should be known definitely just bow the Sanate and House control has been placed by the public. 'The Democrats should have won nine seats in the Senate to Washington, gov. $--The uncertainty ; select committee on campaign expend-- as to the of the elections will |i t ures h eaded d y . Senator continue for a day or two more,: but James Reed of Missourt, wilr also whip the leagders of tie major political par-- | its report into shape for the considera-- ties are already figuring percentages.| tion of the SBenate. 'The activities of With political issues as varying as the |this committee have attracted nation-- colors in the rainbow, it is difficult to wide interest during the past faw determine which was the predominat--, months, and the report will undoubt-- ing factor in the erection. The vari-- edly have mucai to do with the seating ous classes of political mont;pr duite|of one or two Senators whose party naturally claim their partic issue | campaigns~were investigatad. won out, for that is how they keap| Opinion prevaills in Washington that their pobs, and frequently their imag--| the short session of Congress will be ination runs way with the facts, Wlen | marked by a heated controversy re-- the final returns are in and the con--|garding the President's powears to re-- tested seats in the Senats and House|move Federal officers. The Supreme are no longer ih dispute, it will be pos--|Court decision denying to Congress sible to give an accurate picture as to |the power to control the (Prasident's the political complexion of the Seven--| rights to remove appointees from Fed-- tieth Congress which comes into being|eral office revives the Ltm:cle which | March 4, 1927. i4 ' has Cropped UD beriAdidally siner the | aot hease=1| Our Washington ~K| TOP PRICES The following is taken from a re-- cent issue of a Moose Jaw, Sask., Can-- * ada paper, and refers to a former Lake county resident: . _ _*"The funeral of th» late Alexander /Hmhn. w10 passed away on Friday, «October 15, was conducted from St. --Joseph's church, to Rosedale ceme-- ' tery. . The cause of death, was cancer, ~and htha deceased was ill only about a _wee! E| BACHFUR CO. 1TRaw Furs . Alexander Hanlan 'Briercrest . district, having farmed there for a number of years. For the past eight years 'ie had resided in Moose Jaw, while his son, John, oper-- Ated the farm. He was born in Rose-- 'ennl_ 6 IAI:O county, Illinois, and l:l- fors coming to Canada was engag in farming. . ~--"The late Mr. Hanlan leaves his widow, four sons: John, of Brier-- erest; Ellwood, late of Chicago; Ed-- #ard, of Crane Valley, and James, late of San Francisco; and three daugh-- ters: Mrs. Crawford, of Crane Vall2y ; + . Nesbit, of Chicago, and Mrs. Grant, of ll:au Jaw. There are also M "grandchildren in the family. and public affairs are subjected to the closest scrutiny and often their busi nees suffers {from misrepresentation which creeps into the debates in the BHenate. The men who seek the office are not always the ones of the type wanted by the Administration. Alto-- gather, it 106ks like a busy winter for the Congress and Federal officials. _ 'Th> President is proposing a list of aAppointments which will be submitted to the Senate immediately upon con-- ¥vening. Men who are peculiarly qual-- Ifled for high government positions very frequ>ntly refusé the appoint ments because of unpleasant notoriety which results from attempts to obtain the Senate's confirmation. Those can-- didates are usually placed upon the Bepnate's gridiron and their persopal tralized control of the marketing of all Ccrops, similar to the plan used by the British in marketing their rubber pro-- Guct. ~It is --known that the Southern Interests will demand action by-- Con-- grass creating machinery for minimiz-- ing future depressions in cotton. --Although there is some talk of the Treasury surplus® allowing a tax re-- d@uction, it is generally agreed that tae tax program will be put off until next 'per and extensive hearings will be held shortly. There is no doubt that €2e Bouthern coton farmers are suffer-- ing, but opinions differ as to the ways gm t remedy the situation. | The administratio nis opposed to cen-- al's verdict. It will be necessiry for the Senators to make overtures to the House of Representatives in order to pass legisiation of this sort, as the con-- currence of the lower House is Court decision denying to Congress the power to control the (Prasident's rights to remove appointees from Fed-- eral office revives the 3.tm:¢le which has cropped up periédically sinc» the estabiis ament of this Republic, namely as to the relative power of the execu-- tive and lagislative branches of the Go¥ernment. EStatements credited to 108 W. Austin Avenut BY WILLLIAM DALEY N. E.; A. Cortespondent We Pay ¥Y, NO | _ Phone 202 LUCE & EARL, Props. _----Q@VAILITY At Lo w C O . 1926. Chevrolet Closed Bodies bFisher -- The World Provides no Finer ! 1 *'j-,-i'f.é LIBERTYVILLE GARAGE O'NEIL HARDWARE CO., ,« MAYTAG CO.. Highland Park, . Lake Forest. Phone 500 b ---- 541% Central Avenue TITUS BROTHERS PHONE 64 LIBERTYVILLE, HLL. Touring or Roadster $$10, Coupe or Coach $645, Sedan $738. All prices J.a .b Fiims, Migch Amall down paeyment and commenriant terms. hak abows aus €%, Purchast Cormheane Fhan: value--a value that is making the smoothest Chevrolet mwmh"mhmm Fisher--acknowiledged everywhere to represent the highest order of beauty, and value. On the in a »Hey pribe clace the Finher emublem is secoprodas ahintfnemce Lustrous Duce in beautiful, modish colors assures the perma nence of their external beauty. Upholstery, trim, cushioning, hardware and ap Aluminum Washer > WAUKEGAN MAYTAG comPany 28 N. Genesee Street Waukegan. Phone 1826 : ¥al for Lconemical Transportetion y s Pe all contribute to The Landau, 9765 U e. b. Filnt, Mich.) MAYTAG * e e ,,-,"*' k Mperal t .-,~ 3: ® is Te 2 M Hamk y gs ) 11082j . c¥