«* L mark * B0 go before States Attorney A: _ _ V Bmith and charging that" Hamlin ts " _bis wife with a gun. & @ «_--'*The $3142 was the amourt that the %-ap I to pay in fines, 'Ctosts and ce ofesslonal <bondsman,": Hamilin W¥ Purnished by the # % LAKE CO. TA & TBDDST CO. * & D Washingtens St.. Waukogan. *# #% Telaphone No. 4. % U 4 UU 4 4 4 * & 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 The Great Northern Thaatre is rap-- Jdly becoming the mecea of all visitors hmmrnmhmuym B. 1. Budd et al Trs. to R. J. Ly-- c'=vl-. rd&w*'flh "nn 'M. 19 and 30, Libertyvilie. R. J. Lyons and wife to B. I. Budd et al . Tr. QCD $1. Lot 22 Munde lein Station Subdn. Pt Secse 19 and 30, LAibertyville. C. T. & Tr Co. to B. M. Kohler. and wile Jt tens. Deed $1. Lots 6, 14 and 19, Golf Court Subdn. women to save his beloved Paris from the Burgundians--still brings audi-- ences to their foet--the greatest "cur-- tain" probably ever written into & musical play,. "The Song of the Vaz-- wbonds" is making history on its own --more cabples have 'been sold than erer befors of a single operetta hit. "Only a Rose" is running the "Vaga-- bond Song" a close second. "Hugu-- ette's Waltz" in the operetta is be-- O?N.rthm. in The Vagabond piays mer-- mnwwm-m tri-- umph of an ideal on the part of its produced for a fine story, fine music. fine actors--and his firm belief that the American public would welcome real drama in a "musical play." OCTOBER 23, 1926 A. Gould and wite to C. W. Bush. QCD $125. Lot 24, Ridgeview subdn pt See 27, Deerfield. G. Anderson Tr. to R. T. Baldwin. y S t c 96 ® ei'ht., 't # Waukegan. . h- Goldenburg and hbus t,o). ¥an Dorn: WD $1. Lot 45, J."L Bhaw's subdn, pt Sec. 18,.Avon . A. Van Dorn to F. J. Meyer. WD $1. Lots 44 and 45, J. L. Shaws subn, pt Sec 18, Avon. .filflm n".'gbnn. & tens. Lots 6 and 7, 1st addn to Sunshine ¥an Dorn: WD $1. Lot 45, J."L Bhaw's subdn, pt Sec. 18,.Avon-- + CL ' A. Van Dorn to F. J. Meyer. WD $1. Lots 44 and 45, J. L. Shaws > subn, pt Sec 18, Avon. « Mary Rosengren to E. H. Dort mund and wife jt tens QCD $1. ] Ifl.n"!.lunddnmm-:-_g *itlhh.ptmn,tmmm B. 1. Budd et al Trs. to R. J. L3*)| and Austh ons and wife. Deed $1. Lot 22 iD | Labertyville. Mundelein Station, subdn, p¢ $6C#-- C Blank at ert, Frances Halliday and over 100 oth-- ers, is about the finest operetta--cer-- taily the most thrilling--that America has sver seeh. 3 Based on that gorgeaus old swash-- buckle "If I Were King", with a score by Rudoif Frim! that has enough song hits for six ordinary musical plays, the pilece has become the topic of conver-- sation whaerever the theatre is dis-- eussed. The same splendid cast of MMMWW by a singing chorus such as only been heard before in --grand opera. There is an orchestra of 30 symphony musicians. The famous climax of the third act--when Villon calls upon his mob of fighting beggars and street "THE YAGABOND KING"-- DRAW. \._ ING BIG AT GREAT NORTHERN fim,bm&-: r'or ':lq-aa k states t he push nbt'mo end. s * --TEAMS , testitied as a character wit-- the trial in which Hamlin was with beating up 'A"ngnr y Downers Grove # er, ra tor four miles with Ham-- 'Q"o motor cops, refusing tq at a command from the officers. =' yesterday, Hamlin charged, he ked to pay ?92 to an indivi-- who he arrested three' years dgo f{and transporting booze ic bain of having that'gen t than regulate traffic after guilty by a circuit court m a charge of malfeasance in Cld 'fim" Bernard Ham-- taken cort vacation fro with the permission of tl:} ' he admitted today. . act. in official capacity in case of a dire emergency, he board is favoring Hamlio, it is w He Has to Lay i Time. 45 cu FOR SALE--Ford Tudoor sedan,:late FOR SALE--M. Schuisz Co. plano; very fine tone and touci. $175.00 buysit. Wl rent six months for $30; . no m;';}o'tvomumuim. Call after 6--p. m. Phone Anderson, 570, Libertyville. . 44 3t FOR SALE--Lot 50 by 150 in Dymond and Austin subdivision; best buy in LAbertyville. Price $700. See Leonard K. Blank, at Uptown Market. 44 it FOR SALE--Ona hand washing ma-- -- chine and wash bench, with wringer attached. ° Inquire 152 West Lincoln Ave, Libertyville. 41 4t :r-mithucurmt . -- Alden's --Pilano Shop, N. --W. cor. SBelvidere and Jackson Sts. Wau gan. Phone 388. 41° 4t FOR SALE--Single bed, new spring and mattress. Phona 754. 44-- 1t being crowned the Corn., Prince or Princess of 1926. The Filth National Boys' and Giris' Club Congress, fostered by the Nation-- al committee on boys' and girls' club work in cooperation with the U, S. Dept. of Agriculture and the State Ag-- ricultural colleges, will be held in con-- nection with the Exposition and over 1200 state and county champion club members and their leaders will attend FOR SALE--Sweet cider, 50c per gal-- lon. Dick Heuvelcamp, phone Czl'-'l-:.t Cummmmeenpenmnmnpeinmecommn nmntemen enc acmom en mmnirmmemmmmnmmnmarnmmmcmmmemmmmmnmen FOR SALB--"KODEL," RADIO, in --the ~-- original factory corton. The regular mmmmmumn "KODEL" clo IndependeAt. x CHANCE FOR YOUNG COUPLE Cost $3,000 four montis ago; will tak» $550 forall ~Beautiful furniture of 4 room, apt.; 3 piece silk mohair overstuffed parlor 'suite, with carved frame top; 8 piece walnut dining room set; two 9x12 Wilton rugs; lamp; 4 piece walnut bedroom set complete; chest silvarware; 5 pc. breakfast set; Hbrary table.-- Will take $550 for all, or will separate. Must be seen to be ap-- preciated. 832 Leland Ave, ist. One block east of Sheridan Road, 2 blocks north of Wilson Ave.. Chicago. --Tele-- phone Sunnyside 6190. 44 6t Monday night an inspiring tribute to the farm youth of America will be staged in the Amphitieatre, featuring a parade of juniors and club products. carefully groomed for the supreme struggle at Chicago. A special auction will be provided for their sale on Fri day, December 3. While the junior live stock titles are being decided in the arena, farm boys and girls will al so be ehibiting samples of corn in the When the curtain rises the following day on the "27th Anniversary Inter-- again be the centre of attention as they lead out théir highly--fitted. baby beeves, lambs and pigs, to competagin the classes of the Junior Feeding Con-- test. These animals were the dut-- standing individuals of the county and 26, when over twenty state champion junior judging tsams will meét in the three ranking the highest will receive agricultural college schol-- arshins of $500, $300 and $200 ofterad by the Chicago Association of Com-- merce and the winning team will be awarded t1e handsome trophy symbol-- ic of nation--wide supremacy. Starting even before the official mhlh 5&0&,«:&&) tie NonCol-- ve Ti Uscuby the Hint fight November FARM YOUTH TO BE HON-- *> ORED AT INTERATIONAL Rocy-- checked boys and girls of the farms of America--the pride of today and the hope of tomorrow--will be giv en distinguigshed racoguition at the In-- ternational Live:Stock Exposition in Chicago, Novemzer 27 to December 4, known the world over as the greatest of .all agricultural gatherings. s« W.~G. Hately and wife to Elsa J:--Strausser.. WD $10. Lot 1, Hate lys subdn, Highland Park. . -- . . 18 and --11,. Warren. P. Pedersen to E. H.: Klode. WD 31.4-14»84. bik 2, 1st addn to Ra-- Highlands, pt Sec. 2%5, Deer-- fid1g.'" . O. P. Merrick to--R. S. Simons and wife jt tens. WD $10. Lots 104, 105, So. Highland® Addn .to 4 Park. » * "risgk ---- Chase et al to Mabel 8. Mc-- Cullough. ©+QCD. Pt Secs 13, 14 . J. Goodman et al to J M LaPite et al. WD $10. Pt lot 11, blk 12, Original Town of Little Fort, Wkgn. E. L Kuehne and wife to Ruth Ester --S. Spencer. WD $1,000. Pt lot . 13, bik 6, Exmoor addn to H. Park, pt Sec 22%, Deerfleld. + -- H. --C. Coulson and wife to Rose L. ~Evans. WD $10. Pt SW ar oft. 3Fee.* 16, Warren. berg. and wife jt teng. _WD $10. Lots 31 and--32%, bik 2, Marion Ter-- race subdn, Waukegan.~ SBiver 'and A. H. Sliver. WD $10. LOt §4, Glenwood Heights, pt Sec 17, Waukegan. a N. Brandontsio and wife to M. Brandorisio, . QCD $10. Pt bik 25, E. Ashley Mears Plat of Highwood, pt Sec --15, Deerfield. F. H. Bartlett Tr to R. E;)--Pollard. Deéd $10. Lot 16, blk 18, Bartletts Shore Crest Estates, pt Secs~7 and 8, Shields. 2 S --_.G. Ray and wif© to J. Thompson E. H:. Luby and wife to Sophie S. Leschors. WD $10, Lot 16, Indian Mound Subdn, pt See 23, Grant. -- P. wife jt tens. WD $10. Lot 7, eith Anunex, pt Sei 31, Libertyville. M. --F. Madden to M. S. Madden. CLASSIFIED -- * A D S . , Pt Wanted NW ar of Section 21, fall and LGave BABY CHICKS FOR SALE -- Large type Barron Strain White Leghorn . baby chicks, $9:50 per hundred. An-- conas, $11; Rhode Isiand Reds and Barred Plymouth Rocks, $1%; Bufft Or-- FOR SALE--Four Holstein heifers, 10 months old,; in good growing condi-- tion; T. B. tested. +Call at Blatcaford Rrperimw*,l Farm, cor, Beach and en dh ns -- Livestock For Sale {u"m. lil'&fl. ua':o a month. Foxr Lake 1185. ' ~ _ aA0 U lai ioiien Hhaee in " 4E FOR RENT--Ong 8 room house and one I. room house. Garage with each.: Kennedy Bros., Milwaukee Ave. FOR RENT--A six room house in Oak-- wood Terrace; hot water heat. Tel-- ephone 579. # 44 i modearn. : Within' walking distance of good school and:--town. Chas. G. Brain-- erd, Round Lake, IIL 44 2t WANTED--Experienced farm hand; 'home and want profitable apa&re time work, -- Write. (enclose-- stam») \to the EStyleplus Dress Company, Amasterdam, MANAGER--For Libertyxille branch mariuou, ,a0L UVII GJQ JOniq V p small family; good tenant house, with electric'lights, furnpace heat, etc. Milk, garden and share in poultry. Good salary or share, and increase in salary :'3-. interest. All outbuildings MONEY TO LOAN--We hare a eon-- siderable amount of ansecial furds to loar on improved farm oer city prop effice; no experience necessafy; $250 cash bond required; $300 up per month, Manufacturer, 1266 T tation Bidg., Chicago. nfl THE INDEPENDENT--ONLY $1.50 A YEAR, DELIVERED To YOU DOOK ANQ NO CHARGE FOR DELIVRRY MAN WANTED--To help around gar * den.--. Appoly --to gardener on David Adler Estate. Phone 509. 42 tt Female Help Wanted Male Help W anted Mo.oy To wao can do plain sewing at YOURbopumdonihopumboudfight together. We are pioneers, and most of you are pioneers too. We have prospered with you, and we have gone through hard times with you. And never do we forget that your success in profitably--selling your produce is the only thing that can insure our, success in transporting it to market regfiularly. f * There are thousands of miles of plains, of ragged mountains, of pathless forests that must be traversed to reach the commission houses of the great cities, the docks where ships set forth on their voyages to foreign shores, the elevators and warehouses, before your produce reaches its destination. c d -- power of control. a ; Isn't it true your greatest anxiety is over once the stuff is safely on the train? When you turn homeward with empty wagon or empty truck, don't you breathe much easier, with a great weight lifted from your shoulders? Then comes our responsibility ! o Don't think for a nnumx.t this railway is just an endless chain without thought or feeling! There are 60,000 workers moving your produce and that 'of m neighbor onward to market. Night and in rain or snow, in darkness and hflg'm roll.on to market. Day after day, , haiting for no obstacle that man may fie, the procession goes on to market. East to W and West to East--Northward and Southward--the caravan rolls on, unwearied, carrying the nation's food to market. . Without the railway, the great cities would die." Without the railway, the cultivated plains : would once more become wilderness. And with-- out the faith you have in the "Milwaukee" and the faith we have.--in you too, this would soon become an empty trail. For the success of both your. produce goes to market! _ There are 'a thousand difficulti@® to be met and passed in safety--storm, flood, blizzard, cold; raging hurticane and . suffocating heat, Night and dnyrin r daylight, the grai may , the ; East to W and and Southward--th of us depends upon co--operation. over which man has seemingly no 42 3t 44 1t FOR SALE--A new 6 room house, tile State Of Illinois, pursuant to law. D. R. MANZER, Cashier. . bath, two car garage; best location; |STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF LAKE, ss: j V hot water heat..... one bed room on first Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of October, 1926. ' fidor. Lot has 90 ft. frontage. $14,000. (Sea!) -- HARRIET M. BALLENGER,. °/ FOR SALE--5 : ngal ' Notary Public. ---- ;4 room * -- One car garage. Price $11,000. ~| pe en en metedtionteneneemmmm omm menmeoommmmmmemmmemem ( . FOR SALE--Entirely modern, 7 reom, big fire place, breakfast nook, tile bath, etc. : Price $12,000. | k Phone 451. FOR SALE--Large, . restricted . home-- 'sites in Gunnyside Park, at prices of $1000, $1100 and $1200. All improve-- ments in J want every Libertyville titizen to motor through Sunnyside Park and see for themselves the won-- derful opportunities. presented. YOU WILL SAVE MONEY IF YOU . Real Estate Loans. and Insurance 201 South Mitwaukee Ave. _ . Phone 469 Libertyvilie, 'I!!. age ff'--..a'"Tm':"','.'m."' > live. delivery. CTéfAIAke _V A2006 . & i Je Ob O VA1450 APUALLLL Prompt shipments. Order from this ad. Logated at Lake Villa, State of I!linois, at the close of heds &n' the Acme Farms, Decatur, L. Iml:hlthm'oIMIM'uMoto the Auditor of hblm'fg. in *n ie omcs me=--s Lthe State of ITllinois, pursuant to law. . _ i 1. Loans on Real Eesta , £. Loans on Collateral , tflcud \ {. Othnlwa)(lc) = FOR SALE--Large, .res -- home-- Overdrafts Wcmuttrix sites in Sunnyside Park, at prices ! 6. U. §. Government in of $1000, $1100 and $1200. All improve-- ; 6. m'n'mhudsu ments in .I want every L!bertyvfllol'.'. House,-- Futi titizen to motor through Sunnyside| $, Due from Banks, Ca: MHow are You Fixed for Good Insur-- ance, We Write all Lines in Good, Rellable Stock Companiss. Bankers, Trust Companies,' Cor-- porations and investors j Sellers and Petersen © one 451. * Libertyyille, !!! MORTGAGE LOANS Detrolit Life Bidg. DETRO!IT, MICHIGAN Address Loan Dept. BUY THIS FALL. h o hoii wgc®: s; m" 1, D. R. Manzer, Cashier of the Lake Villa Trust & Savings Bank, do sol-- __--.._.. ! emnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief,.and that the items and amounts showh above correspond..with the items m -- and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, < |fJ LAKE COUNTY INSURANCE AGENCY _|fF* _ * Expert Insurance Engineers l' MASON & WHITLOCK YOU GET YOUR MONEY'S WORTH WHEN YOU SUBSCRIBE FOR THE. INDEPENDENT! 10. 12. 18. P IVOFOTRIUB AB) ~aumccmmemmescsensmmemmsemasmoananenenmenmsimemmmmcsnnenetinenenscencencenssencense 45.87 U. 8. Government Investments (3)..........___________________ _ 16,100.00 ml'fll'l;fl Becurities (4).............................................._-- 26,600.00 ml"lhmue Cnd:¥Fixtures (6).........._._...\....... 16,034.71 Due from Banks, Cash and Other Cash Resources (7, 8, 9)--_._ _ 35.549.09 Customers Liability under letters of credit (10).____________. 118.00 INEY HEOHOMTOOGK ALL ) .. .. .......... ... . ... .cuunh EEEATEG reerrny s rowiros mouer terarl oar vorvety in rawent on o vomwae 82.78 muvlius {%) ........_........ Undivided Profits (Net) (3) 'Timé Deposits (42) ... Demand Deposits (4b) ... Dividends Unpaid (5) ____ Capital Stock (1) Other Lisbilities (10) Loans on Real Estate (1a) Loans on Collateral Securi Other Loans (1¢) ... IT'S DEPENDABLE because is has stood the set of time. Under every g:x;ceiv,able condition has our Lum-- er been used and in every instance has the report been a favorable one. For that reason, builders everywaere come to W. F. Franzen, Jr., for their ces 188 Esast Cook Avenue Telephone 50 LIBER "LET US BLOT OUT YOUR INSURANCE TROUBLES® ' «We Settle Claims At Once" ° Copeland Manor Sales<Organization o + *' Y¥ou Mubt Come Over to See this | ***COLONIAL HOME > ~ > * Copeland Miahot North _ _ Open For Inspection All Day Sunday . -- W. F. Franzen, Jr. Seven fine large rooms, including large living trance hall with coat closet, dining room, kitchen, breakfast'nook, first floor lavatory and toilet, and four fine bedrooms, bath with shower and Sherman tub, Fine 65 ft. lot. Ready to move into at only $12,000.00. + Cor. Rockland Rd. and Milwaukee Ave. 4 n l ll il 'll m % . -- TELEPHONE 2272 . j« /'*~. * YQ4 Belvidere Street ILLINOI8 x6X 38 Becurity (1b) RESOURCES LIABILITIES 4, 1926. hy rareyr * _ 25,000.00 _ 6,000.00 , _ _ ©331.47 100012594 0 97.754.9 $241,0902.33 $241,902.33 62,600.00 8,910.00 81.861.88 _|| Stoves and Ranges | 188.42 4 'Schanck Hardware Co. i ' COMBINATION RKANGES AXCORRECT HEATING AND VENTILATION are absolutely essential to good health. --And what could be be more important? Colds and other serious respiratory diseases are the result of uneven temperatur>s and impure air, or air which is lacking in moisture . Physicians and scientists agree that the ideal atmospheric condition for the home in winter consists in: An even, constant temperature: the correct percentage of 'humidity; air k2>pt fresh®by continual circu-- lation; freedom from dust, poisonous gases and soot; air kept Credi by continual circulation. The guiding principle ip the designing and manufacturing of the Pre-- mier Heating Syst=m was to attain health comfort, economy and dura-- bility without unusual expense being involved by the purchaser. How-- ever, to accomplish our principle, we in no way lost sight of the ad vantages that could 'be built into a new hzating construction, that would bring it up to a modern standard, and therefore the Premior Heating System is submitted, with exclusive improvements and f2a-- en With ciperionee, 200 ppiommiug Anowiedge in Setcace of nonttne men with' and possessing know in science The Premier is the hewest, most modern heating system to be found on the American-- market today. While health and comfort are of the ut-- most importance, there is the natural tendency to think of price when considering the installation of a heater. 'The Premier is fairly priced, but of cours> tiere are cheaper heaters. But which is better, to buy a furnace solely on the basis of price, and then have the expense of replacing rusted or cracked parts nearly every year, or to buy a Pro-- mier Heating System, and get continuous, satisfactory service with no maintengnce expens>? f Besides, you will save enough in coal the first season to make up the difference in price betw=een a Premier and some ordinary heater; Come to our store and let us enumerate the many exclusive features-- why a Premi=sr Heater saves coal, why it will last a generation, and why it is an unfailing source of Healthy, Humid Heat Phone 154--M FARM AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTT Phoene 41 Lake Znrich, Hlimeis Telephone 17 'Chas. D. Proctor AUG. FROELICH Telephone 39 -- -- FRANK H. EGER WARM AIR HEATER -- _' Insurance of all kinds _ HEATROLA HEATERS A Good Stock Priced Right HOT BEAST OAK STOVES _ GAS RANGES ul VECTO HEATERS $ 506 North Mitwaukee Avenue COAL RANGES pArm LIBERTYYVLE "*¥%