CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 25 Nov 1926, p. 10

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~_ Lnte County Independent --» -- Waukegan ww& gfl)hn it is recorded, in _3051, while<he speaks of the Ore gon <and : California gold fever, that "Auld to this, say six dollays for board, and thus for $61.50 or about Carrging > timibers to ~ground .50 Coo --1t. «tudding, 4 in.sq..... . 6.00 200 do scantling ............ 200 400 'do oak sheeting for root 4.:00 2000 Black walnut shingles 1000 our labor--we got up a pretty com-- modions building. Etill it was only a shell and on the approach of win-- ter required to be lathed and plas tered inslide which cost $15 more." '-?mhu.:dmfi Yyear mm artival liffols, ~ 'The book is apparently the cago papers are willing that he do so and--commend him for it | 4" lmwk accident. Bom,thémmmksflmmuqepfimmlr.m --------------------------------- contributing of his own money for the election to the U\ S:>~Senate| that umupin most are now -- on of a man who was strictly in accord 'withMr. Insull's own .ideas in 'h::;o'::"-"m_wmmr 1ch 'we the matter of opposing the World Court. In other words it is all| . ",_ Fug." * right and fair for Mr. Insull to help erect the huge grand opera house| ,,, ,,, I:d:'n wmeditine man, 16 in Chicage--but it is not all right for him to help--elect a U. S: SenatOr | speak «in the language of today, told who, in Washington would carry out the same kind of ideas with|bim to churk out hte jellies and reference to embroiling the United States in affairs abroad that he|Jams and 'spiced foods, to. eat po-- himself (Insull) might have. tatoes --and meat andlive: on }"}:m T stuff d they'd all be well. y Apparmdy, cording to the Chicago Tribune it all depends m:. 'n:ln wer: healthy .and hww.e unian nna's 'ifl-&t_d unon which side oaf the manntain anaAhan.| -- Perhaps the old Indinnomedicine Apparently, according to the Chicago Tribune it all depends upon oné's fia&tnflm\vhich side of the mountain one hap-- pens to be looking down. -- Directly and indirectly Mr¢. Insull has been praised for . his foresight and willingness to help put over what is to be termed "the finest grand opera house in the world." j = Of course if this is done it will mean that Mr. Insull will have to contribute generously for its promotion, and apparently the Chi-- The Chicago papers during the past few days have 'been paying considerable tribute to Samuel Insull, who, as chief of the Civic Opera Company «of Chicago, has been taking steps for the construc-- tion of the world's greatest opera palace in Chicageo, to be the--new home of the :Civic Opera Company of that city. ? dd&m"m"h'md'w&" a good=record and shows that 'he--applied himself in-- a «Aeternsi way to the important responsibilities of the .office. Crimes--du his term of office were numerous, due to changed conditions and sheriff* displayed keen ability in solving them as--the records prove. Mr. Ahistrom has made good as sheriff, > "UNCROSS THEIR FINGERS > agevel eSmin J SCiuo Iup t * iD @asuauil, i 11 4 Ssu0o, AVan s qiA any VBo VLGC? the Pottawatomies-- were all SWED'| in~ probtem : * |banks, Industries and important busi--| which is to be a big surprise. ols o svout 1823. One ay NAUSU | -- Will copnty--cirenit--court 4s enga@--| ness interests of Waukegan. Public| Santa, Deer.and Band Visit Stores A--choo--ma .came to the Murphy --bOm®, | og io the trial of 'six persons«Chargec |spirited citisens: are most onthusiag| Following the street parade which looked at the family feast awith-- murder and from -- present | tic sabout the «pageant and are doing | is' to cover all: Waukegan and whith for about ten minutes and tBeR] ingications the tru'!h:v'm not : be-- con--| thair whare--to swell the fund neces--|| will continue from 10:00 oclock until broke out: -- cluded: before the commencement .O0f| sary io cover the expense. . | 1400 --Santa Ciaus with 'his reindeer,; " white man, have you been sick?" | ho :cireuit court, which convenes on' Congratulate the Waukegan un _ |and band will personaly: call upon the "¥es, wery. : the thirdMonday in --November. The Waukegan Sun 'has been re--| merchants 'holding Benior member-- "Have your .children <been sick*"|" To-- the questions asked~ reiving the congratulations :of many--| ships in .the . Waukegan 'Eun:Mer-- _ «Yes, we havre all been very \bDA4:"| the statement of 'the --case dnterested : business men : and --civic|clants' Santa Claus club from one-- . _ 'ne .white man .complains--I€'| gave the following--procedure:as.prop--|leaders for 'the initiative taken to|thirty until --nine o'clock in the eve-- him blamehimselt." '| ar. f t -- II bring <'this : mpoctacular ;pageant to|ning. :To those holding Junior mem-- ~'"How so% True I?r you.. 1 have| : The present :September 'term | of| Waukegan.~ jublic mervant 4s al--| berships 'the 'Eskimo and dog team wrought hard since I came west and | court .ghould he held --open and -- mum:.mmmm,w will call 'between the same hours. I know that the might ~dews @nd--| ginued until\ithe verdict ds *-zumm by: :vthauu»m of December®8, are hurtful; but what could I 40%" ;|.on ~and 'that --all wecords in ; of Adizantages. ~With the 'aid|echoes of happy voices of the latges. heart. He works hard tfor his squaw that regular / is -- business men--and p Watch--the Waukegan Sun for more and children. --The Great Spirit sees | be convened for the _ 8 rited: citizens o fthis> city it is~U@efails about this Community Christ-- it and is pleased, But the things business other than criminal sas. {hoped to make this Christmas celebra-- mas celébration. bf meats, ples, butter without stint, fate®and greases and gravies. Tables: to the story of. Patrick--~Murphy ~anad Naugh--awchoo ma, medicine man --of *& Rjalmar: Rehn, .state's: attorney| Membership in the Waukegan Sun, Soliet, has ~written:.Attorney ~General Wu Clans> club are be-- ©ecar Catistrom to gsettle 'the 'ling ' subscribed ~to by merchants, ing problem : f _. | banks, industries and--important busi-- "Will copnty--cirenit court is engag--| ness intereats of Waukegan.. Public ed in thetrial of 'six persons «chargec | spirited citizens< are most enthusias-- awith-- murder W from -- present | tic sabout 'the <pageant and are «doing. dndications the . will not be con--| thair whare--to swall the fund neces| cluded: before the commencement .0f | sary to cover the expense. c3 the 'cireuit court, which convenes on'| : Congratulate the Waukegan un : did, and were healthy ..and 'happy. Perhaps the old Indian ~medicine men knew their onions <préetty well after all. Naugh--a--chooma's ~advice will cost you nothing and ~save: ex-- penses if you want 'to try 4t. © Mrs. men knew their onions <prétty well after all. Naugh--a--chooma's --advice will cost you nothing and ~save: ex-- penses if you want 'to try 4t. © Mrs. Murphy, it is recorded, smoked: a corncob 'pipe 'with a clay. stem. him--most are now -- onu| than being. anil ---------------- ther t h ' : Jt is --recalled." Potsz. was--corvicted : '""'-""rMJuh;m.u lacgh--a--choo--ma; tell me rrevs ds t in in terms=of any one:--nation or clime: Neither scan the> Waukegan Sun--Mer-- In Tact, a man--who Sat in the court house the day Potz was about to hang declared that he saw=one of the other occupants of the car sitting .in the court room watching Intently the pro-- "It was my 'belief this--man Jooked so pale and:-- ghastly that--the minute However, the other two men testi-- fHied that he 'ftizred the shot and on the str%thut he waes convicted.: Apparently© Governor and --others never were satisfied that Potz «actual-- ly fired the shot. which --causced--him --to A4eel--FPotsz was that he could not.possibly have .shot from the front seat through the back window--and brought down his man. shot by a rifla --held b»# somebody in the car whichheswaes clhasing. Potz's defeéense was that he was--drunk and the victin. of . circumstances rather the parole--.board 4s=one--of --the 'best, behaved wthuien.sin.. Joliet. He.--never gives .the--wardensor.» hisassistants. the--rulcsa--of :the prison: in every> re< --_ According to reports from Joliet Egnatz Potz, the Waukegan man ment to prison in connection with the Win-- throp Harbor killing and whose ap-- plication for a«parole. is now before Best iBehaved An Prison. + SCENE RECALLED Among the ESpaced out 'at certain :intervals ~will dn --mative -- costumé~and--fury;-- Then: at ~--Other intervails--with local .mer-- chants' Santa Claus club. from one-- thirty until --nine «o'clock in the eve ning. To those holding Junior mem-- berships 'the 'Eskimo and dog team will --call 'between the same hours, :vfl. entire day of December®8, be ~filled ~with music apd the echoes of happy voices of the larges crawd this: city chas ~ever <known. i * Watch--the Waukegan Sun for more three bears, the old 'woman who lived in a shoe, Noah's ark and 'one other which is to be a big surprise Santa, 'Deer .and:Band Visit Stores is' to cover all Waukegan and whith will continue from 10:00 o¢lock until 12:90. Santa Ciaus with his 'reindeer; All civic and: municipal bodies will be invited\to <participate in helping:to make the perade a memorgable gvent. SBanta Ciaus, Deer to Leead ~-- Theparade --will be-- led #7y Santa: Clausin 'his «sleigh laden -- with--toys and <presents~for Waukegan girls and boys. (The sleighwill 'be drawn ny six 'live reindeer and will 'be--followed: by & TRAIN KAiLLS~MOTORIEST Logansport,; ind.. Nov| 28.--Cecil Clary, 17, son of Mr»> and Mrs. Ar-- thur Clary, was tllled instantly to-- day at Lucerne, north 0f: here, when his --~automobile was chit by --a Penun-- sylvania Railroad ~pagssenger train. * In.the letter to Col. Smith he étaied; fhat the--matter of repairng broken: gates had been taken up i2 the proper. department and the work would be: done. (The Rondout gares, those par--' ticularly ecomplained -- against,, have; been 'fixed. » "I might add,"--he wrote, "that my | observations during the last cyear have been thatour forces hare baen kept pretty busy repairing gates: which have 'been run through by mo-- torists who were willing to take a chance." Col. Smith--was spurred. into action atter eeveral accidents on .gratie cross-- ings-- had <been made to him in,. the form --of a formal complaint of res-- ldents otf the county. . _ REPMRS HAVE BEEN MADE cidents, C. S.--Jéefferson, general coun-- se} for the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad, Friday replied to States Attormey A. V. Smith who had re-- quest that broken sgaies through the county be repaired. i '1, Indicating;--plainly that if the mo-- toristo:of the --county would stop push-- ing:trains about the track that there would be less broken gates and ac Road Attorney --Assures Colonel M en mR ies qo 1 ds ie wl Oc _5: CS io en tiege: -- i) 07 'M&'fmm amdathg ing to tell=to prevent it. : But, the hanging was 'halted and the4other occupant of the car who I expected to say some-- A#hing, kept mum, I never thought Pots was guilty.," ; Reporters 'who «covered the. case @iso felt that Potz could not have firedv~the shot which killed the off} cer. & Smith tte AWill Have iGates Fixed: Raps Auto Drivers. BY ST. PAUL FOR -- BEOKEN GATES es 9k .. --Good: nature generally ~pays divl-- °==========:..-.=== ¥fiends in' good health.--Boston mh'fllfih STOLE: CHICKENS, CHARGE «~---- Danville, Nov. £5.--Wilbur Martin, alias J. A. Anderson, awaiting trial on a chickentheft charge, was de-- clared today> by --police to be wanted at Valparaiso, Ind.; for allegedly--as They are <safé from the fangs of the--court for this reason 'but by the #ame--virtue they are leaner of: pock-- isting in m jail delivery nine monthsé amouunt --of pain--to him each month it would. be=unfair to bring Lis name before the public again. * 'The 'biggest--monthly alimony pdid is $175. This gentleman is a local manufacturer .and 'he pays promptly. ' 'These 28 exfighters pay the clerk because their state of marital af-- fairs, at 'the-- time of the "explosion" was so great that some third person: had=to--handle the financing of the disrupted ;household. ~Besides 'thege there are other ex-- gladiators who. pay and pay and pay but they do it directly to the wife and the little black book shows no --entry of <their burden. ' '~--From -- all appearances there . are manyfar :in-- arrears,, which-- means that --citations will 'be. falling some Of these days. Others ate punctual. There are 20 to 24 such payments listed after 'his name. < Because guch but it means m citation for contempt of eourt, which is a legal announce ment that jail or coin of the reaim mlone will ; satisfty. -- ~With «the .paszsing --of--every 30 days there aro 28 exthusbands who march itheir <families. The cadets and: mid-- shipmen ~--will not be allowed to es-- cert: any --of the 681 official guests i0 their homes after the dance. Number of Marital «"Wreoks" Pay the "Instaliments" to J. R, McKnight, and Miss Virginia Wilder and= Wm. F. McKer. f Others invited been selecisd by the nriddies ant; Cadets from., Annapoliz, and West Point themseives, and these young: women will be invited in letters sent out by the --official Chicago commit-- Girlis from Highland Park who will attend and their escorts are listed as follows: Miss Marie Bletch and Robert.!. Flavel; Miss A. .R. Hecker and-- J. R. Blenpchard; Miss C. B. Hecke® and--W. C. Specht; Miss F. L. Hecker and H. R. Paige; Miss Jane Hambletin and C. B. Taylor, Miss Evelyn B. Kennedy and Fritz Glenn Jr., and Miss Nancy Smith end W. --B. Conn. E ~ FifteenAake counrty girls, two from Waukegan, seven ijrom -- Highland Park and four from lLake Forest will be: among the.1,000 young wo-- The two Waukegan girls and their escorts who-- will} attend the dGinner hop are Miss Martha Osgood, who will go: as the guest of John Kent, and Mizs Mirjane Strong, who will be (present as the guest of John men from All sections of the United States selected to be the guests of the Middies and Cadets in the din-- ner dance--«at the-- Drake hotel on <the eve --of the big --.Army and -- Navy --foot-- ball game in Chicaego on Saturday. IAst of the fortunate 1,000 young women was made public by commit-- toes yesterday. The girls who will be guests at the colorfui affair bave 'DANCE AT DRAKE FRIDAY Two Waukegan, Seven High-- land Pk. and Four Lk. For-- est Girls Selected. CRLS TO--ATIEND ARMY--NAVY BALL <ab THESE [ ~ wmnmempiict MAN, AGED 126, DIES Belfast, Nov. 23.----William 81 who claimed to be 126 yeare --old, Clied in his tiny cabin at Orow County Down.-- Smith claimeds> longevity was due to the mode use of stimulants. erage production of 42,3 pounds bnm:::rl.lumfiorfl- their C f Moultrie took the county houg by placing {four of the ten best p Aucing herds> for the month. H4 cock sounty furnished two of t rounded out the month with Moultric, -- Shelby, Ford, Verm 'Woodford, and Henry counties, Libertyviliec Cow Wins Producing 81.2 pounds of & fat and only 112 pounds less «J ton of milk during the month a bred :Brown Swiss cow in the dlairy cows that are hbeing ~put= test in the 31 dairy herd Amps# ment massociations of the state, it announsed by C. S. Rhode, dairy 4 ie agl's will be given information will enable them to go hemé mix up a <balanced feed for their of agricuiture, University ~of U will hold in 45 countles of the The--series of schools is just £ under way, under ~direction~ S. Rhode, dairy extension spei One of the features of the--® will be <~the work on 'balanc ration for dairy cows.-- The is Urbana, liks Nov. 24. --Hundreg Illino's farmers, armed with-- p€ and paper, so that they cfn notes and work out their owR»> vidual problems, will attend~ dairy cattle feeding schools,--wi the --extension service of the --@--ol ces Nearly Ton of Milk--4in a Single Month. a LEAD OVER 14,000 sented the following week. Thz be no Wedncosday matines th» but a Thanksgiving cey mainree stead. If you want to jaugh uuitil >ya Gides ache (le writer advices ypPW see this production, '"'The Stventi Heaven," a *42 M York and Chicago success is the $3 DCXt week, while "Alias Th Donca Honors for the best p Principal comedy honors &re--sBare by Oscar O'Shca, "Bill" Julerand Jat Collins. Jack --Ciarke also eppzsared + eplendid advantcce. So frr as thet i concerned every member--of.thie cas is entitled to {cvorable moentio® Much eredit ciso goes to T40 Dcepi: art direcior.' No finer scenic ©&oct have been cesz hore in montbs; -- _ l-tgt'tt:: Majestic Theate;y Sum and : by the @Miusifcti> req tion it recgisyed it is asgured of ar geedingly curco--sful week. Neth funnier €ver h--s teen seen ai 1i> .6 theater. Owen Davis' greoat comedy M: h' Go," thQ 'hy ol a and laugts, opened a week's' ~MNEXT WEEK _ in vill dA#

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