S l CHOICE OF 100% FILLED HARD CANDY, ASSORTED _R ~CHOCOLATES AND MANY OTHER KINDS. Values to 60c lb. _ The story of an accident that hap _fi in Deertield September 1924, impressed a jury in the court of J. J. Gregory, Milwaukee, --last iday that he awarded the plaintiff 4 more than he had asked in -- _A. A. Vordnik, a Milwaukee man, 2 sued John Conguilla for $10,009 for injuries that he said he. received Iin this collision but after he had put hoon o ectend tm oc mave -- ey »gave -- ASKED BUT JORY . |---- * | --, 100 _ ----GRANTS $11,000):.."** eycle while Conguilla, a construction mbnwwdflviunn- tomobile. -- In erash his arm and * CHO&O':WSM lilwaukee Man Impresses Jury With Story of Accident Two * Years Ago at Deertield. UGrama of the Great Northwest-- the vast wildernsees where a bui-- lot is Judge and~ jury and love is enly to the strong. A story of. strong men--brave Tuesday, De¢ember 21 James Oliver Curwood's mighty w'nmm with® Antonio Morene and ---- Xmas Is Not Far Air "LOVE 18 ONLY TO THE No. 2 Can DelMonte Peaches f Tall Cans DelMonte Pears 2 1--2 Can DelMonte Spinach . -- | <-- 20G Tall Can DelMonte Pineapple $ Tall Can DelMonte Asparagus _ lg No. 2 Can Hart Sifted Peas f No. 2 Can Sliced Pineapple + 605 N. Milwaukee Avenue EGGS! EGGS! EGGS! LARGE--CEA® Dozen 35¢ chkMantio SATURDA Y :-------- 19c ------ Canned Food | SPECIALS FRIDAY: AUDITORIUM A REGQGINALD BARKER PRODUCTION * ¥Bcs at less than 1c a pound profit ce--and thrilling CANDY SPECIALS --LC, PE IW%PIWWI, Pliudad & IA 4A LaLlZ S | MISS ANNIE DUFFY PASSES AWAY _ATES AND MANY OTHER KINDS. Values to 60c Ib. _ [| M Ammo Dutty daushter.ot Mrs. + & [ A | Deerfield avenue, Tuesday night, Dec. + Chce & T, at 11 o'clock, after a prolonged iH-- er lb 19(: w '[f| "Annio was born in Deertleld Feb. , Schools, Lodg.es, or Orgamzahom of' any Kind, buying -- % Tow Sokico, with '\' ';.r'_'f k Candy n QMU. Take Notice ' i . %'mn of &ofi% 3 tix lA :<5f * °C . a t : m * @ i 'fi m--'!'o. m" s ": t riding a motor-- o ce ce e L BABY DOLL WOR SOLD DIRECT TO YOU The Presbyterian church is.hard at work on the beautiful Christmas serv-- ite given there each year.. The date this 'year will be or, Sunday, Dec. 19, at § p. m. The Story of the Birth of Christ, in 'tableaur and beautiful na-- tivity music will be given. The public is cordially invited. f 6t. Paul's Lades' Aid Society elect-- ed the following officers at the annual meeting Of the organization: Pres m-u:r-.&muwmm ident, Mrs.>Fred ; secre-- | . Mrs. William B. Carr and grandsons (Jimmie and Billie Olendorf, attended the children's Christmas party given by the Woman's Club of Libertyville ® . and Mrs. Frank W. Russo at-- . Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Russo at-- tended a theatre party in Chicago Fri-- Mr. and Mro. Edwin K. WiHiams are to leave this week for the artists' col-- ony at Nashville, Brown county, Ind., where they will ba located for some time in furtherancé of Mr. Williams' mcrwe;mmthg. Both Mr. and .dnutolhufi"nd ac-- | quaintances and they will be missed An excellent program is arranged for the opening of the new -- school r10oms of Deerfleld gran mar schaol on . Baturday evening, Dec. 18. It will be Charles G. W'b in Pueblo, Col., looking after his oil interests Wilmot Progressive club held a very bleasant meeting at the home of Mrs. George Harder Wednesday afternoon. Mrs.. Henry Smith was hostess to La Petite Societe Tuexgday evening, at her home in Eveanston. = Mrs, A. J. Johnston/ was haostess to a party of friends at her home in Os-- -- Miss %illlan Saitenberg, Osterman Ave,, was bostess at a meeting of the officers and teachers of St.--Paul's S. Mre: Rev.. H. 'W. Prince, rector of the o on aoe o mfi!'"" Bunday um:'nwcmvb, o .. Dec. 1%,; Deertield -- school closes for a two weeks' vacation. This period comesw early this year, giving teachers and pupils time to prepare and. enjoy the Christmas holiday sea-- NEWS FROM DEERFIELD®-- FRIDAY, SATURDAY DECEMBER 17 and 18 Je a¢ gv' gf <-- 29G Yalue 195. gin at 6:80 o'clock. ~At 7:30 a program a eooaemopimien o Es ie . card vfa';:l. Many beautitul. prizes will be <awarded at bridge, five. hun-- b::ldm' tdmblhl fllll'm" 9m _ € ren, . e -- Mrs, Gooyuoq Pettis --and Mr. and Mrs.. Edwin Johnson and family visit-- ed the Swan~--Johnson family at Half Day Sunday afternoon. Mrs.: William« Haggie entertained: a number of friends at her home on Grand avenue Tuesday afternoon. . Inn,: was>given a birthday party Monday evening. nm :;::rtrlenzvmutuimo r. mother. They many A delicious birthday cake was cut and served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Russo were guests of friends at Austin for Satur The Bridge Club was entertained by Mrs. Reynolds B.° North at hor home in Lake Blyff. i Mr, and Mre, Sam. Alkoter of Liber-- tyville were guests of Mr, and Mrs. 'W:WWMQW ~Mr and Mrs, R. B. Patterson ~were ealled to Chicago Wednesday by the death of Mr. Patterson's ©brother, Thomas Patterson. Misses REmilie and Ida Knaak and Frase," Sheridan, T. Todd and C. Wolf attended the meeting of the~ White HShrine at Lake Forest Friday evening. High Priestness Night was obsgerved. Mrs. Mary KoeBDHn visited her cou»s in, Mrs. Mooreéback, in Wilmettse on Tuesday and Wednesday. * Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Meyer at-- m;mnmmuflc& Anderson in Chicago Saturday Installation of officers of Deerfleld Iodge No. 1110, A. F. & A. M. was held at Masonic Temple Tuesday eve ning, Dec/ 14. The installint officers J. D.. Herman Frost; 8. S8.. Arthur Krieg:; J. 8., Conrad Uchtman; mar Telephone 133--J moif : DEERFIELD GRAMMAR SCHOOL GRADE iPUPILS OPERETTA The overetta, "The Capture of San ta Claus," by 75 pupils of the grammar iehool, under the direction of Mrs. Woads,. teacher of music, was beauti-- fully rendered. The attendance was | go large that it was necessary to give is veudel , :w."_'"-'!, @. mGuGORUTE * followed -- installation «ceremonies.. . A large crowd of members of the order and <their friends wére present. offering boxes at this time. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur: Merner and children visited relatives on the south side of Chicago Sunday. a *Miss Helen Shaw, pastor's assistant to Rev.-- John Timothy Stone, of the Foarth . Presbyterian church of Chi-- cago was the guest of Miss Frances Loy last Bunday. and 'play about, Tinally capturing old Banta Claus, so that the children may see him. <The cast of characters. Santa Claus, Dubby Peterson; Doll, Katherine Hoftman;> Teddy Bear, Ed-- Mrs. Roy Williams has been on the sick lst this weoek. Fifteen members of the Women's Auxiltary to the American Legion of Deerfield post, were present at the h owernt io. Frauk Spoote J . Nok home of Mrs. Frank Ir.. Mrs. George Jacobs and--Mrs. F. Jacobs, 8tr., assisted the hostess. > Klection--of the officers. for the coming year was held. The following ladies were chosen: President, Mrs. Harry Whitcomb; Mrs. Harry Mau. . " y Richard <Kress left Tuesday morn-- ing on a business trip to Detroit. =~© The new pumping station for the v¥illage water supply is now completed and the pumps at work. The added water supply is much appreciated by Deerfield consumers. f * the program twice in order that all might have the opportunity to see and hear it.. The performance was given Friday afternoon at the meeting of the son, 'Alice Eads, Mary Jane Galloway, Jean Pettis, Doris Hunter, Dorothy Meéyers, Jean Taylor. * -- ~Bells--Olive Frantz, Mary Hofftman, Ruth Johnson -- Laura Neargardner, Virginia Farner, Ariene Gastfield, Bhirley, Clark, Eleanor Bruggman, "atherine: Cunningham, and Florence Brownie Police~--William -- Hansen, Inwin Pasch and Ernest Hertel, _ Boldiers--Duncan Reeds,-- : Helmuth Piepenbrok, Neil Brown, Junior Sim-- ons, ~Harold Huhn, Samuel Daniels, Cleon Varner, Edward Cazel, Russell Batt and Donald Clark. f 'A. B, C.'s--Ethel Ott, Marie Dan-- lain, Mrs. Brilce Blaine; -- historian, Mrs, Alex Willman; sargeant at arms, bright, pretty costuming and runs as follows: -- "Twas the -- night before wish to see Santa Claug but go to gleep before he comes. The toys that are on the Christmazs tree come to life treasurer, Mrs. John Farner; chap Merich and Robert Patterson. operetta lends . itself <--so nicely to Ruth Andrews, Margaret Otto, June Gunckel, Walter. Stickler, Fred Seil-- ing., Philip Getty, Edw. Neckville, Jane fn:;;rllannmz: -- Annie was of a The Mission Band of the Bungalow Mrei's Put this store on your Christmas shopping list now and feel perfectly welcome'to drop in at any time be-- ftore --Christmas and "look around." Our large assortment of gifts for ev-- ery member of the family, your sweet-- 'heart, etc., and our reasonable prices will> <~make your visit a -- pleasure. Bchwartsz Furniture Co., 11--13 8. Gen-- esee HBt. Just south of Washington, lo *.' The thief then. went to the basement and obtained a crowbar. With this he broke down an inner door leading into the bakery. F t . of the $20 was obtaimed from the sate that had not been locked. The rest was found in a little drawer of a desk, The thief evidently seemed satisfied that this was the only money, available for he looked no further. Had--he looked in another--drawér of this desk he would have found, accord . ing to the polite, a black leather bag econtaining > $500° in currency.-- Mr. -- "At ten o'clock Saturday night Mr. Taylor heard a little commotion at the rear door of the bakery and when he investigated Lfound the former em-- ploye there. The nmegro made the ex-- cuse that he had called for some old her home in Stanton, Mich, Nov. 30. The deteased was born in the town of Warren, and move8, while young, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Odett, to Stanton, Mich. & Bhe is survived by her husband, a daughter, Oleta, aged 11, and a son, m-.wa.u:g-;m.uu. May C. Behrens, of »Mantica, CalIZ.,, mu the safe when he closed the y. Saturday night. s Suspicion points to a negro who worked at the bakery up to three or four months ago when he was dis-- and four brothers: William, of Madi-- son, Wis., Bert L of Antfoch, Ernest L. of Detroit, Mich., and Clarence L. of Stanton, Mich.. Contributed. nied tth raimains to the last resting place and read the last prayers. In-- terment was in Mooney's cemetery. We wish to thank our many friends for the kindness shown our beloved daughter and sister in lifa as well as EVANGIACAL BUNGALOW CHURCH Kev. R. M. Williams, Pastor \ Sunday School at 9.45 a. m.; morn-- ing worship at 11; Christian Endeavor at 7, and evening service at 8 p. m. -- Saturday evening at 8 o'clock Rev. J. G. Biller will speak, the junior choir of 25 voices will render a number, aft-- er which the reception of members and the Communion service will fol-- offerings and the use of cars. HR _ (Artachments, $5.00 extra) CASH OVERLOOKED .OPr Pm -- . ~ /# South Genesee §t, := Waukegan, I!1. Mrs. Mary Duffy and Family. and you give her a lasting Christmas remembrance and more bours of 'eisure. o Fedelco Cleaner Only$2 )50 §E leat pl e x ?&%'{s 3 19 hi s F "F B * 'é"», ue' _ Beginning February _ . _ f CARD OF THANKS y evening Rev. Williams will onrTuaRy \Mve her a e at :\ & 1e es P 1 C speak, teh musical instruments are an Junior choir ar inspiring program is assured you. Come and add another feature by your presence. An extensive Christmas program has been arranged and 'wil be given Wednesday evening, beginning at 8 o'clock. After an opening number by the congregation, the members of the primary department will render their part of teh program, which will be fol-- lowed by the cantata, "The King of Christmas", given by the junior choir. Plan to meet your friends at the Community Christmas tree. -- Church school at 9.15 a. m. Serv-- ices at 10:15 a. m. -- Friday, Dec. 17, Rev. H. L. Streich, executive gsecretary of~ Evangelical Brotherhoods and Womens Federation, will be at St. Paul's church.© A meet-- S8T. PAUL'S EYVANG. CHURCH Delicious Johnston's Candy is the ideal Christmas token. It is pure--it is delicious--and is put up in at-- tractive Holiday--packages. Johnston's Candy is wholesome--and the variety is large. Here, too, is a great variety of other Candies, such as Bon Bons, Fruit Centers, Pure Cane Sugar, Mixed Hard Candies and Christmas Novelties--for the grownups as well as the kiddies. f Boys' Rocker Skates..................:.......$1.50 ' All sizes of leather straps, each ..........10c¢ 1| Union Hardware 16--in.Racers:.........$8.00 by the help of the AThe ice and snow--covered hills are gust .right for coasting. Gladden that boy or girl with a fine new sled--made to stand ; the hardest kind of use. A HIBBARD GLIDER SLEDS -- _ SIX--FT. HIBBARD COASTERS, $6.75 Skis, per pair.. Phone 17 Girls' Hockey, Nickel Plate, key... Boys' key Skates..........._....._.._...._.. Right now the young folks {and..a few of the older ones) are enjoying the wintry weather, for it brings the fine sport of skating. The skating place at Cook Me-- morial Library has been put in first class and is for the benefit of 'all." . +4 Nestor J,ohiuon Hoékey (sboe};{fi Hibbard Hockey (shoe)................... Candy Is Always a Welcome Gift Frank H. Eger SLEDS FOR COASTING | . » HARDW ARE ing for ladies only Friday afternoon trom 2 to 3 o'clock. In the evening at 7:45, the members and friends of the The choir rehearsal for Friday eve-- ning will be postponed. e s2 Bnnduylttemooaatz.rehe'udd Christmas pageant. All those taking Christmas joy for all.. place of the evening service during Christmas services at this church: ) the cold months of winter. These The--$, S. will render its program uxvmua»odhal.aw Christmas eve. Service will ""begin ly to with little chidren. Bring promptly at 7:30 ». m. An English and the children to the house of the Lord. church are invited to a special meet-- ing.. Let everybody make an earnest effort to attend one or the dther or both of these meetings. i. part are kindly requested to'"have. the neceéssary properties in readiness. -- ¥ Sunday evening the young people thll,chmhwiflgpammng.'lyvm gather at the church promptly.at 6:30. Fred Labahn, Supt. of the Dept., is making preparations to make it a real Christmas joy for all.. Chrhtm.saad'flce- at this church: The--S, S. will render its program The Christmas party for the mothers and children of .the cradle roll will be held at the 8. S. mano(thechureh'nn Wednesday, Dec. 22, at 2 p. m. rg. . AT ES .-...o-o.'.-o1o-----.----o?t.'.-.o-' ¥$4 morning, Dec. 26. B :6 %% Everybody welcome to the Commun-- 31'5 ity Christmas program Thursday eve _' '_ Bunday, Dec. 19. Church school at . 9:30 a m. Adult class at 10. Morning . worship and sermon at 10:45, a'* * 4 Vesper service at 5 p. m.-- At this -- _ service the Christmas story will be . / told "with music and tableaux. You . will be well rewarded in attending. . _ . this service. & Week_nicht service for bible study * and prayer, Wednesday at 7:45. Y¥ * Pastor's class for the study of the , _ catechism, Wednesday at 4 p. m. ------ . --_ With this Sunday we are resuming ' Sunday afternoon vespers to take the FIRST PREBYTRIAN CHURCH & $ Lt a+ 2\ w ts w to 4 *%t #%