r' '"T1""'""Ye'P""t'tr'"_t'e_rito- "aeteo'tthetatt-rttatltttrindimettre-dthitt+ mudm:!flflm'mu.mnhcnfiolc¢.thqan"Wraitmquwinmodurfmflm- ttyetettrtta'mtetrthiretrtto_rr-ieais,q 'totouindtsttrAteltogtttaioti.rttitiea1atratmotthoatimr. ' TtMr-ie-tshirt-tstr-ttl-ai-ttati'; 'tho-tta-editor-thive-lt-ttwho- umwhmwmumm'wuMutanmmusmnonsnmqam "Widthyfidmm'hemmhhm"mmwmwapww oath;thcyni¢ht.byhaviuamnjaay.huputllMQ-midthwmwflchhu-mmwi'd" 'ttleant-thet-st-tseek-UU. him.&olu~h-Whmmmwamfiionyhkhh NumthchanndwfllMUDlClW."unmhmmm-otmfipmuh mmummmmmmm.muv'hm-wmumpwnom mmum,ut htitirtettrrtt-ameettrt,ir 1lhret'ottttNA-.atetterthttetaort'iitt_,i'trtartrr,mtk" Mungtlmwhmuwm~w'um,d§tmmhm1 -. i' "Width-.mlhufipi-guum'mm mumqu-amapuhmwy "dit'flfilME-VMflmmmoumxm. 1tiite-arirttiuutitqt) 333* "'1! trtitiiityrtetqj, 'flllP, $Mtl1, r,'s9:etq.lytiqr.i" "tyiirttr tttit- 'edltthttt'.tr'g,ittstttssttte I""'" -______-.......................:.1......V".Iu.'wu.- ItmtbtheBUN that ithllolonger (use of whatthtt "tn-ttttoe-tdi-dit-tri-ttts. . trarsithwantsiatases. 1hetairnatni?otmneahastseesse.. t """"""T,"""'"'"""'"""""""'"'-"'""" C tio-Ort-tst-het-det-terrant-treuse-nam. FRANK SMITH, tLLttt0lttrmtLmmttt IN YOU. "aeetietmeteattetttiiaetoth-teot t1tinttttorhowast 10th . ttteearaettrttthmrrmtertto--ntriftseininuarttott- DE8PtT'1itrmtMNA'rE _' trrsdeOtresauetori1amaatt_tiogrnentecttgetrnainatua-o,e ThoU.&MbydhplaydehubaflIdmmmmmwwiimomflymtho 1'ht"L"mtttthmsthi-ttinttsetunatewitsmtgi,vtithna anti-Wald Court campaign. TheURtth editor we: saw the chute.vithoutmnthadn¢onthcmeriuordmiudfucuommdmhmnfiqwdmmbficvethu mum. IthubcrdfluASSmtotBEFOREhcbmgmummfidmnflngmbyutwmioeforortomy an. mrtdmtitoaatttoerattttatetion,imrtmdt-tummm. 'ttttre-tOtt-ttttet-_-tte-ttret-tata:' mmmeycmmtmmmpleoimhohmminthhWMQCORPORAflOfimW'amtomy mmmuwwmmutmWopawpim.mum'pquotcmm mummmgmfmpfindpmamhytinthcLm;m.fiphflnulfioudmmhuheni mammfimdmfim:mfimmmWhathehamflooradothuphcu;hmfdt Mnmnthwmm;fiua-uhcon~WMWMfithmmmy tna mmmummmmmtumm«mmmaummdmmm AiePth"-ittotttotreovhtettirstsettsgtnoe-tsrttsottttGi" Tto-nec-tha-ttsort/oe-tattic-ei; nan-ambit - taerttmttttohtt1rtmttfranttheat-htt-getouti-aerete "mi-abutminmhdswdaythuhmho-whom'bMIkotoddutthoWoddCMtudflhrhdn mumdabuMNpmthimc-fln'moath._,BMuopdamtoochapudCobmlSmithnho-flbmdu kaRMIflficd-W.mficmWommwdthtUdudmmhi-mflifl: "Wmmlmmfln--u'dh'duaxm'tthOtMCou-tl'ldmudnfiendiphmacyfi'ommp- i"itruat-tolt"etrtqtett-tttutsgteéueatiud 'ttttetheUotk-9tmtitntitta. _ tt-.eartdidatortrthea+thtm. 'runrtttttrth.tkmsehau 1tuehaniittu,tt-osotaudan1ttimostatuutmttmt "MATMMhnmflAnwwmbmmbthuddntl.l'8m§aMm mxamm'Mo-ggu'bymmam tthtettittiusauroter-t-taitmttietir-atitar van-Ma'fl-q'w-I-dwach-mmummwuwMMMM%m1-. ,"ttttHreiy,attthrhiri-i'Ga, I," mummwmhdummwm ilk-Mlmzfim'MRWWI-Mummwmhu '"tt'ieiirifattitbettree "euahmt-trt-iiribAt-uii_iiki'titriiii'ii, V i _trt_t1t9teiia.iutii-.iette-t-'.tt.ati'ii' "atttri-tt--tatteitndimettreat-ttttigt-. 'rheeditrtratthetRm-itharotqrottte-ermenin Springfield T'httrsdar,atnmtgthas--a1D-emtieeditgte, from down In". EVEN THE DEIOCRATIC EDITORS were 1mtdintheirrrot-instthetreatmentotCotiitttt)rthe thnateattd-t-ftttemsaidtttatittetettenatomedtsim dmmttowandinDeeenttter,tuttu'DJititAvEroemnest intheqteet'areuetuas thatPor1trhtuowamrthateventNr.t,.he De-at-ia-ttet-tet-ur-ina-tmiie';" t_heesre_t'thoinayteitr.ittsthttitttmt"erenttttarrmvaii. 'hseutttemrmaeudautsmithwouidnstt-teuautea 'naioHtroftta1fraaBoetmttetootne-dam-tverttsewim ist-tttlo-troi-dit-tstu'-.. . "Ther-re-ttrig-theat-andthe-tand tuttigtdritrLgimittu"aaid-ueotatr.Bmatt'se-thse-tir. Str. 'qhrderth-tfttttkaMthrUnitedStata.ttoenatehaot, 'iahttomhmetheoathtothnrth.aithoiithasroqmrtodoi. "'rumuno-itotheih-neCmtrt-oturtteirto 'riewtuaetitmetrthothnate.,'rueie,-i.h-.ants 'ateitssthereFtShttiCtt1.,thrtittteanetrtetttsere_tAantt "narror-tatiutittaatttterru-anaareeieetsrteoti. cum ",etie"thath-idttem-noanimedanetre-etrd tsrthetti-tmttesinth.ehistrterofthestat= Gor.Sma1trerttntbt, 'i1ttsuiotstuGteAeeuriLt-mitttornosodr'. Andthe reoptewil1sttrMrttatetthimtqr." . SAYS SENATE SANE To .LOWEST ' Wonk! Miititt infer that HE SHOULD BETH! MAN when: , 1httttettm1"etrdtowuaetmttrttttitu-wrt Would ' INTELLECTUAL DEPTHS _ . bohitndli trrthea, "who. 1htrtknithwithtutt Oneofthemootbfid,butmostforcefuldductioacprintedinMWfimthcmmlethitindumm mmonColkaLSmith'lgmcioutrungntby-dn fPPrHstrfrrtPt,tyttti-ateitutsirnt Ina-mm v.3.SaateappmophthW-hinzton_(D-C-)MdJanuary st, thteheui"haiidtyetiirer"tuaeieoitocmittaUraueiit "rittenttroeortrertotttre1tBrm-erentte_ "mu""irrrtatomtetothimt-ts-tra-tutiiieil "Cmtvietrdttrattmrananemmatttteeandtheterritge ammm'bom. ' q "taho,FrukL. "ithtmtatrut.U-ttmeedtese. ' 'tosab"rlreirk,rmri-staoaatosesaatat-ttur, V mum%mmmmm !ri1ertrar!mximeted-sie_ti-tdu,oGig- ' to'whichitham Aftartttets-tirrgrexsktar%n t-tttlathtetxrrta.iwtsrretd. It-tdt-tni-ttee _ 'Pd1teett%dtartsde--oesn'taareuerrttsei.. irrPtu"stt'mtereortot-at--o-uiisi ,ioeamttmhehir-ttut-U. - [ 'ffP'f.tyteSy1ereiiituturbiiteitrrx.tuitmaereGii, _ " . IPM ALL Tmltotmtr-the, vow: told no as" mmmmmapkasmmmmSm-'Myinshem . . -r1et'sttotfetthatttitte.htid.dmmtrtwait-tmtt-arti" "ettitt)dehi-tottmammt-tutostrstnieesi. mmmam,mmManama-.wmqammmummm mmti-otersintt-,t1ter,tt-inmttedttikttettlg-ttt 1min. Letttt'lrretthe,.stitieit-mtrettrtuttrstidtstae. Wtofmmmcmmumhmgfingtemayafiqhmdaemcoudmofdpdmofm. m PROM OTHER STATES In" and m an ttta-lil-rr-itil-d-ttttttmort-ii-ii-heatsink-eo,, 3,000,000 votersandottroutstamth-*nttrtura%BYN0" of political mti2uptletuts". , frteaNminr-t,ointhu-tiliiaomarammatumzrttp cPtrtheritit1iatin-th,totsvrrrrotmssovoed mttisintheSenate. 1titu-'tott-ttwtt-rtttetr.aottett" 'o"PPttrtet'thoo.ouritiskmrandttsatts-itxooonc, mktopmjmmmmmumundto'dnmWhmfinflmanmbnwhovotdfoertmt wttat'sth-tt1tmrigtge1eetketsmtheatate-hrnott-ethatlaet-tttert1'tttn"rtetdetti-." i -tsataatduttheU.8.tunatesendoutJimReedandAatmmtt'o" Yott'dthintrthatafteethevoter, had wattqtedhiminthe riehrtumertTmMr'Diateraeeqttintothoemtte? nun-gum face atheydid, when they'd 'n'""dhimumur-tu- dtthnitcdSutumyprcvanfotabfidmomeugbmmtflnfame_mtthdmwumundcthnth€ddinkinto Mtobppuwnopithdwcbng--themfionwmmmthaWafibupmmmd'rmwmmm Mtuprecedent48 Senators have establishedismmdforthe"Wmmwm'afnmmmhm' future! _ -thcnln.udanynlno. Mdeitt-tothintottattuvoG . A od4trmenh-arhrt-ettttortttua-moeetuniiii 1"rr'"rr1r'Tr'r"rr"i"r""i"r = 'ettetnuaittettxmtoi-atthsorhomtudaomtth. Cotmtrutieiai-seurArhrm4beltt-tirrt-lttte,'tut miss.aiiea,aeuirestLiuaoaa-ta,o.iaa,.: (Jonathan-13min. "mte,thet-t-rhtto.3Ltettmtr, ' . 'G, . 'C-'. a . " ' . wwmwwfinmmamhmwm"dfim, tte"""""?!-'-" "'ih't1"'e's emsrqVhardrttads. mwmwwmmmhtqumum.mb(lemma. kahuna. Laheeotatrtratltidahomahmr0mdinthdrr. ttt'tut'steorxtteFt1lrtt4ttrimtt.aastatrineait or'th-mttrfbrt-reeqtehem-irtxrhiehtterecettreal' "That-"W . afttmteetrtntmtttteistsee fotwhichwe' t,heir-ufttrrxtatrtmtfeet0tthueottrttr. tt1"rinisi-amraotiPt,esetrtttrtus-eitu-ot "Ce-ict-ttrat-tarte-ttttee-dt-ttte tau,PrantrL. "ithtmtatrutVtmeedtesir. my' amaxfizmmmwwm to'whichithum Aftartttetso-tirrgrexsktarhn 1tadtteett'rutrrthoeanae-oeen'taareutrtui., 'ioeamtuahehimeetttui-U. [ VOTERS MAY BE WNAL JUDGE ON. SMITH if; and." v i'Ti"i"ii' ratirtgs s1S'l.t,) . 1m: R-tur-i-ir-tit-tneu-tstint-tedu-nite, eamr.iiiiueamomtttiGtraeatnatttiewitruisriiluiei, Merrinurwasrvanmttatnndhserexttaemtittt. _ 1"ee't,tterPitth'ttfteer8.mitttuundteidedwttettter to-tutter/ht-nv-tstr-tttYao-te. Samuel hull, probably the lamest STOCKHOLDER in nus merttmmttoutmttr-t'eeemrtteatiott-tksn'meatutt" .rtytritteudthttturutaeseAiceereroeaaaah.avevio. .ltttfe1etiemtte,isrertotsimGsanrota'membee 'ttttsem-UConn-Comma-rn. - J" - . _--_- -rTC" ___ -"""7"'""t"""Pr" "V". (WU "V" m""'"' m.w&,h¢¢mhmwmm'ofthe mum orthot'imeottheiteNie service CORPORATION thateoes tribuud. ifattehUthetaet. ILLINOIS' CONSTITUTIQRAL' 'tMW'rs viournn BY SENATE Thfqo1rr,_a-"votettuteth"it-toa3tourtusuto, ".'t"f1tttot!Piremtentaae%ti-liiatoatsr-ttute "i'"eieietoetheeuretuttositeritiraeatiiuerti; rt"'rree,'eed9th-rtttrneptinoiirtititomitgereautian bythmym _ 1tf1te,t1.ttt?ttt.hmaeenore!kuwtrreqrtine you than, 1mm iutinnus that ONLY THOSE who voted 'o"PPt,.trtetsoo.ouritisi-mutttsatts-itxooonc, "tr"tfeeoeretset-tsovotediorrtrenati-ent smallerthm"3mdcitim" You'd think that after the voter; had wallow him in the m Hut" 'tttreuttuttt,'t't'c't",e, undue-mm an" cl. Charm In an. "I mh~m:-¢m.m MVWmmmmha _t-ittM9e-qtntrttttt "than. ttar-ttttttdr)" "ttg.rihti-Ctirttttarhot- 'ytetticrta'at" a, Iowa-13 honor claulolmvhmwm "s.(trgmei-testmwtt9'Dis1qre" tterect-_-tet.'.'-"' no mo. Memo" oxen-MI- tat" with the rant-k that he'd at. tr-rd-tmart m an m lama, um tn. ="utt'M"edfotu'"ll'; 'rrietrh,aeebeenotNredtor, tNriEraettsetrtr.Mrtstotttneof autumn-sou. In»! ttitth-trrtqme6atttt_attttt madthutn-hud 'uue3ttrnrretttft mu 'anqetutitrtgoqtetsanhin!Nrite, who'mmwhu hue "was: I 'trtt.t_lttthyrter1tattretff mam "nudism "thonmdttttrateandtoi-sttte . Pleas of ether counties askingKenosha to join hands in the appeal tor an increased gasoline tax describe the rapid increase 'of the demand for hard.attrfiseed highways in the various counties of the state, and theyrcall atten- tion to the fhetr that it is impossible to meet these in- creased demands, With the revenues from the present 2 cent tax without levying a general property tax or resorting to bond issues. um. sun'- but ttidtttUr but iaosmedigttttintttB. mum:- No.1.kuootult [autumn ottterdnrtnCamtttton. "but. -rtroethe4h-Cormtrt't- board is opposedjto an fnereiusssi1/gttadtine tax being voted, but because the board magmas of the myenues obtained therefrom being expand almost exclusively in northern Wiseonsin counties, " has been done in the past with the returns from the 2 cent tux. . Q Eenotiha' County's board of supervisors has been 'urged by the eountr boards of other Wisconsin counties to gown record with them and join in an appeal to the 'Ji'htit't1ufgght 1eghilat 5mm ft/yd,',', ine, tttlf, e ' m 2 cents a on cents a and if the resolutions of several counties forwarded to Renew did not immediately receive the approval of the _Keno_sh_a County *hoerd,'it was not became the Kennehe While Illinois is concentrating its forces to oppose t.tgaataarr3FitieotttripittlreadrwitEa2eenttaaris start- Ing a move to raise the gas tax to THREE cents, refer- ence to which is made by the Jrenoaha News as follows: l, We believe that the motor clubs instead'of opposing a proposed gas tax should be heartily in, favor of it as {one means of getting revenue ttom outsiders who use our froads and now do 1i thing to contribute to their support.: :Furthermore, aytomobilitita from adjoining states make it} A point to" drive over the state line into Illinois, to fill up their cars with gasoline which does not bear a state tax. lirthia way they AVOID paying the state'tax in THEIR OWN state and take advantage pf 11linttisAr failure to prong was my . A It the state BAD a gas tax visitors would help to wr for the use of the roads, on which they travel. Bo far as the cohsumer goes the average man pays little For no attention to the fact that the oil companies fluetuate in their prices and that gas may be 2e cheaper today than [it is tomorrow or le more than it was today. They take it as a matter of fact that the price fluctuates and within a short time after a gas tax might haverbeen put into operation,.the average user would never know the differ- ence. Yet an enormous inedme "would come into the state for use on the hard roads and the good part Ofi it is that,vitsitars FROM OTHER STATES where theyl ALSO HAVE GAS TAX would be paying PIP) SHABEjor the__upke_ep pf our roads. 7 c. ism; by paying the automobile license fisit whielris also smaller than. in many .states, pays for furnishing those visitggsr ' hard rogd on which 'to, drive. . j ety " my!!! 't ,reestoextt%it.,KArtr4tetA-ied totgtrrttpttt9itntHmtta" ,rxrrhMthe-beatt-.tAatmts Peat,'? .- .01 " through . may}. tttt (Iain "In. it In hard Ion he. hath mam. Ind "may" at mum,m " mhtotdnel. -Ab., In his good mum! my. 'e1pttreteratenrtrru. " agqNg6-hqtganttqttat%trqtInr mmmnuotmm» m to hint. no neglected gm Ameurttttutrrdarttteit .Then in ml. so the how ltd and man; his weapon, went out to '0th AbfrtM"t9t. "in. lunch-mung ueta6--"ACer-etM.atttt rumpus-mu , l-tttr-A-ate-air", ?rrltyetet..tPthy.dttetfti't'", theqrtdeatrqmt. lie-hip"; 'DoNotMOIL" . 'e WW I m nregttd hi tettarNognnetthtrtam, '1'; . -- " (mummnmu. mama-mu if; P2%PyyPt.A.31eeerdfq no. h-u but. hit? F?, "hegyr1ttattrkesagrhteHi'" [iii m.c'.'hlni ' in?) i-iii, CID. kWh-III. w ttituuttntg-tt-iidGiiir human n'ett2r"pLtg"ut,1! 'ltN'fehSehttedMt. Ii Wu at tro- 815 to 'Sora/tl 1tsthematortnottteeeatt .. "thumb...- - li, il.etdtng.'Netnrotnnutnt: V... "can In caution: that '1llHkq 000 a you. M my on"; "reattutrtttt.gamtsind _ ill (my. {alumna-on." frA'yttttetttteeqtwettr6f,. would "punt at tho tl-.'. my" Phat-nu: j "T'uf-antrrttght., " "Moon-hum. x S' Och-Imus In": - Q" lanthanum" _ ,tt' -rtttllr_-aMt.ittetijt'i'r), punhckedbymmm tr.htettte-ardwtt-tsview I Mebmmmm 7 mama-slum - mwdmhnhulnh. Nttdeertntheetetnttv. 'ri' Valued-Mot 'ustriestumtiattettetidl, "wannabe": "a it "Us! the 13arrotiton cur. Corp. It ml": about It In. t 11,tp1fatfryttat_-totpyurtf. and mgtmtehetttms we, tgcobrlckud building loch. nebulae-honed may": P. A, WM "an" and u- 8r, ll Mt ot the em. at "the. (No politics - in that remark). Carolina's growth has been now. 2,000 people in 100 rear-td in ttrat ten industry has Just can in; toim. It m atartatd in: In... "supp! "(1,th than oil in: to: has Ina. tn_Camrtttors-ngGt um edge of the Vine.- All. it am 52104. Conan-um My is on or the most. trtfittetttial when ot congru- m Washington sad than on the job ,ehttat [um afthim I" the hover-oi or ammo colt: Menu. Jo. "Poet" 8mm of tin county. mm or the of " tile on Nov. 2. Int M-. Chinatown Full-I317 It J', In!» deemed k can!!!" . I" for 1 new um. T . _ (Initial district, u' at w gttetgttter--ttte olden tryout of Me-rn tho (mantle dd. 0 1ertyiirreyoeeyiiittktaavat, anrgwmh-nm: ye_t1etottheca-tinrtGeidi-r "We did all that we mama: can have been done We: 'Mi' mas." Commander Biddle 'rs' data! today. "Ice along the 'tetheiuemade, nun-mat .. unable." q Ag the harbor at thla city and the1aheottottsoth than" and Kenoaha coast guard anti-u' an blocked by ice none could a. do the aid of the weasel; Commander Biddle in com on the possible identity of the but, today declared that in hia 0pm.: the vessel waa a fishing tug. M boats carry supplies or rockets hat are not equipped with wireleaa. Np wireless calla were received by - ther Port Sheridan or Great Laha Naval atation from the weasel but light, although officiala of both Me; mined that radio broadcaatlng all)?" Pet, ot the vessel might havp; mwsuuuiik to the Walnut: poised cont turd stations ot and Keno-In. T Biddle receiving the call and -, wane" and to the stricken but; because the harbor of the um do; non is blocked with ice. 3M Rockets lat into an sky an. a? and My in. d'ustre% " Jiri Fog-t Sheridan In! night, instant}; MM "no" coast turd oMestattt,-il police of seven! cities and tttttti h eon-lad of Fort Shel-Mp. feel Lube. Naval Tuning cation Patil mm tug has met with dinner. (I Officer: on duty at For: sun-33 in. titer being ontormed ot tho" din-tress signals, notified Grant ieiiii Navy Twigs station. Com-nu: NAME OF CMFT UNK annular-g. 111., In. 23.4 Fort Sheridan and Great Lek Naval MatitttrReoeive tttF has Signals. C in? FACEB THE GALLOWS (mhDeigiI, WIN" DENTIITO IN IEET Bitty T. Rainer. E. has Evade: "